public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout-renderer', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout-renderer
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-renderer:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


Utility to diff two proto layouts in order to be able to partially update the display.


public static final intFIRST_CHILD_INDEX

Index of the first child node under a parent.

public static final java.lang.StringROOT_NODE_ID

Node ID of the root node.

public static final booleanUPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_AFTER_ADD_REMOVE

If true, an element addition or removal forces its parent (and siblings of the changed node) to reinflate.

public static booleanareNodesEquivalent(FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint nodeA, FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint nodeB)

Check whether two nodes represented by the given fingerprints are equivalent.

public static booleanareSameFingerprints(FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint first, FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint second)

Check whether two FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint objects are equivalent.

public static java.lang.StringcreateNodePosId(java.lang.String parentPosId, int childIndex)

Create an ID for a layout element, based on its position.

public static ProtoLayoutDiffer.LayoutDiffgetDiff(FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint prevTreeFingerprint, LayoutElementProto.Layout layout)

Compute the diff from a previous layout tree to a new one.

public static java.lang.StringgetParentNodePosId(java.lang.String posId)

Given a position ID generated by ProtoLayoutDiffer.createNodePosId(String, int) for a node, extract the position ID of that node's parent.

public static booleanisDescendantOf(java.lang.String posId, java.lang.String parentPosId)

Given a position ID for a node and a position ID for a potential parent node, returns if the node is actually a descendant of that parent node.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String ROOT_NODE_ID

Node ID of the root node.

public static final boolean UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_AFTER_ADD_REMOVE

If true, an element addition or removal forces its parent (and siblings of the changed node) to reinflate.

public static final int FIRST_CHILD_INDEX

Index of the first child node under a parent. ProtoLayoutDiffer.createNodePosId(String, int) should be called starting from this value and incremented by one for each child node.


public static java.lang.String createNodePosId(java.lang.String parentPosId, int childIndex)

Create an ID for a layout element, based on its position. This can be stored as a tag in the corresponding View and later used with findViewWithTag() to replace changed elements.


parentPosId: Position-based ID of the parent node.
childIndex: Index of this child node. For the first child, use ProtoLayoutDiffer.FIRST_CHILD_INDEX, and increment by one for each.

public static java.lang.String getParentNodePosId(java.lang.String posId)

Given a position ID generated by ProtoLayoutDiffer.createNodePosId(String, int) for a node, extract the position ID of that node's parent.


posId: A position ID for a node.


The position ID of the node's parent or null if the parent ID cannot be generated.

public static boolean isDescendantOf(java.lang.String posId, java.lang.String parentPosId)

Given a position ID for a node and a position ID for a potential parent node, returns if the node is actually a descendant of that parent node.


posId: Position ID of the potential descendant node.
parentPosId: Position ID of the potential parent node.

Compute the diff from a previous layout tree to a new one.


prevTreeFingerprint: Fingerprint for the previous layout tree.
layout: The new layout.


The layout diff or null if the diff cannot be computed, which means the whole layout should be refreshed.

public static boolean areNodesEquivalent(FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint nodeA, FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint nodeB)

Check whether two nodes represented by the given fingerprints are equivalent.

public static boolean areSameFingerprints(FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint first, FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint second)

Check whether two FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint objects are equivalent.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.renderer.common;

import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkState;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto.Layout;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

/** Utility to diff two proto layouts in order to be able to partially update the display. */
public class ProtoLayoutDiffer {
    /** Prefix for all node IDs generated by this differ. */
    @NonNull private static final String NODE_ID_PREFIX = "pT";

    /** Node ID of the root node. */
    public static final String ROOT_NODE_ID = NODE_ID_PREFIX + "1";

    // This must match {@code Fingerprint.DISCARDED_VALUE}
    @VisibleForTesting static final int DISCARDED_FINGERPRINT_VALUE = -1;

     * If true, an element addition or removal forces its parent (and siblings of the changed node)
     * to reinflate.
    public static final boolean UPDATE_ALL_CHILDREN_AFTER_ADD_REMOVE = true;

