public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


A mosaic of tiles matching an image. It takes the image dimensions and arranges a tiling plan that covers it. It then computes what tiles are required for each update of the viewing area, and will collect and discard the corresponding bitmaps.

A TileBoard is an java.lang.Iterable over the TileBoard.TileInfos that make the whole board.


public static final BitmapRecyclerDEFAULT_RECYCLER

protected final BitmapRecyclermBitmapRecycler

Recycling of dead bitmaps.

public final DimensionsmBounds

The dimensions of the area to be covered by this tiling.

protected final intmNumCols

The number of columns of the tiling.

protected final TileBoard.TileInfomTileInfos

The list of all tiles required to cover the whole board.

protected final BitmapmTiles

The bitmaps of the active tiles.

public static final DimensionsTILE_SIZE

publicTileBoard(int id, Dimensions imageBounds, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, TileBoard.CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback)

protectedTileBoard(int numRows, int numCols, java.lang.String tag, Dimensions bounds, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, TileBoard.CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback)

public voidclearTiles()

protected voidfinalize()

public java.util.List<TileBoard.TileInfo>findTileInfosForRects(java.util.List<Rect> rects)

Returns the TileBoard.TileInfos for all tiles whose coordinates overlap with the areas covered by rects.

protected TileBoard.AreagetExpandedArea(Rect viewArea)

public TileBoard.TileInfogetTileInfo(int k)

At high zoom level, there may be an awful lot of tile infos, so it's best to avoid creating them all up-front.

public java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer>getVisibleTileIndexes()

Lists the indexes of the tiles that are currently visible.

public booleanisTileVisible(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo)

public booleanneedsTiles(int requestedWidth)

Return true if we need a new set of tiles at that width.

protected intnumRows()

public intnumTiles()

public booleansetTile(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap tile)

Returns true if the tile is still relevant and was saved.

public java.lang.StringtoString()

public booleanupdateViewArea(Rect viewArea, TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback callback)

To be called when the viewing area moves on the image.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public static final Dimensions TILE_SIZE

public static final BitmapRecycler DEFAULT_RECYCLER

protected final BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler

Recycling of dead bitmaps.

public final Dimensions mBounds

The dimensions of the area to be covered by this tiling.

protected final int mNumCols

The number of columns of the tiling.

protected final Bitmap mTiles

The bitmaps of the active tiles. Sized for all tiles, but many are null.

protected final TileBoard.TileInfo mTileInfos

The list of all tiles required to cover the whole board.


public TileBoard(int id, Dimensions imageBounds, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, TileBoard.CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback)

protected TileBoard(int numRows, int numCols, java.lang.String tag, Dimensions bounds, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, TileBoard.CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback)


public TileBoard.TileInfo getTileInfo(int k)

At high zoom level, there may be an awful lot of tile infos, so it's best to avoid creating them all up-front. This is a lazy accessor for them.

public int numTiles()

protected int numRows()

public boolean needsTiles(int requestedWidth)

Return true if we need a new set of tiles at that width.

public boolean setTile(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap tile)

Returns true if the tile is still relevant and was saved.

public void clearTiles()

public boolean updateViewArea(Rect viewArea, TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback callback)

To be called when the viewing area moves on the image. The given viewArea is assumed to be clipped to the actual image dimensions.

protected TileBoard.Area getExpandedArea(Rect viewArea)

public java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> getVisibleTileIndexes()

Lists the indexes of the tiles that are currently visible.

public boolean isTileVisible(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo)

public java.lang.String toString()

protected void finalize()

public java.util.List<TileBoard.TileInfo> findTileInfosForRects(java.util.List<Rect> rects)

Returns the TileBoard.TileInfos for all tiles whose coordinates overlap with the areas covered by rects.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.util;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.pdf.models.Dimensions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * A mosaic of tiles matching an image. It takes the image dimensions and arranges a tiling plan
 * that covers it. It then computes what tiles are required for each update of the viewing area, and
 * will collect and discard the corresponding bitmaps.
 * <p>A TileBoard is an {@link Iterable} over the {@link TileInfo}s that make the whole board.
public class TileBoard {

    private static final String TAG = TileBoard.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final String TAG_PREFIX = String.format("%s #", TAG);
    private final String mTag;

    public static final Dimensions TILE_SIZE = new Dimensions(800, 800);

    public static final BitmapRecycler DEFAULT_RECYCLER = new BitmapRecycler();

