public class


extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager

implements RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.ScrollVectorProvider




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.recyclerview', name: 'recyclerview', version: '1.3.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.recyclerview
  • artifactId: recyclerview
  • version: 1.3.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.3.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



A LayoutManager that lays out children in a staggered grid formation. It supports horizontal & vertical layout as well as an ability to layout children in reverse.

Staggered grids are likely to have gaps at the edges of the layout. To avoid these gaps, StaggeredGridLayoutManager can offset spans independently or move items between spans. You can control this behavior via StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setGapStrategy(int).


public static final intGAP_HANDLING_LAZY


When scroll state is changed to RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, StaggeredGrid will check if there are gaps in the because of full span items.

public static final intGAP_HANDLING_NONE

Does not do anything to hide gaps.

public static final intHORIZONTAL

public static final intVERTICAL

publicStaggeredGridLayoutManager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)

Constructor used when layout manager is set in XML by RecyclerView attribute "layoutManager".

publicStaggeredGridLayoutManager(int spanCount, int orientation)

Creates a StaggeredGridLayoutManager with given parameters.

public voidassertNotInLayoutOrScroll(java.lang.String message)

Checks if RecyclerView is in the middle of a layout or scroll and throws an java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is.

public booleancanScrollHorizontally()

Query if horizontal scrolling is currently supported.

public booleancanScrollVertically()

Query if vertical scrolling is currently supported.

public booleancheckLayoutParams(RecyclerView.LayoutParams lp)

Determines the validity of the supplied LayoutParams object.

public voidcollectAdjacentPrefetchPositions(int dx, int dy, RecyclerView.State state, RecyclerView.LayoutManager.LayoutPrefetchRegistry layoutPrefetchRegistry)

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public PointFcomputeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition)

public intcomputeVerticalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public intcomputeVerticalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public intcomputeVerticalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

public int[]findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the first completely visible view for each span.

public int[]findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the first visible view for each span.

public int[]findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the last completely visible view for each span.

public int[]findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the last visible view for each span.

public abstract RecyclerView.LayoutParamsgenerateDefaultLayoutParams()

Create a default LayoutParams object for a child of the RecyclerView.

public RecyclerView.LayoutParamsgenerateLayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs)

Create a LayoutParams object suitable for this LayoutManager from an inflated layout resource.

public RecyclerView.LayoutParamsgenerateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp)

Create a LayoutParams object suitable for this LayoutManager, copying relevant values from the supplied LayoutParams object if possible.

public intgetGapStrategy()

Returns the current gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

public intgetOrientation()

public booleangetReverseLayout()

Returns whether views are laid out in reverse order or not.

public intgetSpanCount()

Returns the number of spans laid out by StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

public voidinvalidateSpanAssignments()

For consistency, StaggeredGridLayoutManager keeps a mapping between spans and items.

public booleanisAutoMeasureEnabled()

Returns whether the measuring pass of layout should use the AutoMeasure mechanism of RecyclerView or if it should be done by the LayoutManager's implementation of RecyclerView.LayoutManager.

public voidoffsetChildrenHorizontal(int dx)

Offset all child views attached to the parent RecyclerView by dx pixels along the horizontal axis.

public voidoffsetChildrenVertical(int dy)

Offset all child views attached to the parent RecyclerView by dy pixels along the vertical axis.

public voidonAdapterChanged(RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter)

Called if the RecyclerView this LayoutManager is bound to has a different adapter set via RecyclerView.setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter) or RecyclerView.swapAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter, boolean).

public voidonDetachedFromWindow(RecyclerView view, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler)

Called when this LayoutManager is detached from its parent RecyclerView or when its parent RecyclerView is detached from its window.

public ViewonFocusSearchFailed(View focused, int direction, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Called when searching for a focusable view in the given direction has failed for the current content of the RecyclerView.

public voidonInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event)

public voidonItemsAdded(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount)

Called when items have been added to the adapter.

public voidonItemsChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView)

Called in response to a call to RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() or RecyclerView.swapAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter, boolean) ()} and signals that the the entire data set has changed.

public voidonItemsMoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int from, int to, int itemCount)

Called when an item is moved withing the adapter.

public voidonItemsRemoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount)

Called when items have been removed from the adapter.

public voidonItemsUpdated(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount, java.lang.Object payload)

Called when items have been changed in the adapter and with optional payload.

public voidonLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Lay out all relevant child views from the given adapter.

public voidonLayoutCompleted(RecyclerView.State state)

Called after a full layout calculation is finished.

public voidonRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

Called when the RecyclerView is ready to restore the state based on a previous RecyclerView.

public ParcelableonSaveInstanceState()

Called when the LayoutManager should save its state.

public voidonScrollStateChanged(int state)

RecyclerView calls this method to notify LayoutManager that scroll state has changed.

public intscrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Scroll horizontally by dx pixels in screen coordinates and return the distance traveled.

public voidscrollToPosition(int position)

Scroll to the specified adapter position.

public voidscrollToPositionWithOffset(int position, int offset)

Scroll to the specified adapter position with the given offset from layout start.

public intscrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Scroll vertically by dy pixels in screen coordinates and return the distance traveled.

public voidsetGapStrategy(int gapStrategy)

Sets the gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

public voidsetMeasuredDimension(Rect childrenBounds, int wSpec, int hSpec)

Sets the measured dimensions from the given bounding box of the children and the measurement specs that were passed into RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int).

public voidsetOrientation(int orientation)

Sets the orientation of the layout.

public voidsetReverseLayout(boolean reverseLayout)

Sets whether LayoutManager should start laying out items from the end of the UI.

public voidsetSpanCount(int spanCount)

Sets the number of spans for the layout.

public voidsmoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state, int position)

Smooth scroll to the specified adapter position.

public booleansupportsPredictiveItemAnimations()

Returns whether this LayoutManager supports "predictive item animations".

from RecyclerView.LayoutManageraddDisappearingView, addDisappearingView, addView, addView, assertInLayoutOrScroll, attachView, attachView, attachView, calculateItemDecorationsForChild, chooseSize, collectInitialPrefetchPositions, detachAndScrapAttachedViews, detachAndScrapView, detachAndScrapViewAt, detachView, detachViewAt, endAnimation, findContainingItemView, findViewByPosition, getBaseline, getBottomDecorationHeight, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildMeasureSpec, getChildMeasureSpec, getClipToPadding, getColumnCountForAccessibility, getDecoratedBottom, getDecoratedBoundsWithMargins, getDecoratedLeft, getDecoratedMeasuredHeight, getDecoratedMeasuredWidth, getDecoratedRight, getDecoratedTop, getFocusedChild, getHeight, getHeightMode, getItemCount, getItemViewType, getLayoutDirection, getLeftDecorationWidth, getMinimumHeight, getMinimumWidth, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingEnd, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingStart, getPaddingTop, getPosition, getProperties, getRightDecorationWidth, getRowCountForAccessibility, getSelectionModeForAccessibility, getTopDecorationHeight, getTransformedBoundingBox, getWidth, getWidthMode, hasFocus, ignoreView, isAttachedToWindow, isFocused, isItemPrefetchEnabled, isLayoutHierarchical, isMeasurementCacheEnabled, isSmoothScrolling, isViewPartiallyVisible, layoutDecorated, layoutDecoratedWithMargins, measureChild, measureChildWithMargins, moveView, onAddFocusables, onAttachedToWindow, onDetachedFromWindow, onInitializeAccessibilityEvent, onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo, onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoForItem, onInterceptFocusSearch, onItemsUpdated, onMeasure, onRequestChildFocus, onRequestChildFocus, performAccessibilityAction, performAccessibilityActionForItem, postOnAnimation, removeAllViews, removeAndRecycleAllViews, removeAndRecycleView, removeAndRecycleViewAt, removeCallbacks, removeDetachedView, removeView, removeViewAt, requestChildRectangleOnScreen, requestChildRectangleOnScreen, requestLayout, requestSimpleAnimationsInNextLayout, setAutoMeasureEnabled, setItemPrefetchEnabled, setMeasuredDimension, setMeasurementCacheEnabled, startSmoothScroll, stopIgnoringView
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int HORIZONTAL

public static final int VERTICAL

public static final int GAP_HANDLING_NONE

Does not do anything to hide gaps.

public static final int GAP_HANDLING_LAZY

Deprecated: No longer supported.


When scroll state is changed to RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, StaggeredGrid will check if there are gaps in the because of full span items. If it finds, it will re-layout and move items to correct positions with animations.

For example, if LayoutManager ends up with the following layout due to adapter changes:


It will animate to the following state:



public StaggeredGridLayoutManager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)

Constructor used when layout manager is set in XML by RecyclerView attribute "layoutManager". Defaults to single column and vertical.

public StaggeredGridLayoutManager(int spanCount, int orientation)

Creates a StaggeredGridLayoutManager with given parameters.


spanCount: If orientation is vertical, spanCount is number of columns. If orientation is horizontal, spanCount is number of rows.
orientation: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL or StaggeredGridLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL


public boolean isAutoMeasureEnabled()

Returns whether the measuring pass of layout should use the AutoMeasure mechanism of RecyclerView or if it should be done by the LayoutManager's implementation of RecyclerView.LayoutManager.

This method returns false by default (it actually returns the value passed to the deprecated RecyclerView.LayoutManager.setAutoMeasureEnabled(boolean)) and should be overridden to return true if a LayoutManager wants to be auto measured by the RecyclerView.

If this method is overridden to return true, RecyclerView.LayoutManager should not be overridden.

AutoMeasure is a RecyclerView mechanism that handles the measuring pass of layout in a simple and contract satisfying way, including the wrapping of children laid out by LayoutManager. Simply put, it handles wrapping children by calling RecyclerView.LayoutManager during a call to RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int), and then calculating desired dimensions based on children's dimensions and positions. It does this while supporting all existing animation capabilities of the RecyclerView.

More specifically:

  1. When RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int) is called, if the provided measure specs both have a mode of , RecyclerView will set its measured dimensions accordingly and return, allowing layout to continue as normal (Actually, RecyclerView will call RecyclerView.LayoutManager for backwards compatibility reasons but it should not be overridden if AutoMeasure is being used).
  2. If one of the layout specs is not EXACT, the RecyclerView will start the layout process. It will first process all pending Adapter updates and then decide whether to run a predictive layout. If it decides to do so, it will first call RecyclerView.LayoutManager with RecyclerView.State.isPreLayout() set to true. At this stage, RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getWidth() and RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getHeight() will still return the width and height of the RecyclerView as of the last layout calculation.

    After handling the predictive case, RecyclerView will call RecyclerView.LayoutManager with RecyclerView.State.isMeasuring() set to true and RecyclerView.State.isPreLayout() set to false. The LayoutManager can access the measurement specs via RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getHeight(), RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getHeightMode(), RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getWidth() and RecyclerView.LayoutManager.getWidthMode().

  3. After the layout calculation, RecyclerView sets the measured width & height by calculating the bounding box for the children (+ RecyclerView's padding). The LayoutManagers can override RecyclerView.LayoutManager.setMeasuredDimension(Rect, int, int) to choose different values. For instance, GridLayoutManager overrides this value to handle the case where if it is vertical and has 3 columns but only 2 items, it should still measure its width to fit 3 items, not 2.
  4. Any following calls to RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int) will run RecyclerView.LayoutManager with RecyclerView.State.isMeasuring() set to true and RecyclerView.State.isPreLayout() set to false. RecyclerView will take care of which views are actually added / removed / moved / changed for animations so that the LayoutManager should not worry about them and handle each RecyclerView.LayoutManager call as if it is the last one.
  5. When measure is complete and RecyclerView's RecyclerView.onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) method is called, RecyclerView checks whether it already did layout calculations during the measure pass and if so, it re-uses that information. It may still decide to call RecyclerView.LayoutManager if the last measure spec was different from the final dimensions or adapter contents have changed between the measure call and the layout call.
  6. Finally, animations are calculated and run as usual.


True if the measuring pass of layout should use the AutoMeasure mechanism of RecyclerView or False if it should be done by the LayoutManager's implementation of RecyclerView.LayoutManager.

See also: RecyclerView.LayoutManager.setMeasuredDimension(Rect, int, int), RecyclerView.LayoutManager

public void onScrollStateChanged(int state)

RecyclerView calls this method to notify LayoutManager that scroll state has changed.


state: The new scroll state for RecyclerView

public void onDetachedFromWindow(RecyclerView view, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler)

Called when this LayoutManager is detached from its parent RecyclerView or when its parent RecyclerView is detached from its window.

LayoutManager should clear all of its View references as another LayoutManager might be assigned to the RecyclerView.

If the RecyclerView is re-attached with the same LayoutManager and Adapter, it may not call RecyclerView.LayoutManager if nothing has changed and a layout was not requested on the RecyclerView while it was detached.

If your LayoutManager has View references that it cleans in on-detach, it should also call RecyclerView.requestLayout() to ensure that it is re-laid out when RecyclerView is re-attached.

Subclass implementations should always call through to the superclass implementation.


view: The RecyclerView this LayoutManager is bound to
recycler: The recycler to use if you prefer to recycle your children instead of keeping them around.

See also: RecyclerView.LayoutManager.onAttachedToWindow(RecyclerView)

public void setSpanCount(int spanCount)

Sets the number of spans for the layout. This will invalidate all of the span assignments for Views.

Calling this method will automatically result in a new layout request unless the spanCount parameter is equal to current span count.


spanCount: Number of spans to layout

public void setOrientation(int orientation)

Sets the orientation of the layout. StaggeredGridLayoutManager will do its best to keep scroll position if this method is called after views are laid out.


orientation: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL or StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL

public void setReverseLayout(boolean reverseLayout)

Sets whether LayoutManager should start laying out items from the end of the UI. The order items are traversed is not affected by this call.

