public interface



CameraProviderInitRetryPolicy, CameraProviderInitRetryPolicy.Legacy, TimeoutRetryPolicy, RetryPolicyInternal

Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Defines a strategy for retrying upon initialization failures of the CameraProvider. When the initialization task is interrupted by an error or exception during execution, the task will determine whether to be rescheduled based on the specified RetryPolicy.

Several predefined retry policies are available:

If no RetryPolicy is specified, RetryPolicy.DEFAULT will be used as the default.

Examples of configuring the RetryPolicy:

 // Configuring {@link RetryPolicy#RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA} to the CameraXConfig

Configuring a customized RetryPolicy:

         executionState -> {
             if (executionState.getExecutedTimeInMillis() > 10000L
                     || executionState.getNumOfAttempts() > 10
                     || executionState.getStatus() == ExecutionState.STATUS_CONFIGURATION_FAIL) {
                 return RetryConfig.NOT_RETRY;
             } else if (executionState.getStatus() == ExecutionState.STATUS_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE) {
                 return RetryConfig.DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY;
             } else {
                 Log.d("CameraX", "Unknown error occur: " + executionState.getCause());
                 return RetryConfig.MINI_DELAY_RETRY;
In the second example, the custom retry policy retries the initialization up to 10 times or for a maximum of 10 seconds. If an unknown error occurs, the retry policy delays the next retry after a delay defined by RetryPolicy.RetryConfig.MINI_DELAY_RETRY. The retry process stops if the status is RetryPolicy.ExecutionState.STATUS_CONFIGURATION_FAIL. For RetryPolicy.ExecutionState.STATUS_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE, the retry policy applies RetryPolicy.RetryConfig.DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY.


public static final RetryPolicyDEFAULT

This retry policy increases initialization success by automatically retrying upon encountering errors.

public static final longDEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS

Default timeout in milliseconds of the initialization.

public static final RetryPolicyNEVER

A retry policy that prevents any retry attempts and immediately halts the initialization upon encountering an error.

public static final RetryPolicyRETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA

This retry policy automatically retries upon encountering errors and specifically designed to handle potential device inconsistencies in reporting available camera instances.

public static longgetDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()

Retrieves the default timeout value, in milliseconds, used for initialization retries.

public longgetTimeoutInMillis()

Returns the maximum allowed retry duration in milliseconds.

public RetryPolicy.RetryConfigonRetryDecisionRequested(RetryPolicy.ExecutionState executionState)

Called to request a decision on whether to retry the initialization process.


public static final long DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS

Default timeout in milliseconds of the initialization.

public static final RetryPolicy NEVER

A retry policy that prevents any retry attempts and immediately halts the initialization upon encountering an error.

public static final RetryPolicy DEFAULT

This retry policy increases initialization success by automatically retrying upon encountering errors.

By default, it continues retrying for a maximum of RetryPolicy.getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis() milliseconds. To adjust the timeout duration to specific requirements, utilize RetryPolicy.Builder.

Example: Create a policy based on RetryPolicy.DEFAULT with a 10-second timeout:

 RetryPolicy customTimeoutPolicy =
     new RetryPolicy.Builder(RetryPolicy.DEFAULT).setTimeoutInMillis(10000L).build();

public static final RetryPolicy RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA

This retry policy automatically retries upon encountering errors and specifically designed to handle potential device inconsistencies in reporting available camera instances. If the initial camera configuration fails due to underreporting, the policy automatically attempts reinitialization.

By default, it perseveres for a maximum of RetryPolicy.getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis() milliseconds before conceding initialization as unsuccessful. For finer control over the timeout duration, utilize RetryPolicy.Builder.

Example: Create a policy based on RetryPolicy.RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA with a 10-second timeout:

 RetryPolicy customTimeoutPolicy = new RetryPolicy.Builder(


public static long getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()

Retrieves the default timeout value, in milliseconds, used for initialization retries.


The default timeout duration, expressed in milliseconds. This value determines the maximum time to wait for a successful initialization before considering the process as failed.

public RetryPolicy.RetryConfig onRetryDecisionRequested(RetryPolicy.ExecutionState executionState)

Called to request a decision on whether to retry the initialization process.


executionState: Information about the current execution state of the camera initialization.


A RetryConfig indicating whether to retry, along with any associated delay.

public long getTimeoutInMillis()

Returns the maximum allowed retry duration in milliseconds. Initialization will be terminated if retries take longer than this timeout. A value of 0 indicates no timeout is enforced.

The default value is 0 (no timeout).