    /** Recycling of dead bitmaps. */
    protected final BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler;

    /** The dimensions of the area to be covered by this tiling. */
    public final Dimensions mBounds;

    /** The number of columns of the tiling. */
    protected final int mNumCols;

    /** The bitmaps of the active tiles. Sized for all tiles, but many are null. */
    protected final Bitmap[] mTiles;

    /** The list of all tiles required to cover the whole board. */
    protected final TileInfo[] mTileInfos;

    /** The area currently visible on the screen. Only tiles that intersect this area matter. */
    private Area mVisibleArea;

     * Array which maintains the ids of currently requested tiles. Note that the access to this
     * array
     * need not be synchronized as methods like {@code setTile} and {@code updateViewArea} which
     * read/write to it are all called on UI thread.
    private final HashSet<Integer> mPendingTileRequests;

    /** Callback which is called when tile requests are to be cancelled */
    private final CancelTilesCallback mCancelTilesCallback;

    public TileBoard(
            int id,
            @NonNull Dimensions imageBounds,
            @NonNull BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler,
            @NonNull CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback) {
                /* numRows = */ 1 + (imageBounds.getHeight() - 1) / TILE_SIZE.getHeight(),
                /* numCols = */ 1 + (imageBounds.getWidth() - 1) / TILE_SIZE.getWidth(),
                TAG_PREFIX + id,

    protected TileBoard(
            int numRows,
            int numCols,
            @NonNull String tag,
            @NonNull Dimensions bounds,
            @NonNull BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler,
            @NonNull CancelTilesCallback cancelTilesCallback) {
        this.mTag = tag;
        this.mBitmapRecycler = bitmapRecycler;
        this.mBounds = bounds;
        this.mNumCols = numCols;
        mTiles = new Bitmap[numRows * numCols];
        mTileInfos = new TileInfo[numRows * numCols];
        mPendingTileRequests = new HashSet<>(numRows * numCols);
        this.mCancelTilesCallback = cancelTilesCallback;

     * At high zoom level, there may be an awful lot of tile infos, so it's best to avoid creating
     * them all up-front. This is a lazy accessor for them.
    public TileInfo getTileInfo(int k) {
        TileInfo tileInfo = mTileInfos[k];
        if (tileInfo == null) {
            tileInfo = new TileInfo(k);
            mTileInfos[k] = tileInfo;
        return tileInfo;

    public int numTiles() {
        return mTiles.length;

    protected int numRows() {
        return numTiles() / mNumCols;

    /** Return true if we need a new set of tiles at that width. */
    public boolean needsTiles(int requestedWidth) {
        return mBounds.getWidth() != requestedWidth;

    /** Returns true if the tile is still relevant and was saved. */
    public boolean setTile(@NonNull TileInfo tileInfo, @NonNull Bitmap tile) {
        if (!isTileVisible(tileInfo)) {
            return false;
        if (!tileInfo.belongsTo(this)) {
            return false;
        mTiles[tileInfo.getIndex()] = tile;
        return true;

    public void clearTiles() {
        if (!mPendingTileRequests.isEmpty()) {
            mCancelTilesCallback.cancelTiles(new HashSet<>(mPendingTileRequests));
        for (Bitmap obsoleteTile : mTiles) {
        Arrays.fill(mTiles, null);

     * To be called when the viewing area moves on the image. The given viewArea is assumed to be
     * clipped to the actual image dimensions.
    public boolean updateViewArea(@NonNull Rect viewArea,
            @NonNull ViewAreaUpdateCallback callback) {
       >= 0
                        && viewArea.left >= 0
                        && viewArea.width() <= mBounds.getWidth()
                        && viewArea.height() <= mBounds.getHeight(),
                "ViewArea extends beyond our bounds, should be clipped." + viewArea);
        Area newVisibleArea = getExpandedArea(viewArea);

        if (newVisibleArea.equals(mVisibleArea)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            mVisibleArea = newVisibleArea;