For vertical layout, if it is set to true, first item will be at the bottom of the list.

For horizontal layouts, it depends on the layout direction. When set to true, If RecyclerView is LTR, than it will layout from RTL, if RecyclerView} is RTL, it will layout from LTR.


reverseLayout: Whether layout should be in reverse or not

public int getGapStrategy()

Returns the current gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

Staggered grid may have gaps in the layout due to changes in the adapter. To avoid gaps, StaggeredGridLayoutManager provides 2 options. Check StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_NONE and StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS for details.

By default, StaggeredGridLayoutManager uses StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS.


Current gap handling strategy.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setGapStrategy(int), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_NONE, StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS

public void setGapStrategy(int gapStrategy)

Sets the gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager. If the gapStrategy parameter is different than the current strategy, calling this method will trigger a layout request.


gapStrategy: The new gap handling strategy. Should be StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS or StaggeredGridLayoutManager.GAP_HANDLING_NONE.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.getGapStrategy()

public void assertNotInLayoutOrScroll(java.lang.String message)

Checks if RecyclerView is in the middle of a layout or scroll and throws an java.lang.IllegalStateException if it is.


message: The message for the exception. Can be null.

See also: RecyclerView.LayoutManager.assertInLayoutOrScroll(String)

public int getSpanCount()

Returns the number of spans laid out by StaggeredGridLayoutManager.


Number of spans in the layout

public void invalidateSpanAssignments()

For consistency, StaggeredGridLayoutManager keeps a mapping between spans and items.

If you need to cancel current assignments, you can call this method which will clear all assignments and request a new layout.

public boolean getReverseLayout()

Returns whether views are laid out in reverse order or not.

Not that this value is not affected by RecyclerView's layout direction.


True if layout is reversed, false otherwise

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean)

public void setMeasuredDimension(Rect childrenBounds, int wSpec, int hSpec)

Sets the measured dimensions from the given bounding box of the children and the measurement specs that were passed into RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int). It is only called if a LayoutManager returns true from RecyclerView.LayoutManager.isAutoMeasureEnabled() and it is called after the RecyclerView calls RecyclerView.LayoutManager in the execution of RecyclerView.onMeasure(int, int).

This method must call RecyclerView.LayoutManager.setMeasuredDimension(int, int).

The default implementation adds the RecyclerView's padding to the given bounding box then caps the value to be within the given measurement specs.


childrenBounds: The bounding box of all children
wSpec: The widthMeasureSpec that was passed into the RecyclerView.
hSpec: The heightMeasureSpec that was passed into the RecyclerView.

See also: RecyclerView.LayoutManager.isAutoMeasureEnabled(), RecyclerView.LayoutManager.setMeasuredDimension(int, int)

public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Lay out all relevant child views from the given adapter. The LayoutManager is in charge of the behavior of item animations. By default, RecyclerView has a non-null ItemAnimator, and simple item animations are enabled. This means that add/remove operations on the adapter will result in animations to add new or appearing items, removed or disappearing items, and moved items. If a LayoutManager returns false from RecyclerView.LayoutManager.supportsPredictiveItemAnimations(), which is the default, and runs a normal layout operation during RecyclerView.LayoutManager, the RecyclerView will have enough information to run those animations in a simple way. For example, the default ItemAnimator, DefaultItemAnimator, will simply fade views in and out, whether they are actually added/removed or whether they are moved on or off the screen due to other add/remove operations.

A LayoutManager wanting a better item animation experience, where items can be animated onto and off of the screen according to where the items exist when they are not on screen, then the LayoutManager should return true from RecyclerView.LayoutManager.supportsPredictiveItemAnimations() and add additional logic to RecyclerView.LayoutManager. Supporting predictive animations means that RecyclerView.LayoutManager will be called twice; once as a "pre" layout step to determine where items would have been prior to a real layout, and again to do the "real" layout. In the pre-layout phase, items will remember their pre-layout positions to allow them to be laid out appropriately. Also, removed items will be returned from the scrap to help determine correct placement of other items. These removed items should not be added to the child list, but should be used to help calculate correct positioning of other views, including views that were not previously onscreen (referred to as APPEARING views), but whose pre-layout offscreen position can be determined given the extra information about the pre-layout removed views.

The second layout pass is the real layout in which only non-removed views will be used. The only additional requirement during this pass is, if RecyclerView.LayoutManager.supportsPredictiveItemAnimations() returns true, to note which views exist in the child list prior to layout and which are not there after layout (referred to as DISAPPEARING views), and to position/layout those views appropriately, without regard to the actual bounds of the RecyclerView. This allows the animation system to know the location to which to animate these disappearing views.

The default LayoutManager implementations for RecyclerView handle all of these requirements for animations already. Clients of RecyclerView can either use one of these layout managers directly or look at their implementations of onLayoutChildren() to see how they account for the APPEARING and DISAPPEARING views.


recycler: Recycler to use for fetching potentially cached views for a position
state: Transient state of RecyclerView

public void onAdapterChanged(RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter)

Called if the RecyclerView this LayoutManager is bound to has a different adapter set via RecyclerView.setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter) or RecyclerView.swapAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter, boolean). The LayoutManager may use this opportunity to clear caches and configure state such that it can relayout appropriately with the new data and potentially new view types.

The default implementation removes all currently attached views.


oldAdapter: The previous adapter instance. Will be null if there was previously no adapter.
newAdapter: The new adapter instance. Might be null if RecyclerView.setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter) is called with null.

public void onLayoutCompleted(RecyclerView.State state)

Called after a full layout calculation is finished. The layout calculation may include multiple RecyclerView.LayoutManager calls due to animations or layout measurement but it will include only one RecyclerView.LayoutManager call. This method will be called at the end of View call.

This is a good place for the LayoutManager to do some cleanup like pending scroll position, saved state etc.


state: Transient state of RecyclerView

public boolean supportsPredictiveItemAnimations()

Returns whether this LayoutManager supports "predictive item animations".

"Predictive item animations" are automatically created animations that show where items came from, and where they are going to, as items are added, removed, or moved within a layout.

A LayoutManager wishing to support predictive item animations must override this method to return true (the default implementation returns false) and must obey certain behavioral contracts outlined in RecyclerView.LayoutManager.

Whether item animations actually occur in a RecyclerView is actually determined by both the return value from this method and the ItemAnimator set on the RecyclerView itself. If the RecyclerView has a non-null ItemAnimator but this method returns false, then only "simple item animations" will be enabled in the RecyclerView, in which views whose position are changing are simply faded in/out. If the RecyclerView has a non-null ItemAnimator and this method returns true, then predictive item animations will be enabled in the RecyclerView.


true if this LayoutManager supports predictive item animations, false otherwise.

public int[] findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the first visible view for each span.

Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal. (StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean)). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter, not in the layout.

If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.

StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those views are ignored in this method.


into: An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will create a new one.


The adapter position of the first visible item in each span. If a span does not have any items, RecyclerView.NO_POSITION is returned for that span.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[]), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[])

public int[] findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the first completely visible view for each span.

Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal. (StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean)). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter, not in the layout.

If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.

StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those views are ignored in this method.


into: An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will create a new one.


The adapter position of the first fully visible item in each span. If a span does not have any items, RecyclerView.NO_POSITION is returned for that span.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[]), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[])

public int[] findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the last visible view for each span.

Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal. (StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean)). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter, not in the layout.

If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.

StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those views are ignored in this method.


into: An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will create a new one.


The adapter position of the last visible item in each span. If a span does not have any items, RecyclerView.NO_POSITION is returned for that span.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[]), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[])

public int[] findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into[])

Returns the adapter position of the last completely visible view for each span.

Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal. (StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean)). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter, not in the layout.

If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.

StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those views are ignored in this method.


into: An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will create a new one.


The adapter position of the last fully visible item in each span. If a span does not have any items, RecyclerView.NO_POSITION is returned for that span.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[]), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[])

public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollOffset() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current State of RecyclerView where you can find total item count


The horizontal offset of the scrollbar's thumb

See also: RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollOffset()

public int computeVerticalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollOffset() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current State of RecyclerView where you can find total item count


The vertical offset of the scrollbar's thumb

See also: RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollOffset()

public int computeHorizontalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollExtent() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current state of RecyclerView


The horizontal extent of the scrollbar's thumb

See also: RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollExtent()

public int computeVerticalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollExtent() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current state of RecyclerView


The vertical extent of the scrollbar's thumb

See also: RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollExtent()

public int computeHorizontalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollRange() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current State of RecyclerView where you can find total item count


The total horizontal range represented by the vertical scrollbar

See also: RecyclerView.computeHorizontalScrollRange()

public int computeVerticalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state)

Override this method if you want to support scroll bars.

Read RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollRange() for details.

Default implementation returns 0.


state: Current State of RecyclerView where you can find total item count


The total vertical range represented by the vertical scrollbar

See also: RecyclerView.computeVerticalScrollRange()

public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

Called when the RecyclerView is ready to restore the state based on a previous RecyclerView. Notice that this might happen after an actual layout, based on how Adapter prefers to restore State. See RecyclerView.Adapter.getStateRestorationPolicy() for more information.


state: The parcelable that was returned by the previous LayoutManager's RecyclerView.LayoutManager.onSaveInstanceState() method.

public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState()

Called when the LayoutManager should save its state. This is a good time to save your scroll position, configuration and anything else that may be required to restore the same layout state if the LayoutManager is recreated.

RecyclerView does NOT verify if the LayoutManager has changed between state save and restore. This will let you share information between your LayoutManagers but it is also your responsibility to make sure they use the same parcelable class.


Necessary information for LayoutManager to be able to restore its state

public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event)

public void offsetChildrenHorizontal(int dx)

Offset all child views attached to the parent RecyclerView by dx pixels along the horizontal axis.


dx: Pixels to offset by

public void offsetChildrenVertical(int dy)

Offset all child views attached to the parent RecyclerView by dy pixels along the vertical axis.


dy: Pixels to offset by

public void onItemsRemoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount)

Called when items have been removed from the adapter.

public void onItemsAdded(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount)

Called when items have been added to the adapter. The LayoutManager may choose to requestLayout if the inserted items would require refreshing the currently visible set of child views. (e.g. currently empty space would be filled by appended items, etc.)

public void onItemsChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView)

Called in response to a call to RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() or RecyclerView.swapAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter, boolean) ()} and signals that the the entire data set has changed.

public void onItemsMoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int from, int to, int itemCount)

Called when an item is moved withing the adapter.

Note that, an item may also change position in response to another ADD/REMOVE/MOVE operation. This callback is only called if and only if RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyItemMoved(int, int) is called.

public void onItemsUpdated(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount, java.lang.Object payload)

Called when items have been changed in the adapter and with optional payload. Default implementation calls RecyclerView.LayoutManager.onItemsUpdated(RecyclerView, int, int).

public boolean canScrollVertically()

Query if vertical scrolling is currently supported. The default implementation returns false.


True if this LayoutManager can scroll the current contents vertically

public boolean canScrollHorizontally()

Query if horizontal scrolling is currently supported. The default implementation returns false.


True if this LayoutManager can scroll the current contents horizontally

public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Scroll horizontally by dx pixels in screen coordinates and return the distance traveled. The default implementation does nothing and returns 0.


dx: distance to scroll by in pixels. X increases as scroll position approaches the right.
recycler: Recycler to use for fetching potentially cached views for a position
state: Transient state of RecyclerView


The actual distance scrolled. The return value will be negative if dx was negative and scrolling proceeeded in that direction. Math.abs(result) may be less than dx if a boundary was reached.

public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Scroll vertically by dy pixels in screen coordinates and return the distance traveled. The default implementation does nothing and returns 0.


dy: distance to scroll in pixels. Y increases as scroll position approaches the bottom.
recycler: Recycler to use for fetching potentially cached views for a position
state: Transient state of RecyclerView


The actual distance scrolled. The return value will be negative if dy was negative and scrolling proceeeded in that direction. Math.abs(result) may be less than dy if a boundary was reached.

public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition)

public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state, int position)

Smooth scroll to the specified adapter position.

To support smooth scrolling, override this method, create your RecyclerView.SmoothScroller instance and call RecyclerView.LayoutManager.


recyclerView: The RecyclerView to which this layout manager is attached
state: Current State of RecyclerView
position: Scroll to this adapter position.

public void scrollToPosition(int position)

Scroll to the specified adapter position. Actual position of the item on the screen depends on the LayoutManager implementation.


position: Scroll to this adapter position.

public void scrollToPositionWithOffset(int position, int offset)

Scroll to the specified adapter position with the given offset from layout start.

Note that scroll position change will not be reflected until the next layout call.

If you are just trying to make a position visible, use StaggeredGridLayoutManager.scrollToPosition(int).


position: Index (starting at 0) of the reference item.
offset: The distance (in pixels) between the start edge of the item view and start edge of the RecyclerView.

See also: StaggeredGridLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(boolean), StaggeredGridLayoutManager.scrollToPosition(int)

public void collectAdjacentPrefetchPositions(int dx, int dy, RecyclerView.State state, RecyclerView.LayoutManager.LayoutPrefetchRegistry layoutPrefetchRegistry)

public abstract RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams()

Create a default LayoutParams object for a child of the RecyclerView.

LayoutManagers will often want to use a custom LayoutParams type to store extra information specific to the layout. Client code should subclass RecyclerView.LayoutParams for this purpose.