     * Index of the first child node under a parent. {@link #createNodePosId} should be called
     * starting from this value and incremented by one for each child node.
    public static final int FIRST_CHILD_INDEX = 0;

    /** Type of the change applied to the node. */
    public enum NodeChangeType {

    static final class InconsistentFingerprintException extends Exception {}

    /** A node in a layout tree. */
    private static final class TreeNode {
        @Nullable final LayoutElement mLayoutElement;
        @Nullable final ArcLayoutElement mArcLayoutElement;
        @NonNull final NodeFingerprint mFingerprint;
        @NonNull final String mPosId;

        private TreeNode(
                @Nullable LayoutElement layoutElement,
                @Nullable ArcLayoutElement arcLayoutElement,
                @NonNull NodeFingerprint fingerprint,
                @NonNull String posId) {
            this.mLayoutElement = layoutElement;
            this.mArcLayoutElement = arcLayoutElement;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;
            this.mPosId = posId;

        static TreeNode ofLayoutElement(
                @NonNull LayoutElement layoutElement,
                @NonNull NodeFingerprint fingerprint,
                @NonNull String posId) {
            return new TreeNode(layoutElement, null, fingerprint, posId);

        static TreeNode ofArcLayoutElement(
                @NonNull ArcLayoutElement arcLayoutElement,
                @NonNull NodeFingerprint fingerprint,
                @NonNull String id) {
            return new TreeNode(null, arcLayoutElement, fingerprint, id);

        TreeNodeWithChange withChange(@NonNull NodeChangeType nodeChangeType) {
            return new TreeNodeWithChange(this, nodeChangeType);

    /** A node in a layout tree, that has a change compared to a previous version. */
    public static final class TreeNodeWithChange {
        @NonNull private final TreeNode mTreeNode;
        @NonNull private final NodeChangeType mNodeChangeType;

        TreeNodeWithChange(@NonNull TreeNode treeNode, @NonNull NodeChangeType nodeChangeType) {
            this.mTreeNode = treeNode;
            this.mNodeChangeType = nodeChangeType;

         * Returns the linear {@link LayoutElement} that this node represents, or null if the node
         * isn't for a {@link LayoutElement}.
        public LayoutElement getLayoutElement() {
            return mTreeNode.mLayoutElement;

         * Returns the radial {@link ArcLayoutElement} that this node represents, or null if the
         * node isn't for a {@link ArcLayoutElement}.
        public ArcLayoutElement getArcLayoutElement() {
            return mTreeNode.mArcLayoutElement;

        /** Returns the fingerprint for this node. */
        public NodeFingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mTreeNode.mFingerprint;

         * Returns an ID for this node based on its position in the tree. Only comparable against
         * other position IDs that are generated with {@link #createNodePosId}.
        public String getPosId() {
            return mTreeNode.mPosId;

         * Returns true if the change in this node affects the node itself only. Otherwise the
         * change affects both the node and its children.
        public boolean isSelfOnlyChange() {
            switch (mNodeChangeType) {
                case CHANGE_IN_SELF_ONLY:
                case CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_SOME_CHILDREN:
                    return true;
                    return false;

        /** Returns the {@link NodeChangeType} of this {@link TreeNodeWithChange}. */
        public NodeChangeType getChangeType() {
            return mNodeChangeType;

    /** A diff in layout, containing information about the tree nodes that have changed. */
    public static final class LayoutDiff {
        @NonNull private final List<TreeNodeWithChange> mChangedNodes;

        LayoutDiff(@NonNull List<TreeNodeWithChange> changedNodes) {
            this.mChangedNodes = changedNodes;

         * An ordered list of nodes that have changed. A changed node always comes before its
         * changed descendants in this list.
        public List<TreeNodeWithChange> getChangedNodes() {
            return mChangedNodes;

    private ProtoLayoutDiffer() {}

     * Create an ID for a layout element, based on its position. This can be stored as a tag in the
     * corresponding View and later used with findViewWithTag() to replace changed elements.
     * @param parentPosId Position-based ID of the parent node.
     * @param childIndex Index of this child node. For the first child, use {@link
     *     #FIRST_CHILD_INDEX}, and increment by one for each.
    public static String createNodePosId(@NonNull String parentPosId, int childIndex) {
        return String.format("%s.%d", parentPosId, childIndex + 1);

