public interface




Broker of Bitmaps for this view. The requested bitmaps should be given back to this view with MosaicView.setPageBitmap(Bitmap) and MosaicView.setTileBitmap(TileBoard.TileInfo, Bitmap).


public voidcancelTiles(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> tileIds)

Cancel the request for a tile bitmap for given tile indices.

public voidrequestNewTiles(Dimensions pageSize, java.lang.Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> newTiles)

Request to load new tiles at given Dimensions.

public voidrequestPageBitmap(Dimensions pageSize, boolean alsoRequestingTiles)

Request to load the whole page bitmap at given Dimensions.


public void requestPageBitmap(Dimensions pageSize, boolean alsoRequestingTiles)

Request to load the whole page bitmap at given Dimensions.

public void requestNewTiles(Dimensions pageSize, java.lang.Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> newTiles)

Request to load new tiles at given Dimensions.

public void cancelTiles(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> tileIds)

Cancel the request for a tile bitmap for given tile indices. This method will be called by MosaicView when requested tiles are not needed anymore (have become stale). This may mean that the entire tile board is now stale or just the given tiles in the tile board are stale. This function is not expected to do a lot of processing.