Important: if you use your own custom LayoutParams type you must also override RecyclerView.LayoutManager, RecyclerView.LayoutManager and RecyclerView.LayoutManager.


A new LayoutParams for a child view

public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs)

Create a LayoutParams object suitable for this LayoutManager from an inflated layout resource.

Important: if you use your own custom LayoutParams type you must also override RecyclerView.LayoutManager, RecyclerView.LayoutManager and RecyclerView.LayoutManager.


c: Context for obtaining styled attributes
attrs: AttributeSet describing the supplied arguments


a new LayoutParams object

public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp)

Create a LayoutParams object suitable for this LayoutManager, copying relevant values from the supplied LayoutParams object if possible.

Important: if you use your own custom LayoutParams type you must also override RecyclerView.LayoutManager, RecyclerView.LayoutManager and RecyclerView.LayoutManager.


lp: Source LayoutParams object to copy values from


a new LayoutParams object

public boolean checkLayoutParams(RecyclerView.LayoutParams lp)

Determines the validity of the supplied LayoutParams object.

This should check to make sure that the object is of the correct type and all values are within acceptable ranges. The default implementation returns true for non-null params.


lp: LayoutParams object to check


true if this LayoutParams object is valid, false otherwise

public int getOrientation()

public View onFocusSearchFailed(View focused, int direction, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state)

Called when searching for a focusable view in the given direction has failed for the current content of the RecyclerView.

This is the LayoutManager's opportunity to populate views in the given direction to fulfill the request if it can. The LayoutManager should attach and return the view to be focused, if a focusable view in the given direction is found. Otherwise, if all the existing (or the newly populated views) are unfocusable, it returns the next unfocusable view to become visible on the screen. This unfocusable view is typically the first view that's either partially or fully out of RV's padded bounded area in the given direction. The default implementation returns null.


focused: The currently focused view
direction: One of View, View, View, View, View, View or 0 for not applicable
recycler: The recycler to use for obtaining views for currently offscreen items
state: Transient state of RecyclerView


The chosen view to be focused if a focusable view is found, otherwise an unfocusable view to become visible onto the screen, else null.


 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.recyclerview.widget;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;

 * A LayoutManager that lays out children in a staggered grid formation.
 * It supports horizontal & vertical layout as well as an ability to layout children in reverse.
 * <p>
 * Staggered grids are likely to have gaps at the edges of the layout. To avoid these gaps,
 * StaggeredGridLayoutManager can offset spans independently or move items between spans. You can
 * control this behavior via {@link #setGapStrategy(int)}.
public class StaggeredGridLayoutManager extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager implements
        RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.ScrollVectorProvider {

    private static final String TAG = "StaggeredGridLManager";

    static final boolean DEBUG = false;

    public static final int HORIZONTAL = RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL;

    public static final int VERTICAL = RecyclerView.VERTICAL;

     * Does not do anything to hide gaps.
    public static final int GAP_HANDLING_NONE = 0;

     * @deprecated No longer supported.
    public static final int GAP_HANDLING_LAZY = 1;

     * When scroll state is changed to {@link RecyclerView#SCROLL_STATE_IDLE}, StaggeredGrid will
     * check if there are gaps in the because of full span items. If it finds, it will re-layout
     * and move items to correct positions with animations.
     * <p>
     * For example, if LayoutManager ends up with the following layout due to adapter changes:
     * <pre>
     * AAA
     * _BC
     * DDD
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * It will animate to the following state:
     * <pre>
     * AAA
     * BC_
     * DDD
     * </pre>
    public static final int GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS = 2;

    static final int INVALID_OFFSET = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
     * While trying to find next view to focus, LayoutManager will not try to scroll more
     * than this factor times the total space of the list. If layout is vertical, total space is the
     * height minus padding, if layout is horizontal, total space is the width minus padding.
    private static final float MAX_SCROLL_FACTOR = 1 / 3f;

     * Number of spans
    private int mSpanCount = -1;

    Span[] mSpans;

     * Primary orientation is the layout's orientation, secondary orientation is the orientation
     * for spans. Having both makes code much cleaner for calculations.
    OrientationHelper mPrimaryOrientation;
    OrientationHelper mSecondaryOrientation;

    private int mOrientation;

     * The width or height per span, depending on the orientation.
    private int mSizePerSpan;

    private final LayoutState mLayoutState;

    boolean mReverseLayout = false;

     * Aggregated reverse layout value that takes RTL into account.
    boolean mShouldReverseLayout = false;

     * Temporary variable used during fill method to check which spans needs to be filled.
    private BitSet mRemainingSpans;

     * When LayoutManager needs to scroll to a position, it sets this variable and requests a
     * layout which will check this variable and re-layout accordingly.
    int mPendingScrollPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;

     * Used to keep the offset value when {@link #scrollToPositionWithOffset(int, int)} is
     * called.
    int mPendingScrollPositionOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;

     * Keeps the mapping between the adapter positions and spans. This is necessary to provide
     * a consistent experience when user scrolls the list.
    LazySpanLookup mLazySpanLookup = new LazySpanLookup();

     * how we handle gaps in UI.
    private int mGapStrategy = GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS;

     * Saved state needs this information to properly layout on restore.
    private boolean mLastLayoutFromEnd;

     * Saved state and onLayout needs this information to re-layout properly
    private boolean mLastLayoutRTL;

     * SavedState is not handled until a layout happens. This is where we keep it until next
     * layout.
    private SavedState mPendingSavedState;

     * Re-used measurement specs. updated by onLayout.
    private int mFullSizeSpec;

     * Re-used rectangle to get child decor offsets.
    private final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect();

     * Re-used anchor info.
    private final AnchorInfo mAnchorInfo = new AnchorInfo();

     * If a full span item is invalid / or created in reverse direction; it may create gaps in
     * the UI. While laying out, if such case is detected, we set this flag.
     * <p>
     * After scrolling stops, we check this flag and if it is set, re-layout.
    private boolean mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan = false;

     * Works the same way as {@link android.widget.AbsListView#setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(boolean)}.
     * see {@link android.widget.AbsListView#setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(boolean)}
    private boolean mSmoothScrollbarEnabled = true;

     * Temporary array used (solely in {@link #collectAdjacentPrefetchPositions}) for stashing and
     * sorting distances to views being prefetched.
    private int[] mPrefetchDistances;

    private final Runnable mCheckForGapsRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

     * Constructor used when layout manager is set in XML by RecyclerView attribute
     * "layoutManager". Defaults to single column and vertical.
    public StaggeredGridLayoutManager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr,
            int defStyleRes) {
        Properties properties = getProperties(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
        mLayoutState = new LayoutState();

     * Creates a StaggeredGridLayoutManager with given parameters.
     * @param spanCount   If orientation is vertical, spanCount is number of columns. If
     *                    orientation is horizontal, spanCount is number of rows.
     * @param orientation {@link #VERTICAL} or {@link #HORIZONTAL}
    public StaggeredGridLayoutManager(int spanCount, int orientation) {
        mOrientation = orientation;
        mLayoutState = new LayoutState();

    public boolean isAutoMeasureEnabled() {
        return mGapStrategy != GAP_HANDLING_NONE;

    private void createOrientationHelpers() {
        mPrimaryOrientation = OrientationHelper.createOrientationHelper(this, mOrientation);
        mSecondaryOrientation = OrientationHelper
                .createOrientationHelper(this, 1 - mOrientation);

     * Checks for gaps in the UI that may be caused by adapter changes.
     * <p>
     * When a full span item is laid out in reverse direction, it sets a flag which we check when
     * scroll is stopped (or re-layout happens) and re-layout after first valid item.
    boolean checkForGaps() {
        if (getChildCount() == 0 || mGapStrategy == GAP_HANDLING_NONE || !isAttachedToWindow()) {
            return false;
        final int minPos, maxPos;
        if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
            minPos = getLastChildPosition();
            maxPos = getFirstChildPosition();
        } else {
            minPos = getFirstChildPosition();
            maxPos = getLastChildPosition();
        if (minPos == 0) {
            View gapView = hasGapsToFix();
            if (gapView != null) {
                return true;
        if (!mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan) {
            return false;
        int invalidGapDir = mShouldReverseLayout ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_START : LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
        final LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem invalidFsi = mLazySpanLookup
                .getFirstFullSpanItemInRange(minPos, maxPos + 1, invalidGapDir, true);
        if (invalidFsi == null) {
            mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan = false;
            mLazySpanLookup.forceInvalidateAfter(maxPos + 1);
            return false;
        final LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem validFsi = mLazySpanLookup
                .getFirstFullSpanItemInRange(minPos, invalidFsi.mPosition,
                        invalidGapDir * -1, true);
        if (validFsi == null) {
        } else {
            mLazySpanLookup.forceInvalidateAfter(validFsi.mPosition + 1);
        return true;

    public void onScrollStateChanged(int state) {
        if (state == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {

    public void onDetachedFromWindow(RecyclerView view, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler) {
        super.onDetachedFromWindow(view, recycler);

        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
        // SGLM will require fresh layout call to recover state after detach

     * Checks for gaps if we've reached to the top of the list.
     * <p>
     * Intermediate gaps created by full span items are tracked via mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan field.
    View hasGapsToFix() {
        int startChildIndex = 0;
        int endChildIndex = getChildCount() - 1;
        BitSet mSpansToCheck = new BitSet(mSpanCount);
        mSpansToCheck.set(0, mSpanCount, true);

        final int firstChildIndex, childLimit;
        final int preferredSpanDir = mOrientation == VERTICAL && isLayoutRTL() ? 1 : -1;

        if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
            firstChildIndex = endChildIndex;
            childLimit = startChildIndex - 1;
        } else {
            firstChildIndex = startChildIndex;
            childLimit = endChildIndex + 1;
        final int nextChildDiff = firstChildIndex < childLimit ? 1 : -1;
        for (int i = firstChildIndex; i != childLimit; i += nextChildDiff) {
            View child = getChildAt(i);
            LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            if (mSpansToCheck.get(lp.mSpan.mIndex)) {
                if (checkSpanForGap(lp.mSpan)) {
                    return child;
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                continue; // quick reject

            if (i + nextChildDiff != childLimit) {
                View nextChild = getChildAt(i + nextChildDiff);
                boolean compareSpans = false;
                if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
                    // ensure child's end is below nextChild's end
                    int myEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
                    int nextEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(nextChild);
                    if (myEnd < nextEnd) {
                        return child; //i should have a better position
                    } else if (myEnd == nextEnd) {
                        compareSpans = true;
                } else {
                    int myStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child);
                    int nextStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(nextChild);
                    if (myStart > nextStart) {
                        return child; //i should have a better position
                    } else if (myStart == nextStart) {
                        compareSpans = true;
                if (compareSpans) {
                    // equal, check span indices.
                    LayoutParams nextLp = (LayoutParams) nextChild.getLayoutParams();
                    if (lp.mSpan.mIndex - nextLp.mSpan.mIndex < 0 != preferredSpanDir < 0) {
                        return child;
        // everything looks good
        return null;

    private boolean checkSpanForGap(Span span) {
        if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
            if (span.getEndLine() < mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()) {
                // if it is full span, it is OK
                final View endView = span.mViews.get(span.mViews.size() - 1);
                final LayoutParams lp = span.getLayoutParams(endView);
                return !lp.mFullSpan;
        } else if (span.getStartLine() > mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding()) {
            // if it is full span, it is OK
            final View startView = span.mViews.get(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = span.getLayoutParams(startView);
            return !lp.mFullSpan;
        return false;

     * Sets the number of spans for the layout. This will invalidate all of the span assignments
     * for Views.
     * <p>
     * Calling this method will automatically result in a new layout request unless the spanCount
     * parameter is equal to current span count.
     * @param spanCount Number of spans to layout
    public void setSpanCount(int spanCount) {
        if (spanCount != mSpanCount) {
            mSpanCount = spanCount;
            mRemainingSpans = new BitSet(mSpanCount);
            mSpans = new Span[mSpanCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                mSpans[i] = new Span(i);

     * Sets the orientation of the layout. StaggeredGridLayoutManager will do its best to keep
     * scroll position if this method is called after views are laid out.
     * @param orientation {@link #HORIZONTAL} or {@link #VERTICAL}
    public void setOrientation(int orientation) {
        if (orientation != HORIZONTAL && orientation != VERTICAL) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid orientation.");
        if (orientation == mOrientation) {
        mOrientation = orientation;
        OrientationHelper tmp = mPrimaryOrientation;
        mPrimaryOrientation = mSecondaryOrientation;
        mSecondaryOrientation = tmp;

     * Sets whether LayoutManager should start laying out items from the end of the UI. The order
     * items are traversed is not affected by this call.
     * <p>
     * For vertical layout, if it is set to <code>true</code>, first item will be at the bottom of
     * the list.
     * <p>
     * For horizontal layouts, it depends on the layout direction.
     * When set to true, If {@link RecyclerView} is LTR, than it will layout from RTL, if
     * {@link RecyclerView}} is RTL, it will layout from LTR.
     * @param reverseLayout Whether layout should be in reverse or not
    public void setReverseLayout(boolean reverseLayout) {
        if (mPendingSavedState != null && mPendingSavedState.mReverseLayout != reverseLayout) {
            mPendingSavedState.mReverseLayout = reverseLayout;
        mReverseLayout = reverseLayout;

