public class


extends ViewGroup

implements ViewWithOverlays






Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


A View that can display a very large image (bitmap). Depending on the size at which it has to display, it will either load the whole bitmap and scale it up or down, or operate on a tile map of the bitmap and load the tiles that are visible, or both (use the whole-image bitmap as a backup for missing tiles).

When using tiling, the tiles (TileView) are laid out in pre-scaled pixels but drawn at post-scale pixels for full resolution.


protected floatmBaseZoom

The page zoom that was in effect during the last call to MosaicView.requestDrawAtZoom(float).

protected BitmapRecyclermBitmapRecycler

protected MosaicView.BitmapSourcemBitmapSource

protected TileBoardmTileBoard

protected final <any>mTiles

The tiles of this view, if applicable.

publicMosaicView(Context context)

publicMosaicView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

publicMosaicView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)

public voidaddOverlay(java.lang.String key, Drawable overlay)

public voidclearAllBitmaps()

Removes all the bitmaps (whole and tiles).

public voidclearTiles()

Clear the tiling for this view, reclaims the corresponding memory.

protected booleanclipAreaToPageSize(Rect scaledViewArea, Dimensions pageSize)

protected TileBoardcreateTileBoard(Dimensions viewSize)

protected voiddispatchDraw(Canvas canvas)

protected booleandrawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime)

public RectgetBounds()

public static intgetMaxTileSize(Context context)

Gets a conservative bound on the size of Bitmaps in order not to blow up something.

protected DimensionsgetPageDimensionsAtWidth(int width)

public RectgetViewArea()

Returns the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0) - (getWidth(), getHeight()).

public booleanhasBitmap()

Check if bitmap is null.

public booleanhasOverlay(java.lang.String key)

Check if the given key has an overlay.

public voidinit(Dimensions dimensions, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, MosaicView.BitmapSource bitmapSource)

Initializes this view by giving it more arguments that would fit in the standard constructors.

protected booleanneedTiling(int width)

protected voidonDraw(Canvas canvas)

protected voidonLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)

protected voidonMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)

public booleanonTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

public voidremoveOverlay(java.lang.String key)

Remove overlay corresponding to the given key.

public voidrequestDrawAtZoom(float zoom)

Updates this view to draw itself at the given width.

public voidrequestFastDrawAtZoom(float zoom)

Updates this view to draw itself quickly at the given width.

public voidrequestRedrawAreas(java.util.List<Rect> invalidRects)

Asks the view to redraw the requested areas.

public voidrequestTiles()

Request new tiles for an existing tiling.

protected voidsetBaseZoom(float zoom)

public voidsetFailure(java.lang.String message)

Set failure message.

public voidsetPageBitmap(Bitmap pageBitmap)

Set page bitmap.

public voidsetTileBitmap(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap tileBitmap)

Set tile bitmap.

public voidsetViewArea(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).

public voidsetViewArea(Rect viewArea)

Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


protected BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler

protected MosaicView.BitmapSource mBitmapSource

protected TileBoard mTileBoard

protected final <any> mTiles

The tiles of this view, if applicable. This is a type-safe and indexed replica of the children of this View.

protected float mBaseZoom

The page zoom that was in effect during the last call to MosaicView.requestDrawAtZoom(float).


public MosaicView(Context context)

public MosaicView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public MosaicView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)


public static int getMaxTileSize(Context context)

Gets a conservative bound on the size of Bitmaps in order not to blow up something. The returned number is a constant for this device (does not depend on rotations etc.). Used to use @code{GLES20.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE}, which is now deprecated.

public void init(Dimensions dimensions, BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler, MosaicView.BitmapSource bitmapSource)

Initializes this view by giving it more arguments that would fit in the standard constructors.


dimensions: the dimensions (in pixels of the raw drawing area (at zoom == 1)
bitmapRecycler: a BitmapRecycler instance for recycling bitmaps.
bitmapSource: the object used to request all bitmaps.

public Rect getBounds()

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

protected Dimensions getPageDimensionsAtWidth(int width)

public void addOverlay(java.lang.String key, Drawable overlay)

public boolean hasOverlay(java.lang.String key)

