public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Model representing PDF pages as a vertical, paginated layout.

Arranges the dimensions for each page in order, adds vertical spacing and can compute the coordinates of a given page in the model PaginationModel.getPageLocation(int, Rect).

Left and right coordinates for a given page will be computed based on the current viewArea of the screen so as to maximize the amount of each page that is visible. Therefore a page whose width is smaller than the containing view will slide right or left when the viewArea is limited to one side in order to show as much of the page as possible.

To configure this model:

  1. PaginationModel.initialize(int) with the number of pages it will contain.
  2. PaginationModel.addPage(int, Dimensions) to set the dimensions for each page.

This model is observable. Any classes implementing PaginationModelObserver can register themselves via PaginationModel.addObserver(PaginationModelObserver) and will be notified when pages are added


public static final <any>CREATOR

publicPaginationModel(Context context)

protectedPaginationModel(Parcel in)

public voidaddObserver(PaginationModelObserver observer)

Adds an observer to the set that will be notified of updates by this model.

public voidaddPage(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize)

Adds the dimensions of the page at pageNum to this model.

public intdescribeContents()

protected voidfinalize()

Just makes sure to clear any observers that have been set.

public intgetEstimatedFullHeight()

Return the estimated full height.

public intgetLookAtX(int pageNum, int offsetX)

Returns where to look to find the given x coordinate on the given page.

public intgetLookAtY(int pageNum, int offsetY)

Returns where to look to find the given y coordinate on the given page.

public intgetNumPages()

Returns the number of pages in the document.

public RectgetPageLocation(int pageNum, Rect viewArea)

Returns the location of the page in the model.

public RangegetPagesInWindow(Range intervalPx, boolean includePartial)

Computes the range of pages that intersect the given window (given as an interval of vertical coordinates, and widths are ignored in this computation).

public DimensionsgetPageSize(int pageNum)

Returns the Dimensions of page pageNum.

public intgetPageSpacingPx()

public intgetSize()

Returns the number of pages known to this model.

public intgetWidth()

Returns the width of this model which will be the width of the widest page in the model.

public voidinitialize(int numPages)

Initializes the model.

public booleanisInitialized()

True if the maxPages value has been set meaning this model has page data, false otherwise .

public java.util.Iterator<PaginationModelObserver>iterator()

Provides an iterator over a copy of the references in PaginationModel.mObservers so they can be notified of updates without synchronizing on PaginationModel.mObservers.

public voidremoveObserver(PaginationModelObserver observer)

Removes an observer from the set that will be notified of updates by this model.

public voidsetMaxPages(int maxPages)

public voidwriteToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final <any> CREATOR


public PaginationModel(Context context)

protected PaginationModel(Parcel in)


public void initialize(int numPages)

Initializes the model.

Can be called more than once (with the same value): subsequent calls will not do anything.


numPages: the total number of pages of the document the model will contain.

public boolean isInitialized()

True if the maxPages value has been set meaning this model has page data, false otherwise .

public void setMaxPages(int maxPages)

public void addPage(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize)

Adds the dimensions of the page at pageNum to this model.

public int getLookAtX(int pageNum, int offsetX)

Returns where to look to find the given x coordinate on the given page.


pageNum: the page the point is on.
offsetX: the x-coordinate of the point on the page, in page units, from the left edge.


the x-coordinate we should look to find the point, not where the point is now. The point can move when the view moves, so this returns where the point will be when the view is centered on it.

public int getLookAtY(int pageNum, int offsetY)

Returns where to look to find the given y coordinate on the given page.


pageNum: the page the point is on.
offsetY: the y-coordinate of the point on the page, in page units, from the top edge.


the y-coordinate we should look to find the point.

public Range getPagesInWindow(Range intervalPx, boolean includePartial)

Computes the range of pages that intersect the given window (given as an interval of vertical coordinates, and widths are ignored in this computation).

Gives at least one page, even if includePartial == false and no page is entirely visible (gives the one page that is partially visible in that case). If the interval doesn't overlap the existing pages, it gives an empty range with range.last past the range of available pages in this model.


intervalPx: The interval of vertical coordinates (in pixels from the top).
includePartial: If true, will include pages that are partially visible.


the range of visible pages (may be an empty range).

public int getEstimatedFullHeight()

Return the estimated full height.

public Rect getPageLocation(int pageNum, Rect viewArea)

Returns the location of the page in the model.

