public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Utility to configure system gesture exclusion rects for disabling the back gesture on the left and right sides of the screen when using gesture navigation.

Gesture navigation was introduced in Q.

As of Q release, exclusion rects are limited to 200dp total per side of the screen. When this limit is exceeded the exclusion rects will be honored starting from the bottom of the screen until the total dp for that side reaches the limit. Additional rects past this limit will be ignored.


public static java.util.List<Rect>createExclusionRectsForCorners(Rect rect, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Creates s to cover the left and right system gesture areas for bufferDistancePx above and bufferDistancePx below any corner of rect that lies in within bufferDistancePx of the system gesture area or within the gesture area itself.

public static RectcreateLeftSideExclusionRect(int yCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int reservedDistancePx)

Creates a to cover the left system gesture area from reservedDistancePx above yCoordinatePx to reservedDistancePx below yCoordinatePx.

public static RectcreateRightSideExclusionRect(int yCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int reservedDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Creates a to cover the right system gesture area from reservedDistancePx above yCoordinatePx to reservedDistancePx below yCoordinatePx.

public static booleanneedsLeftSideExclusionRect(int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx)

True if a) there is a non-zero system gesture area on the left side of the screen and b) the provided xCoordinatePx falls within this area or bufferDistancePx to the left of xCoordinatePx falls within this area.

public static booleanneedsRightSideExclusionRect(int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Same as SystemGestureExclusionHelper.needsLeftSideExclusionRect(int, int, int), but for the right side.

public static booleansetSystemGestureExclusionRects(View view, java.util.List<Rect> exclusionRects)

Sets the exclusionRects on the view.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static java.util.List<Rect> createExclusionRectsForCorners(Rect rect, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Creates s to cover the left and right system gesture areas for bufferDistancePx above and bufferDistancePx below any corner of rect that lies in within bufferDistancePx of the system gesture area or within the gesture area itself.

rect is in unscaled screen coordinates.

public static Rect createLeftSideExclusionRect(int yCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int reservedDistancePx)

Creates a to cover the left system gesture area from reservedDistancePx above yCoordinatePx to reservedDistancePx below yCoordinatePx.

yCoordinatePx is in unscaled screen coordinates.

public static Rect createRightSideExclusionRect(int yCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int reservedDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Creates a to cover the right system gesture area from reservedDistancePx above yCoordinatePx to reservedDistancePx below yCoordinatePx.

yCoordinatePx is in unscaled screen coordinates.

public static boolean needsLeftSideExclusionRect(int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx)

True if a) there is a non-zero system gesture area on the left side of the screen and b) the provided xCoordinatePx falls within this area or bufferDistancePx to the left of xCoordinatePx falls within this area.

To check only if the xCoordinatePx falls within the left system gesture area, call with bufferDistancePx == 0.

xCoordinatePx is in unscaled screen coordinates.

public static boolean needsRightSideExclusionRect(int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx, int screenWidthPx)

Same as SystemGestureExclusionHelper.needsLeftSideExclusionRect(int, int, int), but for the right side.

public static boolean setSystemGestureExclusionRects(View view, java.util.List<Rect> exclusionRects)

Sets the exclusionRects on the view.


true if the exclusionRects were set, false otherwise.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.util;

import android.view.View;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Utility to configure system gesture exclusion rects for disabling the back gesture on the left
 * and right sides of the screen when using gesture navigation.
 * <p>Gesture navigation was introduced in Q.
 * <p>As of Q release, exclusion rects are limited to 200dp total per side of the screen. When this
 * limit is exceeded the exclusion rects will be honored starting from the bottom of the screen
 * until the total dp for that side reaches the limit. Additional rects past this limit will be
 * ignored.
public class SystemGestureExclusionHelper {