Check if the given key has an overlay.

public void removeOverlay(java.lang.String key)

Remove overlay corresponding to the given key.

public void setPageBitmap(Bitmap pageBitmap)

Set page bitmap.

public boolean hasBitmap()

Check if bitmap is null.

public void clearAllBitmaps()

Removes all the bitmaps (whole and tiles).

public void clearTiles()

Clear the tiling for this view, reclaims the corresponding memory.

protected void setBaseZoom(float zoom)

protected TileBoard createTileBoard(Dimensions viewSize)

public void setFailure(java.lang.String message)

Set failure message.

public void requestDrawAtZoom(float zoom)

Updates this view to draw itself at the given width. May include re-tiling and requesting new bitmaps for the whole page and / or tiles.


zoom: the zoom factor to be used for bitmaps.

public void requestRedrawAreas(java.util.List<Rect> invalidRects)

Asks the view to redraw the requested areas.

This is intended for areas that have already been rendered but whose content has changed since that time. It should not be used for normal changes handled by MosaicView such as changes to viewArea or zoom.

Areas will be redrawn to match the current state of the view, i.e. MosaicView.mRequestedWidth and MosaicView.mBounds and will use the same scaling logic as MosaicView.requestDrawAtZoom(float).

Only bitmaps that are currently held by this view will be replaced. If this view is not holding any bitmaps, for example, following MosaicView.clearAllBitmaps() or similar, no bitmaps will be requested. If the view is currently only using a page bitmap, only a page bitmap will be requested. If the view is using tiling, both the background page bitmap and any affected tiles will be requested.

public void requestFastDrawAtZoom(float zoom)

Updates this view to draw itself quickly at the given width. This is suitable for intermediate, transient drawing states as it limits the amount of assets required (i.e. no tiling).


zoom: the adequate zoom level for the required display.

protected boolean needTiling(int width)

public void setViewArea(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).

public void setViewArea(Rect viewArea)

Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).

public Rect getViewArea()

Returns the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates - so relative to (0, 0) - (getWidth(), getHeight()).

public void requestTiles()

Request new tiles for an existing tiling. Requires this view to be laid out. This will request tiles of the right detail according to the baseZoom (updated by MosaicView.requestDrawAtZoom(float)) and that cover the viewArea (updated by MosaicView.setViewArea(int, int, int, int)).

protected boolean clipAreaToPageSize(Rect scaledViewArea, Dimensions pageSize)

public void setTileBitmap(TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap tileBitmap)

Set tile bitmap.

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)

protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas)

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime)

public java.lang.String toString()


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.widget;

import static java.lang.Math.max;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.WindowManager;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.pdf.models.Dimensions;
import androidx.pdf.util.BitmapRecycler;
import androidx.pdf.util.Preconditions;
import androidx.pdf.util.RectUtils;
import androidx.pdf.util.TileBoard;
import androidx.pdf.util.overlays.ViewWithOverlays;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * A View that can display a very large image (bitmap). Depending on the size at which it has to
 * display, it will either load the whole bitmap and scale it up or down, or operate on a tile map
 * of the bitmap and load the tiles that are visible, or both (use the whole-image bitmap as a
 * backup for missing tiles).
 * <p>
 * When using tiling, the tiles ({@link TileView}) are laid out in pre-scaled pixels but drawn at
 * post-scale pixels for full resolution.
public class MosaicView extends ViewGroup implements ViewWithOverlays {

    static final String TAG = MosaicView.class.getSimpleName();

    private static final Matrix IDENTITY = new Matrix();

    /** The maximum size we want for any bitmap (limited by texture size and memory). */
    private final int mMaxBitmapSize;

    /** Cap on the whole-page bitmap size, when tiling is active. */
    private final int mMaxBgPageSize;

     * Overlays to be drawn in {@link #dispatchDraw(Canvas)}, keyed by Strings to
     * allow removing.
    private final Map<String, Drawable> mOverlays = new HashMap<>();

    private static final Paint WHITE_PAINT = new Paint() {{

    private static final Paint MESSAGE_PAINT = new Paint() {{

    static final Paint DEBUG_PAINT = new Paint() {{

    private static final Paint DITHER_BITMAP_PAINT = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);