Accounts for current viewArea so that pages will slide left or right to maximize the portion of the page that is visible on the screen. Each page will be positioned:

  • vertically at the given top coordinates (between top and top + height),
  • horizontally between 0 and PaginationModel.getWidth() if possible, in a way that maximizes the portion of that view that is visible on the screen


pageNum: - index of requested page
viewArea: - the current viewport in content coordinates


- coordinates of the page within this model

public int getWidth()

Returns the width of this model which will be the width of the widest page in the model.

public Dimensions getPageSize(int pageNum)

Returns the Dimensions of page pageNum.

public int getSize()

Returns the number of pages known to this model.

public int getNumPages()

Returns the number of pages in the document.

public int getPageSpacingPx()

public void addObserver(PaginationModelObserver observer)

Adds an observer to the set that will be notified of updates by this model.

Allows duplicate registration. Action will be a no-op if the observer is already registered.

public void removeObserver(PaginationModelObserver observer)

Removes an observer from the set that will be notified of updates by this model.

Allows removal of unregistered observers. Action will be a no-op if the observer was never registered with this model.

public java.util.Iterator<PaginationModelObserver> iterator()

Provides an iterator over a copy of the references in PaginationModel.mObservers so they can be notified of updates without synchronizing on PaginationModel.mObservers.

protected void finalize()

Just makes sure to clear any observers that have been set.

public int describeContents()

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.viewer;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.pdf.models.Dimensions;
import androidx.pdf.util.PaginationUtils;
import androidx.pdf.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Model representing PDF pages as a vertical, paginated layout.
 * <p>Arranges the dimensions for each page in order, adds vertical spacing and can compute the
 * coordinates of a given page in the model {@link #getPageLocation}.
 * <p>Left and right coordinates for a given page will be computed based on the current viewArea of
 * the screen so as to maximize the amount of each page that is visible. Therefore a page whose
 * width is smaller than the containing view will slide right or left when the viewArea is limited
 * to one side in order to show as much of the page as possible.
 * <p>To configure this model:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>{@link #initialize(int)} with the number of pages it will contain.
 *   <li>{@link #addPage(int, Dimensions)} to set the dimensions for each page.
 * </ol>
 * <p>This model is observable. Any classes implementing {@link PaginationModelObserver} can
 * register themselves via {@link #addObserver(PaginationModelObserver)} and will be notified when
 * pages are added
public class PaginationModel implements Parcelable {
     * The spacing added before and after each page (the actual space between 2 consecutive pages is
     * twice this distance), in pixels.
    private final int mPageSpacingPx;

    /** The maximum number of pages this model can accommodate. */
    private int mMaxPages = -1;

    /** The Dimensions of each page in the list. */
    private Dimensions[] mPages;

    /** The vertical coordinates of the virtual tabs sitting in between pages. */
    private int[] mPageStops;

    /** The number of pages known to this model (i.e. their Dimensions are known). */
    private int mSize = 0;

    /** An estimate of the size of each unseen page. */
    private float mEstimatedPageHeight = 0;

    private int mAccumulatedPageSize = 0;

    private final Set<PaginationModelObserver> mObservers = new HashSet<>();

    public PaginationModel(@NonNull Context context) {
        mPageSpacingPx = PaginationUtils.getPageSpacingInPixels(context);

    protected PaginationModel(@NonNull Parcel in) {
        mPageSpacingPx = in.readInt();
        mMaxPages = in.readInt();
        mPages = in.createTypedArray(Dimensions.CREATOR);
        mPageStops = in.createIntArray();
        mSize = in.readInt();
        mEstimatedPageHeight = in.readFloat();
        mAccumulatedPageSize = in.readInt();

    public static final Creator<PaginationModel> CREATOR = new Creator<PaginationModel>() {
        public PaginationModel createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new PaginationModel(in);

        public PaginationModel[] newArray(int size) {
            return new PaginationModel[size];

