public class


extends GestureTrackingView

implements ZoomScrollRestorer





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Layout container for a content View that enables zooming and panning, in the same way a ScrollView does for scrolling. It doesn't make any assumption on what its content is, except that there should be only one content child view (as ZoomView is a FrameLayout), and that the content view's measures are its scroll limits.

The zoom is uniform across dimensions (ZoomView == ZoomView).

More precisely, this view:

  • Enables pinch-to-zoom gesture to zoom the content around the gesture's focus point
  • Allows scrolling along both dimensions till the bounds of the content (and no further)
  • Keeps the content centered in case it is smaller than the viewport (in either dimension), including at the initial load time
  • Guarantees the 2 constraints above are applied at all times, including during a gesture
  • Handles fling gestures in any direction on the 2D surface
  • After a screen rotation (or any change of layout), keeps the view centered on whatever it was previously centered on.
  • Shares scrolling gestures with parent views: it captures a scroll gesture as long as it can make use of it (i.e. the content actually scrolls that way), but releases the gesture when the content reaches the end of the scroll area in that direction, and gives its parent views an opportunity to use the same gesture for a wider scroll effect (e.g. moving this view altogether).
  • Reports its position accurately, both during a movement (e.g. a scale or a fling), and at when the movement stops and the position is stable.
  • Handles double-tap to cycle the zoom between fit-to-width and the last saved zoom.

XML Layout attributes that control this View:

  • minZoom, maxZoom (integers): min and max possible zoom.
  • saveState (boolean, defaults as true): preserve the viewing state when destroyed.

The following extra attributes can currently be configured only from Java:

  • setInitialZoom, setInitialZoomMode - control the zoom level the ZoomView starts at. Default is 100% zoom.
  • setFitMode - control how the content is fit onto the screen. Default is to fit the entire width and height of the content onto the screen.
  • setRotateMode - control how the zoom changes when the device is rotated. Default is not to change the zoom when the device is rotated, excepting that:
  • setKeepFitZoomOnRotate - a special case is when the content exactly fits the screen before rotation. If this flag is set, then the zoom will be changed so it still exactly fits after the rotation. Default is true.
  • setContentResizedMode - control how the viewport moves when the size of the content changes. The viewport can either try to stay with the same absolute point eg (10px, 20px) or the same relative point, eg (25%, 50%). Default is same absolute point.
  • setOverrideMinZoomToFit - if this flag is set, zoom levels lower than min zoom are allowed if they are needed to fit the entire content on screen. Default is false.
  • setOverrideMaxZoomToFit - if this flag is set, zoom levels lower than max zoom are allowed if they are needed to make the content fill the entire screen. Default is false.


public static final floatDOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM_EPSILON

public static final floatLINEAR_SCALE_ZOOM_FACTOR

protected final ZoomView.ZoomGestureHandlermGestureHandler

from GestureTrackingViewmGestureTracker
publicZoomView(Context context)

publicZoomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

publicZoomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)

public voidaddView(View child)

public voidattemptRestorePosition(ZoomView.ZoomScroll position)

Attempt to restore to the given ZoomView.ZoomScroll as faithfully as possible.

public voidcenterAt(float x, float y)

Centers the view at the given point, or as close to centered as is reasonable.

public voidcomputeScroll()

public floatgetInitialZoom()

public floatgetMaxZoom()

public floatgetMinZoom()

Get minimum zoom.

public PdfSelectionModelgetPdfSelectionModel()

public floatgetStableZoom()

public RectgetUsableAreaInContentCoords()

Computes the part of the content visible within the inner part of this view (minus this view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content.

public intgetViewportHeight()

The height of the usable area of this view - total height less padding.

public intgetViewportWidth()

The width of the usable area of this view - total width less padding.

public RectgetVisibleAreaInContentCoords()

Computes the part of the content visible within the outer part of this view (including this view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content.

public floatgetZoom()

protected abstract booleaninterceptGesture(GestureTracker gestureTracker)

Hook method called during GestureTrackingView.onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) in order to determine whether the current gesture should be captured by this View.

public voidloadPageAssets(LayoutHandler layoutHandler, ObservableValue<ViewState> viewState)

Loads and refreshes page assets based on the current zoom and scroll state.

protected voidmeasureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec)

protected voidmeasureChildWithMargins(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed, int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed)

protected voidonFinishInflate()

protected voidonLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

protected voidonRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

protected ParcelableonSaveInstanceState()

protected voidonScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)

public voidremoveAllViews()

public voidresetContents()

Resets zoomView data for state restoration.

public voidscrollTo(int left, int top, boolean stable)

Scroll to the given position.

public ZoomViewsetAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents(boolean allowParentToHandleScaleEvents)

If true, parent must handle scaling/zooming gestures by calling ZoomView.setZoom(float).

public ZoomViewsetContentResizedMode(int contentResizedMode)

Configure how the viewport moves when the content changes size.

public ZoomViewsetContentResizedModeX(int contentResizedMode)

Each axis can be configured to separately - for instance, when viewing a tall document that grows as it is loaded, you might want the view to stay centered as it widens (so X mode is relative) but not to lose the page as it gets taller (so Y mode is absolute).

public ZoomViewsetContentResizedModeY(int contentResizedMode)

Set value of contentResizedModeY.

public ZoomViewsetContentResizedModeZoom(int contentResizedMode)

Set value of contentResizedModeZoom.

public ZoomViewsetEnableDoubleTap(boolean doubleTapEnabled)

Enables/Disables double tap to zoom.

public ZoomViewsetFitMode(int fitMode)

Configure how this view fits the content into the screen.

public ZoomViewsetInitialZoom(float initialZoom)

Configure which zoom this view starts at.

public ZoomViewsetInitialZoomMode(int initialZoomMode)

Configure which zoom this view starts at, from a value in ZoomView.InitialZoomMode.

public ZoomViewsetKeepFitZoomOnRotate(boolean keepFitZoomOnRotate)

When set to true, we keep content that exactly fit the screen before the device rotated so that it still exactly fits the screen after the rotation.

public voidsetMaxZoom(float maxZoom)

Set the maximum zoom - also configurable in XML.

public ZoomViewsetMinZoom(float minZoom)

Set the minimum zoom - also configurable in XML.

public ZoomViewsetOverrideMaxZoomToFit(boolean overrideMaxZoomToFit)

Allows zooming in further than max zoom if this is needed to make content fill screen.

public ZoomViewsetOverrideMinZoomToFit(boolean overrideMinZoomToFit)

Allows zooming out further than min zoom if this is needed to fit content on screen.

public voidsetPdfSelectionModel(PdfSelectionModel pdfSelectionModel)

public ZoomViewsetRotateMode(int rotateMode)

Configure how the zoom changes when device rotates, from a value in ZoomView.RotateMode.

public voidsetShareScroll(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom)

Set values of shareScrollToLeft, shareScrollToRight, shareScrollToTop and shareScrollToBottom.

public voidsetStableZoom(float stableZoom)

public voidsetStraightenVerticalScroll(boolean straighten)

Straighten vertical scroll - useful on tall, narrow documents.

public voidsetZoom(float zoom)

Set the zoom.

public voidsetZoom(float zoom, float pivotX, float pivotY)

Set the zoom, using the given point as a pivot point to zoom in or out of.

protected floattoContentX(float zoomViewX)

Given a point in the zoom-view's co-ordinates, convert it to the content's co-ordinates, using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.

protected floattoContentY(float zoomViewY)

protected floattoZoomViewX(float contentX)

Given a point in the content's co-ordinates, convert it to the zoom-view's co-ordinates, using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.

protected floattoZoomViewY(float contentY)

public voidzoomAndCenterAtAnimated(float x, float y, float newZoom, ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener updateListener)

Animates a zoom/scroll operation which will result in the given point being centered, or as close to centered as is reasonable, at the new zoom level.

public ObservableValue<ZoomView.ZoomScroll>zoomScroll()