     * Gets a conservative bound on the size of Bitmaps in order not to blow up something.
     * The returned number is a constant for this device (does not depend on rotations etc.).
     * Used to use @code{GLES20.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE}, which is now deprecated.
    public static int getMaxTileSize(@NonNull Context context) {
        WindowManager wm = context.getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
        Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
        Point dimPoint = new Point();
        int maxScreenDimension = max(dimPoint.x, dimPoint.y);
        return max(maxScreenDimension, 1024);

    /** The bounds of the image, which will define the measures of this view. */
    private final Rect mBounds = new Rect();

    protected BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler;

    protected BitmapSource mBitmapSource;

    protected TileBoard mTileBoard;

    private Bitmap mBitmap;

    private String mFailure;

     * The tiles of this view, if applicable. This is a type-safe and indexed replica of the
     * children of this View.
    protected final SparseArray<TileView> mTiles = new SparseArray<>();

    /** The page width that was requested in the last call to {@link #requestDrawAtZoom}. */
    private int mRequestedWidth;

    /** The page zoom that was in effect during the last call to {@link #requestDrawAtZoom}. */
    protected float mBaseZoom;

     * The portion of this view that is currently (or last we knew) exposed on the screen.
     * In the co-ordinates of this view - so if this entire view is visible, then viewArea will
     * contain the rect Rect(0, 0, getWidth, getHeight).
    private final Rect mViewArea = new Rect();

     * The viewArea, scaled up by the baseZoom - the zoom we were last requested to draw at.
     * So relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth() * baseZoom, getHeight() * baseZoom).
    private final Rect mScaledViewArea = new Rect();

    public MosaicView(@NonNull Context context) {

    public MosaicView(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public MosaicView(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        mMaxBitmapSize = getMaxTileSize(getContext());
        mMaxBgPageSize = mMaxBitmapSize / 2;

     * Initializes this view by giving it more arguments that would fit in the standard
     * constructors.
     * @param dimensions     the dimensions (in pixels of the raw drawing area (at zoom == 1)
     * @param bitmapRecycler a {@link BitmapRecycler} instance for recycling bitmaps.
     * @param bitmapSource   the object used to request all bitmaps.
    public void init(@NonNull Dimensions dimensions, @NonNull BitmapRecycler bitmapRecycler,
            @NonNull BitmapSource bitmapSource) {
        mBounds.set(0, 0, dimensions.getWidth(), dimensions.getHeight());
        this.mBitmapRecycler = bitmapRecycler;
        this.mBitmapSource = bitmapSource;

     * Broker of {@link Bitmap}s for this view. The requested bitmaps should be given back to this
     * view with {@link MosaicView#setPageBitmap} and {@link MosaicView#setTileBitmap}.
    public interface BitmapSource {

        /** Request to load the whole page bitmap at given {@link Dimensions}. */
        void requestPageBitmap(@NonNull Dimensions pageSize, boolean alsoRequestingTiles);

        /** Request to load new tiles at given {@link Dimensions}. */
        void requestNewTiles(@NonNull Dimensions pageSize,
                @NonNull Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> newTiles);

         * Cancel the request for a tile bitmap for given tile indices. This method will be called
         * by MosaicView when requested tiles are not needed anymore (have become stale). This may
         * mean that the entire tile board is now stale or just the given tiles in the tile board
         * are stale. This function is not expected to do a lot of processing.
        void cancelTiles(@NonNull Iterable<Integer> tileIds);

    public Rect getBounds() {
        return mBounds;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        return super.onTouchEvent(event);

    protected Dimensions getPageDimensionsAtWidth(int width) {
        int height = width * mBounds.height() / mBounds.width();
        return new Dimensions(width, height);

    public void addOverlay(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Drawable overlay) {
        mOverlays.put(key, overlay);

    /** Check if the given key has an overlay. */
    public boolean hasOverlay(@NonNull String key) {
        return mOverlays.get(key) != null;