        // Accumulate tiles that we still need here, then replace 'tiles' with it.
        Bitmap[] retainedTiles = new Bitmap[mTiles.length];
        List<TileInfo> newTiles = new ArrayList<>(mVisibleArea.size());
        List<Integer> retainRequests = new ArrayList<>(mPendingTileRequests.size());
        for (int k : areaIndexes(mVisibleArea)) {
            Bitmap tile = mTiles[k];
            if (tile == null) {
                // Check if this tile was already requested, if so do not request again.
                if (!mPendingTileRequests.contains(k)) {
                } else {
            } else {
                retainedTiles[k] = tile;
                mTiles[k] = null;

        // Discard obsolete tiles
        int k = 0;
        List<Integer> disposed = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Bitmap obsoleteTile : mTiles) {
            if (obsoleteTile != null) {
        if (!disposed.isEmpty()) {

        // Cancel pending requests for tiles which are stale.
        List<Integer> staleRequests = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Integer tileId : mPendingTileRequests) {
            if (!retainRequests.contains(tileId)) {
        if (!staleRequests.isEmpty()) {

        System.arraycopy(retainedTiles, 0, mTiles, 0, mTiles.length);
        if (!newTiles.isEmpty()) {
            for (TileInfo requestedTile : newTiles) {
        return true;

    protected Area getExpandedArea(@NonNull Rect viewArea) {
        return Area.expandFromArea(viewArea, mNumCols, numRows());

    /** Callback for cancelling on-going tile requests */
    public interface CancelTilesCallback {
        /** Notifies of cancelling the tile requests for given tile indices */
        void cancelTiles(@NonNull Iterable<Integer> tileIds);

    /** Callback for {@link #updateViewArea}. */
    public interface ViewAreaUpdateCallback {

        /** Notifies of new tiles required after the latest change in view area. */
        void requestNewTiles(@NonNull Iterable<TileInfo> tiles);

        /** Notifies of tiles are no longer needed after the latest change in view area. */
        void discardTiles(@NonNull Iterable<Integer> tileIds);

    /** Lists the indexes of the tiles that are currently visible. */
    public Iterable<Integer> getVisibleTileIndexes() {
        return areaIndexes(mVisibleArea);

    public boolean isTileVisible(@NonNull TileInfo tileInfo) {
        return mVisibleArea != null
                && tileInfo.mRow >= mVisibleArea.mTop
                && tileInfo.mRow <= mVisibleArea.mBottom
                && tileInfo.mCol >= mVisibleArea.mLeft
                && tileInfo.mCol <= mVisibleArea.mRight;

    /** Lists the tiles of an Area, yielding the indices of the corresponding tiles. */
    private Iterable<Integer> areaIndexes(final Area area) {
        return new Iterable<Integer>() {

            public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
                return new Iterator<Integer>() {

                    private int mCurrentRow = area.mTop;
                    private int mCurrentCol = area.mLeft;

                    public boolean hasNext() {
                        return mCurrentRow <= area.mBottom && mCurrentCol <= area.mRight;

                    public Integer next() {
                        int index = mNumCols * mCurrentRow + mCurrentCol;
                        return index;

                    private void advance() {
                        if (mCurrentCol < area.mRight) {
                        } else {
                            mCurrentCol = area.mLeft;

                    public void remove() {

    public String toString() {
        return String.format(mTag + " (%s x %s), vis: %s", numRows(), mNumCols, mVisibleArea);

    private void logMem() {
        int i = 0;
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        for (Bitmap bitmap : mTiles) {
            if (bitmap != null) {

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

     * Returns the {@link TileInfo}s for all tiles whose coordinates overlap with the areas
     * covered by
     * {@code rects}.
    public List<TileInfo> findTileInfosForRects(@NonNull List<Rect> rects) {
        Set<Integer> tileNums = new HashSet<>();
        for (Rect rect : rects) {

        List<TileInfo> tileInfos = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Integer tileNum : tileNums) {

        return tileInfos;

    /** Returns the indices of every tile whose coordinates overlap with {@code rect}. */
    private Set<Integer> findTilesForRect(Rect rect) {
        int rowTop = / TILE_SIZE.getHeight();
        int rowBottom = rect.bottom / TILE_SIZE.getHeight();
        int colLeft = rect.left / TILE_SIZE.getWidth();
        int colRight = rect.right / TILE_SIZE.getWidth();