Exposes this view's position as an observable value.

from GestureTrackingViewonGenericMotionEvent, onInterceptTouchEvent, onTouchEvent, patchGestureListener, releaseGesture, requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final float LINEAR_SCALE_ZOOM_FACTOR

public static final float DOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM_EPSILON

protected final ZoomView.ZoomGestureHandler mGestureHandler


public ZoomView(Context context)

public ZoomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public ZoomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)


public void resetContents()

Resets zoomView data for state restoration.

public void setShareScroll(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom)

Set values of shareScrollToLeft, shareScrollToRight, shareScrollToTop and shareScrollToBottom.

public void setStraightenVerticalScroll(boolean straighten)

Straighten vertical scroll - useful on tall, narrow documents.

public ZoomView setFitMode(int fitMode)

Configure how this view fits the content into the screen. See ZoomView.FitMode. Default is FitMode.FIT_TO_BOTH - the content is fit so both its width and height fit on screen.

public ZoomView setInitialZoomMode(int initialZoomMode)

Configure which zoom this view starts at, from a value in ZoomView.InitialZoomMode. Default is InitialZoomMode.CONSTANT with a constant of 1, meaning 100% zoom.

public ZoomView setRotateMode(int rotateMode)

Configure how the zoom changes when device rotates, from a value in ZoomView.RotateMode. Default is RotateMode.KEEP_SAME_ZOOM - the zoom level doesn't change on rotation.

public ZoomView setContentResizedMode(int contentResizedMode)

Configure how the viewport moves when the content changes size. Default is that the viewport tracks the same point in absolute terms, before and after the change.

public ZoomView setContentResizedModeX(int contentResizedMode)

Each axis can be configured to separately - for instance, when viewing a tall document that grows as it is loaded, you might want the view to stay centered as it widens (so X mode is relative) but not to lose the page as it gets taller (so Y mode is absolute).

public ZoomView setContentResizedModeY(int contentResizedMode)

Set value of contentResizedModeY.

public ZoomView setContentResizedModeZoom(int contentResizedMode)

Set value of contentResizedModeZoom.

public ZoomView setKeepFitZoomOnRotate(boolean keepFitZoomOnRotate)

When set to true, we keep content that exactly fit the screen before the device rotated so that it still exactly fits the screen after the rotation. This might involve changing the zoom by an apparently arbitrary amount, depending on the exact screen and content dimensions. If the content does not currently exactly fit the screen, the RotateMode is honored.

public ZoomView setOverrideMinZoomToFit(boolean overrideMinZoomToFit)

Allows zooming out further than min zoom if this is needed to fit content on screen.

public ZoomView setOverrideMaxZoomToFit(boolean overrideMaxZoomToFit)

Allows zooming in further than max zoom if this is needed to make content fill screen.

public ZoomView setAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents(boolean allowParentToHandleScaleEvents)

If true, parent must handle scaling/zooming gestures by calling ZoomView.setZoom(float).

public ZoomView setEnableDoubleTap(boolean doubleTapEnabled)

Enables/Disables double tap to zoom.

public PdfSelectionModel getPdfSelectionModel()

public void setPdfSelectionModel(PdfSelectionModel pdfSelectionModel)

public ObservableValue<ZoomView.ZoomScroll> zoomScroll()

Exposes this view's position as an observable value.

protected void onFinishInflate()

protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)

public void addView(View child)

public void removeAllViews()

protected void measureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec)

protected void measureChildWithMargins(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed, int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed)

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

public float getInitialZoom()

public ZoomView setInitialZoom(float initialZoom)

Configure which zoom this view starts at. Default is 1, meaning 100% zoom.

public float getMinZoom()

Get minimum zoom.

public ZoomView setMinZoom(float minZoom)

Set the minimum zoom - also configurable in XML. Returns this.

public float getMaxZoom()

public void setMaxZoom(float maxZoom)

Set the maximum zoom - also configurable in XML. Returns this.

public float getStableZoom()

public void setStableZoom(float stableZoom)

public void computeScroll()

public int getViewportWidth()

The width of the usable area of this view - total width less padding.

public int getViewportHeight()

The height of the usable area of this view - total height less padding.

public Rect getUsableAreaInContentCoords()

Computes the part of the content visible within the inner part of this view (minus this view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content. The result is relative to (0, 0)-(rawContentWidth, rawContentHeight).

public Rect getVisibleAreaInContentCoords()

Computes the part of the content visible within the outer part of this view (including this view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content. The result is relative to (0, 0)-(rawContentWidth, rawContentHeight).

public void centerAt(float x, float y)

Centers the view at the given point, or as close to centered as is reasonable. The point is given in the co-ordinate system of the content, before scaling is applied by the zoom factor.

public void zoomAndCenterAtAnimated(float x, float y, float newZoom, ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener updateListener)

Animates a zoom/scroll operation which will result in the given point being centered, or as close to centered as is reasonable, at the new zoom level. The point is given in the co-ordinate system of the content, before scaling is applied by the zoom factor.

public void scrollTo(int left, int top, boolean stable)

Scroll to the given position.

public float getZoom()

public void setZoom(float zoom)

Set the zoom. Zooms in or out of the center of the zoomview.

public void setZoom(float zoom, float pivotX, float pivotY)

Set the zoom, using the given point as a pivot point to zoom in or out of.

public void loadPageAssets(LayoutHandler layoutHandler, ObservableValue<ViewState> viewState)

Loads and refreshes page assets based on the current zoom and scroll state.

protected float toContentX(float zoomViewX)

Given a point in the zoom-view's co-ordinates, convert it to the content's co-ordinates, using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.

protected float toContentY(float zoomViewY)

protected float toZoomViewX(float contentX)

Given a point in the content's co-ordinates, convert it to the zoom-view's co-ordinates, using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.

protected float toZoomViewY(float contentY)

protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState()

protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

public void attemptRestorePosition(ZoomView.ZoomScroll position)

Attempt to restore to the given ZoomView.ZoomScroll as faithfully as possible.

protected abstract boolean interceptGesture(GestureTracker gestureTracker)

Hook method called during GestureTrackingView.onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) in order to determine whether the current gesture should be captured by this View.


gestureTracker: The GestureTracker with the current gesture.


True if this View should capture the gesture, false if it doesn't bother.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.widget;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.widget.OverScroller;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;
import androidx.pdf.R;
import androidx.pdf.ViewState;
import androidx.pdf.util.GestureTracker;
import androidx.pdf.util.GestureTrackingView;
import androidx.pdf.util.MathUtils;
import androidx.pdf.util.ObservableValue;
import androidx.pdf.util.Observables;
import androidx.pdf.util.Preconditions;
import androidx.pdf.util.Screen;
import androidx.pdf.util.ThreadUtils;
import androidx.pdf.util.ZoomScrollRestorer;
import androidx.pdf.util.ZoomUtils;
import androidx.pdf.viewer.LayoutHandler;
import androidx.pdf.viewer.PaginatedView;
import androidx.pdf.viewer.PdfSelectionModel;


import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;