    /** Remove overlay corresponding to the given key. */
    public void removeOverlay(@NonNull String key) {

    /** Set page bitmap. */
    public void setPageBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap pageBitmap) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(pageBitmap, "Use removePageBitmap() instead.");
        mFailure = null;
        mBitmap = pageBitmap;

    /** Check if bitmap is null. */
    public boolean hasBitmap() {
        return mBitmap != null;

    /** Removes all the bitmaps (whole and tiles). */
    public void clearAllBitmaps() {
        if (hasBitmap()) {
        mBitmap = null;
        mFailure = null;
        if (mTileBoard != null) {
        } else {
            Preconditions.checkState(getChildCount() == 0,
                    "Has Children with no TileBoard, e.g. " + getChildAt(0));
            Preconditions.checkState(mTiles.size() == 0, "Has TileViews with "
                    + "no TileBoard.");

    /** Clear the tiling for this view, reclaims the corresponding memory. */
    public void clearTiles() {
        if (mTileBoard != null) {
            mTileBoard = null;
            mBaseZoom = 0;

    /** Creates a new tiling for this view. */
    private void prepareTiles(Dimensions viewSize, float zoom) {
        TileBoard newBoard = createTileBoard(viewSize);
        if (mTileBoard != null) {
            float tileArea = (float) RectUtils.area(mBounds) / newBoard.numTiles();
            if (zoom > mBaseZoom && tileArea < 1) {
        mTileBoard = newBoard;

    protected void setBaseZoom(float zoom) {
        mBaseZoom = zoom;

    protected TileBoard createTileBoard(@NonNull Dimensions viewSize) {
        return new TileBoard(getId(), viewSize, mBitmapRecycler,
                new TileBoard.CancelTilesCallback() {
                    public void cancelTiles(Iterable<Integer> tileIds) {
                        StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder("[");
                        int count = 0;
                        for (Integer tileId : tileIds) {
                            log.append(", ");

     * Adds a tile for the given tileId and assigns it an id related to its index.
     * Since index == 0 is an acceptable value, we have to assign ids > 0.
    private void addTile(TileBoard.TileInfo tileId) {
        TileView tile = new TileView(getContext(), tileId);
        mTiles.append(tileId.getIndex(), tile);

    private TileView getTileByIndex(int index) {
        return mTiles.get(index);

    /** Set failure message. */
    public void setFailure(@NonNull String message) {
        mFailure = message;

     * Updates this view to draw itself at the given width. May include re-tiling and requesting new
     * bitmaps for the whole page and / or tiles.
     * @param zoom the zoom factor to be used for bitmaps.
    public void requestDrawAtZoom(float zoom) {
        mRequestedWidth = (int) (zoom * mBounds.width());
        boolean needTiling = needTiling(mRequestedWidth);
        int cappedWidth = getCappedWidth(needTiling);
        if (mBitmap == null || mBitmap.getWidth() != cappedWidth) {
            Dimensions pageSize = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(cappedWidth);
            mBitmapSource.requestPageBitmap(pageSize, /* alsoRequestingTiles= */ needTiling);

        if (needTiling) {
            if (mTileBoard == null || mTileBoard.needsTiles(mRequestedWidth)) {
                Dimensions pageSize = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(mRequestedWidth);
                prepareTiles(pageSize, zoom);
        } else {

     * Asks the view to redraw the requested areas.
     * <p>This is intended for areas that have already been rendered but whose <i>content</i> has
     * changed since that time. It should not be used for normal changes handled by MosaicView such
     * as changes to viewArea or zoom.
     * <p>Areas will be redrawn to match the current state of the view, i.e.
     * {@link #mRequestedWidth} and {@link #mBounds} and will use the same scaling logic as
     * {@link #requestDrawAtZoom(float)}.
     * <p>Only bitmaps that are currently held by this view will be replaced. If this view is not
     * holding any bitmaps, for example, following {@link #clearAllBitmaps()} or similar, no bitmaps
     * will be requested. If the view is currently only using a page bitmap, only a page bitmap will
     * be requested. If the view is using tiling, both the background page bitmap and any affected
     * tiles will be requested.
    public void requestRedrawAreas(final @NonNull List<Rect> invalidRects) {
        if (invalidRects == null || invalidRects.isEmpty()) {

