public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


public voidadjustMaxPageToUpperVisibleRange()

Updates the max page to the upper bound of the visible page range if the upper bound is greater than the current max page

public RangecomputeVisibleRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight, boolean includePartial)

Computes the range of visible pages in the given position.

public RangegetGonePageRanges(Range nearPages)

Returns the pages that are out of view and prefetch radius

public RangegetInvisibleNearPageRanges(Range nearPages)

Returns the range of pages near the visible pages that are invisible to the view port

public intgetMaxPage()

public RangegetNearPagesToVisibleRange()

Returns the range of pages within the prefetch radius of the visible pages.

public intgetVisiblePage()

Returns the page currently roughly centered in the view.

public RangegetVisiblePages()

public voidrefreshVisiblePageRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight)

Updates the visible page range based on the y-scroll, current zoom and the view height

public voidsetMaxPage(int maxPage)

public voidsetVisiblePages(Range visiblePages)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Range getVisiblePages()

public void setVisiblePages(Range visiblePages)

public int getMaxPage()

public void setMaxPage(int maxPage)

public int getVisiblePage()

Returns the page currently roughly centered in the view.

public void adjustMaxPageToUpperVisibleRange()

Updates the max page to the upper bound of the visible page range if the upper bound is greater than the current max page

public void refreshVisiblePageRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight)

Updates the visible page range based on the y-scroll, current zoom and the view height

public Range computeVisibleRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight, boolean includePartial)

Computes the range of visible pages in the given position.

public Range getNearPagesToVisibleRange()

Returns the range of pages within the prefetch radius of the visible pages.

public Range getGonePageRanges(Range nearPages)

Returns the pages that are out of view and prefetch radius

public Range getInvisibleNearPageRanges(Range nearPages)

Returns the range of pages near the visible pages that are invisible to the view port


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.viewer;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.pdf.util.Preconditions;

public class PageRangeHandler {
    private static final int PAGE_PREFETCH_RADIUS = 1;

    private final PaginationModel mPaginationModel;

    /** The range of currently visible pages. */
    private Range mVisiblePages = null;

    /** The highest number page reached. */
    private int mMaxPage = -1;

    PageRangeHandler(PaginationModel paginationModel) {
        this.mPaginationModel = paginationModel;
        this.mVisiblePages = new Range();

    public Range getVisiblePages() {
        return mVisiblePages;

    public void setVisiblePages(@Nullable Range visiblePages) {
        mVisiblePages = visiblePages;

    public int getMaxPage() {
        return mMaxPage;

    public void setMaxPage(int maxPage) {
        mMaxPage = maxPage;

     * Returns the page currently roughly centered in the view.
    public int getVisiblePage() {
        return (mVisiblePages != null) ? (mVisiblePages.getFirst() + mVisiblePages.getLast()) / 2
                : 0;

     * Updates the max page to the upper bound of the visible page range if the upper bound is
     * greater than the current max page
    public void adjustMaxPageToUpperVisibleRange() {
        if (mVisiblePages != null) {
            mMaxPage = Math.max(mVisiblePages.getLast(), mMaxPage);

    /** Updates the visible page range based on the y-scroll, current zoom and the view height */
    public void refreshVisiblePageRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight) {
        mVisiblePages = computeVisibleRange(scrollY, zoom, viewHeight, true);

    /** Computes the range of visible pages in the given position. */
    public Range computeVisibleRange(int scrollY, float zoom, int viewHeight,
            boolean includePartial) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(zoom > 0, "Zoom factor must be positive!");

        int top = Math.round(scrollY / zoom);
        int bottom = Math.round((scrollY + viewHeight) / zoom);
        Range window = new Range(top, bottom);
        return mPaginationModel.getPagesInWindow(window, includePartial);

    /** Returns the range of pages within the prefetch radius of the visible pages. */
    public Range getNearPagesToVisibleRange() {
        Range allPages = new Range(0, mPaginationModel.getSize() - 1);
        return mVisiblePages.expand(PAGE_PREFETCH_RADIUS, allPages);

    /** Returns the pages that are out of view and prefetch radius */
    public Range[] getGonePageRanges(@NonNull Range nearPages) {
        Range allPages = new Range(0, mPaginationModel.getSize() - 1);
        return allPages.minus(nearPages);

    /** Returns the range of pages near the visible pages that are invisible to the view port */
    public Range[] getInvisibleNearPageRanges(@NonNull Range nearPages) {
        return nearPages.minus(mVisiblePages);