 * Layout container for a content {@link View} that enables zooming and panning, in the same way a
 * ScrollView does for scrolling. It doesn't make any assumption on what its content is, except that
 * there should be only one content child view (as ZoomView is a FrameLayout), and that the content
 * view's measures are its scroll limits.
 * <p>The zoom is uniform across dimensions ({@link #getScaleX()} == {@link #getScaleY()}).
 * <p>More precisely, this view:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Enables pinch-to-zoom gesture to zoom the content around the gesture's focus point
 *   <li>Allows scrolling along both dimensions till the bounds of the content (and no further)
 *   <li>Keeps the content centered in case it is smaller than the viewport (in either dimension),
 *       including at the initial load time
 *   <li>Guarantees the 2 constraints above are applied at all times, including during a gesture
 *   <li>Handles fling gestures in any direction on the 2D surface
 *   <li>After a screen rotation (or any change of layout), keeps the view centered on whatever it
 *       was previously centered on.
 *   <li>Shares scrolling gestures with parent views: it captures a scroll gesture as long as it can
 *       make use of it (i.e. the content actually scrolls that way), but releases the gesture when
 *       the content reaches the end of the scroll area in that direction, and gives its parent
 *       views an opportunity to use the same gesture for a wider scroll effect (e.g. moving this
 *       view altogether).
 *   <li>Reports its position accurately, both during a movement (e.g. a scale or a fling), and at
 *       when the movement stops and the position is stable.
 *   <li>Handles double-tap to cycle the zoom between fit-to-width and the last saved zoom.
 * </ul>
 * <p>XML Layout attributes that control this View:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>minZoom, maxZoom (integers): min and max possible zoom.
 *   <li>saveState (boolean, defaults as true): preserve the viewing state when destroyed.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The following extra attributes can currently be configured only from Java:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>setInitialZoom, setInitialZoomMode - control the zoom level the ZoomView starts at. Default
 *       is 100% zoom.
 *   <li>setFitMode - control how the content is fit onto the screen. Default is to fit the entire
 *       width and height of the content onto the screen.
 *   <li>setRotateMode - control how the zoom changes when the device is rotated. Default is not to
 *       change the zoom when the device is rotated, excepting that:
 *   <li>setKeepFitZoomOnRotate - a special case is when the content exactly fits the screen before
 *       rotation. If this flag is set, then the zoom will be changed so it still exactly fits after
 *       the rotation. Default is true.
 *   <li>setContentResizedMode - control how the viewport moves when the size of the content
 *       changes. The viewport can either try to stay with the same absolute point eg (10px, 20px)
 *       or the same relative point, eg (25%, 50%). Default is same absolute point.
 *   <li>setOverrideMinZoomToFit - if this flag is set, zoom levels lower than min zoom are allowed
 *       if they are needed to fit the entire content on screen. Default is false.
 *   <li>setOverrideMaxZoomToFit - if this flag is set, zoom levels lower than max zoom are allowed
 *       if they are needed to make the content fill the entire screen. Default is false.
 * </ul>
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "RestrictedApiAndroidX"})
public class ZoomView extends GestureTrackingView implements ZoomScrollRestorer {

    private static final float ZOOM_RESET = 1.5F;
    private static final float DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM = 0.5f;
    private static final float DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 64.0f;
    private static final boolean STABLE = true;
    private static final boolean UNSTABLE = false;
    private static final String KEY_SUPER = "s";
    private static final String KEY_POSITION = "p";
    private static final String KEY_VIEWPORT_INITIALIZED = "vi";
    private static final String KEY_VIEWPORT = "v";
    private static final String KEY_CONTENT_ZOOM = "z";
    private static final String KEY_RAW_BOUNDS = "b";
    private static final String KEY_PADDING = "pa";
    private static final String KEY_LOOKAT_POINT = "l";
    private static final int OVERSCROLL_THRESHOLD = 25;
    /** Fallback duration for the zoom animation, when material attributes are unavailable. */
    private static final int FALLBACK_ZOOM_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 250;
    private static final int UNBOUNDED = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
    public static final float LINEAR_SCALE_ZOOM_FACTOR = 2.F;
    public static final float DOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM_EPSILON = 0.25f;
    protected final ZoomGestureHandler mGestureHandler =
            new ZoomGestureHandler(new Screen(getContext()));
    private final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
    /** The viewport is the usable area of this view, i.e. its dimensions less padding. */
    private final Rect mViewport = new Rect();
    private final boolean mSaveState;
    private final RelativeScroller mScroller;
    private final Observables.ExposedValue<ZoomScroll> mPosition;
     * The raw bounds of the content view, i.e. before any transformation: (0, 0 - width,
     * height).
    private Rect mContentRawBounds = new Rect();
    /** Enables the double tap gesture to zoom in/out. */
    private boolean mDoubleTapEnabled = true;
    /** Whether we are in a fling movement. This is used to detect the end of that movement. */
    private boolean mIsFling = false;
     * Accumulates, during one single gesture, the amount that the user scrolls past the left (if
     * negative) or right (if positive) edge of the content. This amount is not actually scrolled
     * (as the scroll area is limited by that edge), but can be compared to a threshold to decide to
     * release this gesture for parent views to use.
    private int mOverScrollX;
     * Accumulates, during one single gesture, the amount that the user scrolls past the top (if
     * negative) or bottom (if positive) edge of the content. This amount is not actually scrolled
     * (as the scroll area is limited by that edge), but can be compared to a threshold to decide to
     * release this gesture for parent views to use.
    private int mOverScrollY;
     * If non-null, the next layout pass attempts to move the window to this position, as faithfully
     * as possible.
    private ZoomScroll mPositionToRestore;
    private Runnable mRestorePositionRunnable;
    /** The animation started on a double-tap, if any is currently running. */
    private Animator mZoomScrollAnimation;

    private boolean mViewportInitialized;
    /** The content view. */
    private View mContentView;
    /** Client configurable settings. */
    private float mMinZoom;
    private float mMaxZoom;
    private float mInitialZoom = 1.0f;
    private int mInitialZoomMode = InitialZoomMode.CONSTANT;
    private int mFitMode = FitMode.FIT_TO_BOTH;
    private int mRotateMode = RotateMode.KEEP_SAME_ZOOM;
    private boolean mKeepFitZoomOnRotate = true;
    private int mContentResizedModeX = ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_ABSOLUTE;
    private int mContentResizedModeY = ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_ABSOLUTE;
    private int mContentResizedModeZoom = ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_ABSOLUTE;
    private boolean mOverrideMinZoomToFit = false;
    private boolean mOverrideMaxZoomToFit = false;

    /** The last stable zoom: we only re-draw bitmaps at stable zoom (not during a gesture). */
    private float mStableZoom;
     * If set to true, suppresses {@link ZoomGestureHandler#onScale(ScaleGestureDetector)} behavior.
    private boolean mAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents = false;
    private boolean mStraightenVerticalScroll;
    private boolean mInitialZoomDone = false;
    private boolean mScaleInProgress = false;
     * Padding changes require a {@link #mViewport} update. {@link #setPadding(int, int, int, int)}
     * will request a layout pass but {@link #onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)} will be called
     * with {@code changed} == false so we need a way to know if padding has been changed since the
     * last time we set the {@link #mViewport} and it should be updated.
    private Rect mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate;
    private PdfSelectionModel mPdfSelectionModel;
    private PointF mRestoreLookAtPoint;

        mScroller = new RelativeScroller(getContext());
        mPosition = Observables.newExposedValueWithInitialValue(new ZoomScroll(1, 0, 0, STABLE));

    public ZoomView(@NonNull Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public ZoomView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public ZoomView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ZoomView, defStyle,
        mMinZoom = ta.getFloat(R.styleable.ZoomView_minZoom, DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM);
        mMaxZoom = ta.getFloat(R.styleable.ZoomView_maxZoom, DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM);
        mSaveState = ta.getBoolean(R.styleable.ZoomView_saveState, true);

        ViewCompat.setLayoutDirection(this, ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR);

     * Resets zoomView data for state restoration.

    public void resetContents() {
        scrollTo(0, 0);

        // Reset content bounds
        mContentRawBounds = new Rect();

        // Reset gesture and scrolling states
        mOverScrollX = mOverScrollY = 0;
        mIsFling = false;

        // Reset zoom and fit states
        mInitialZoomDone = false;
        mPositionToRestore = null;

        mScaleInProgress = false;

     * Set values of shareScrollToLeft, shareScrollToRight, shareScrollToTop and
     * shareScrollToBottom.
    public void setShareScroll(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom) {
        mGestureHandler.mShareScrollToLeft = left;
        mGestureHandler.mShareScrollToRight = right;
        mGestureHandler.mShareScrollToTop = top;
        mGestureHandler.mShareScrollToBottom = bottom;