     * Returns the current gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager.
     * <p>
     * Staggered grid may have gaps in the layout due to changes in the adapter. To avoid gaps,
     * StaggeredGridLayoutManager provides 2 options. Check {@link #GAP_HANDLING_NONE} and
     * {@link #GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS} for details.
     * <p>
     * By default, StaggeredGridLayoutManager uses {@link #GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS}.
     * @return Current gap handling strategy.
     * @see #setGapStrategy(int)
     * @see #GAP_HANDLING_NONE
    public int getGapStrategy() {
        return mGapStrategy;

     * Sets the gap handling strategy for StaggeredGridLayoutManager. If the gapStrategy parameter
     * is different than the current strategy, calling this method will trigger a layout request.
     * @param gapStrategy The new gap handling strategy. Should be
     *                    {@link #GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS} or {@link
     *                    #GAP_HANDLING_NONE}.
     * @see #getGapStrategy()
    public void setGapStrategy(int gapStrategy) {
        if (gapStrategy == mGapStrategy) {
        if (gapStrategy != GAP_HANDLING_NONE
                && gapStrategy != GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid gap strategy. Must be GAP_HANDLING_NONE "
                    + "or GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS");
        mGapStrategy = gapStrategy;

    public void assertNotInLayoutOrScroll(String message) {
        if (mPendingSavedState == null) {

     * Returns the number of spans laid out by StaggeredGridLayoutManager.
     * @return Number of spans in the layout
    public int getSpanCount() {
        return mSpanCount;

     * For consistency, StaggeredGridLayoutManager keeps a mapping between spans and items.
     * <p>
     * If you need to cancel current assignments, you can call this method which will clear all
     * assignments and request a new layout.
    public void invalidateSpanAssignments() {

     * Calculates the views' layout order. (e.g. from end to start or start to end)
     * RTL layout support is applied automatically. So if layout is RTL and
     * {@link #getReverseLayout()} is {@code true}, elements will be laid out starting from left.
    private void resolveShouldLayoutReverse() {
        // A == B is the same result, but we rather keep it readable
        if (mOrientation == VERTICAL || !isLayoutRTL()) {
            mShouldReverseLayout = mReverseLayout;
        } else {
            mShouldReverseLayout = !mReverseLayout;

    boolean isLayoutRTL() {
        return getLayoutDirection() == ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;

     * Returns whether views are laid out in reverse order or not.
     * <p>
     * Not that this value is not affected by RecyclerView's layout direction.
     * @return True if layout is reversed, false otherwise
     * @see #setReverseLayout(boolean)
    public boolean getReverseLayout() {
        return mReverseLayout;

    public void setMeasuredDimension(Rect childrenBounds, int wSpec, int hSpec) {
        // we don't like it to wrap content in our non-scroll direction.
        final int width, height;
        final int horizontalPadding = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
        final int verticalPadding = getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
        if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
            final int usedHeight = childrenBounds.height() + verticalPadding;
            height = chooseSize(hSpec, usedHeight, getMinimumHeight());
            width = chooseSize(wSpec, mSizePerSpan * mSpanCount + horizontalPadding,
        } else {
            final int usedWidth = childrenBounds.width() + horizontalPadding;
            width = chooseSize(wSpec, usedWidth, getMinimumWidth());
            height = chooseSize(hSpec, mSizePerSpan * mSpanCount + verticalPadding,
        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
        onLayoutChildren(recycler, state, true);

    public void onAdapterChanged(@Nullable RecyclerView.Adapter oldAdapter,
            @Nullable RecyclerView.Adapter newAdapter) {
        // RV will remove all views so we should clear all spans and assignments of views into spans
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {

    private void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
            boolean shouldCheckForGaps) {
        final AnchorInfo anchorInfo = mAnchorInfo;
        if (mPendingSavedState != null || mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
            if (state.getItemCount() == 0) {

        boolean recalculateAnchor = !anchorInfo.mValid || mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
                || mPendingSavedState != null;
        if (recalculateAnchor) {
            if (mPendingSavedState != null) {
            } else {
                anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout;
            updateAnchorInfoForLayout(state, anchorInfo);
            anchorInfo.mValid = true;
        if (mPendingSavedState == null && mPendingScrollPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
            if (anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd != mLastLayoutFromEnd
                    || isLayoutRTL() != mLastLayoutRTL) {
                anchorInfo.mInvalidateOffsets = true;

        if (getChildCount() > 0 && (mPendingSavedState == null
                || mPendingSavedState.mSpanOffsetsSize < 1)) {
            if (anchorInfo.mInvalidateOffsets) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                    // Scroll to position is set, clear.
                    if (anchorInfo.mOffset != INVALID_OFFSET) {
            } else {
                if (recalculateAnchor || mAnchorInfo.mSpanReferenceLines == null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                        final Span span = mSpans[i];
        mLayoutState.mRecycle = false;
        mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan = false;
        updateLayoutState(anchorInfo.mPosition, state);
        if (anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd) {
            // Layout start.
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);
            // Layout end.
            mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = anchorInfo.mPosition + mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);
        } else {
            // Layout end.
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);
            // Layout start.
            mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = anchorInfo.mPosition + mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);


        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
                fixEndGap(recycler, state, true);
                fixStartGap(recycler, state, false);
            } else {
                fixStartGap(recycler, state, true);
                fixEndGap(recycler, state, false);
        boolean hasGaps = false;
        if (shouldCheckForGaps && !state.isPreLayout()) {
            final boolean needToCheckForGaps = mGapStrategy != GAP_HANDLING_NONE
                    && getChildCount() > 0
                    && (mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan || hasGapsToFix() != null);
            if (needToCheckForGaps) {
                if (checkForGaps()) {
                    hasGaps = true;
        if (state.isPreLayout()) {
        mLastLayoutFromEnd = anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd;
        mLastLayoutRTL = isLayoutRTL();
        if (hasGaps) {
            onLayoutChildren(recycler, state, false);

    public void onLayoutCompleted(RecyclerView.State state) {
        mPendingScrollPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
        mPendingScrollPositionOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
        mPendingSavedState = null; // we don't need this anymore

    private void repositionToWrapContentIfNecessary() {
        if (mSecondaryOrientation.getMode() == View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
            return; // nothing to do
        float maxSize = 0;
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            View child = getChildAt(i);
            float size = mSecondaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(child);
            if (size < maxSize) {
            LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            if (layoutParams.isFullSpan()) {
                size = 1f * size / mSpanCount;
            maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, size);
        int before = mSizePerSpan;
        int desired = Math.round(maxSize * mSpanCount);
        if (mSecondaryOrientation.getMode() == View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
            desired = Math.min(desired, mSecondaryOrientation.getTotalSpace());
        if (mSizePerSpan == before) {
            return; // nothing has changed
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            View child = getChildAt(i);
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
            if (isLayoutRTL() && mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                int newOffset = -(mSpanCount - 1 - lp.mSpan.mIndex) * mSizePerSpan;
                int prevOffset = -(mSpanCount - 1 - lp.mSpan.mIndex) * before;
                child.offsetLeftAndRight(newOffset - prevOffset);
            } else {
                int newOffset = lp.mSpan.mIndex * mSizePerSpan;
                int prevOffset = lp.mSpan.mIndex * before;
                if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                    child.offsetLeftAndRight(newOffset - prevOffset);
                } else {
                    child.offsetTopAndBottom(newOffset - prevOffset);

    private void applyPendingSavedState(AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "found saved state: " + mPendingSavedState);
        if (mPendingSavedState.mSpanOffsetsSize > 0) {
            if (mPendingSavedState.mSpanOffsetsSize == mSpanCount) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                    int line = mPendingSavedState.mSpanOffsets[i];
                    if (line != Span.INVALID_LINE) {
                        if (mPendingSavedState.mAnchorLayoutFromEnd) {
                            line += mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
                        } else {
                            line += mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
            } else {
                mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition = mPendingSavedState.mVisibleAnchorPosition;
        mLastLayoutRTL = mPendingSavedState.mLastLayoutRTL;

        if (mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
            mPendingScrollPosition = mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition;
            anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = mPendingSavedState.mAnchorLayoutFromEnd;
        } else {
            anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout;
        if (mPendingSavedState.mSpanLookupSize > 1) {
            mLazySpanLookup.mData = mPendingSavedState.mSpanLookup;
            mLazySpanLookup.mFullSpanItems = mPendingSavedState.mFullSpanItems;

    void updateAnchorInfoForLayout(RecyclerView.State state, AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
        if (updateAnchorFromPendingData(state, anchorInfo)) {
        if (updateAnchorFromChildren(state, anchorInfo)) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Deciding anchor info from fresh state");
        anchorInfo.mPosition = 0;

    private boolean updateAnchorFromChildren(RecyclerView.State state, AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
        // We don't recycle views out of adapter order. This way, we can rely on the first or
        // last child as the anchor position.
        // Layout direction may change but we should select the child depending on the latest
        // layout direction. Otherwise, we'll choose the wrong child.
        anchorInfo.mPosition = mLastLayoutFromEnd
                ? findLastReferenceChildPosition(state.getItemCount())
                : findFirstReferenceChildPosition(state.getItemCount());
        anchorInfo.mOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
        return true;

    boolean updateAnchorFromPendingData(RecyclerView.State state, AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
        // Validate scroll position if exists.
        if (state.isPreLayout() || mPendingScrollPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
            return false;
        // Validate it.
        if (mPendingScrollPosition < 0 || mPendingScrollPosition >= state.getItemCount()) {
            mPendingScrollPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            mPendingScrollPositionOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
            return false;

        if (mPendingSavedState == null || mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
                || mPendingSavedState.mSpanOffsetsSize < 1) {
            // If item is visible, make it fully visible.
            final View child = findViewByPosition(mPendingScrollPosition);
            if (child != null) {
                // Use regular anchor position, offset according to pending offset and target
                // child
                anchorInfo.mPosition = mShouldReverseLayout ? getLastChildPosition()
                        : getFirstChildPosition();
                if (mPendingScrollPositionOffset != INVALID_OFFSET) {
                    if (anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd) {
                        final int target = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()
                                - mPendingScrollPositionOffset;
                        anchorInfo.mOffset = target - mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
                    } else {
                        final int target = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding()
                                + mPendingScrollPositionOffset;
                        anchorInfo.mOffset = target - mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child);
                    return true;

                // no offset provided. Decide according to the child location
                final int childSize = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(child);
                if (childSize > mPrimaryOrientation.getTotalSpace()) {
                    // Item does not fit. Fix depending on layout direction.
                    anchorInfo.mOffset = anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd
                            ? mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()
                            : mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
                    return true;

                final int startGap = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child)
                        - mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
                if (startGap < 0) {
                    anchorInfo.mOffset = -startGap;
                    return true;
                final int endGap = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()
                        - mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
                if (endGap < 0) {
                    anchorInfo.mOffset = endGap;
                    return true;
                // child already visible. just layout as usual
                anchorInfo.mOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
            } else {
                // Child is not visible. Set anchor coordinate depending on in which direction
                // child will be visible.
                anchorInfo.mPosition = mPendingScrollPosition;
                if (mPendingScrollPositionOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) {
                    final int position = calculateScrollDirectionForPosition(
                    anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = position == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
                } else {
                anchorInfo.mInvalidateOffsets = true;
        } else {
            anchorInfo.mOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
            anchorInfo.mPosition = mPendingScrollPosition;
        return true;

    void updateMeasureSpecs(int totalSpace) {
        mSizePerSpan = totalSpace / mSpanCount;
        //noinspection ResourceType
        mFullSizeSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                totalSpace, mSecondaryOrientation.getMode());

    public boolean supportsPredictiveItemAnimations() {
        return mPendingSavedState == null;

     * Returns the adapter position of the first visible view for each span.
     * <p>
     * Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal.
     * ({@link #setReverseLayout(boolean)}). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter,
     * not in the layout.
     * <p>
     * If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.
     * <p>
     * StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those
     * views are ignored in this method.
     * @param into An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will
     *             create a new one.
     * @return The adapter position of the first visible item in each span. If a span does not have
     * any items, {@link RecyclerView#NO_POSITION} is returned for that span.
     * @see #findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[])
     * @see #findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[])
    public int[] findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[] into) {
        if (into == null) {
            into = new int[mSpanCount];
        } else if (into.length < mSpanCount) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided int[]'s size must be more than or equal"
                    + " to span count. Expected:" + mSpanCount + ", array size:" + into.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            into[i] = mSpans[i].findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
        return into;

     * Returns the adapter position of the first completely visible view for each span.
     * <p>
     * Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal.
     * ({@link #setReverseLayout(boolean)}). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter,
     * not in the layout.
     * <p>
     * If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.
     * <p>
     * StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those
     * views are ignored in this method.
     * @param into An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will
     *             create a new one.
     * @return The adapter position of the first fully visible item in each span. If a span does
     * not have any items, {@link RecyclerView#NO_POSITION} is returned for that span.
     * @see #findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[])
     * @see #findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[])
    public int[] findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into) {
        if (into == null) {
            into = new int[mSpanCount];
        } else if (into.length < mSpanCount) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided int[]'s size must be more than or equal"
                    + " to span count. Expected:" + mSpanCount + ", array size:" + into.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            into[i] = mSpans[i].findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
        return into;

     * Returns the adapter position of the last visible view for each span.
     * <p>
     * Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal.
     * ({@link #setReverseLayout(boolean)}). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter,
     * not in the layout.
     * <p>
     * If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.
     * <p>
     * StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those
     * views are ignored in this method.
     * @param into An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will
     *             create a new one.
     * @return The adapter position of the last visible item in each span. If a span does not have
     * any items, {@link RecyclerView#NO_POSITION} is returned for that span.
     * @see #findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[])
     * @see #findFirstVisibleItemPositions(int[])
    public int[] findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[] into) {
        if (into == null) {
            into = new int[mSpanCount];
        } else if (into.length < mSpanCount) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided int[]'s size must be more than or equal"
                    + " to span count. Expected:" + mSpanCount + ", array size:" + into.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            into[i] = mSpans[i].findLastVisibleItemPosition();
        return into;

