public final class


extends <any>

implements AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParametersOrBuilder





 Animation specs of duration, easing and repeat delay.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameters


public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuilderclearDelayMillis()

 Animation delay in millis.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuilderclearDurationMillis()

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuilderclearEasing()

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuilderclearOptionalDelayMillis()

public longgetDelayMillis()

 Animation delay in millis.

public longgetDurationMillis()

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds.

public AnimationParameterProto.EasinggetEasing()

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.OptionalDelayMillisCasegetOptionalDelayMillisCase()

public booleanhasDelayMillis()

 Animation delay in millis.

public booleanhasEasing()

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuildermergeEasing(AnimationParameterProto.Easing value)

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuildersetDelayMillis(long value)

 Animation delay in millis.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuildersetDurationMillis(long value)

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuildersetEasing(AnimationParameterProto.Easing.Builder builderForValue)

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.BuildersetEasing(AnimationParameterProto.Easing value)

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.Builder clearOptionalDelayMillis()

public long getDurationMillis()

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds. If not set, defaults to
uint64 duration_millis = 1;


The durationMillis.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.Builder setDurationMillis(long value)

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds. If not set, defaults to
uint64 duration_millis = 1;


value: The durationMillis to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The duration of the animation in milliseconds. If not set, defaults to
uint64 duration_millis = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasEasing()

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

 The easing to be used for adjusting an animation's fraction. If not set,
 defaults to Linear Interpolator.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Easing easing = 2;

public boolean hasDelayMillis()

 Animation delay in millis. When used outside repeatable, this is the
 delay to start the animation in milliseconds. When set inside repeatable,
 this is the delay before repeating animation in milliseconds. If not set,
 no delay will be applied.
uint64 delay_millis = 3;


Whether the delayMillis field is set.

public long getDelayMillis()

 Animation delay in millis. When used outside repeatable, this is the
 delay to start the animation in milliseconds. When set inside repeatable,
 this is the delay before repeating animation in milliseconds. If not set,
 no delay will be applied.
uint64 delay_millis = 3;


The delayMillis.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters.Builder setDelayMillis(long value)

 Animation delay in millis. When used outside repeatable, this is the
 delay to start the animation in milliseconds. When set inside repeatable,
 this is the delay before repeating animation in milliseconds. If not set,
 no delay will be applied.
uint64 delay_millis = 3;


value: The delayMillis to set.


This builder for chaining.

 Animation delay in millis. When used outside repeatable, this is the
 delay to start the animation in milliseconds. When set inside repeatable,
 this is the delay before repeating animation in milliseconds. If not set,
 no delay will be applied.
uint64 delay_millis = 3;


This builder for chaining.