     * Initializes the model.
     * <p>Can be called more than once (with the same value): subsequent calls will not do anything.
     * @param numPages the total number of pages of the document the model will contain.
    public void initialize(int numPages) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(numPages >= 0, "Num pages should be >= 0, " + numPages);
        if (isInitialized()) {
            // Already initialized, don't overwrite existing data.
            if (mMaxPages != numPages) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("called with different value %d, was %d.", numPages,

        mMaxPages = numPages;
        mPages = new Dimensions[mMaxPages];
        mPageStops = new int[mMaxPages];

     * True if the maxPages value has been set meaning this model has page data, false otherwise
     * .
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return mMaxPages != -1;

    /** The vertical coordinates of the tops of the known pages (excluding any spacing) */
    private final List<Integer> mPageTops =
            new AbstractList<Integer>() {
                public Integer get(int index) {
                    return mPageStops[index] + mPageSpacingPx;

                public int size() {
                    return mSize;

    /** The vertical coordinates of the bottoms of the known pages (excluding any spacing) */
    private final List<Integer> mPageBottoms =
            new AbstractList<Integer>() {
                public Integer get(int index) {
                    return mPageStops[index] + mPageSpacingPx + mPages[index].getHeight();

                public int size() {
                    return mSize;

    public void setMaxPages(int maxPages) {
        mMaxPages = maxPages;

    /** Adds the dimensions of the page at {@code pageNum} to this model. */
    public void addPage(int pageNum, @NonNull Dimensions pageSize) {
        if (pageNum < mSize) {
        if (pageNum >= mMaxPages) {
        for (int i = mSize; i < pageNum; i++) {
            // Edge case: there are missing pages. Create them temporarily as clones of this one.
            mPages[i] = pageSize;
        mPages[pageNum] = pageSize;
        mSize = pageNum + 1;
        mAccumulatedPageSize += pageSize.getHeight();
        mEstimatedPageHeight = mAccumulatedPageSize / mSize;


    /** Computes the page stops: the vertical coordinates where each page is positioned. */
    private void computeStops() {
        mPageStops[0] = 0;
        int p = 0;
        while (p < mSize - 1) {
            if (mPages[p] == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Missing page %d in (0,%d)", p, mSize));
            mPageStops[p + 1] = mPageStops[p] + mPages[p].getHeight() + 2 * mPageSpacingPx;

     * Returns where to look to find the given x coordinate on the given page.
     * @param pageNum the page the point is on.
     * @param offsetX the x-coordinate of the point on the page, in page units, from the left edge.
     * @return the x-coordinate we should look to find the point, not where the point is now. The
     * point can move when the view moves, so this returns where the point will be when the view
     * is centered on it.
    public int getLookAtX(int pageNum, int offsetX) {
        double xRatio = 1.0 * offsetX / mPages[pageNum].getWidth();
        return (int) (xRatio * getWidth());

     * Returns where to look to find the given y coordinate on the given page.
     * @param pageNum the page the point is on.
     * @param offsetY the y-coordinate of the point on the page, in page units, from the top edge.
     * @return the y-coordinate we should look to find the point.
    public int getLookAtY(int pageNum, int offsetY) {
        return mPageStops[pageNum] + offsetY;

     * Computes the range of pages that intersect the given window (given as an interval of vertical
     * coordinates, and widths are ignored in this computation).
     * <p>Gives at least one page, even if includePartial == false and no page is entirely visible
     * (gives the one page that is partially visible in that case). If the interval doesn't overlap
     * the existing pages, it gives an empty range with range.last past the range of available pages
     * in this model.
     * @param intervalPx     The interval of vertical coordinates (in pixels from the top).
     * @param includePartial If true, will include pages that are partially visible.
     * @return the range of visible pages (may be an empty range).
    public Range getPagesInWindow(@NonNull Range intervalPx, boolean includePartial) {
        if (intervalPx.getFirst() > mPageBottoms.get(mSize - 1)) {
            return new Range(mSize + 1, mSize);
        List<Integer> startList = includePartial ? mPageBottoms : mPageTops;
        List<Integer> endList = includePartial ? mPageTops : mPageBottoms;

        int topResult = Collections.binarySearch(startList, intervalPx.getFirst());
        int rangeStart = Math.abs(topResult + 1); // Insertion point.

