public final class


extends java.lang.Object




A node in a layout tree, that has a change compared to a previous version.


public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElementgetArcLayoutElement()

Returns the radial LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement that this node represents, or null if the node isn't for a LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.

public ProtoLayoutDiffer.NodeChangeTypegetChangeType()

Returns the ProtoLayoutDiffer.NodeChangeType of this ProtoLayoutDiffer.TreeNodeWithChange.

public FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprintgetFingerprint()

Returns the fingerprint for this node.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElementgetLayoutElement()

Returns the linear LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement that this node represents, or null if the node isn't for a LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.

public java.lang.StringgetPosId()

Returns an ID for this node based on its position in the tree.

public booleanisSelfOnlyChange()

Returns true if the change in this node affects the node itself only.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement getLayoutElement()

Returns the linear LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement that this node represents, or null if the node isn't for a LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.

public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement getArcLayoutElement()

Returns the radial LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement that this node represents, or null if the node isn't for a LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.

public FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint getFingerprint()

Returns the fingerprint for this node.

public java.lang.String getPosId()

Returns an ID for this node based on its position in the tree. Only comparable against other position IDs that are generated with ProtoLayoutDiffer.createNodePosId(String, int).

public boolean isSelfOnlyChange()

Returns true if the change in this node affects the node itself only. Otherwise the change affects both the node and its children.

public ProtoLayoutDiffer.NodeChangeType getChangeType()

Returns the ProtoLayoutDiffer.NodeChangeType of this ProtoLayoutDiffer.TreeNodeWithChange.