    /** Straighten vertical scroll - useful on tall, narrow documents. */
    public void setStraightenVerticalScroll(boolean straighten) {
        this.mStraightenVerticalScroll = straighten;

     * Configure how this view fits the content into the screen. See {@link FitMode}. Default is
     * FitMode.FIT_TO_BOTH - the content is fit so both its width and height fit on screen.
    public ZoomView setFitMode(int fitMode) {
        this.mFitMode = fitMode;
        return this;

     * Configure which zoom this view starts at, from a value in {@link InitialZoomMode}. Default is
     * InitialZoomMode.CONSTANT with a constant of 1, meaning 100% zoom.
    public ZoomView setInitialZoomMode(int initialZoomMode) {
        this.mInitialZoomMode = initialZoomMode;
        return this;

     * Configure how the zoom changes when device rotates, from a value in {@link RotateMode}.
     * Default is RotateMode.KEEP_SAME_ZOOM - the zoom level doesn't change on rotation.
    public ZoomView setRotateMode(int rotateMode) {
        this.mRotateMode = rotateMode;
        return this;

     * Configure how the viewport moves when the content changes size. Default is that the viewport
     * tracks the same point in absolute terms, before and after the change.
    public ZoomView setContentResizedMode(int contentResizedMode) {
        mContentResizedModeX = mContentResizedModeY = mContentResizedModeZoom = contentResizedMode;
        return this;

     * Each axis can be configured to separately - for instance, when viewing a tall document that
     * grows as it is loaded, you might want the view to stay centered as it widens (so X mode is
     * relative) but not to lose the page as it gets taller (so Y mode is absolute).
    public ZoomView setContentResizedModeX(int contentResizedMode) {
        this.mContentResizedModeX = contentResizedMode;
        return this;

    /** Set value of contentResizedModeY. */
    public ZoomView setContentResizedModeY(int contentResizedMode) {
        this.mContentResizedModeY = contentResizedMode;
        return this;

    /** Set value of contentResizedModeZoom. */
    public ZoomView setContentResizedModeZoom(int contentResizedMode) {
        this.mContentResizedModeZoom = contentResizedMode;
        return this;

     * When set to true, we keep content that exactly fit the screen before the device rotated so
     * that it still exactly fits the screen after the rotation. This might involve changing the
     * zoom by an apparently arbitrary amount, depending on the exact screen and content dimensions.
     * If the content does not currently exactly fit the screen, the RotateMode is honored.
    public ZoomView setKeepFitZoomOnRotate(boolean keepFitZoomOnRotate) {
        this.mKeepFitZoomOnRotate = keepFitZoomOnRotate;
        return this;

    /** Allows zooming out further than min zoom if this is needed to fit content on screen. */
    public ZoomView setOverrideMinZoomToFit(boolean overrideMinZoomToFit) {
        this.mOverrideMinZoomToFit = overrideMinZoomToFit;
        return this;

    /** Allows zooming in further than max zoom if this is needed to make content fill screen. */
    public ZoomView setOverrideMaxZoomToFit(boolean overrideMaxZoomToFit) {
        this.mOverrideMaxZoomToFit = overrideMaxZoomToFit;
        return this;

    /** If true, parent must handle scaling/zooming gestures by calling {@link #setZoom(float)}. */
    public ZoomView setAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents(boolean allowParentToHandleScaleEvents) {
        this.mAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents = allowParentToHandleScaleEvents;
        return this;

    /** Enables/Disables double tap to zoom. */
    public ZoomView setEnableDoubleTap(boolean doubleTapEnabled) {
        this.mDoubleTapEnabled = doubleTapEnabled;
        return this;

    public PdfSelectionModel getPdfSelectionModel() {
        return mPdfSelectionModel;

    public void setPdfSelectionModel(@NonNull PdfSelectionModel pdfSelectionModel) {
        mPdfSelectionModel = pdfSelectionModel;

    /** Exposes this view's position as an observable value. */
    public ObservableValue<ZoomScroll> zoomScroll() {
        return mPosition;

    /** Reports the current position to listeners. */
    private void reportPosition(boolean stable) {
        ZoomScroll newPos = new ZoomScroll(getZoom(), getScrollX(), getScrollY(), stable);
        if (!Objects.equals(mPosition.get(), newPos)) {

    protected void onFinishInflate() {
        if (getChildCount() != 0) {

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
        super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
        // We used to reportPosition(UNSTABLE) here, but now we do it on all possible ways to scroll
        // This is true as long as we use scrollTo(x, y, stable);

    public void addView(View child) {

    public void removeAllViews() {
        mContentView = null;

    private void setContentView(View contentView) {
                this.mContentView == null || this.mContentView == contentView,
                "ZoomView can't take a second View");
        this.mContentView = contentView;

    protected void measureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec,
            int parentHeightMeasureSpec) {
        child.measure(UNBOUNDED, UNBOUNDED);

    protected void measureChildWithMargins(
            View child,
            int parentWidthMeasureSpec,
            int widthUsed,
            int parentHeightMeasureSpec,
            int heightUsed) {
        child.measure(UNBOUNDED, UNBOUNDED);

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        // As a result of this method, this view's position is very likely to change, and we have to
        // report that change with reportPosition(). However, as that call is likely to trigger
        // modifications to the content view (add/remove/resize...) and consequently new
        // requestLayout()
        // call(s), it must be done when this layout pass is over (i.e. posted).
        // It is therefore important that the only reportPosition() call issued during the
        // execution of
        // this method is the one posted at the end of the method.
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
        boolean hasContents = mContentView != null && mContentView.getWidth() > 0;

        boolean zoomChanged = false;

        // Need to flip this to true if we think onLayout changed the position of anything.
        boolean shouldConstrainPosition = false;

        // 1) Changes to the contents (e.g. init, new contents appended):
        // Update contentRawBounds in all cases (even when !changed) because contentView's layout
        // often changes without impacting our layout.
        if (hasContents
                && (mContentRawBounds.width() != mContentView.getWidth()
                || mContentRawBounds.height() != mContentView.getHeight())) {
            int prevWidth = mContentRawBounds.width();
            int prevHeight = mContentRawBounds.height();
            mContentRawBounds.set(0, 0, mContentView.getWidth(), mContentView.getHeight());

            if (!mViewport.isEmpty() && prevWidth > 0 && prevHeight > 0) {
                // Might need to move the viewport depending on the ContentResizedMode
                // configuration.
                float lookAtX = toContentX(mViewport.width() / 2f);
                float lookAtY = toContentY(mViewport.height() / 2f);
                if (mContentResizedModeX == ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_RELATIVE) {
                    lookAtX *= mContentRawBounds.width() / ((float) prevWidth);
                if (mContentResizedModeY == ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_RELATIVE) {
                    lookAtY *= mContentRawBounds.height() / ((float) prevHeight);
                        (int) (lookAtX * getZoom() - mViewport.width() / 2f),
                        (int) (lookAtY * getZoom() - mViewport.height() / 2f));
                if (mContentResizedModeZoom == ContentResizedMode.KEEP_SAME_RELATIVE) {
                    float newZoom =
                                    * (prevWidth + prevHeight)
                                    / (mContentRawBounds.width() + mContentRawBounds.height());

                // No need to adjust v-scroll when height changes (ie more pages are added to the
                // bottom).
                shouldConstrainPosition = true;

        // 2) Changes in the screen (init, rotation):
        // Update viewport; compute position under the old viewport and apply them in the new one.
        boolean paddingHasChanged =
                mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate != null
                        && !mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate.equals(getPaddingRect());
        if (changed || paddingHasChanged) {
            mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate = getPaddingRect();
            if (!mViewportInitialized) { // Init
                        right - getPaddingRight() - getPaddingLeft() - left,
                        bottom - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop() - top);
                shouldConstrainPosition = true;

                mViewportInitialized = true;
            } else { // Some other layout trigger - could be a configuration change (rotation)
                PointF lookAtPoint = computeLookAtPoint();
                int oldWidth = mViewport.width();
                int oldHeight = mViewport.height();
                boolean isFitZoom = MathUtils.almostEqual(getZoom(), getUnconstrainedZoomToFit(),