     * Given a position ID generated by {@link #createNodePosId} for a node, extract the position ID
     * of that node's parent.
     * @param posId A position ID for a node.
     * @return The position ID of the node's parent or null if the parent ID cannot be generated.
    public static String getParentNodePosId(@NonNull String posId) {
        if (!posId.startsWith(NODE_ID_PREFIX)) {
            return null;
        int separatorIdx = posId.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (separatorIdx <= NODE_ID_PREFIX.length()) {
            return null;
        return posId.substring(0, separatorIdx);

     * Given a position ID for a node and a position ID for a potential parent node, returns if the
     * node is actually a descendant of that parent node.
     * @param posId Position ID of the potential descendant node.
     * @param parentPosId Position ID of the potential parent node.
    public static boolean isDescendantOf(@NonNull String posId, @NonNull String parentPosId) {
        return posId.length() > parentPosId.length() + 1
                && posId.startsWith(parentPosId)
                && posId.charAt(parentPosId.length()) == '.';

     * Compute the diff from a previous layout tree to a new one.
     * @param prevTreeFingerprint Fingerprint for the previous layout tree.
     * @param layout The new layout.
     * @return The layout diff or null if the diff cannot be computed, which means the whole layout
     *     should be refreshed.
    public static LayoutDiff getDiff(
            @NonNull TreeFingerprint prevTreeFingerprint, @NonNull Layout layout) {
        if (!layout.getFingerprint().hasRoot()) {
            return null;
        NodeFingerprint prevRootFingerprint = prevTreeFingerprint.getRoot();
        TreeNode rootNode =
                        layout.getRoot(), layout.getFingerprint().getRoot(), ROOT_NODE_ID);

        List<TreeNodeWithChange> changedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            addChangedNodes(prevRootFingerprint, rootNode, changedNodes);
        } catch (InconsistentFingerprintException ignored) {
            return null;

        return new LayoutDiff(changedNodes);

    /** Check whether two nodes represented by the given fingerprints are equivalent. */
    public static boolean areNodesEquivalent(
            @NonNull NodeFingerprint nodeA, @NonNull NodeFingerprint nodeB) {
        return getChangeType(nodeA, nodeB) == NodeChangeType.NO_CHANGE;

    /** Check whether two {@link TreeFingerprint} objects are equivalent. */
    public static boolean areSameFingerprints(
            @NonNull TreeFingerprint first, @NonNull TreeFingerprint second) {
        NodeFingerprint prev = first.getRoot();
        NodeFingerprint current = second.getRoot();
        return current.getSelfTypeValue() == prev.getSelfTypeValue()
                && current.getSelfPropsValue() == prev.getSelfPropsValue()
                && current.getChildNodesValue() == prev.getChildNodesValue();

    private static void addChangedNodes(
            @NonNull NodeFingerprint prevNodeFingerprint,
            @NonNull TreeNode node,
            @NonNull List<TreeNodeWithChange> changedNodes)
            throws InconsistentFingerprintException {
        NodeChangeType changeType = getChangeType(prevNodeFingerprint, node.mFingerprint);
        switch (changeType) {
            case CHANGE_IN_SELF_ONLY:
                addChangedChildNodes(prevNodeFingerprint, node, changedNodes);
            case CHANGE_IN_CHILDREN:
                addChangedChildNodes(prevNodeFingerprint, node, changedNodes);
            case NO_CHANGE:

