public final class


extends <any>

implements DynamicProto.Int32FormatOpOrBuilder





 Simple formatting for dynamic int32.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.Int32FormatOp


public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuilderclearGroupingUsed()

 Digit grouping used.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuilderclearInput()

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuilderclearMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuilderclearOptionalMinIntegerDigits()

public booleangetGroupingUsed()

 Digit grouping used.

public DynamicProto.DynamicInt32getInput()

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public intgetMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.OptionalMinIntegerDigitsCasegetOptionalMinIntegerDigitsCase()

public booleanhasInput()

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public booleanhasMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuildermergeInput(DynamicProto.DynamicInt32 value)

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuildersetGroupingUsed(boolean value)

 Digit grouping used.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuildersetInput(DynamicProto.DynamicInt32.Builder builderForValue)

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuildersetInput(DynamicProto.DynamicInt32 value)

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.BuildersetMinIntegerDigits(int value)

 Minimum integer digits.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.OptionalMinIntegerDigitsCase getOptionalMinIntegerDigitsCase()

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.Builder clearOptionalMinIntegerDigits()

public boolean hasInput()

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

public DynamicProto.DynamicInt32 getInput()

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

 The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicInt32 input = 1;

public boolean hasMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
 when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to
 one. For example,in the for locale en_US, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to
 12 would yield "0012".
int32 min_integer_digits = 4;


Whether the minIntegerDigits field is set.

public int getMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
 when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to
 one. For example,in the for locale en_US, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to
 12 would yield "0012".
int32 min_integer_digits = 4;


The minIntegerDigits.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.Builder setMinIntegerDigits(int value)

 Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
 when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to
 one. For example,in the for locale en_US, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to
 12 would yield "0012".
int32 min_integer_digits = 4;


value: The minIntegerDigits to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.Builder clearMinIntegerDigits()

 Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
 when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to
 one. For example,in the for locale en_US, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to
 12 would yield "0012".
int32 min_integer_digits = 4;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean getGroupingUsed()

 Digit grouping used. Grouping size and grouping character depend on the
 current locale. If not defined, defaults to false.
 For example, in the for locale en_US, using grouping with 1234 would yield
bool grouping_used = 5;


The groupingUsed.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.Builder setGroupingUsed(boolean value)

 Digit grouping used. Grouping size and grouping character depend on the
 current locale. If not defined, defaults to false.
 For example, in the for locale en_US, using grouping with 1234 would yield
bool grouping_used = 5;


value: The groupingUsed to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DynamicProto.Int32FormatOp.Builder clearGroupingUsed()

 Digit grouping used. Grouping size and grouping character depend on the
 current locale. If not defined, defaults to false.
 For example, in the for locale en_US, using grouping with 1234 would yield
bool grouping_used = 5;


This builder for chaining.