        boolean needTiling = needTiling(mRequestedWidth);

        if (mBitmap != null) {
            int cappedWidth = getCappedWidth(needTiling);
            if (cappedWidth > 0) {
                Dimensions pageSize = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(cappedWidth);
                mBitmapSource.requestPageBitmap(pageSize, /* alsoRequestingTiles= */ needTiling);

        if (needTiling && mTileBoard != null) {
            final List<TileBoard.TileInfo> affectedTiles =
            final Dimensions scaledBounds = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(mRequestedWidth);
            mBitmapSource.requestNewTiles(scaledBounds, affectedTiles);

     * Get the capped width of the page bitmap based on whether or not tiling is being used.
     * <p>If invalid (non-positive), logs the error. Also, throws a {@link RuntimeException} if
     * running a dev build.
    private int getCappedWidth(boolean needTiling) {
        int cappedWidth =
                        ? limitBitmapWidth(mRequestedWidth, mMaxBgPageSize)
                        : limitBitmapWidth(mRequestedWidth, mMaxBitmapSize);
        if (cappedWidth <= 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid width %s", cappedWidth));
        return cappedWidth;

    /** Determines the current zoom of this view and scales {@code unscaled} accordingly. */
    private List<Rect> scaleRects(List<Rect> unscaled) {
        float zoom = ((float) mRequestedWidth) / ((float) mBounds.width());

        List<Rect> scaled = new ArrayList<>(unscaled.size());
        for (Rect rect : unscaled) {
            int scaledLeft = (int) (rect.left * zoom);
            int scaledTop = (int) ( * zoom);
            int scaledRight = (int) (rect.right * zoom);
            int scaledBottom = (int) (rect.bottom * zoom);
            scaled.add(new Rect(scaledLeft, scaledTop, scaledRight, scaledBottom));
        return scaled;

     * Updates this view to draw itself quickly at the given width. This is suitable for
     * intermediate, transient drawing states as it limits the amount of assets required
     * (i.e. no tiling).
     * @param zoom the adequate zoom level for the required display.
    public void requestFastDrawAtZoom(float zoom) {
        if (mBitmap == null) {
            mRequestedWidth = (int) (zoom * mBounds.width());
            int cappedWidth = limitBitmapWidth(mRequestedWidth, mMaxBgPageSize);
            if (cappedWidth <= 0) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        String.format("Invalid width cap:%s z:%s", cappedWidth, zoom));
            } else {
                Dimensions pageSize = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(cappedWidth);
                mBitmapSource.requestPageBitmap(pageSize, /* alsoRequestingTiles= */ false);

    protected boolean needTiling(int width) {
        return width > limitBitmapWidth(width, mMaxBitmapSize);

     * Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates -
     * so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).
    public void setViewArea(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        mViewArea.set(left, top, right, bottom);
        if (!mViewArea.intersect(0, 0, mBounds.width(), mBounds.height())) {
            // Modifies viewArea.

     * Updates the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates -
     * so relative to (0, 0)-(getWidth(), getHeight()).
    public void setViewArea(@NonNull Rect viewArea) {
        setViewArea(viewArea.left,, viewArea.right, viewArea.bottom);

     * Returns the portion of this View that is visible on the screen, in this View's coordinates -
     * so relative to (0, 0) - (getWidth(), getHeight()).
    public Rect getViewArea() {
        return mViewArea;

     * Request new tiles for an existing tiling. Requires this view to be laid out. This will
     * request tiles of the right detail according to the baseZoom (updated by
     * {@link #requestDrawAtZoom}) and that cover the viewArea (updated by {@link #setViewArea}).
    public void requestTiles() {
        if (mTileBoard == null) {

        final Dimensions scaledBounds = getPageDimensionsAtWidth(mRequestedWidth);