        int bottomResult = Collections.binarySearch(endList, intervalPx.getLast());
        int rangeEnd = Math.abs(bottomResult + 1) - 1; // Before insertion point.

        if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) {
            // No page is entirely visible.
            int midPoint = (intervalPx.getFirst() + intervalPx.getLast()) / 2;
            int midResult = Collections.binarySearch(mPageTops, midPoint);
            int page = Math.max(Math.abs(midResult + 1) - 1, 0); // Before insertion point.
            return new Range(page, page);

        return new Range(rangeStart, rangeEnd);

    /** Return the estimated full height. */
    public int getEstimatedFullHeight() {
        if (!isInitialized() || mSize == 0) {
            return 0;
        // If we've rendered the entire document, we know exactly how tall we are
        if (mSize == mMaxPages) {
            return mPageStops[mSize - 1] + mPages[mSize - 1].getHeight() + 2 * mPageSpacingPx;
        // Otherwise, we have to guess
        return (int) (mPageStops[mSize - 1] + (mEstimatedPageHeight + 2 * mPageSpacingPx) * (
                mMaxPages - mSize + 1));

     * Returns the location of the page in the model.
     * <p>Accounts for current viewArea so that pages will slide left or right to maximize the
     * portion of the page that is visible on the screen. Each page will be positioned:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>vertically at the given <code>top</code> coordinates (between top and top + height),
     *   <li>horizontally between <code>0</code> and {@link #getWidth()} if possible, in a way that
     *       maximizes the portion of that view that is visible on the screen
     * </ul>
     * @param pageNum  - index of requested page
     * @param viewArea - the current viewport in content coordinates
     * @return - coordinates of the page within this model
    public Rect getPageLocation(int pageNum, @NonNull Rect viewArea) {
        int left = 0;
        int right = getWidth();
        int top = mPageStops[pageNum];
        int bottom = top + mPages[pageNum].getHeight();
        int width = mPages[pageNum].getWidth();
        if (width < right - left) {
            // this page is smaller than the view's width, it may slide left or right.
            if (width < viewArea.width()) {
                // page is smaller than the view: center (but respect min left margin)
                left = Math.max(left, viewArea.left + (viewArea.width() - width) / 2);
            } else {
                // page is larger than view: scroll proportionally between the margins.
                if (viewArea.right > right) {
                    left = right - width;
                } else if (viewArea.left > left) {
                    left = viewArea.left * (right - width) / (right - viewArea.width());
            right = left + width;

        return new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);

    /** Returns the width of this model which will be the width of the widest page in the model. */
    public int getWidth() {
        int width = 0;
        for (int p = 0; p < mSize; p++) {
            width = Math.max(width, mPages[p].getWidth());
        return width;

    /** Returns the Dimensions of page {@code pageNum}. */
    public Dimensions getPageSize(int pageNum) {
        return mPages[pageNum];

    /** Returns the number of pages known to this model. */
    public int getSize() {
        return mSize;

     * Returns the number of pages in the document.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this is called before the model is initialized
    public int getNumPages() {
        Preconditions.checkState(mMaxPages != -1, "Model is not initialized");
        return mMaxPages;

    /** Notify all observers that a page has been added to the model. */
    private void notifyPageAdded() {
        Iterator<PaginationModelObserver> iterator = iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    // Useful for testing.
    public int getPageSpacingPx() {
        return mPageSpacingPx;

     * Adds an observer to the set that will be notified of updates by this model.
     * <p>Allows duplicate registration. Action will be a no-op if the observer is already
     * registered.
    public void addObserver(@NonNull PaginationModelObserver observer) {
        synchronized (mObservers) {

     * Removes an observer from the set that will be notified of updates by this model.
     * <p>Allows removal of unregistered observers. Action will be a no-op if the observer was never
     * registered with this model.
    public void removeObserver(@NonNull PaginationModelObserver observer) {
        synchronized (mObservers) {

     * Provides an iterator over a copy of the references in {@link #mObservers} so they can be
     * notified of updates without synchronizing on {@link #mObservers}.
    public Iterator<PaginationModelObserver> iterator() {
        synchronized (mObservers) {
            return new ArrayList<>(mObservers).iterator();

    /** Just makes sure to clear any observers that have been set. */
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {
        dest.writeTypedArray(mPages, flags);