The retry timeout in milliseconds.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * Defines a strategy for retrying upon initialization failures of the {@link CameraProvider}.
 * When the initialization task is interrupted by an error or exception during execution, the
 * task will determine whether to be rescheduled based on the specified {@link RetryPolicy}.
 * <p>Several predefined retry policies are available:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link RetryPolicy#NEVER}: Never retries the initialization.</li>
 * <li>{@link RetryPolicy#DEFAULT}: The default retry policy, which retries initialization up to
 *   a maximum timeout of {@link #getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()}, providing a general-purpose
 *   approach for handling most errors.</li>
 * <li>{@link RetryPolicy#RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA}: The retry policy automatically retries upon
 *   encountering errors like the {@link #DEFAULT} policy, and specifically designed to handle
 *   potential device inconsistencies in reporting available camera instances. In cases where the
 *   initial camera configuration fails due to the device underreporting (i.e., not accurately
 *   disclosing all available camera instances) the policy proactively triggers a
 *   reinitialization attempt. If the cameras are not successfully configured within
 *   {@link #getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()}, the initialization is considered a failure.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>If no {@link RetryPolicy} is specified, {@link RetryPolicy#DEFAULT} will be used as
 * the default.
 * <p>Examples of configuring the {@link RetryPolicy}:
 * <pre>{@code
 * // Configuring {@link RetryPolicy#RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA} to the CameraXConfig
 * ProcessCameraProvider.configureInstance(
 *    CameraXConfig.Builder.fromConfig(Camera2Config.defaultConfig())
 *      .setCameraProviderInitRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy.RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA)
 *      .build()
 * );
 * ...
 * }</pre>
 * <p>Configuring a customized {@link RetryPolicy}:
 * <pre>{@code
 * ProcessCameraProvider.configureInstance(CameraXConfig.Builder.fromConfig(
 *         Camera2Config.defaultConfig()).setCameraProviderInitRetryPolicy(
 *         executionState -> {
 *             if (executionState.getExecutedTimeInMillis() > 10000L
 *                     || executionState.getNumOfAttempts() > 10
 *                     || executionState.getStatus() == ExecutionState.STATUS_CONFIGURATION_FAIL) {
 *                 return RetryConfig.NOT_RETRY;
 *             } else if (executionState.getStatus() == ExecutionState.STATUS_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE) {
 *                 return RetryConfig.DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY;
 *             } else {
 *                 Log.d("CameraX", "Unknown error occur: " + executionState.getCause());
 *                 return RetryConfig.MINI_DELAY_RETRY;
 *             }
 *         }).build());
 * ...
 * }</pre>
 * In the second example, the custom retry policy retries the initialization up to 10 times or
 * for a maximum of 10 seconds. If an unknown error occurs, the retry policy delays the next
 * retry after a delay defined by {@link RetryConfig#MINI_DELAY_RETRY}. The retry process
 * stops if the status is {@link ExecutionState#STATUS_CONFIGURATION_FAIL}. For
 * {@link ExecutionState#STATUS_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE}, the retry policy applies
 * {@link RetryConfig#DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY}.
public interface RetryPolicy {

     * Default timeout in milliseconds of the initialization.

     * A retry policy that prevents any retry attempts and
     * immediately halts the initialization upon encountering an error.
    RetryPolicy NEVER = executionState -> RetryConfig.NOT_RETRY;

     * This retry policy increases initialization success by automatically retrying upon
     * encountering errors.
     * <p>By default, it continues retrying for a maximum of
     * {@link #getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()} milliseconds. To adjust the timeout duration to
     * specific requirements, utilize {@link RetryPolicy.Builder}.
     * <p>Example: Create a policy based on {@link #DEFAULT} with a 10-second timeout:
     * <pre>{@code
     * RetryPolicy customTimeoutPolicy =
     *     new RetryPolicy.Builder(RetryPolicy.DEFAULT).setTimeoutInMillis(10000L).build();
     * }</pre>
    RetryPolicy DEFAULT = new CameraProviderInitRetryPolicy.Legacy(

     * This retry policy automatically retries upon encountering errors and specifically
     * designed to handle potential device inconsistencies in reporting available camera
     * instances. If the initial camera configuration fails due to underreporting, the policy
     * automatically attempts reinitialization.
     * <p>By default, it perseveres for a maximum of {@link #getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis()}
     * milliseconds before conceding initialization as unsuccessful. For finer control over the
     * timeout duration, utilize {@link RetryPolicy.Builder}.
     * <p>Example: Create a policy based on {@link #RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA} with a 10-second
     * timeout:
     * <pre>{@code
     * RetryPolicy customTimeoutPolicy = new RetryPolicy.Builder(
     *     RetryPolicy.RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA).setTimeoutInMillis(10000L).build();
     * }</pre>
            new CameraProviderInitRetryPolicy(getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis());

     * Retrieves the default timeout value, in milliseconds, used for initialization retries.
     * @return The default timeout duration, expressed in milliseconds. This value determines the
     * maximum time to wait for a successful initialization before considering the process as
     * failed.
    static long getDefaultRetryTimeoutInMillis() {

     * Called to request a decision on whether to retry the initialization process.
     * @param executionState Information about the current execution state of the camera
     *                       initialization.
     * @return A RetryConfig indicating whether to retry, along with any associated delay.
    RetryConfig onRetryDecisionRequested(@NonNull ExecutionState executionState);