                        right - getPaddingRight() - getPaddingLeft() - left,
                        bottom - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop() - top);
                int newWidth = mViewport.width();
                int newHeight = mViewport.height();

                // Possibly change the zoom, depending on keepFitZoomOnRotate or RotateMode setting.
                if (isFitZoom && mKeepFitZoomOnRotate) {
                } else if (mRotateMode == RotateMode.KEEP_SAME_VIEWPORT_WIDTH) {
                    setZoom(constrainZoom(getZoom() * newWidth / oldWidth));
                } else if (mRotateMode == RotateMode.KEEP_SAME_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) {
                    setZoom(constrainZoom(getZoom() * newHeight / oldHeight));
                } else {
                    // Nothing required: keep same zoom as before.

                zoomChanged = true;
                if (mSaveState && mRestoreLookAtPoint != null) {
                    centerAt(mRestoreLookAtPoint.x, mRestoreLookAtPoint.y);
                } else {
                    centerAt(lookAtPoint.x, lookAtPoint.y);
                shouldConstrainPosition = true;

                mPositionToRestore = new ZoomScroll(getZoom(), getScrollX(), getScrollY(),

        // 3) Apply the initial position: restore or fit-to-screen.
        if (hasContents && !zoomChanged) {
            if (mPositionToRestore == null) {
                // Initially fit the content to width and/or height.
                if (!mInitialZoomDone) {
                    setZoom(getInitialZoom(), 0, 0); // Stay at the top of the document.
                    shouldConstrainPosition = true;
            } else if (restoreSavedPosition()) {
                shouldConstrainPosition = true;
            mInitialZoomDone = true;

        if (shouldConstrainPosition) {
            // Report position needs to be posted because it may trigger requestLayout().
            ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(() -> reportPosition(STABLE));

    public float getInitialZoom() {
        switch (mInitialZoomMode) {
            case InitialZoomMode.ZOOM_TO_FIT:
                return getConstrainedZoomToFit();
            case InitialZoomMode.MIN_ZOOM:
                return getMinZoom();
            case InitialZoomMode.MAX_ZOOM:
                return getMaxZoom();
            case InitialZoomMode.CONSTANT:
                return constrainZoom(mInitialZoom);

    /** Configure which zoom this view starts at. Default is 1, meaning 100% zoom. */
    public ZoomView setInitialZoom(float initialZoom) {
        this.mInitialZoom = initialZoom;
        return this;

    /** Get minimum zoom. */
    public float getMinZoom() {
        if (mOverrideMinZoomToFit) {
            return Math.min(mMinZoom, getUnconstrainedZoomToFit());
        return mMinZoom;

    /** Set the minimum zoom - also configurable in XML. Returns this. */
    public ZoomView setMinZoom(float minZoom) {
        this.mMinZoom = minZoom;
        return this;

    public float getMaxZoom() {
        if (mOverrideMaxZoomToFit) {
            return Math.max(mMaxZoom, getUnconstrainedZoomToFit());
        return mMaxZoom;

    /** Set the maximum zoom - also configurable in XML. Returns this. */
    public void setMaxZoom(float maxZoom) {
        this.mMaxZoom = maxZoom;

    public float getStableZoom() {
        return mStableZoom;

    public void setStableZoom(float stableZoom) {
        this.mStableZoom = stableZoom;

    private float getConstrainedZoomToFit() {
        return constrainZoom(getUnconstrainedZoomToFit());

    private float getUnconstrainedZoomToFit() {
        float widthZoom = (float) mViewport.width() / mContentView.getWidth();
        float heightZoom = (float) mViewport.height() / mContentView.getHeight();
        switch (mFitMode) {
            case FitMode.FIT_TO_BOTH:
                return Math.min(widthZoom, heightZoom);
            case FitMode.FIT_TO_HEIGHT:
                return heightZoom;
            case FitMode.FIT_TO_WIDTH:
                return widthZoom;

     * Given a potential new zoom, return the nearest valid zoom, constrained within the configured
     * min- and max- zoom.
    private float constrainZoom(float newZoom) {
        return MathUtils.clamp(newZoom, getMinZoom(), getMaxZoom());

    public void computeScroll() {
        if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
            // Fling does not support overscroll. It will simply not scroll past an edge.

            // Need to invalidate even when delta == 0 to let the scroller properly finish.
        } else if (mIsFling) {
            mIsFling = false;

    /** The width of the usable area of this view - total width less padding. */
    public int getViewportWidth() {
        return mViewport.width();

    /** The height of the usable area of this view - total height less padding. */
    public int getViewportHeight() {
        return mViewport.height();

     * Computes the part of the content visible within the inner part of this view (minus this
     * view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content. The result is relative to
     * (0, 0)-(rawContentWidth, rawContentHeight).
    public Rect getUsableAreaInContentCoords() {
        return new Rect(
                (int) toContentX(0),
                (int) toContentY(0),
                (int) toContentX(getViewportWidth()),
                (int) toContentY(getViewportHeight()));

     * Computes the part of the content visible within the outer part of this view (including this
     * view's padding) in co-ordinates of the content. The result is relative to (0,
     * 0)-(rawContentWidth, rawContentHeight).
    public Rect getVisibleAreaInContentCoords() {
        return new Rect(
                (int) toContentX(-getPaddingLeft()),
                (int) toContentY(-getPaddingTop()),
                (int) toContentX(getViewportWidth() + getPaddingRight()),
                (int) toContentY(getViewportHeight() + getPaddingBottom()));

     * Centers the view at the given point, or as close to centered as is reasonable. The point is
     * given in the co-ordinate system of the content, before scaling is applied by the zoom factor.
    public void centerAt(float x, float y) {
        float zoom = getZoom();
        int left = (int) (x * zoom - mViewport.width() / 2f);
        int top = (int) (y * zoom - mViewport.height() / 2f);

        scrollTo(left, top);

     * Animates a zoom/scroll operation which will result in the given point being centered, or as
     * close to centered as is reasonable, at the new zoom level. The point is given in the
     * co-ordinate system of the content, before scaling is applied by the zoom factor.
    public void zoomAndCenterAtAnimated(
            float x, float y, float newZoom,
            @NonNull ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener updateListener) {
        if (newZoom > getMaxZoom() || newZoom < getMinZoom()) {
        float left = x * newZoom - mViewport.width() / 2f;
        float top = y * newZoom - mViewport.height() / 2f;
        left += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, (int) left, mContentRawBounds.width(),
        top += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, (int) top, mContentRawBounds.height(),
        zoomScrollAnimated(left, top, newZoom, updateListener);

    private void zoomScrollAnimated(
            float x, float y, float newZoom, ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener updateListener) {
                new AccelerateInterpolator());

    private void zoomScrollAnimated(
            float x,
            float y,
            float newZoom,
            ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener updateListener,
            TimeInterpolator interpolator) {
        if (mZoomScrollAnimation != null) {
        AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
        ObjectAnimator scaleXAnimator = new ObjectAnimator();
        scaleXAnimator.setFloatValues(getZoom(), newZoom);
        ObjectAnimator scaleYAnimator = new ObjectAnimator();
        scaleYAnimator.setFloatValues(getZoom(), newZoom);
                new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
                    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                        if (updateListener != null) {
                ObjectAnimator.ofInt(ZoomView.this, "scrollX", getScrollX(), (int) x),
                ObjectAnimator.ofInt(ZoomView.this, "scrollY", getScrollY(), (int) y),
                // It's important for scaleYAnimator to be last, since it has the listener.
        int themeDuration = FALLBACK_ZOOM_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS;
        try {
            themeDuration = MotionUtils.resolveThemeDuration(
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ignored) {
            // Material resources not present in host app, fallback to default
                new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                        mZoomScrollAnimation = null;
        mZoomScrollAnimation = animatorSet;

