public interface




PageMosaicView, AccessibilityPageWrapper


Interface encapsulating a single page, and accessibility view if necessary.

NOTE: Meant to be extended by a View that returns itself in PageViewFactory.PageView.asView().


public ViewasView()

Returns the base view that implements this interface.

public voidclearAll()

Clear all bitmaps and reset the view overlay.

public intgetPageNum()

Return page number.

public PageMosaicViewgetPageView()

Returns the PageMosaicView associated with this PageView.

public voidsetPageGotoLinks(java.util.List<GotoLink> links)

Set page goto links.

public voidsetPageUrlLinks(LinkRects links)

Set page URL links.


public PageMosaicView getPageView()

Returns the PageMosaicView associated with this PageView.

public int getPageNum()

Return page number.

public void setPageUrlLinks(LinkRects links)

Set page URL links.

public void setPageGotoLinks(java.util.List<GotoLink> links)

Set page goto links.

public View asView()

Returns the base view that implements this interface.

NOTE: This is the view that should be added to the view hierarchy. May return the same object as PageViewFactory.PageView.getPageView(), e.g. for the PageMosaicView implementation.

public void clearAll()

Clear all bitmaps and reset the view overlay.