public interface






Logger used for logging inflation stats.


public voidlogDrawableUsage(Drawable drawable)

Log the usage of a drawable.

public voidlogIgnoredFailure(int failure)

Log the occurrence of an ignored failure.

public voidlogInflationFailed(int failureReason)

Log the reason for inflation failure.

public voidlogMutationChangedNodes(int changedNodesCount)

log the mutation changed nodes count for the ongoing inflation.

public voidlogTotalNodeCount(int totalNodesCount)

Log the total nodes count for the ongoing inflation.


public void logMutationChangedNodes(int changedNodesCount)

log the mutation changed nodes count for the ongoing inflation.

public void logTotalNodeCount(int totalNodesCount)

Log the total nodes count for the ongoing inflation.

public void logDrawableUsage(Drawable drawable)

Log the usage of a drawable. This method should be called between ProviderStatsLogger.createInflaterStatsLogger() and ProviderStatsLogger.logInflationFinished(ProviderStatsLogger.InflaterStatsLogger).

public void logIgnoredFailure(int failure)

Log the occurrence of an ignored failure. The usage of this method is not restricted to inflation start or end.

public void logInflationFailed(int failureReason)

Log the reason for inflation failure. This will make any future call ProviderStatsLogger.logInflationFinished(ProviderStatsLogger.InflaterStatsLogger) a Noop.