    /** Scroll to the given position. */
    public void scrollTo(int left, int top, boolean stable) {
        scrollTo(left, top);

    public float getZoom() {
        return mContentView != null ? mContentView.getScaleX() : 1.f;

    /** Set the zoom. Zooms in or out of the center of the zoomview. */
    public void setZoom(float zoom) {
        int pivotX = mViewport.width() / 2;
        int pivotY = mViewport.height() / 2;
        setZoom(zoom, pivotX, pivotY);

    /** Set the zoom, using the given point as a pivot point to zoom in or out of. */
    public void setZoom(float zoom, float pivotX, float pivotY) {
        zoom = Float.isNaN(zoom) ? ZOOM_RESET : zoom;
        mInitialZoomDone = true;
        int deltaX = ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(getZoom(), zoom, pivotX,
        int deltaY = ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(getZoom(), zoom, pivotY,

        scrollBy(deltaX, deltaY);

     * Loads and refreshes page assets based on the current zoom and scroll state.
    public void loadPageAssets(@NonNull LayoutHandler layoutHandler,
            @Nullable ObservableValue<ViewState> viewState) {

        PaginatedView paginatedView = this.findViewById(;
        ZoomScroll position = this.zoomScroll().get();
        if (position == null || !paginatedView.getModel().isInitialized()) {

        // Change the resolution of the bitmaps only when a gesture is not in progress.
        if (position.stable || this.getStableZoom() == 0f) {

        paginatedView.refreshPageRangeInVisibleArea(position, this.getHeight());

        // The step (4) below requires page Views to be created and laid out.

        // So we create them here and set this flag
        // if that operation needs to wait for a layout pass.
        boolean requiresLayoutPass = paginatedView.createPageViewsForVisiblePageRange();

        // 4. Refresh tiles and/or full pages.
        if (position.stable) {
            if (viewState != null) {
                // Perform a full refresh on all visible pages
                ViewState currentViewState = viewState.get();
                if (currentViewState != null) {
                            requiresLayoutPass, currentViewState, this.getStableZoom());
        } else if (this.getStableZoom() == position.zoom) {
            // Just load a few more tiles in case of tile-scroll
            ViewState currentViewState = viewState.get();
            if (currentViewState != null) {
                paginatedView.refreshVisibleTiles(requiresLayoutPass, currentViewState);

        if (paginatedView.getPageRangeHandler().getVisiblePages() != null) {

     * Given a point in the zoom-view's co-ordinates, convert it to the content's co-ordinates,
     * using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.
    protected float toContentX(float zoomViewX) {
        return ZoomUtils.toContentCoordinate(zoomViewX, getZoom(), getScrollX());

    protected float toContentY(float zoomViewY) {
        return ZoomUtils.toContentCoordinate(zoomViewY, getZoom(), getScrollY());

     * Given a point in the content's co-ordinates, convert it to the zoom-view's co-ordinates,
     * using the current zoom and scroll position of the zoomview.
    protected float toZoomViewX(float contentX) {
        return ZoomUtils.toZoomViewCoordinate(contentX, getZoom(), getScrollX());

    protected float toZoomViewY(float contentY) {
        return ZoomUtils.toZoomViewCoordinate(contentY, getZoom(), getScrollY());

     * Adjust the content view's position (by scrolling) in order to:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>eliminate dead margins where the content is larger than the viewport,
     *   <li>keep the content centered when it is smaller than the viewport.
     * </ul>
     * <p>As a side-effect, sets the values {@link #mOverScrollX} and {@link #mOverScrollY} to how
     * much
     * scrolling had happened out of the bounds that needed to be adjusted for.
     * @return True if the position had to be adjusted, false if untouched.
    private boolean constrainPosition() {
        int dx = constrainX();
        int dy = constrainY();
        mOverScrollX -= dx;
        mOverScrollY -= dy;

        if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
            scrollBy(dx, dy);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    private int constrainX() {
        return ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(getZoom(), getScrollX(), mContentRawBounds.width(),

    private int constrainY() {
        return ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(getZoom(), getScrollY(), mContentRawBounds.height(),

     * Find the point that is being looked at - to keep looking it at if the viewport changes size.
    private PointF computeLookAtPoint() {
        float lookAtX = toContentX(mViewport.width() / 2f);
        float lookAtY = toContentY(mViewport.height() / 2f);
        if (getScrollY() <= 0) {
            lookAtY = 0; // Stick to the top of the document if the layout changes while there.

        return new PointF(lookAtX, lookAtY);

     * The position and bounds of the contentView relative to this view's origin, including any
     * transformation (zoom) and scrolling.
    private Rect contentPosition() {
        Rect contentPosition =
                new Rect(
                        (int) toZoomViewX(0), (int) toZoomViewY(0),
                        (int) toZoomViewX(mContentView.getWidth()),
                        (int) toZoomViewY(mContentView.getHeight()));
        return contentPosition;

    protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable(KEY_SUPER, super.onSaveInstanceState());
        if (mSaveState) {
            bundle.putBundle(KEY_POSITION, mPosition.get().asBundle());
            bundle.putBoolean(KEY_VIEWPORT_INITIALIZED, mViewportInitialized);
            bundle.putParcelable(KEY_VIEWPORT, mViewport);
            bundle.putFloat(KEY_CONTENT_ZOOM, mContentView.getScaleX());
            bundle.putParcelable(KEY_RAW_BOUNDS, mContentRawBounds);
            bundle.putParcelable(KEY_PADDING, mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate);
            bundle.putParcelable(KEY_LOOKAT_POINT, computeLookAtPoint());
        return bundle;

    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;
        if (mSaveState) {
            Bundle positionBundle = bundle.getBundle(KEY_POSITION);
            assert positionBundle != null;
            mPositionToRestore = ZoomScroll.fromBundle(positionBundle);
            mViewportInitialized = bundle.getBoolean(KEY_VIEWPORT_INITIALIZED);
            mPaddingOnLastViewportUpdate = bundle.getParcelable(KEY_PADDING);
            mRestoreLookAtPoint = bundle.getParcelable(KEY_LOOKAT_POINT);

     * Restores the state to the saved position, or as close as it can. This can be done immediately
     * or delayed a bit (after this method returns). This method will call {@link #reportPosition}
     * only in case it's executing a delayed restore; if it's applying a restored position right
     * away, it won't call it.
     * @return true if a saved position was applied right now (which needs to be reported).
    private boolean restoreSavedPosition() {
        if (mPositionToRestore == null) {
            return false;

        // availableHeight will keep increasing with successive calls of this method. If we can't
        // restore now, we wait for the next call.
        int availableHeight = (int) (mContentRawBounds.height() * mPositionToRestore.zoom);
        if (mRestorePositionRunnable != null) {
            mRestorePositionRunnable = null;

        if (availableHeight < mPositionToRestore.scrollY) {
            // Not enough height to restore now.
            return false;
        } else if (availableHeight < mPositionToRestore.scrollY + mViewport.height()) {
            // This is not a perfect restore, but might be the last call to this method, so we'll
            // never have a perfect restore. Schedule this restore for that case (and we'll cancel
            // it on the next method call if that happens).
            mRestorePositionRunnable =
                    () -> {
            mHandler.postDelayed(mRestorePositionRunnable, 200);
            return false;
        } else {
            // That's a perfect restore, do it.
            return true;

    /** Restores the given position and reports it. */
    private void restorePosition() {
        ZoomScroll restore = mPositionToRestore;
        mPositionToRestore = null;
        mRestorePositionRunnable = null;
        if (restore == null) {

        scrollTo(restore.scrollX, restore.scrollY);