     * Returns the adapter position of the last completely visible view for each span.
     * <p>
     * Note that, this value is not affected by layout orientation or item order traversal.
     * ({@link #setReverseLayout(boolean)}). Views are sorted by their positions in the adapter,
     * not in the layout.
     * <p>
     * If RecyclerView has item decorators, they will be considered in calculations as well.
     * <p>
     * StaggeredGridLayoutManager may pre-cache some views that are not necessarily visible. Those
     * views are ignored in this method.
     * @param into An array to put the results into. If you don't provide any, LayoutManager will
     *             create a new one.
     * @return The adapter position of the last fully visible item in each span. If a span does not
     * have any items, {@link RecyclerView#NO_POSITION} is returned for that span.
     * @see #findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[])
     * @see #findLastVisibleItemPositions(int[])
    public int[] findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(int[] into) {
        if (into == null) {
            into = new int[mSpanCount];
        } else if (into.length < mSpanCount) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided int[]'s size must be more than or equal"
                    + " to span count. Expected:" + mSpanCount + ", array size:" + into.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            into[i] = mSpans[i].findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
        return into;

    public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollOffset(state);

    private int computeScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0;
        return ScrollbarHelper.computeScrollOffset(state, mPrimaryOrientation,
                this, mSmoothScrollbarEnabled, mShouldReverseLayout);

    public int computeVerticalScrollOffset(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollOffset(state);

    public int computeHorizontalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollExtent(state);

    private int computeScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0;
        return ScrollbarHelper.computeScrollExtent(state, mPrimaryOrientation,
                this, mSmoothScrollbarEnabled);

    public int computeVerticalScrollExtent(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollExtent(state);

    public int computeHorizontalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollRange(state);

    private int computeScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0;
        return ScrollbarHelper.computeScrollRange(state, mPrimaryOrientation,
                this, mSmoothScrollbarEnabled);

    public int computeVerticalScrollRange(RecyclerView.State state) {
        return computeScrollRange(state);

    private void measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(View child, LayoutParams lp,
            boolean alreadyMeasured) {
        if (lp.mFullSpan) {
            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(child, mFullSizeSpec,
                                getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(),
            } else {
                                getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(),
        } else {
            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                // Padding for width measure spec is 0 because left and right padding were already
                // factored into mSizePerSpan.
                                getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(),
            } else {
                // Padding for height measure spec is 0 because top and bottom padding were already
                // factored into mSizePerSpan.
                                getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(),

    private void measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(View child, int widthSpec,
            int heightSpec, boolean alreadyMeasured) {
        calculateItemDecorationsForChild(child, mTmpRect);
        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        widthSpec = updateSpecWithExtra(widthSpec, lp.leftMargin + mTmpRect.left,
                lp.rightMargin + mTmpRect.right);
        heightSpec = updateSpecWithExtra(heightSpec, lp.topMargin +,
                lp.bottomMargin + mTmpRect.bottom);
        final boolean measure = alreadyMeasured
                ? shouldReMeasureChild(child, widthSpec, heightSpec, lp)
                : shouldMeasureChild(child, widthSpec, heightSpec, lp);
        if (measure) {
            child.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec);


    private int updateSpecWithExtra(int spec, int startInset, int endInset) {
        if (startInset == 0 && endInset == 0) {
            return spec;
        final int mode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(spec);
        if (mode == View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || mode == View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
            return View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                    Math.max(0, View.MeasureSpec.getSize(spec) - startInset - endInset), mode);
        return spec;

    public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
        if (state instanceof SavedState) {
            mPendingSavedState = (SavedState) state;
            if (mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
        } else if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "invalid saved state class");

    public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
        if (mPendingSavedState != null) {
            return new SavedState(mPendingSavedState);
        SavedState state = new SavedState();
        state.mReverseLayout = mReverseLayout;
        state.mAnchorLayoutFromEnd = mLastLayoutFromEnd;
        state.mLastLayoutRTL = mLastLayoutRTL;

        if (mLazySpanLookup != null && mLazySpanLookup.mData != null) {
            state.mSpanLookup = mLazySpanLookup.mData;
            state.mSpanLookupSize = state.mSpanLookup.length;
            state.mFullSpanItems = mLazySpanLookup.mFullSpanItems;
        } else {
            state.mSpanLookupSize = 0;

        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            state.mAnchorPosition = mLastLayoutFromEnd ? getLastChildPosition()
                    : getFirstChildPosition();
            state.mVisibleAnchorPosition = findFirstVisibleItemPositionInt();
            state.mSpanOffsetsSize = mSpanCount;
            state.mSpanOffsets = new int[mSpanCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                int line;
                if (mLastLayoutFromEnd) {
                    line = mSpans[i].getEndLine(Span.INVALID_LINE);
                    if (line != Span.INVALID_LINE) {
                        line -= mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
                } else {
                    line = mSpans[i].getStartLine(Span.INVALID_LINE);
                    if (line != Span.INVALID_LINE) {
                        line -= mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
                state.mSpanOffsets[i] = line;
        } else {
            state.mAnchorPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            state.mVisibleAnchorPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            state.mSpanOffsetsSize = 0;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "saved state:\n" + state);
        return state;

    public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            final View start = findFirstVisibleItemClosestToStart(false);
            final View end = findFirstVisibleItemClosestToEnd(false);
            if (start == null || end == null) {
            final int startPos = getPosition(start);
            final int endPos = getPosition(end);
            if (startPos < endPos) {
            } else {

     * Finds the first fully visible child to be used as an anchor child if span count changes when
     * state is restored. If no children is fully visible, returns a partially visible child instead
     * of returning null.
    int findFirstVisibleItemPositionInt() {
        final View first = mShouldReverseLayout ? findFirstVisibleItemClosestToEnd(true) :
        return first == null ? RecyclerView.NO_POSITION : getPosition(first);

     * This is for internal use. Not necessarily the child closest to start but the first child
     * we find that matches the criteria.
     * This method does not do any sorting based on child's start coordinate, instead, it uses
     * children order.
    View findFirstVisibleItemClosestToStart(boolean fullyVisible) {
        final int boundsStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
        final int boundsEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
        final int limit = getChildCount();
        View partiallyVisible = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            final int childStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child);
            final int childEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
            if (childEnd <= boundsStart || childStart >= boundsEnd) {
                continue; // not visible at all
            if (childStart >= boundsStart || !fullyVisible) {
                // when checking for start, it is enough even if part of the child's top is visible
                // as long as fully visible is not requested.
                return child;
            if (partiallyVisible == null) {
                partiallyVisible = child;
        return partiallyVisible;

     * This is for internal use. Not necessarily the child closest to bottom but the first child
     * we find that matches the criteria.
     * This method does not do any sorting based on child's end coordinate, instead, it uses
     * children order.
    View findFirstVisibleItemClosestToEnd(boolean fullyVisible) {
        final int boundsStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
        final int boundsEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
        View partiallyVisible = null;
        for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            final int childStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child);
            final int childEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
            if (childEnd <= boundsStart || childStart >= boundsEnd) {
                continue; // not visible at all
            if (childEnd <= boundsEnd || !fullyVisible) {
                // when checking for end, it is enough even if part of the child's bottom is visible
                // as long as fully visible is not requested.
                return child;
            if (partiallyVisible == null) {
                partiallyVisible = child;
        return partiallyVisible;

    private void fixEndGap(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
            boolean canOffsetChildren) {
        final int maxEndLine = getMaxEnd(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        if (maxEndLine == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
        int gap = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding() - maxEndLine;
        int fixOffset;
        if (gap > 0) {
            fixOffset = -scrollBy(-gap, recycler, state);
        } else {
            return; // nothing to fix
        gap -= fixOffset;
        if (canOffsetChildren && gap > 0) {

    private void fixStartGap(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
            boolean canOffsetChildren) {
        final int minStartLine = getMinStart(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        if (minStartLine == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        int gap = minStartLine - mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
        int fixOffset;
        if (gap > 0) {
            fixOffset = scrollBy(gap, recycler, state);
        } else {
            return; // nothing to fix
        gap -= fixOffset;
        if (canOffsetChildren && gap > 0) {

    private void updateLayoutState(int anchorPosition, RecyclerView.State state) {
        mLayoutState.mAvailable = 0;
        mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = anchorPosition;
        int startExtra = 0;
        int endExtra = 0;
        if (isSmoothScrolling()) {
            final int targetPos = state.getTargetScrollPosition();
            if (targetPos != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
                if (mShouldReverseLayout == targetPos < anchorPosition) {
                    endExtra = mPrimaryOrientation.getTotalSpace();
                } else {
                    startExtra = mPrimaryOrientation.getTotalSpace();

        // Line of the furthest row.
        final boolean clipToPadding = getClipToPadding();
        if (clipToPadding) {
            mLayoutState.mStartLine = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding() - startExtra;
            mLayoutState.mEndLine = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding() + endExtra;
        } else {
            mLayoutState.mEndLine = mPrimaryOrientation.getEnd() + endExtra;
            mLayoutState.mStartLine = -startExtra;
        mLayoutState.mStopInFocusable = false;
        mLayoutState.mRecycle = true;
        mLayoutState.mInfinite = mPrimaryOrientation.getMode() == View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED
                && mPrimaryOrientation.getEnd() == 0;

    private void setLayoutStateDirection(int direction) {
        mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection = direction;
        mLayoutState.mItemDirection = (mShouldReverseLayout == (direction == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START))
                ? LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_TAIL : LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_HEAD;

    public void offsetChildrenHorizontal(int dx) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {

    public void offsetChildrenVertical(int dy) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {

    public void onItemsRemoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount) {
        handleUpdate(positionStart, itemCount, AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.REMOVE);

    public void onItemsAdded(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount) {
        handleUpdate(positionStart, itemCount, AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.ADD);

    public void onItemsChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView) {

    public void onItemsMoved(RecyclerView recyclerView, int from, int to, int itemCount) {
        handleUpdate(from, to, AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.MOVE);

    public void onItemsUpdated(RecyclerView recyclerView, int positionStart, int itemCount,
            Object payload) {
        handleUpdate(positionStart, itemCount, AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.UPDATE);

     * Checks whether it should invalidate span assignments in response to an adapter change.
    private void handleUpdate(int positionStart, int itemCountOrToPosition, int cmd) {
        int minPosition = mShouldReverseLayout ? getLastChildPosition() : getFirstChildPosition();
        final int affectedRangeEnd; // exclusive
        final int affectedRangeStart; // inclusive

        if (cmd == AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.MOVE) {
            if (positionStart < itemCountOrToPosition) {
                affectedRangeEnd = itemCountOrToPosition + 1;
                affectedRangeStart = positionStart;
            } else {
                affectedRangeEnd = positionStart + 1;
                affectedRangeStart = itemCountOrToPosition;
        } else {
            affectedRangeStart = positionStart;
            affectedRangeEnd = positionStart + itemCountOrToPosition;

        switch (cmd) {
            case AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.ADD:
                mLazySpanLookup.offsetForAddition(positionStart, itemCountOrToPosition);
            case AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.REMOVE:
                mLazySpanLookup.offsetForRemoval(positionStart, itemCountOrToPosition);
            case AdapterHelper.UpdateOp.MOVE:
                // TODO optimize
                mLazySpanLookup.offsetForRemoval(positionStart, 1);
                mLazySpanLookup.offsetForAddition(itemCountOrToPosition, 1);

        if (affectedRangeEnd <= minPosition) {

        int maxPosition = mShouldReverseLayout ? getFirstChildPosition() : getLastChildPosition();
        if (affectedRangeStart <= maxPosition) {

    private int fill(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, LayoutState layoutState,
            RecyclerView.State state) {
        mRemainingSpans.set(0, mSpanCount, true);
        // The target position we are trying to reach.
        final int targetLine;

        // Line of the furthest row.
        if (mLayoutState.mInfinite) {
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
                targetLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            } else { // LAYOUT_START
                targetLine = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        } else {
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
                targetLine = layoutState.mEndLine + layoutState.mAvailable;
            } else { // LAYOUT_START
                targetLine = layoutState.mStartLine - layoutState.mAvailable;

        updateAllRemainingSpans(layoutState.mLayoutDirection, targetLine);
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "FILLING targetLine: " + targetLine + ","
                    + "remaining spans:" + mRemainingSpans + ", state: " + layoutState);