    private static NodeChangeType getChangeType(
            @NonNull NodeFingerprint prevNode, @Nullable NodeFingerprint node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_ALL_CHILDREN;
        if (prevNode.getSelfTypeValue() != node.getSelfTypeValue()) {
            // If the type changes, update everything.
            return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_ALL_CHILDREN;
        if (node.getSelfPropsValue() == DISCARDED_FINGERPRINT_VALUE
                && node.getChildNodesValue() == DISCARDED_FINGERPRINT_VALUE) {
            if (node.getChildNodesCount() == 0) {
                // Self and children are discarded.
                return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_ALL_CHILDREN;
            } else {
                // Self is discarded, but children are not discarded at this level. At least one
                // child is discarded though.
                return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_SOME_CHILDREN;
        if (prevNode.getChildNodesCount() != node.getChildNodesCount()) {
                return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_ALL_CHILDREN;
            } else {

                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        boolean selfChanged =
                node.getSelfPropsValue() == DISCARDED_FINGERPRINT_VALUE
                        || prevNode.getSelfPropsValue() != node.getSelfPropsValue();
        boolean childrenChanged =
                node.getChildNodesValue() == DISCARDED_FINGERPRINT_VALUE
                        || prevNode.getChildNodesValue() != node.getChildNodesValue();
        if (selfChanged && childrenChanged) {
            return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_AND_SOME_CHILDREN;
        } else if (selfChanged) {
            return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_SELF_ONLY;
        } else if (childrenChanged) {
            return NodeChangeType.CHANGE_IN_CHILDREN;
        } else {
            return NodeChangeType.NO_CHANGE;

    private static void addChangedChildNodes(
            @NonNull NodeFingerprint prevNodeFingerprint,
            @NonNull TreeNode node,
            @NonNull List<TreeNodeWithChange> changedNodes)
            throws InconsistentFingerprintException {
        List<TreeNode> childList = getChildNodes(node);
        if (childList.isEmpty()) {
        // This must have been checked in getChangeType()
        checkState(childList.size() == prevNodeFingerprint.getChildNodesCount());
        for (int i = 0; i < childList.size(); i++) {
            TreeNode childNode = childList.get(i);
            NodeFingerprint prevChildNodeFingerprint = prevNodeFingerprint.getChildNodes(i);
            addChangedNodes(prevChildNodeFingerprint, childNode, changedNodes);

    private static List<TreeNode> getChildNodes(@NonNull TreeNode node)
            throws InconsistentFingerprintException {
        @Nullable LayoutElement layoutElement = node.mLayoutElement;
        if (layoutElement == null) {
            // Only LayoutElement objects (which includes Arc and Span) can have children.
            return Collections.emptyList();
        NodeFingerprint fingerprint = node.mFingerprint;
        switch (layoutElement.getInnerCase()) {
            case BOX:
                return getLinearChildNodes(
            case COLUMN:
                return getLinearChildNodes(
            case ROW:
                return getLinearChildNodes(
            case ARC:
                return getRadialChildNodes(
                return Collections.emptyList();

    private static List<TreeNode> getLinearChildNodes(
            @NonNull List<LayoutElement> childElements,
            @NonNull List<NodeFingerprint> childElementFingerprints,
            @NonNull String parentPosId)
            throws InconsistentFingerprintException {
        if (childElements.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        if (childElements.size() != childElementFingerprints.size()) {
            throw new InconsistentFingerprintException();
        List<TreeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(childElements.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < childElements.size(); i++) {
            String childPosId = createNodePosId(parentPosId, FIRST_CHILD_INDEX + i);
                            childElements.get(i), childElementFingerprints.get(i), childPosId));
        return nodes;

    private static List<TreeNode> getRadialChildNodes(
            @NonNull List<ArcLayoutElement> childElements,
            @NonNull List<NodeFingerprint> childElementFingerprints,
            @NonNull String parentPosId)
            throws InconsistentFingerprintException {
        if (childElements.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        if (childElements.size() != childElementFingerprints.size()) {
            throw new InconsistentFingerprintException();
        List<TreeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(childElements.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < childElements.size(); i++) {
            String childPosId = createNodePosId(parentPosId, FIRST_CHILD_INDEX + i);
                            childElements.get(i), childElementFingerprints.get(i), childPosId));
        return nodes;