    /** Attempt to restore to the given {@link ZoomScroll} as faithfully as possible. */
    public void attemptRestorePosition(@NonNull ZoomScroll position) {
        mPositionToRestore = position;

    protected boolean interceptGesture(@NonNull GestureTracker gestureTracker) {
        if (gestureTracker.matches(GestureTracker.Gesture.DOUBLE_TAP) && mDoubleTapEnabled) {
            // We have to send a CANCEL to any child that might track this gesture and would
            // otherwise think it was a single tap.
            final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(now, now, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            // NOTE: This works only with immediate child, not further down.
            return true;
        return gestureTracker.matches(GestureTracker.Gesture.DRAG, GestureTracker.Gesture.DRAG_X,
                GestureTracker.Gesture.DRAG_Y, GestureTracker.Gesture.ZOOM)
                || (mIsFling && gestureTracker.matches(GestureTracker.Gesture.TOUCH));

    /** Returns current padding in a Rect for easy comparison. */
    private Rect getPaddingRect() {
        return new Rect(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getPaddingRight(), getPaddingBottom());

    /** Different options for the initial zoom that this ZoomView should start with. */
    public static final class InitialZoomMode {
        /** Start with a constant initial zoom, as specified by {@link #setInitialZoom(float)}. */
        public static final int CONSTANT = 0;
        /** Start with a zoom that fits the content on the screen. */
        public static final int ZOOM_TO_FIT = 1;
        /** Start zoomed out as far as possible. */
        public static final int MIN_ZOOM = 2;
        /** Start zoomed in as far as possible. */
        public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 3;

    /** Different options for how this ZoomView should fit the content to the screen. */
    public static final class FitMode {
        /** Fit content to screen by fitting the entire width of the content on screen. */
        public static final int FIT_TO_WIDTH = 0;
        /** Fit content to screen by fitting the entire width of the content on screen. */
        public static final int FIT_TO_HEIGHT = 1;
        /** Fit entire content to screen by fitting both its width and height on screen. */
        public static final int FIT_TO_BOTH = 2;

    /** Different options for how the zoom should change or not change when screen rotates. */
    public static final class RotateMode {
        /** After device is rotated, keep the same zoom level as before the rotation. */
        public static final int KEEP_SAME_ZOOM = 0;
        /** When rotated, keep the same content visible between the left and right screen edges. */
        public static final int KEEP_SAME_VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 1;
        /** When rotated, keep the same content visible between the top and bottom screen edges. */
        public static final int KEEP_SAME_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 2;

    /** Different options for how the viewport should move when the content changes size. */
    public static final class ContentResizedMode {
        /** When content resizes, keep looking at the same absolute co-ordinates eg (10px, 20px). */
        public static final int KEEP_SAME_ABSOLUTE = 0;
        /** When content resizes, keep looking at the same relative position eg (25%, 50%). */
        public static final int KEEP_SAME_RELATIVE = 1;

     * The position (zoom and scroll) of the underlying view. Also indicates whether this position
     * is stable (i.e. not in the middle of a user gesture).
     * <p>An immutable object.
    public static final class ZoomScroll {

        private static final String KEY_SCROLL_X = "sx";
        private static final String KEY_SCROLL_Y = "sy";
        private static final String KEY_ZOOM = "z";

        public final float zoom;
        public final int scrollX;
        public final int scrollY;
        public final boolean stable;

        public ZoomScroll(float zoom, int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean stable) {
            this.zoom = zoom;
            this.scrollX = scrollX;
            this.scrollY = scrollY;
            this.stable = stable;

        /** Get ZoomScroll position from bundle. */
        public static ZoomScroll fromBundle(@androidx.annotation.NonNull Bundle bundle) {
            ZoomScroll position =
                    new ZoomScroll(
            return position;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format(
                    Locale.US, "Position: zoom: %.2f; scroll: %d, %d; ", zoom, scrollX, scrollY)
                    + (stable ? "(stable)" : "(transient)");

        /** Save and return ZoomScroll position in a Bundle object. */
        public Bundle asBundle() {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt(KEY_SCROLL_X, scrollX);
            bundle.putInt(KEY_SCROLL_Y, scrollY);
            bundle.putFloat(KEY_ZOOM, zoom);
            return bundle;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
                return false;
            ZoomScroll that = (ZoomScroll) obj;
            return this.scrollX == that.scrollX
                    && this.scrollY == that.scrollY
                    && this.stable == that.stable
                    && Float.floatToIntBits(this.zoom) == Float.floatToIntBits(that.zoom);

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = 1;
            result = 31 * result + scrollX;
            result = 31 * result + scrollY;
            result = 31 * result + (stable ? 1231 : 1237);
            result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(zoom);
            return result;

     * This Scroller applies relative changes to the View's scroll position ({@link View#scrollBy}),
     * so that it doesn't override any scroll change coming from another source (e.g. a
     * configuration change's layout pass).
    private static class RelativeScroller extends OverScroller {
        private int mPrevX;
        private int mPrevY;

        RelativeScroller(Context ctx) {

        private void reset() {
            mPrevX = mPrevY = 0;

        public void fling(int startX, int startY, int velocityX, int velocityY, int minX, int maxX,
                int minY, int maxY) {
            super.fling(0, 0, velocityX, velocityY, minX - startX, maxX - startX, minY - startY,
                    maxY - startY);

        public void fling(int startX, int startY, int velocityX, int velocityY, int minX, int maxX,
                int minY, int maxY, int overX, int overY) {
            super.fling(0, 0, velocityX, velocityY, minX - startX, maxX - startX, minY - startY,
                    maxY - startY, overX, overY);

        public void apply(View v) {
            int x = getCurrX() - mPrevX;
            int y = getCurrY() - mPrevY;
            v.scrollBy(x, y);
            mPrevX = getCurrX();
            mPrevY = getCurrY();

    /** Gesture handler. */
    protected final class ZoomGestureHandler extends GestureTracker.GestureHandler {

        /** The ratio of vertical to horizontal scroll that is assumed to be vertical only. */
        private static final float SCROLL_CORRECTION_RATIO = 1.5f;

        private static final int MAX_SCROLL_WINDOW_DP = 70;
        private static final int MIN_SCROLL_TO_SWITCH_DP = 30;
         * The multiplier to convert from a scale gesture's delta span, in pixels, to scale factor.
         * <p>The Android framework returns scale factors proportional to the ratio of {@code
         * currentSpan / prevSpan}. This is problematic because it results in scale factors that are
         * very large for small pixel spans, which is particularly problematic for quickScale
         * gestures, where the span pixel values can be small, but the ratio can yield very large
         * scale factors.
         * <p>Instead, we use this to ensure that pinching or quick scale dragging a certain
         * number of pixels always corresponds to a certain change in zoom. The equation that we've
         * found to work well is a delta span of the larger screen dimension should result in a
         * zoom change of 2x.
        protected final float mLinearScaleSpanMultiplier;
        /** The maximum scroll distance used to determine if the direction is vertical. */
        private final int mMaxScrollWindow;
        /** The smallest scroll distance that can switch mode to "free scrolling". */
        private final int mMinScrollToSwitch;
        /** Remember recent scroll events so we can examine the general direction. */
        private final Queue<PointF> mScrollQueue = new LinkedList<>();
        private boolean mShareScrollToLeft = true;
        private boolean mShareScrollToRight = true;
        private boolean mShareScrollToTop = false;
        private boolean mShareScrollToBottom = false;
        /** Are we correcting vertical scroll for the current gesture. */
        private boolean mStraightenCurrentVerticalScroll;
        private float mTotalX;
        private float mTotalY;

        protected ZoomGestureHandler(Screen screen) {
            mMaxScrollWindow = screen.pxFromDp(MAX_SCROLL_WINDOW_DP);
            mMinScrollToSwitch = screen.pxFromDp(MIN_SCROLL_TO_SWITCH_DP);
            int largestScreenDimensionPx = Math.max(screen.getHeightPx(), screen.getWidthPx());
            // A delta span of the screen dimension should correspond to a zoom of 2x.
            mLinearScaleSpanMultiplier = LINEAR_SCALE_ZOOM_FACTOR / largestScreenDimensionPx;

        protected void onGestureStart() {
            mOverScrollX = mOverScrollY = 0;

        public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
            int dx = Math.round(distanceX);
            int dy = Math.round(distanceY);

            if (mStraightenCurrentVerticalScroll) {
                // Remember a window of recent scroll events.
                mScrollQueue.offer(new PointF(distanceX, distanceY));
                mTotalX += distanceX;
                mTotalY += distanceY;