        // the default coordinate to add new view.
        final int defaultNewViewLine = mShouldReverseLayout
                ? mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()
                : mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
        boolean added = false;
        while (layoutState.hasMore(state)
                && (mLayoutState.mInfinite || !mRemainingSpans.isEmpty())) {
            View view =;
            LayoutParams lp = ((LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams());
            final int position = lp.getViewLayoutPosition();
            final int spanIndex = mLazySpanLookup.getSpan(position);
            Span currentSpan;
            final boolean assignSpan = spanIndex == LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID;
            if (assignSpan) {
                currentSpan = lp.mFullSpan ? mSpans[0] : getNextSpan(layoutState);
                mLazySpanLookup.setSpan(position, currentSpan);
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "assigned " + currentSpan.mIndex + " for " + position);
            } else {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "using " + spanIndex + " for pos " + position);
                currentSpan = mSpans[spanIndex];
            // assign span before measuring so that item decorators can get updated span index
            lp.mSpan = currentSpan;
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
            } else {
                addView(view, 0);
            measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(view, lp, false);

            final int start;
            final int end;
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
                start = lp.mFullSpan ? getMaxEnd(defaultNewViewLine)
                        : currentSpan.getEndLine(defaultNewViewLine);
                end = start + mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);
                if (assignSpan && lp.mFullSpan) {
                    LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fullSpanItem;
                    fullSpanItem = createFullSpanItemFromEnd(start);
                    fullSpanItem.mGapDir = LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
                    fullSpanItem.mPosition = position;
            } else {
                end = lp.mFullSpan ? getMinStart(defaultNewViewLine)
                        : currentSpan.getStartLine(defaultNewViewLine);
                start = end - mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);
                if (assignSpan && lp.mFullSpan) {
                    LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fullSpanItem;
                    fullSpanItem = createFullSpanItemFromStart(end);
                    fullSpanItem.mGapDir = LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
                    fullSpanItem.mPosition = position;

            // check if this item may create gaps in the future
            if (lp.mFullSpan && layoutState.mItemDirection == LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_HEAD) {
                if (assignSpan) {
                    mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan = true;
                } else {
                    final boolean hasInvalidGap;
                    if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
                        hasInvalidGap = !areAllEndsEqual();
                    } else { // layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LAYOUT_START
                        hasInvalidGap = !areAllStartsEqual();
                    if (hasInvalidGap) {
                        final LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fullSpanItem = mLazySpanLookup
                        if (fullSpanItem != null) {
                            fullSpanItem.mHasUnwantedGapAfter = true;
                        mLaidOutInvalidFullSpan = true;
            attachViewToSpans(view, lp, layoutState);
            final int otherStart;
            final int otherEnd;
            if (isLayoutRTL() && mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                otherEnd = lp.mFullSpan ? mSecondaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding() :
                                - (mSpanCount - 1 - currentSpan.mIndex) * mSizePerSpan;
                otherStart = otherEnd - mSecondaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);
            } else {
                otherStart = lp.mFullSpan ? mSecondaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding()
                        : currentSpan.mIndex * mSizePerSpan
                                + mSecondaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
                otherEnd = otherStart + mSecondaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);

            if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, otherStart, start, otherEnd, end);
            } else {
                layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, start, otherStart, end, otherEnd);

            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                updateAllRemainingSpans(mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection, targetLine);
            } else {
                updateRemainingSpans(currentSpan, mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection, targetLine);
            recycle(recycler, mLayoutState);
            if (mLayoutState.mStopInFocusable && view.hasFocusable()) {
                if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                } else {
                    mRemainingSpans.set(currentSpan.mIndex, false);
            added = true;
        if (!added) {
            recycle(recycler, mLayoutState);
        final int diff;
        if (mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
            final int minStart = getMinStart(mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding());
            diff = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding() - minStart;
        } else {
            final int maxEnd = getMaxEnd(mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding());
            diff = maxEnd - mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
        return diff > 0 ? Math.min(layoutState.mAvailable, diff) : 0;

    private LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem createFullSpanItemFromEnd(int newItemTop) {
        LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fsi = new LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem();
        fsi.mGapPerSpan = new int[mSpanCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            fsi.mGapPerSpan[i] = newItemTop - mSpans[i].getEndLine(newItemTop);
        return fsi;

    private LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem createFullSpanItemFromStart(int newItemBottom) {
        LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fsi = new LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem();
        fsi.mGapPerSpan = new int[mSpanCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            fsi.mGapPerSpan[i] = mSpans[i].getStartLine(newItemBottom) - newItemBottom;
        return fsi;

    private void attachViewToSpans(View view, LayoutParams lp, LayoutState layoutState) {
        if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
            } else {

    private void recycle(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, LayoutState layoutState) {
        if (!layoutState.mRecycle || layoutState.mInfinite) {
        if (layoutState.mAvailable == 0) {
            // easy, recycle line is still valid
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
                recycleFromEnd(recycler, layoutState.mEndLine);
            } else {
                recycleFromStart(recycler, layoutState.mStartLine);
        } else {
            // scrolling case, recycle line can be shifted by how much space we could cover
            // by adding new views
            if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
                // calculate recycle line
                int scrolled = layoutState.mStartLine - getMaxStart(layoutState.mStartLine);
                final int line;
                if (scrolled < 0) {
                    line = layoutState.mEndLine;
                } else {
                    line = layoutState.mEndLine - Math.min(scrolled, layoutState.mAvailable);
                recycleFromEnd(recycler, line);
            } else {
                // calculate recycle line
                int scrolled = getMinEnd(layoutState.mEndLine) - layoutState.mEndLine;
                final int line;
                if (scrolled < 0) {
                    line = layoutState.mStartLine;
                } else {
                    line = layoutState.mStartLine + Math.min(scrolled, layoutState.mAvailable);
                recycleFromStart(recycler, line);


    private void appendViewToAllSpans(View view) {
        // traverse in reverse so that we end up assigning full span items to 0
        for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

    private void prependViewToAllSpans(View view) {
        // traverse in reverse so that we end up assigning full span items to 0
        for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

    private void updateAllRemainingSpans(int layoutDir, int targetLine) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            if (mSpans[i].mViews.isEmpty()) {
            updateRemainingSpans(mSpans[i], layoutDir, targetLine);

    private void updateRemainingSpans(Span span, int layoutDir, int targetLine) {
        final int deletedSize = span.getDeletedSize();
        if (layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
            final int line = span.getStartLine();
            if (line + deletedSize <= targetLine) {
                mRemainingSpans.set(span.mIndex, false);
        } else {
            final int line = span.getEndLine();
            if (line - deletedSize >= targetLine) {
                mRemainingSpans.set(span.mIndex, false);

    private int getMaxStart(int def) {
        int maxStart = mSpans[0].getStartLine(def);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            final int spanStart = mSpans[i].getStartLine(def);
            if (spanStart > maxStart) {
                maxStart = spanStart;
        return maxStart;

    private int getMinStart(int def) {
        int minStart = mSpans[0].getStartLine(def);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            final int spanStart = mSpans[i].getStartLine(def);
            if (spanStart < minStart) {
                minStart = spanStart;
        return minStart;

    boolean areAllEndsEqual() {
        int end = mSpans[0].getEndLine(Span.INVALID_LINE);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            if (mSpans[i].getEndLine(Span.INVALID_LINE) != end) {
                return false;
        return true;

    boolean areAllStartsEqual() {
        int start = mSpans[0].getStartLine(Span.INVALID_LINE);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            if (mSpans[i].getStartLine(Span.INVALID_LINE) != start) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private int getMaxEnd(int def) {
        int maxEnd = mSpans[0].getEndLine(def);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            final int spanEnd = mSpans[i].getEndLine(def);
            if (spanEnd > maxEnd) {
                maxEnd = spanEnd;
        return maxEnd;

    private int getMinEnd(int def) {
        int minEnd = mSpans[0].getEndLine(def);
        for (int i = 1; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            final int spanEnd = mSpans[i].getEndLine(def);
            if (spanEnd < minEnd) {
                minEnd = spanEnd;
        return minEnd;

    private void recycleFromStart(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int line) {
        while (getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            if (mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child) <= line
                    && mPrimaryOrientation.getTransformedEndWithDecoration(child) <= line) {
                LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                // Don't recycle the last View in a span not to lose span's start/end lines
                if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < mSpanCount; j++) {
                        if (mSpans[j].mViews.size() == 1) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < mSpanCount; j++) {
                } else {
                    if (lp.mSpan.mViews.size() == 1) {
                removeAndRecycleView(child, recycler);
            } else {
                return; // done

    private void recycleFromEnd(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int line) {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        int i;
        for (i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child) >= line
                    && mPrimaryOrientation.getTransformedStartWithDecoration(child) >= line) {
                LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                // Don't recycle the last View in a span not to lose span's start/end lines
                if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < mSpanCount; j++) {
                        if (mSpans[j].mViews.size() == 1) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < mSpanCount; j++) {
                } else {
                    if (lp.mSpan.mViews.size() == 1) {
                removeAndRecycleView(child, recycler);
            } else {
                return; // done

     * @return True if last span is the first one we want to fill
    private boolean preferLastSpan(int layoutDir) {
        if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) {
            return (layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) != mShouldReverseLayout;
        return ((layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) == mShouldReverseLayout) == isLayoutRTL();

     * Finds the span for the next view.
    private Span getNextSpan(LayoutState layoutState) {
        final boolean preferLastSpan = preferLastSpan(layoutState.mLayoutDirection);
        final int startIndex, endIndex, diff;
        if (preferLastSpan) {
            startIndex = mSpanCount - 1;
            endIndex = -1;
            diff = -1;
        } else {
            startIndex = 0;
            endIndex = mSpanCount;
            diff = 1;
        if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
            Span min = null;
            int minLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            final int defaultLine = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
            for (int i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i += diff) {
                final Span other = mSpans[i];
                int otherLine = other.getEndLine(defaultLine);
                if (otherLine < minLine) {
                    min = other;
                    minLine = otherLine;
            return min;
        } else {
            Span max = null;
            int maxLine = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            final int defaultLine = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
            for (int i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i += diff) {
                final Span other = mSpans[i];
                int otherLine = other.getStartLine(defaultLine);
                if (otherLine > maxLine) {
                    max = other;
                    maxLine = otherLine;
            return max;

    public boolean canScrollVertically() {
        return mOrientation == VERTICAL;

    public boolean canScrollHorizontally() {
        return mOrientation == HORIZONTAL;

    public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler,
            RecyclerView.State state) {
        return scrollBy(dx, recycler, state);

    public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler,
            RecyclerView.State state) {
        return scrollBy(dy, recycler, state);

    private int calculateScrollDirectionForPosition(int position) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return mShouldReverseLayout ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_END : LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
        final int firstChildPos = getFirstChildPosition();
        return position < firstChildPos != mShouldReverseLayout ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_START : LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;

    public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {
        final int direction = calculateScrollDirectionForPosition(targetPosition);
        PointF outVector = new PointF();
        if (direction == 0) {
            return null;
        if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) {
            outVector.x = direction;
            outVector.y = 0;
        } else {
            outVector.x = 0;
            outVector.y = direction;
        return outVector;

    public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state,
            int position) {
        LinearSmoothScroller scroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext());

    public void scrollToPosition(int position) {
        if (mPendingSavedState != null && mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition != position) {
        mPendingScrollPosition = position;
        mPendingScrollPositionOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;

     * Scroll to the specified adapter position with the given offset from layout start.
     * <p>
     * Note that scroll position change will not be reflected until the next layout call.
     * <p>
     * If you are just trying to make a position visible, use {@link #scrollToPosition(int)}.
     * @param position Index (starting at 0) of the reference item.
     * @param offset   The distance (in pixels) between the start edge of the item view and
     *                 start edge of the RecyclerView.
     * @see #setReverseLayout(boolean)
     * @see #scrollToPosition(int)
    public void scrollToPositionWithOffset(int position, int offset) {
        if (mPendingSavedState != null) {
        mPendingScrollPosition = position;
        mPendingScrollPositionOffset = offset;

    /** @hide */
    public void collectAdjacentPrefetchPositions(int dx, int dy, RecyclerView.State state,
            LayoutPrefetchRegistry layoutPrefetchRegistry) {
        /* This method uses the simplifying assumption that the next N items (where N = span count)
         * will be assigned, one-to-one, to spans, where ordering is based on which span  extends
         * least beyond the viewport.
         * While this simplified model will be incorrect in some cases, it's difficult to know
         * item heights, or whether individual items will be full span prior to construction.
         * While this greedy estimation approach may underestimate the distance to prefetch items,
         * it's very unlikely to overestimate them, so distances can be conservatively used to know
         * the soonest (in terms of scroll distance) a prefetched view may come on screen.
        int delta = (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) ? dx : dy;
        if (getChildCount() == 0 || delta == 0) {
            // can't support this scroll, so don't bother prefetching
        prepareLayoutStateForDelta(delta, state);

        // build sorted list of distances to end of each span (though we don't care which is which)
        if (mPrefetchDistances == null || mPrefetchDistances.length < mSpanCount) {
            mPrefetchDistances = new int[mSpanCount];

        int itemPrefetchCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
            // compute number of pixels past the edge of the viewport that the current span extends
            int distance = mLayoutState.mItemDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START
                    ? mLayoutState.mStartLine - mSpans[i].getStartLine(mLayoutState.mStartLine)
                    : mSpans[i].getEndLine(mLayoutState.mEndLine) - mLayoutState.mEndLine;
            if (distance >= 0) {
                // span extends to the edge, so prefetch next item
                mPrefetchDistances[itemPrefetchCount] = distance;
        Arrays.sort(mPrefetchDistances, 0, itemPrefetchCount);

        // then assign them in order to the next N views (where N = span count)
        for (int i = 0; i < itemPrefetchCount && mLayoutState.hasMore(state); i++) {
            mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition += mLayoutState.mItemDirection;

    void prepareLayoutStateForDelta(int delta, RecyclerView.State state) {
        final int referenceChildPosition;
        final int layoutDir;
        if (delta > 0) { // layout towards end
            layoutDir = LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
            referenceChildPosition = getLastChildPosition();
        } else {
            layoutDir = LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
            referenceChildPosition = getFirstChildPosition();
        mLayoutState.mRecycle = true;
        updateLayoutState(referenceChildPosition, state);
        mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = referenceChildPosition + mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
        mLayoutState.mAvailable = Math.abs(delta);

    int scrollBy(int dt, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0 || dt == 0) {
            return 0;

        prepareLayoutStateForDelta(dt, state);
        int consumed = fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);
        final int available = mLayoutState.mAvailable;
        final int totalScroll;
        if (available < consumed) {
            totalScroll = dt;
        } else if (dt < 0) {
            totalScroll = -consumed;
        } else { // dt > 0
            totalScroll = consumed;
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "asked " + dt + " scrolled" + totalScroll);