        Set<Integer> tileIndices = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = rowTop; i <= rowBottom; i++) {
            int firstTileInRow = i * mNumCols;
            for (int j = colLeft; j <= colRight; j++) {
                tileIndices.add(firstTileInRow + j);

        return tileIndices;

     * Specifies one tile of the board, by coordinates (row, column) or index in a tiles matrix.
     * Also
     * offers information about dimensions and position of this tile.
    public class TileInfo {
        protected final int mRow;
        protected final int mCol;

        protected TileInfo(int index) {
                    index >= 0 && index < numTiles(),
                    String.format("Index %d incompatible with this board %s", index,
            this.mRow = index / mNumCols;
            this.mCol = index % mNumCols;

        public boolean belongsTo(@NonNull TileBoard board) {
            return TileBoard.this == board;

        public int getIndex() {
            return mNumCols * mRow + mCol;

        /** Returns the standard size of a tile. */
        public Dimensions getSize() {
            return TILE_SIZE;

        /** Returns the exact size of this tile, cropped to the page's bounds. */
        public Dimensions getExactSize() {
            if (mRow < numRows() - 1 && mCol < mNumCols - 1) {
                return TILE_SIZE;
            Point offset = getOffset();
            return new Dimensions(
                    Math.min(TILE_SIZE.getWidth(), mBounds.getWidth() - offset.x),
                    Math.min(TILE_SIZE.getHeight(), mBounds.getHeight() - offset.y));

        public Point getOffset() {
            return new Point(mCol * TILE_SIZE.getWidth(), mRow * TILE_SIZE.getHeight());

         * Returns a new @link{Rect} matching the bounds of this tile. The Rect is not linked to
         * this
         * tile anymore.
        public Rect getBounds() {
            Point offset = getOffset();
            return new Rect(offset.x, offset.y, offset.x + TILE_SIZE.getWidth(),
                    offset.y + TILE_SIZE.getHeight());

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) {
                return true;
            if (o instanceof TileInfo) {
                TileInfo that = (TileInfo) o;
                return that.belongsTo(TileBoard.this) && this.mRow == that.mRow
                        && this.mCol == that.mCol;
            return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            return 31 + TileBoard.this.hashCode() + getIndex();

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("Tile %d @(%d, %d)", getIndex(), mRow, mCol);

     * Describes an area (sub-rectangle) of a tiling. All 4 bounds are included: the area is
     * equal to
     * [{@link #mLeft}, {@link #mRight}] x [{@link #mTop}, {@link #mBottom}]. Areas are immutable.
    protected static class Area {
        private final int mLeft;
        private final int mTop;
        private final int mRight;
        private final int mBottom;

         * Create a tiling {@link Area} covering the given area (in pixels) and overflowing at least
         * half a tile in each direction if possible.
        public static Area expandFromArea(Rect areaPx, int numCols, int numRows) {
            int left = (areaPx.left - (TILE_SIZE.getWidth() / 2)) / TILE_SIZE.getWidth();
            int top = ( - (TILE_SIZE.getHeight() / 2)) / TILE_SIZE.getHeight();
            int right = (areaPx.right + (TILE_SIZE.getWidth() / 2)) / TILE_SIZE.getWidth();
            int bottom = (areaPx.bottom + (TILE_SIZE.getHeight() / 2)) / TILE_SIZE.getHeight();

            left = Math.max(0, left);
            top = Math.max(0, top);
            right = Math.min(numCols - 1, right);
            bottom = Math.min(numRows - 1, bottom);

            return new Area(left, top, right, bottom);

        protected Area(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
            this.mLeft = left;
            this.mTop = top;
            this.mRight = right;
            this.mBottom = bottom;

        public int size() {
            return (mRight - mLeft + 1) * (mBottom - mTop + 1);

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (!(o instanceof Area)) {
                return false;
            Area that = (Area) o;
            return this.mLeft == that.mLeft
                    && this.mTop == that.mTop
                    && this.mRight == that.mRight
                    && this.mBottom == that.mBottom;

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = 31 + mBottom;
            result = 31 * result + mLeft;
            result = 31 * result + mRight;
            result = 31 * result + mTop;
            return result;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("Area [%d tiles] (%d %d - %d %d)", size(), mTop, mLeft, mBottom,