        RectUtils.scale(mScaledViewArea, mBaseZoom);
        // viewArea is already clipped to bounds, but we also clip scaledViewArea to scaledBounds.
        // Otherwise it might be slightly outside scaledBounds due to rounding errors.
        if (!clipAreaToPageSize(mScaledViewArea, scaledBounds)) {

        if (!mScaledViewArea.isEmpty()) {
            updateViewArea(mScaledViewArea, new TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback() {

                public void requestNewTiles(Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> newTiles) {
                    mBitmapSource.requestNewTiles(scaledBounds, newTiles);

                public void discardTiles(Iterable<Integer> tileIds) {
                    // These tiles have already been created there is no point in telling the
                    // bitmap source to cancel its request. Thus this is no-op.

    protected boolean clipAreaToPageSize(@NonNull Rect scaledViewArea,
            @NonNull Dimensions pageSize) {
        return scaledViewArea.intersect(0, 0, pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());

    private boolean updateViewArea(Rect scaledViewArea,
            final TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback callback) {
        return mTileBoard.updateViewArea(scaledViewArea, new TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback() {

            public void requestNewTiles(Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> newTiles) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                int count = 0;
                for (TileBoard.TileInfo tileId : newTiles) {
                    if (getTileByIndex(tileId.getIndex()) == null) {
                        sb.append(tileId.getIndex()).append(", ");

            public void discardTiles(Iterable<Integer> tileIds) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                int count = 0;
                for (int k : tileIds) {
                    TileView tv = getTileByIndex(k);
                    sb.append(k).append(", ");
                    if (tv != null) {

    /** Set tile bitmap. */
    public void setTileBitmap(@NonNull TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, @NonNull Bitmap tileBitmap) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(tileBitmap, "Use removePageBitmap() instead.");
        if (mTileBoard != null && mTileBoard.setTile(tileInfo, tileBitmap)) {
            TileView tile = getTileByIndex(tileInfo.getIndex());
            if (tile != null) {
                tile.setBitmap(tileInfo, tileBitmap);
        } else {

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        setMeasuredDimension(mBounds.width(), mBounds.height());
        int count = mTiles.size();
        if (count != 0) {
            float scale = (float) mBounds.width() / mRequestedWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                TileView tv = mTiles.valueAt(i);
                Dimensions size = tv.mTileInfo.getSize();
                tv.measure((int) Math.ceil(size.getWidth() * scale),
                        (int) Math.ceil(size.getHeight() * scale));

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        int count = mTiles.size();
        if (count != 0) {
            float scale = (float) getWidth() / mRequestedWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                TileView tv = mTiles.valueAt(i);
                Rect bounds = RectUtils.scale(tv.mTileInfo.getBounds(), scale);
                tv.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);

    protected void onDraw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) {
        // No tiling: draw the page bitmap or a white page.
        if (mBitmap != null) {
            float scale = (float) getWidth() / mBitmap.getWidth();
            canvas.scale(scale, scale);
            canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, IDENTITY, DITHER_BITMAP_PAINT);
        } else if (mFailure != null) {
            canvas.drawText(mFailure, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 - 10,
        } else {
            canvas.drawRect(mBounds, WHITE_PAINT);

    protected void dispatchDraw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) {
        for (Drawable overlay : mOverlays.values()) {
            if (overlay != null) {

    protected boolean drawChild(@NonNull Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
        TileView tile = (TileView) child;;
        float scale = (float) getWidth() / mTileBoard.mBounds.getWidth();
        canvas.scale(scale, scale);
        Point offset = tile.getOffset();
        canvas.translate(offset.x, offset.y);
        return true;

    private int limitBitmapWidth(int requestedWidth, int maxSize) {
        return min(requestedWidth, maxSize, mBounds.width() * maxSize / mBounds.height());

    private String getLogTag() {
        return TAG + getId();

    private static int min(int a, int b, int c) {
        return Math.min(Math.min(a, b), c);

    public String toString() {
        return getLogTag() + String.format(" bg: %s /t: %s",
                (mBitmap != null ? mBitmap.getWidth() : "x"),
                (mTileBoard != null ? mTileBoard.toString() : "no tiles"));