public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Utils for calculating scale and zoom operations.


public static floatcalculateZoomToFit(float outerWidth, float outerHeight, float innerWidth, float innerHeight)

Returns the zoom that would fit the inner rect into the outer rect.

public static intconstrainCoordinate(float zoom, int scroll, int contentRawDimension, int viewportDimension)

Used to constrain the coordinate using the current zoom factor and the scroll position based on the content raw size and the view port size.

public static intscrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(float oldZoom, float newZoom, float zoomPivot, int scroll)

Used to find the delta between the view port pivot and the pivot after the zoom in/out is done.

public static floattoContentCoordinate(float zoomViewCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll)

Used to convert the zoom view coordinates to the content coordinates using the current zoom and scroll values.

public static floattoZoomViewCoordinate(float contentCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll)

Used to convert the content coordinates to the view coordinates using the current zoom and scroll values.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static float calculateZoomToFit(float outerWidth, float outerHeight, float innerWidth, float innerHeight)

Returns the zoom that would fit the inner rect into the outer rect.

public static float toContentCoordinate(float zoomViewCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll)

Used to convert the zoom view coordinates to the content coordinates using the current zoom and scroll values.


zoomViewCoordinate: coordinate for either the x or y-axis in the [ZoomView] viewport.
zoom: current zoom factor.
scroll: current scroll position.


content coordinates converted from the viewport coordinates.

public static float toZoomViewCoordinate(float contentCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll)

Used to convert the content coordinates to the view coordinates using the current zoom and scroll values.


contentCoordinate: coordinate for either the x or y-axis in the [ZoomView] viewport.
zoom: current zoom factor.
scroll: current scroll position.


view coordinates converted from the content coordinates.

public static int scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(float oldZoom, float newZoom, float zoomPivot, int scroll)

Used to find the delta between the view port pivot and the pivot after the zoom in/out is done. Delta is positive in case of zooming in, negative in case it has been zoomed out and 0 if no change.


oldZoom: previous zoom factor.
newZoom: current zoom factor.
zoomPivot: pivot point from zoom.
scroll: scroll position.


delta between the view port and zoomed in/out pivot.

public static int constrainCoordinate(float zoom, int scroll, int contentRawDimension, int viewportDimension)

Used to constrain the coordinate using the current zoom factor and the scroll position based on the content raw size and the view port size. In case of adjusting the x coordinate, the content and view port dimension will be the width while in case of y-coordinate it will be the width. Lower and upper bound is the left and right of the content for x-axis and is top and bottom for y-axis.


zoom: current zoom factor.
scroll: current scroll position.
contentRawDimension: raw dimension (height/width) for the content
viewportDimension: viewport dimension


scaled coordinate or 0 if no adjustment is needed.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.util;

import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

 * Utils for calculating scale and zoom operations.
public class ZoomUtils {
    private ZoomUtils() {

    /** Returns the zoom that would fit the inner rect into the outer rect. */
    public static float calculateZoomToFit(
            float outerWidth, float outerHeight, float innerWidth, float innerHeight) {
        if (innerWidth == 0 || innerHeight == 0) {
            return 1;
        if (RectUtils.widthIsLimitingDimension(outerWidth, outerHeight, innerWidth, innerHeight)) {
            return outerWidth / innerWidth;
        } else {
            return outerHeight / innerHeight;

     * Used to convert the zoom view coordinates to the content coordinates using the current
     * zoom and scroll values.
     * @param zoomViewCoordinate coordinate for either the x or y-axis in the [ZoomView] viewport.
     * @param zoom               current zoom factor.
     * @param scroll             current scroll position.
     * @return content coordinates converted from the viewport coordinates.
    public static float toContentCoordinate(float zoomViewCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(zoom > 0, "Zoom factor must be positive.");
        return (zoomViewCoordinate + scroll) / zoom;

     * Used to convert the content coordinates to the view coordinates using the current
     * zoom and scroll values.
     * @param contentCoordinate coordinate for either the x or y-axis in the [ZoomView] viewport.
     * @param zoom              current zoom factor.
     * @param scroll            current scroll position.
     * @return view coordinates converted from the content coordinates.
    public static float toZoomViewCoordinate(float contentCoordinate, float zoom, int scroll) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(zoom > 0, "Zoom factor must be positive.");
        return (contentCoordinate * zoom) - scroll;

     * Used to find the delta between the view port pivot and the pivot after the zoom in/out is
     * done. Delta is positive in case of zooming in, negative in case it has been zoomed out and
     * 0 if no change.
     * @param oldZoom   previous zoom factor.
     * @param newZoom   current zoom factor.
     * @param zoomPivot pivot point from zoom.
     * @param scroll    scroll position.
     * @return delta between the view port and zoomed in/out pivot.
    public static int scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(
            float oldZoom, float newZoom, float zoomPivot, int scroll) {
        // Find where the given pivot point would move to when we change the zoom, and return the
        // delta.
        float contentPivot = ZoomUtils.toContentCoordinate(zoomPivot, oldZoom, scroll);
        float movedZoomViewPivot = ZoomUtils.toZoomViewCoordinate(contentPivot, newZoom,
        return (int) (movedZoomViewPivot - zoomPivot);

     * Used to constrain the coordinate using the current zoom factor and the scroll position
     * based on the content raw size and the view port size. In case of adjusting the x
     * coordinate, the content and view port dimension will be the width while in case of
     * y-coordinate it will be the width. Lower and upper bound is the left and right of the
     * content for x-axis and is top and bottom for y-axis.
     * @param zoom                current zoom factor.
     * @param scroll              current scroll position.
     * @param contentRawDimension raw dimension (height/width) for the content
     * @param viewportDimension   viewport dimension
     * @return scaled coordinate or 0 if no adjustment is needed.
    public static int constrainCoordinate(float zoom, int scroll, int contentRawDimension,
            int viewportDimension) {
        float lowerBound = ZoomUtils.toZoomViewCoordinate(0, zoom, scroll);
        float upperBound = ZoomUtils.toZoomViewCoordinate(contentRawDimension, zoom, scroll);

        if (lowerBound <= 0 && upperBound >= viewportDimension) {
            // Content too large for viewport and no dead margins: no adjustment needed.
            return 0;

        float scaledContentSize = upperBound - lowerBound;
        if (scaledContentSize <= viewportDimension) {
            // Content fits in viewport: keep in the center.
            return (int) ((upperBound + lowerBound - viewportDimension) / 2);
        } else {
            // Content doesn't fit in viewport: eliminate dead margins.
            if (lowerBound > 0) { // Dead margin on the left.
                return (int) lowerBound;
            } else if (upperBound < viewportDimension) { // Dead margin on the right.
                return (int) (upperBound - viewportDimension);
        return 0;