public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Config class for ProtoLayoutInflater


public static final java.lang.StringDEFAULT_CLICKABLE_ID_EXTRA

public booleangetAllowLayoutChangingBindsWithoutDefault()

Whether a "layout changing" data bind can be applied without the "value_for_layout" field being filled in.

public booleangetAnimationEnabled()

Whether animation is enabled, which decides whether to load contentUpdateAnimations.

public booleangetApplyFontVariantBodyAsDefault()

Whether to apply FONT_VARIANT_BODY as default variant.

public java.lang.StringgetClickableIdExtra()

ID for the Intent extra containing the ID of a Clickable.

public ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipelinegetDynamicDataPipeline()

Pipeline for dynamic data.

public ProtoLayoutExtensionViewProvidergetExtensionViewProvider()

View provider for the renderer extension.

public ProviderStatsLogger.InflaterStatsLoggergetInflaterStatsLogger()

Stats logger used for telemetry.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutgetLayout()

The layout to be rendered.

public ResourceResolversgetLayoutResourceResolvers()

Resolvers for the resources used for rendering this layout.

public java.util.concurrent.ExecutorgetLoadActionExecutor()

Executor to dispatch loadActionListener on.

public ProtoLayoutInflater.LoadActionListenergetLoadActionListener()

Listener for clicks that will cause contents to be reloaded.

public LoggingUtilsgetLoggingUtils()

Debug logger used to log debug messages.

public ProtoLayoutThemegetProtoLayoutTheme()

Theme to use for this ProtoLayoutInflater instance.

public ResourcesgetRendererResources()

Renderer internal resources.

public ContextgetUiContext()

A suitable for interacting with UI.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CLICKABLE_ID_EXTRA


public Context getUiContext()

A suitable for interacting with UI.

public LayoutElementProto.Layout getLayout()

The layout to be rendered.

public ResourceResolvers getLayoutResourceResolvers()

Resolvers for the resources used for rendering this layout.

public java.util.concurrent.Executor getLoadActionExecutor()

Executor to dispatch loadActionListener on.

public ProtoLayoutInflater.LoadActionListener getLoadActionListener()

Listener for clicks that will cause contents to be reloaded.

public Resources getRendererResources()

Renderer internal resources. This Resources object can be used to resolve Renderer's resources.

public ProtoLayoutTheme getProtoLayoutTheme()

Theme to use for this ProtoLayoutInflater instance. This can be used to customise things like the default font family.

public ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline getDynamicDataPipeline()

Pipeline for dynamic data. If null, the dynamic properties would not be registered for update.

public java.lang.String getClickableIdExtra()

ID for the Intent extra containing the ID of a Clickable. Defaults to ProtoLayoutInflater.Config.DEFAULT_CLICKABLE_ID_EXTRA if not specified.

public LoggingUtils getLoggingUtils()

Debug logger used to log debug messages.

public ProviderStatsLogger.InflaterStatsLogger getInflaterStatsLogger()

Stats logger used for telemetry.

public ProtoLayoutExtensionViewProvider getExtensionViewProvider()

View provider for the renderer extension.

public boolean getAnimationEnabled()

Whether animation is enabled, which decides whether to load contentUpdateAnimations.

public boolean getAllowLayoutChangingBindsWithoutDefault()

Whether a "layout changing" data bind can be applied without the "value_for_layout" field being filled in. This is to support legacy apps which use layout-changing data binds before the full support was built.

public boolean getApplyFontVariantBodyAsDefault()

Whether to apply FONT_VARIANT_BODY as default variant.