                // Only consider scroll direction for a certain window of scroll events.
                while (totalScrollLength() > mMaxScrollWindow && mScrollQueue.size() > 1) {
                    // Remove the oldest scroll event - it is too far away to determine scroll
                    // direction.
                    PointF oldest = mScrollQueue.poll();
                    mTotalY -= oldest.y;
                    mTotalX -= oldest.x;

                if (totalScrollLength() > mMinScrollToSwitch
                        && Math.abs(mTotalY / mTotalX) < SCROLL_CORRECTION_RATIO) {
                    mStraightenCurrentVerticalScroll = false;
                } else {
                    // Ignore the horizontal component of the scroll.
                    dx = 0;

            scrollBy(dx, dy);

            // For a pure scroll gesture (no zoom), if it reaches somewhat past an edge, pass the
            // gesture on to the parents.
            if (!mGestureTracker.matches(GestureTracker.Gesture.ZOOM)) {
                int axis =
                        Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY) ? MotionEvent.AXIS_X
                                : MotionEvent.AXIS_Y;
                if (shareOverscroll(axis, mOverScrollX, mOverScrollY)) {
                    // Scrolling past the bounds, so let the parent handle further scrolling if
                    // they want to.
                    return false;
            return true;

        public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
            if (mAllowParentToHandleScaleEvents
                    || ((mMinZoom == mMaxZoom) && (!mOverrideMinZoomToFit
                    && !mOverrideMaxZoomToFit))) {
                return false;
            mScaleInProgress = true;
            float rawScaleFactor = detector.getScaleFactor();
            float deltaSpan = Math.abs(detector.getCurrentSpan() - detector.getPreviousSpan());
            float scaleDelta = deltaSpan * mLinearScaleSpanMultiplier;
            float linearScaleFactor = rawScaleFactor >= 1.F ? 1.F + scaleDelta : 1.F - scaleDelta;
            float zoom = getZoom();
            float newZoom = constrainZoom(zoom * linearScaleFactor);

            if (newZoom != zoom) {
                setZoom(newZoom, detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
            return true;

        public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
            mScaleInProgress = false;

        protected void onGestureEnd(GestureTracker.Gesture gesture) {
            switch (gesture) {
                case ZOOM:
                case DRAG:
                case DRAG_Y:
                case DRAG_X:
                    // Double-tap is reported at the end of the animation. Nothing else. Keeps
                    // warning at bay.
            mTotalX = 0;
            mTotalY = 0;
            mStraightenCurrentVerticalScroll = mStraightenVerticalScroll;

        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
            // Assume a fling in a roughly vertical direction was meant to be exactly vertical.
            if (velocityY / velocityX > SCROLL_CORRECTION_RATIO) {
                velocityX = 0;

            if (mScaleInProgress) {
                // This fling is the end of a quick scale gesture. (Note, for pinch scale gestures,
                // scaleInProgress is set to false before onFling is called).
                float currentZoom = getZoom();
                int oldScrollX = getScrollX();
                int oldScrollY = getScrollY();
                float maxFlingVelocity =
                float velocityPercentY = velocityY / maxFlingVelocity;
                float zoomRange = getMaxZoom() - getMinZoom();
                float newZoom = constrainZoom(currentZoom + (velocityPercentY * zoomRange / 4.F));

                int newScrollX = oldScrollX;
                int newScrollY = oldScrollY;
                // Adjust new scroll positions due to changed zoom.
                newScrollX += ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(currentZoom, newZoom,
                newScrollY += ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(currentZoom, newZoom,

                // Constrain new scroll positions.
                newScrollX += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, newScrollX,
                newScrollY += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, newScrollY,

                        null /* updateListener */,
                        new DecelerateInterpolator());
                return true;

            int x = getScrollX();
            int y = getScrollY();
            Rect content = contentPosition();
            if (mViewport.contains(content)) {
                // content fits into the viewport: pan/fling are disabled.
                return true;

            int minX;
            int maxX;
            int minY;
            int maxY;
            if (content.width() < mViewport.width()) {
                minX = maxX = (content.width() - mViewport.width()) / 2;
            } else {
                minX = 0;
                maxX = Math.max(0, content.width() - mViewport.width());

            if (content.height() < mViewport.height()) {
                minY = maxY = (content.height() - mViewport.height()) / 2;
            } else {
                minY = 0;
                maxY = Math.max(0, content.height() - mViewport.height());

            mIsFling = true;
            mScroller.fling(x, y, (int) -velocityX, (int) -velocityY, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
            return true;

        public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
            if (!mDoubleTapEnabled || mMinZoom == mMaxZoom) {
                return false;
            // Cycles between fit-to-width and last saved zoom.
            float fitZoom = getUnconstrainedZoomToFit();
            if (fitZoom == 0 || Float.isInfinite(fitZoom) || Float.isNaN(fitZoom)) {
                // viewport not initialized yet maybe?
                return false;

            // The animation to change zoom states requires start and end values for zoom & scroll.
            float currentZoom = getZoom();
            int oldScrollX = getScrollX();
            int oldScrollY = getScrollY();

            float newZoom = constrainZoom(fitZoom);
            // Using 0.25f as the epsilons mean that double tapping is more likely to make a big
            // change the user doesn't want to go to the effort to double tap for it to change zoom
            // by 1%.
            if (MathUtils.almostEqual(newZoom, currentZoom, DOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM_EPSILON)) {
                newZoom = constrainZoom(newZoom * 2);
            if (MathUtils.almostEqual(newZoom, currentZoom, DOUBLE_TAP_ZOOM_EPSILON)) {
                newZoom = constrainZoom(1);

            int newScrollX = oldScrollX;
            int newScrollY = oldScrollY;
            // Adjust new scroll positions due to changed zoom.
            newScrollX += ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(currentZoom, newZoom, e.getX(),
            newScrollY += ZoomUtils.scrollDeltaNeededForZoomChange(currentZoom, newZoom, e.getY(),

            // Constrain new scroll positions.
            newScrollX += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, newScrollX,
            newScrollY += ZoomUtils.constrainCoordinate(newZoom, newScrollY,

            zoomScrollAnimated(newScrollX, newScrollY, newZoom, null /* updateListener */);
            return true;

        private float totalScrollLength() {
            // Do not need accuracy of correct hypotenuse calculation.
            return Math.abs(mTotalY) + Math.abs(mTotalX);

         * Returns whether we have to share the current scrolling gesture with our parent view. This
         * happens only when the gesture is mostly on the same axis as the considered overscroll.
         * @param axis        the main direction of the current move: one of
         *                    {@link MotionEvent#AXIS_X} or
         *                    {@link MotionEvent#AXIS_Y}
         * @param overScrollX the value in pixels that the gesture goes beyond the left or right
         *                    bounds
         * @param overScrollY the value in pixels that the gesture goes beyond the top or bottom
         *                    bounds
         * @return true if the gesture handling should be given up and sent to the parent view.
        private boolean shareOverscroll(int axis, int overScrollX, int overScrollY) {
            switch (axis) {
                case MotionEvent.AXIS_X:
                    return (mShareScrollToLeft && -overScrollX > OVERSCROLL_THRESHOLD)
                            || (mShareScrollToRight && overScrollX > OVERSCROLL_THRESHOLD);
                case MotionEvent.AXIS_Y:
                    return (mShareScrollToTop && -overScrollY > OVERSCROLL_THRESHOLD)
                            || (mShareScrollToBottom && overScrollY > OVERSCROLL_THRESHOLD);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Axis must be MotionEvent.AXIS_X or _Y " + axis);