        // always reset this if we scroll for a proper save instance state
        mLastLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout;
        mLayoutState.mAvailable = 0;
        recycle(recycler, mLayoutState);
        return totalScroll;

    int getLastChildPosition() {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        return childCount == 0 ? 0 : getPosition(getChildAt(childCount - 1));

    int getFirstChildPosition() {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        return childCount == 0 ? 0 : getPosition(getChildAt(0));

     * Finds the first View that can be used as an anchor View.
     * @return Position of the View or 0 if it cannot find any such View.
    private int findFirstReferenceChildPosition(int itemCount) {
        final int limit = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
            final View view = getChildAt(i);
            final int position = getPosition(view);
            if (position >= 0 && position < itemCount) {
                return position;
        return 0;

     * Finds the last View that can be used as an anchor View.
     * @return Position of the View or 0 if it cannot find any such View.
    private int findLastReferenceChildPosition(int itemCount) {
        for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final View view = getChildAt(i);
            final int position = getPosition(view);
            if (position >= 0 && position < itemCount) {
                return position;
        return 0;

    public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {
        if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) {
            return new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
        } else {
            return new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,

    public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new LayoutParams(c, attrs);

    public RecyclerView.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp) {
        if (lp instanceof ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) {
            return new LayoutParams((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) lp);
        } else {
            return new LayoutParams(lp);

    public boolean checkLayoutParams(RecyclerView.LayoutParams lp) {
        return lp instanceof LayoutParams;

    public int getOrientation() {
        return mOrientation;

    public View onFocusSearchFailed(View focused, int direction, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler,
            RecyclerView.State state) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return null;

        final View directChild = findContainingItemView(focused);
        if (directChild == null) {
            return null;

        final int layoutDir = convertFocusDirectionToLayoutDirection(direction);
        if (layoutDir == LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT) {
            return null;
        LayoutParams prevFocusLayoutParams = (LayoutParams) directChild.getLayoutParams();
        boolean prevFocusFullSpan = prevFocusLayoutParams.mFullSpan;
        final Span prevFocusSpan = prevFocusLayoutParams.mSpan;
        final int referenceChildPosition;
        if (layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) { // layout towards end
            referenceChildPosition = getLastChildPosition();
        } else {
            referenceChildPosition = getFirstChildPosition();
        updateLayoutState(referenceChildPosition, state);

        mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition = referenceChildPosition + mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
        mLayoutState.mAvailable = (int) (MAX_SCROLL_FACTOR * mPrimaryOrientation.getTotalSpace());
        mLayoutState.mStopInFocusable = true;
        mLayoutState.mRecycle = false;
        fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state);
        mLastLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout;
        if (!prevFocusFullSpan) {
            View view = prevFocusSpan.getFocusableViewAfter(referenceChildPosition, layoutDir);
            if (view != null && view != directChild) {
                return view;

        // either could not find from the desired span or prev view is full span.
        // traverse all spans
        if (preferLastSpan(layoutDir)) {
            for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                View view = mSpans[i].getFocusableViewAfter(referenceChildPosition, layoutDir);
                if (view != null && view != directChild) {
                    return view;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                View view = mSpans[i].getFocusableViewAfter(referenceChildPosition, layoutDir);
                if (view != null && view != directChild) {
                    return view;

        // Could not find any focusable views from any of the existing spans. Now start the search
        // to find the best unfocusable candidate to become visible on the screen next. The search
        // is done in the same fashion: first, check the views in the desired span and if no
        // candidate is found, traverse the views in all the remaining spans.
        boolean shouldSearchFromStart = !mReverseLayout == (layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START);
        View unfocusableCandidate = null;
        if (!prevFocusFullSpan) {
            unfocusableCandidate = findViewByPosition(shouldSearchFromStart
                    ? prevFocusSpan.findFirstPartiallyVisibleItemPosition() :
            if (unfocusableCandidate != null && unfocusableCandidate != directChild) {
                return unfocusableCandidate;

        if (preferLastSpan(layoutDir)) {
            for (int i = mSpanCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (i == prevFocusSpan.mIndex) {
                unfocusableCandidate = findViewByPosition(shouldSearchFromStart
                        ? mSpans[i].findFirstPartiallyVisibleItemPosition() :
                if (unfocusableCandidate != null && unfocusableCandidate != directChild) {
                    return unfocusableCandidate;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < mSpanCount; i++) {
                unfocusableCandidate = findViewByPosition(shouldSearchFromStart
                        ? mSpans[i].findFirstPartiallyVisibleItemPosition() :
                if (unfocusableCandidate != null && unfocusableCandidate != directChild) {
                    return unfocusableCandidate;
        return null;

     * Converts a focusDirection to orientation.
     * @param focusDirection One of {@link View#FOCUS_UP}, {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN},
     *                       {@link View#FOCUS_LEFT}, {@link View#FOCUS_RIGHT},
     *                       {@link View#FOCUS_BACKWARD}, {@link View#FOCUS_FORWARD}
     *                       or 0 for not applicable
     * @return {@link LayoutState#LAYOUT_START} or {@link LayoutState#LAYOUT_END} if focus direction
     * is applicable to current state, {@link LayoutState#INVALID_LAYOUT} otherwise.
    private int convertFocusDirectionToLayoutDirection(int focusDirection) {
        switch (focusDirection) {
            case View.FOCUS_BACKWARD:
                if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
                } else if (isLayoutRTL()) {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
                } else {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
            case View.FOCUS_FORWARD:
                if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
                } else if (isLayoutRTL()) {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
                } else {
                    return LayoutState.LAYOUT_END;
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
                return mOrientation == VERTICAL ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_START
                        : LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT;
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                return mOrientation == VERTICAL ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_END
                        : LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT;
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                return mOrientation == HORIZONTAL ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_START
                        : LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT;
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                return mOrientation == HORIZONTAL ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_END
                        : LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT;
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Unknown focus request:" + focusDirection);
                return LayoutState.INVALID_LAYOUT;


     * LayoutParams used by StaggeredGridLayoutManager.
     * <p>
     * Note that if the orientation is {@link #VERTICAL}, the width parameter is ignored and if the
     * orientation is {@link #HORIZONTAL} the height parameter is ignored because child view is
     * expected to fill all of the space given to it.
    public static class LayoutParams extends RecyclerView.LayoutParams {

         * Span Id for Views that are not laid out yet.
        public static final int INVALID_SPAN_ID = -1;

        // Package scope to be able to access from tests.
        Span mSpan;

        boolean mFullSpan;

        public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
            super(c, attrs);

        public LayoutParams(int width, int height) {
            super(width, height);

        public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams source) {

        public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams source) {

        public LayoutParams(RecyclerView.LayoutParams source) {

         * When set to true, the item will layout using all span area. That means, if orientation
         * is vertical, the view will have full width; if orientation is horizontal, the view will
         * have full height.
         * @param fullSpan True if this item should traverse all spans.
         * @see #isFullSpan()
        public void setFullSpan(boolean fullSpan) {
            mFullSpan = fullSpan;

         * Returns whether this View occupies all available spans or just one.
         * @return True if the View occupies all spans or false otherwise.
         * @see #setFullSpan(boolean)
        public boolean isFullSpan() {
            return mFullSpan;

         * Returns the Span index to which this View is assigned.
         * @return The Span index of the View. If View is not yet assigned to any span, returns
         * {@link #INVALID_SPAN_ID}.
        public final int getSpanIndex() {
            if (mSpan == null) {
                return INVALID_SPAN_ID;
            return mSpan.mIndex;

    // Package scoped to access from tests.
    class Span {

        static final int INVALID_LINE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        ArrayList<View> mViews = new ArrayList<>();
        int mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;
        int mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;
        int mDeletedSize = 0;
        final int mIndex;

        Span(int index) {
            mIndex = index;

        int getStartLine(int def) {
            if (mCachedStart != INVALID_LINE) {
                return mCachedStart;
            if (mViews.size() == 0) {
                return def;
            return mCachedStart;

        void calculateCachedStart() {
            final View startView = mViews.get(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(startView);
            mCachedStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(startView);
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fsi = mLazySpanLookup
                if (fsi != null && fsi.mGapDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
                    mCachedStart -= fsi.getGapForSpan(mIndex);

        // Use this one when default value does not make sense and not having a value means a bug.
        int getStartLine() {
            if (mCachedStart != INVALID_LINE) {
                return mCachedStart;
            return mCachedStart;

        int getEndLine(int def) {
            if (mCachedEnd != INVALID_LINE) {
                return mCachedEnd;
            final int size = mViews.size();
            if (size == 0) {
                return def;
            return mCachedEnd;

        void calculateCachedEnd() {
            final View endView = mViews.get(mViews.size() - 1);
            final LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(endView);
            mCachedEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(endView);
            if (lp.mFullSpan) {
                LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem fsi = mLazySpanLookup
                if (fsi != null && fsi.mGapDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_END) {
                    mCachedEnd += fsi.getGapForSpan(mIndex);

        // Use this one when default value does not make sense and not having a value means a bug.
        int getEndLine() {
            if (mCachedEnd != INVALID_LINE) {
                return mCachedEnd;
            return mCachedEnd;

        void prependToSpan(View view) {
            LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(view);
            lp.mSpan = this;
            mViews.add(0, view);
            mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;
            if (mViews.size() == 1) {
                mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;
            if (lp.isItemRemoved() || lp.isItemChanged()) {
                mDeletedSize += mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);

        void appendToSpan(View view) {
            LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(view);
            lp.mSpan = this;
            mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;
            if (mViews.size() == 1) {
                mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;
            if (lp.isItemRemoved() || lp.isItemChanged()) {
                mDeletedSize += mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);

        // Useful method to preserve positions on a re-layout.
        void cacheReferenceLineAndClear(boolean reverseLayout, int offset) {
            int reference;
            if (reverseLayout) {
                reference = getEndLine(INVALID_LINE);
            } else {
                reference = getStartLine(INVALID_LINE);
            if (reference == INVALID_LINE) {
            if ((reverseLayout && reference < mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding())
                    || (!reverseLayout && reference > mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding())) {
            if (offset != INVALID_OFFSET) {
                reference += offset;
            mCachedStart = mCachedEnd = reference;

        void clear() {
            mDeletedSize = 0;

        void invalidateCache() {
            mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;
            mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;

        void setLine(int line) {
            mCachedEnd = mCachedStart = line;

        void popEnd() {
            final int size = mViews.size();
            View end = mViews.remove(size - 1);
            final LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(end);
            lp.mSpan = null;
            if (lp.isItemRemoved() || lp.isItemChanged()) {
                mDeletedSize -= mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(end);
            if (size == 1) {
                mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;
            mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;

        void popStart() {
            View start = mViews.remove(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = getLayoutParams(start);
            lp.mSpan = null;
            if (mViews.size() == 0) {
                mCachedEnd = INVALID_LINE;
            if (lp.isItemRemoved() || lp.isItemChanged()) {
                mDeletedSize -= mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedMeasurement(start);
            mCachedStart = INVALID_LINE;

        public int getDeletedSize() {
            return mDeletedSize;

        LayoutParams getLayoutParams(View view) {
            return (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();

        void onOffset(int dt) {
            if (mCachedStart != INVALID_LINE) {
                mCachedStart += dt;
            if (mCachedEnd != INVALID_LINE) {
                mCachedEnd += dt;

        public int findFirstVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOneVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, false)
                    : findOneVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), false);

        public int findFirstPartiallyVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOnePartiallyVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, true)
                    : findOnePartiallyVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), true);

        public int findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOneVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, true)
                    : findOneVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), true);

        public int findLastVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOneVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), false)
                    : findOneVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, false);

        public int findLastPartiallyVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOnePartiallyVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), true)
                    : findOnePartiallyVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, true);

        public int findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() {
            return mReverseLayout
                    ? findOneVisibleChild(0, mViews.size(), true)
                    : findOneVisibleChild(mViews.size() - 1, -1, true);

