public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


An immutable representation of the estimated duration an image capture will take capturing and processing the current scene according to the scene's lighting condition and/or camera configuration.

The latency estimate is produced by ImageCapture.getRealtimeCaptureLatencyEstimate().

The estimate is comprised of two components: ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate.getCaptureLatencyMillis(), ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate.getProcessingLatencyMillis().


public static final longUNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY

The capture latency is unsupported or undefined

public static final ImageCaptureLatencyEstimateUNDEFINED_IMAGE_CAPTURE_LATENCY

The image capture latency estimate is unsupported or undefined

public static final longUNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY

The processing latency is unsupported or undefined

publicImageCaptureLatencyEstimate(long captureLatencyMillis, long processingLatencyMillis)

Created by ImageCapture.getRealtimeCaptureLatencyEstimate() when querying for the current realtime latency estimate.

public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

public longgetCaptureLatencyMillis()

Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the camera begins capturing frames to the moment the camera has completed capturing frames.

public longgetProcessingLatencyMillis()

Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the processing begins until the processing has completed and the final processed capture is available.

public longgetTotalCaptureLatencyMillis()

Returns the total estimated capture duration in milliseconds.

public inthashCode()

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public static final long UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY

The capture latency is unsupported or undefined

public static final long UNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY

The processing latency is unsupported or undefined

public static final ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate UNDEFINED_IMAGE_CAPTURE_LATENCY

The image capture latency estimate is unsupported or undefined


public ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate(long captureLatencyMillis, long processingLatencyMillis)

Created by ImageCapture.getRealtimeCaptureLatencyEstimate() when querying for the current realtime latency estimate. This can also be used for testing. It is not necessary to explicitly construct this in any other scenario.


captureLatencyMillis: The estimated duration in milliseconds from when the camera begins capturing frames to the moment the camera has completed capturing frames.
processingLatencyMillis: The estimated duration in milliseconds from when the processing begins until the processing has completed and the final processed capture is available.


public long getCaptureLatencyMillis()

Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the camera begins capturing frames to the moment the camera has completed capturing frames. If this estimate is not supported or not available then it will be ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate.UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY.

public long getProcessingLatencyMillis()

Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the processing begins until the processing has completed and the final processed capture is available. If this estimate is not supported or not available then it will be ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate.UNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY.

public long getTotalCaptureLatencyMillis()

Returns the total estimated capture duration in milliseconds. This includes time spent in capturing and processing.

If either the capture latency or processing latency is undefined then the total estimate is ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate.UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY.

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)

public int hashCode()

public java.lang.String toString()


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import java.util.Objects;

 * An immutable representation of the estimated duration an image capture will take
 * capturing and processing the current scene according to the scene's lighting condition and/or
 * camera configuration.
 * <p>The latency estimate is produced by {@link ImageCapture#getRealtimeCaptureLatencyEstimate()}.
 * <p>The estimate is comprised of two components: {@link #getCaptureLatencyMillis()},
 * {@link #getProcessingLatencyMillis()}.
public class ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate {
    /** The capture latency is unsupported or undefined */
    public static final long UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY = -1;

    /** The processing latency is unsupported or undefined */
    public static final long UNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY = -1;

    /** The image capture latency estimate is unsupported or undefined */
    public static final ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate UNDEFINED_IMAGE_CAPTURE_LATENCY =
            new ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate(UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY,

    private final long mCaptureLatencyMillis;
    private final long mProcessingLatencyMillis;
    private final long mTotalCaptureLatencyMillis;

     * Created by {@link ImageCapture#getRealtimeCaptureLatencyEstimate()} when querying for the
     * current realtime latency estimate. This can also be used for testing. It is not necessary to
     * explicitly construct this in any other scenario.
     * @param captureLatencyMillis The estimated duration in milliseconds from when the camera
     *                             begins capturing frames to the moment the camera has completed
     *                             capturing frames.
     * @param processingLatencyMillis The estimated duration in milliseconds from when the
     *                                processing begins until the processing has completed and the
     *                                final processed capture is available.
    public ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate(long captureLatencyMillis, long processingLatencyMillis) {
        mCaptureLatencyMillis = captureLatencyMillis;
        mProcessingLatencyMillis = processingLatencyMillis;
        mTotalCaptureLatencyMillis = computeTotalCaptureLatencyMillis(captureLatencyMillis,

     * Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the camera begins capturing
     * frames to the moment the camera has completed capturing frames. If this estimate is not
     * supported or not available then it will be {@link #UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY}.
    public long getCaptureLatencyMillis() {
        return mCaptureLatencyMillis;

     * Returns the estimated duration in milliseconds from when the processing begins until the
     * processing has completed and the final processed capture is available. If this estimate is
     * not supported or not available then it will be {@link #UNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY}.
    public long getProcessingLatencyMillis() {
        return mProcessingLatencyMillis;

     * Returns the total estimated capture duration in milliseconds. This includes time spent in
     * capturing and processing.
     * <p>If either the capture latency or processing latency is undefined then the total estimate
    public long getTotalCaptureLatencyMillis() {
        return mTotalCaptureLatencyMillis;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate)) return false;
        ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate that = (ImageCaptureLatencyEstimate) o;
        return mCaptureLatencyMillis == that.getCaptureLatencyMillis()
                && mProcessingLatencyMillis == that.getProcessingLatencyMillis()
                && mTotalCaptureLatencyMillis == that.getTotalCaptureLatencyMillis();

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(mCaptureLatencyMillis, mProcessingLatencyMillis,

    public String toString() {
        return "captureLatencyMillis=" + mCaptureLatencyMillis
                + ", processingLatencyMillis=" + mProcessingLatencyMillis
                + ", totalCaptureLatencyMillis=" + mTotalCaptureLatencyMillis;

    private long computeTotalCaptureLatencyMillis(long captureLatencyMillis,
            long processingLatencyMillis) {
        if (captureLatencyMillis == UNDEFINED_PROCESSING_LATENCY
                || processingLatencyMillis == UNDEFINED_CAPTURE_LATENCY) {
        return captureLatencyMillis + processingLatencyMillis;