    private SystemGestureExclusionHelper() {

     * Creates {@link Rect}s to cover the left and right system gesture areas for {@code
     * bufferDistancePx} above and {@code bufferDistancePx} below any corner of {@code rect} that
     * lies in within {@code bufferDistancePx} of the system gesture area or within the gesture area
     * itself.
     * <p>{@code rect} is in unscaled screen coordinates.
    public static List<Rect> createExclusionRectsForCorners(
            @NonNull Rect rect, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx,
            int screenWidthPx) {
        List<Rect> exclusionRects = new ArrayList<>();

        if (needsLeftSideExclusionRect(rect.left, systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, bufferDistancePx)) {
                    createLeftSideExclusionRect(, systemGestureInsetsWidthPx,
                    createLeftSideExclusionRect(rect.bottom, systemGestureInsetsWidthPx,
        if (needsRightSideExclusionRect(
                rect.right, systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, bufferDistancePx, screenWidthPx)) {
                  , systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, bufferDistancePx, screenWidthPx));
                            rect.bottom, systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, bufferDistancePx,
        return exclusionRects;

     * Creates a {@link Rect} to cover the left system gesture area from {@code reservedDistancePx}
     * above {@code yCoordinatePx} to {@code reservedDistancePx} below {@code yCoordinatePx}.
     * <p>{@code yCoordinatePx} is in unscaled screen coordinates.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code reservedDistancePx} <= 0.
    public static Rect createLeftSideExclusionRect(
            int yCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int reservedDistancePx) {
                reservedDistancePx > 0,
                String.format("Invalid reservedDistancePx: %d.", reservedDistancePx));
        return new Rect(
                yCoordinatePx - reservedDistancePx,
                yCoordinatePx + reservedDistancePx);

     * Creates a {@link Rect} to cover the right system gesture area from {@code reservedDistancePx}
     * above {@code yCoordinatePx} to {@code reservedDistancePx} below {@code yCoordinatePx}.
     * <p>{@code yCoordinatePx} is in unscaled screen coordinates.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code reservedDistancePx} <= 0.
    public static Rect createRightSideExclusionRect(
            int yCoordinatePx,
            int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx,
            int reservedDistancePx,
            int screenWidthPx) {
                reservedDistancePx > 0,
                String.format("Invalid reservedDistancePx: %d.", reservedDistancePx));
        return new Rect(
                screenWidthPx - systemGestureInsetsWidthPx,
                yCoordinatePx - reservedDistancePx,
                yCoordinatePx + reservedDistancePx);

     * True if a) there is a non-zero system gesture area on the left side of the screen
     * <i>and</i> b) the provided {@code xCoordinatePx} falls within this area <i>or</i> {@code
     * bufferDistancePx} to the left of {@code xCoordinatePx} falls within this area.
     * <p>To check only if the {@code xCoordinatePx} falls within the left system gesture area, call
     * with {@code bufferDistancePx} == 0.
     * <p>{@code xCoordinatePx} is in unscaled screen coordinates.
    public static boolean needsLeftSideExclusionRect(
            int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(xCoordinatePx >= 0, "Negative xCoordinatePx.");
        return systemGestureInsetsWidthPx > 0
                && xCoordinatePx < (systemGestureInsetsWidthPx + bufferDistancePx);

    /** Same as {@link #needsLeftSideExclusionRect}, but for the right side. */
    public static boolean needsRightSideExclusionRect(
            int xCoordinatePx, int systemGestureInsetsWidthPx, int bufferDistancePx,
            int screenWidthPx) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(xCoordinatePx <= screenWidthPx,
                "xCoordinatePx > screenWidthPx.");
        return systemGestureInsetsWidthPx > 0
                && xCoordinatePx > (screenWidthPx - systemGestureInsetsWidthPx - bufferDistancePx);

     * Sets the {@code exclusionRects} on the {@code view}.
     * @return true if the {@code exclusionRects} were set, false otherwise.
    public static boolean setSystemGestureExclusionRects(@NonNull View view,
            @NonNull List<Rect> exclusionRects) {
        if (view == null || exclusionRects == null) {
            return false;
        return true;