         * Returns the first view within this span that is partially or fully visible. Partially
         * visible refers to a view that overlaps but is not fully contained within RV's padded
         * bounded area. This view returned can be defined to have an area of overlap strictly
         * greater than zero if acceptEndPointInclusion is false. If true, the view's endpoint
         * inclusion is enough to consider it partially visible. The latter case can then refer to
         * an out-of-bounds view positioned right at the top (or bottom) boundaries of RV's padded
         * area. This is used e.g. inside
         * {@link #onFocusSearchFailed(View, int, RecyclerView.Recycler, RecyclerView.State)} for
         * calculating the next unfocusable child to become visible on the screen.
         * @param fromIndex The child position index to start the search from.
         * @param toIndex The child position index to end the search at.
         * @param completelyVisible True if we have to only consider completely visible views,
         *                          false otherwise.
         * @param acceptCompletelyVisible True if we can consider both partially or fully visible
         *                                views, false, if only a partially visible child should be
         *                                returned.
         * @param acceptEndPointInclusion If the view's endpoint intersection with RV's padded
         *                                bounded area is enough to consider it partially visible,
         *                                false otherwise
         * @return The adapter position of the first view that's either partially or fully visible.
         * {@link RecyclerView#NO_POSITION} if no such view is found.
        int findOnePartiallyOrCompletelyVisibleChild(int fromIndex, int toIndex,
                boolean completelyVisible,
                boolean acceptCompletelyVisible,
                boolean acceptEndPointInclusion) {
            final int start = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();
            final int end = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding();
            final int next = toIndex > fromIndex ? 1 : -1;
            for (int i = fromIndex; i != toIndex; i += next) {
                final View child = mViews.get(i);
                final int childStart = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedStart(child);
                final int childEnd = mPrimaryOrientation.getDecoratedEnd(child);
                boolean childStartInclusion = acceptEndPointInclusion ? (childStart <= end)
                        : (childStart < end);
                boolean childEndInclusion = acceptEndPointInclusion ? (childEnd >= start)
                        : (childEnd > start);
                if (childStartInclusion && childEndInclusion) {
                    if (completelyVisible && acceptCompletelyVisible) {
                        // the child has to be completely visible to be returned.
                        if (childStart >= start && childEnd <= end) {
                            return getPosition(child);
                    } else if (acceptCompletelyVisible) {
                        // can return either a partially or completely visible child.
                        return getPosition(child);
                    } else if (childStart < start || childEnd > end) {
                        // should return a partially visible child if exists and a completely
                        // visible child is not acceptable in this case.
                        return getPosition(child);
            return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;

        int findOneVisibleChild(int fromIndex, int toIndex, boolean completelyVisible) {
            return findOnePartiallyOrCompletelyVisibleChild(fromIndex, toIndex, completelyVisible,
                    true, false);

        int findOnePartiallyVisibleChild(int fromIndex, int toIndex,
                boolean acceptEndPointInclusion) {
            return findOnePartiallyOrCompletelyVisibleChild(fromIndex, toIndex, false, false,

         * Depending on the layout direction, returns the View that is after the given position.
        public View getFocusableViewAfter(int referenceChildPosition, int layoutDir) {
            View candidate = null;
            if (layoutDir == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
                final int limit = mViews.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
                    final View view = mViews.get(i);
                    if ((mReverseLayout && getPosition(view) <= referenceChildPosition)
                            || (!mReverseLayout && getPosition(view) >= referenceChildPosition)) {
                    if (view.hasFocusable()) {
                        candidate = view;
                    } else {
            } else {
                for (int i = mViews.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final View view = mViews.get(i);
                    if ((mReverseLayout && getPosition(view) >= referenceChildPosition)
                            || (!mReverseLayout && getPosition(view) <= referenceChildPosition)) {
                    if (view.hasFocusable()) {
                        candidate = view;
                    } else {
            return candidate;

     * An array of mappings from adapter position to span.
     * This only grows when a write happens and it grows up to the size of the adapter.
    static class LazySpanLookup {

        private static final int MIN_SIZE = 10;
        int[] mData;
        List<FullSpanItem> mFullSpanItems;

         * Invalidates everything after this position, including full span information
        int forceInvalidateAfter(int position) {
            if (mFullSpanItems != null) {
                for (int i = mFullSpanItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                    if (fsi.mPosition >= position) {
            return invalidateAfter(position);

         * returns end position for invalidation.
        int invalidateAfter(int position) {
            if (mData == null) {
                return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            if (position >= mData.length) {
                return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            int endPosition = invalidateFullSpansAfter(position);
            if (endPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
                Arrays.fill(mData, position, mData.length, LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
                return mData.length;
            } else {
                // Just invalidate items in between `position` and the next full span item, or the
                // end of the tracked spans in mData if it's not been lengthened yet.
                final int invalidateToIndex = Math.min(endPosition + 1, mData.length);
                Arrays.fill(mData, position, invalidateToIndex, LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
                return invalidateToIndex;

        int getSpan(int position) {
            if (mData == null || position >= mData.length) {
                return LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID;
            } else {
                return mData[position];

        void setSpan(int position, Span span) {
            mData[position] = span.mIndex;

        int sizeForPosition(int position) {
            int len = mData.length;
            while (len <= position) {
                len *= 2;
            return len;

        void ensureSize(int position) {
            if (mData == null) {
                mData = new int[Math.max(position, MIN_SIZE) + 1];
                Arrays.fill(mData, LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
            } else if (position >= mData.length) {
                int[] old = mData;
                mData = new int[sizeForPosition(position)];
                System.arraycopy(old, 0, mData, 0, old.length);
                Arrays.fill(mData, old.length, mData.length, LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID);

        void clear() {
            if (mData != null) {
                Arrays.fill(mData, LayoutParams.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
            mFullSpanItems = null;

        void offsetForRemoval(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            if (mData == null || positionStart >= mData.length) {
            ensureSize(positionStart + itemCount);
            System.arraycopy(mData, positionStart + itemCount, mData, positionStart,
                    mData.length - positionStart - itemCount);
            Arrays.fill(mData, mData.length - itemCount, mData.length,
            offsetFullSpansForRemoval(positionStart, itemCount);

        private void offsetFullSpansForRemoval(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
            final int end = positionStart + itemCount;
            for (int i = mFullSpanItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (fsi.mPosition < positionStart) {
                if (fsi.mPosition < end) {
                } else {
                    fsi.mPosition -= itemCount;

        void offsetForAddition(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            if (mData == null || positionStart >= mData.length) {
            ensureSize(positionStart + itemCount);
            System.arraycopy(mData, positionStart, mData, positionStart + itemCount,
                    mData.length - positionStart - itemCount);
            Arrays.fill(mData, positionStart, positionStart + itemCount,
            offsetFullSpansForAddition(positionStart, itemCount);

        private void offsetFullSpansForAddition(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
            for (int i = mFullSpanItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (fsi.mPosition < positionStart) {
                fsi.mPosition += itemCount;

         * Returns when invalidation should end. e.g. hitting a full span position.
         * Returned position SHOULD BE invalidated.
        private int invalidateFullSpansAfter(int position) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
                return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            final FullSpanItem item = getFullSpanItem(position);
            // if there is an fsi at this position, get rid of it.
            if (item != null) {
            int nextFsiIndex = -1;
            final int count = mFullSpanItems.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (fsi.mPosition >= position) {
                    nextFsiIndex = i;
            if (nextFsiIndex != -1) {
                FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(nextFsiIndex);
                return fsi.mPosition;
            return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;

        public void addFullSpanItem(FullSpanItem fullSpanItem) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
                mFullSpanItems = new ArrayList<>();
            final int size = mFullSpanItems.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                FullSpanItem other = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (other.mPosition == fullSpanItem.mPosition) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("two fsis for same position");
                    } else {
                if (other.mPosition >= fullSpanItem.mPosition) {
                    mFullSpanItems.add(i, fullSpanItem);
            // if it is not added to a position.

        public FullSpanItem getFullSpanItem(int position) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
                return null;
            for (int i = mFullSpanItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                final FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (fsi.mPosition == position) {
                    return fsi;
            return null;

         * @param minPos inclusive
         * @param maxPos exclusive
         * @param gapDir if not 0, returns FSIs on in that direction
         * @param hasUnwantedGapAfter If true, when full span item has unwanted gaps, it will be
         *                        returned even if its gap direction does not match.
        public FullSpanItem getFirstFullSpanItemInRange(int minPos, int maxPos, int gapDir,
                boolean hasUnwantedGapAfter) {
            if (mFullSpanItems == null) {
                return null;
            final int limit = mFullSpanItems.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
                FullSpanItem fsi = mFullSpanItems.get(i);
                if (fsi.mPosition >= maxPos) {
                    return null;
                if (fsi.mPosition >= minPos
                        && (gapDir == 0 || fsi.mGapDir == gapDir
                        || (hasUnwantedGapAfter && fsi.mHasUnwantedGapAfter))) {
                    return fsi;
            return null;

         * We keep information about full span items because they may create gaps in the UI.
        static class FullSpanItem implements Parcelable {

            int mPosition;
            int mGapDir;
            int[] mGapPerSpan;
            // A full span may be laid out in primary direction but may have gaps due to
            // invalidation of views after it. This is recorded during a reverse scroll and if
            // view is still on the screen after scroll stops, we have to recalculate layout
            boolean mHasUnwantedGapAfter;

            FullSpanItem(Parcel in) {
                mPosition = in.readInt();
                mGapDir = in.readInt();
                mHasUnwantedGapAfter = in.readInt() == 1;
                int spanCount = in.readInt();
                if (spanCount > 0) {
                    mGapPerSpan = new int[spanCount];

            FullSpanItem() {

            int getGapForSpan(int spanIndex) {
                return mGapPerSpan == null ? 0 : mGapPerSpan[spanIndex];

            public int describeContents() {
                return 0;

            public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
                dest.writeInt(mHasUnwantedGapAfter ? 1 : 0);
                if (mGapPerSpan != null && mGapPerSpan.length > 0) {
                } else {

            public String toString() {
                return "FullSpanItem{"
                        + "mPosition=" + mPosition
                        + ", mGapDir=" + mGapDir
                        + ", mHasUnwantedGapAfter=" + mHasUnwantedGapAfter
                        + ", mGapPerSpan=" + Arrays.toString(mGapPerSpan)
                        + '}';

            public static final Parcelable.Creator<FullSpanItem> CREATOR =
                    new Parcelable.Creator<FullSpanItem>() {
                        public FullSpanItem createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
                            return new FullSpanItem(in);

                        public FullSpanItem[] newArray(int size) {
                            return new FullSpanItem[size];

     * @hide
    public static class SavedState implements Parcelable {

        int mAnchorPosition;
        int mVisibleAnchorPosition; // Replacement for span info when spans are invalidated
        int mSpanOffsetsSize;
        int[] mSpanOffsets;
        int mSpanLookupSize;
        int[] mSpanLookup;
        List<LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem> mFullSpanItems;
        boolean mReverseLayout;
        boolean mAnchorLayoutFromEnd;
        boolean mLastLayoutRTL;

        public SavedState() {

        SavedState(Parcel in) {
            mAnchorPosition = in.readInt();
            mVisibleAnchorPosition = in.readInt();
            mSpanOffsetsSize = in.readInt();
            if (mSpanOffsetsSize > 0) {
                mSpanOffsets = new int[mSpanOffsetsSize];

            mSpanLookupSize = in.readInt();
            if (mSpanLookupSize > 0) {
                mSpanLookup = new int[mSpanLookupSize];
            mReverseLayout = in.readInt() == 1;
            mAnchorLayoutFromEnd = in.readInt() == 1;
            mLastLayoutRTL = in.readInt() == 1;
            List<LazySpanLookup.FullSpanItem> fullSpanItems =
            mFullSpanItems = fullSpanItems;

        public SavedState(SavedState other) {
            mSpanOffsetsSize = other.mSpanOffsetsSize;
            mAnchorPosition = other.mAnchorPosition;
            mVisibleAnchorPosition = other.mVisibleAnchorPosition;
            mSpanOffsets = other.mSpanOffsets;
            mSpanLookupSize = other.mSpanLookupSize;
            mSpanLookup = other.mSpanLookup;
            mReverseLayout = other.mReverseLayout;
            mAnchorLayoutFromEnd = other.mAnchorLayoutFromEnd;
            mLastLayoutRTL = other.mLastLayoutRTL;
            mFullSpanItems = other.mFullSpanItems;

        void invalidateSpanInfo() {
            mSpanOffsets = null;
            mSpanOffsetsSize = 0;
            mSpanLookupSize = 0;
            mSpanLookup = null;
            mFullSpanItems = null;

        void invalidateAnchorPositionInfo() {
            mSpanOffsets = null;
            mSpanOffsetsSize = 0;
            mAnchorPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            mVisibleAnchorPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;

        public int describeContents() {
            return 0;

        public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
            if (mSpanOffsetsSize > 0) {
            if (mSpanLookupSize > 0) {
            dest.writeInt(mReverseLayout ? 1 : 0);
            dest.writeInt(mAnchorLayoutFromEnd ? 1 : 0);
            dest.writeInt(mLastLayoutRTL ? 1 : 0);

        public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR =
                new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
                    public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
                        return new SavedState(in);

                    public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
                        return new SavedState[size];

     * Data class to hold the information about an anchor position which is used in onLayout call.
    class AnchorInfo {

        int mPosition;
        int mOffset;
        boolean mLayoutFromEnd;
        boolean mInvalidateOffsets;
        boolean mValid;
        // this is where we save span reference lines in case we need to re-use them for multi-pass
        // measure steps
        int[] mSpanReferenceLines;

        AnchorInfo() {

        void reset() {
            mPosition = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION;
            mOffset = INVALID_OFFSET;
            mLayoutFromEnd = false;
            mInvalidateOffsets = false;
            mValid = false;
            if (mSpanReferenceLines != null) {
                Arrays.fill(mSpanReferenceLines, -1);

        void saveSpanReferenceLines(Span[] spans) {
            int spanCount = spans.length;
            if (mSpanReferenceLines == null || mSpanReferenceLines.length < spanCount) {
                mSpanReferenceLines = new int[mSpans.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
                // does not matter start or end since this is only recorded when span is reset
                mSpanReferenceLines[i] = spans[i].getStartLine(Span.INVALID_LINE);

        void assignCoordinateFromPadding() {
            mOffset = mLayoutFromEnd ? mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding()
                    : mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding();

        void assignCoordinateFromPadding(int addedDistance) {
            if (mLayoutFromEnd) {
                mOffset = mPrimaryOrientation.getEndAfterPadding() - addedDistance;
            } else {
                mOffset = mPrimaryOrientation.getStartAfterPadding() + addedDistance;