     * Returns the maximum allowed retry duration in milliseconds. Initialization will
     * be terminated if retries take longer than this timeout. A value of 0 indicates
     * no timeout is enforced.
     * <p>The default value is 0 (no timeout).
     * @return The retry timeout in milliseconds.
    default long getTimeoutInMillis() {
        return 0;

     * A builder class for customizing RetryPolicy behavior.
     * <p>Use the {@link #Builder(RetryPolicy)} to modify existing RetryPolicy instances,
     * typically starting with the predefined options like {@link RetryPolicy#DEFAULT} or
     * {@link RetryPolicy#RETRY_UNAVAILABLE_CAMERA}. The most common use is to set a custom timeout.
     * <p>Example: Create a policy based on {@link RetryPolicy#DEFAULT} with a 10-second timeout:
     * <pre>{@code
     * new RetryPolicy.Builder(RetryPolicy.DEFAULT).setTimeoutInMillis(10000L).build()
     * }</pre>
    final class Builder {

        private final RetryPolicy mBasePolicy;
        private long mTimeoutInMillis;

         * Creates a builder based on an existing {@link RetryPolicy}.
         * <p>This allows you to start with a predefined policy and add further customizations.
         * For example, set a timeout to prevent retries from continuing endlessly.
         * @param basePolicy The RetryPolicy to use as a starting point.
        public Builder(@NonNull RetryPolicy basePolicy) {
            mBasePolicy = basePolicy;
            mTimeoutInMillis = basePolicy.getTimeoutInMillis();

         * Sets a timeout in milliseconds. If retries exceed this duration, they will be
         * terminated with {@link RetryConfig#NOT_RETRY}.
         * @param timeoutInMillis The maximum duration for retries in milliseconds. A value of 0
         *                        indicates no timeout.
         * @return {@code this} for method chaining.
        public Builder setTimeoutInMillis(long timeoutInMillis) {
            mTimeoutInMillis = timeoutInMillis;
            return this;

         * Creates the customized {@link RetryPolicy} instance.
         * @return The new {@link RetryPolicy}.
        public RetryPolicy build() {
            if (mBasePolicy instanceof RetryPolicyInternal) {
                return ((RetryPolicyInternal) mBasePolicy).copy(mTimeoutInMillis);
            return new TimeoutRetryPolicy(mTimeoutInMillis, mBasePolicy);

     * Provides insights into the current execution state of the camera initialization process.
     * <p>The ExecutionState empowers app developers to make informed decisions about retry
     * strategies and fine-tune timeout settings. It also facilitates comprehensive app-level
     * logging for tracking initialization success/failure rates and overall camera performance.
     * <p>Key use cases:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Determining whether to retry initialization based on specific error conditions.</li>
     *   <li>Logging detailed execution information for debugging and analysis.</li>
     *   <li>Monitoring retry success/failure rates to identify potential issues.</li>
     * </ul>
    interface ExecutionState {

         * Defines the status codes for the {@link ExecutionState}.
        @interface Status {

         * Indicates that the initialization encountered an unknown error. This error may be
         * transient, and retrying may resolve the issue.
        int STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;

         * Indicates that initialization of CameraX failed due to invalid customization options
         * within the provided {@link CameraXConfig}. This error typically indicates a problem
         * with the configuration settings and may require developer attention to resolve.
         * <p>Possible Causes:
         * <ul>
         *  <li>Incorrect or incompatible settings within the {@link CameraXConfig}.</li>
         *  <li>Conflicting options that prevent successful initialization.</li>
         *  <li>Missing or invalid values for essential configuration parameters.</li>
         * </ul>
         * <p>To troubleshoot:
         * Please see {@code getCause().getMessage()} for details, and review configuration of
         * the {@link CameraXConfig} to identify potential errors or inconsistencies in the
         * customization options.
         * @see
         * @see CameraXConfig.Builder

         * Indicates that the {@link CameraProvider} failed to initialize due to an unavailable
         * camera.
         * This error suggests a temporary issue with the device's cameras, and retrying may
         * resolve the issue.

         * Retrieves the status of the most recently completed initialization attempt.
         * @return The status code representing the outcome of the initialization.
        int getStatus();

         * Gets the cause that occurred during the task execution, if any.
         * @return The cause that occurred during the task execution, or null if there was no error.
        Throwable getCause();

         * Gets the total execution time of the initialization task in milliseconds.
         * @return The total execution time of the initialization task in milliseconds.
        long getExecutedTimeInMillis();

         * Indicates the total number of attempts made to initialize the camera, including the
         * current attempt. The count starts from 1.
         * @return The total number of attempts made to initialize the camera.
        int getNumOfAttempts();

     * Represents the outcome of a {@link RetryPolicy} decision.
    final class RetryConfig {

        private static final long MINI_DELAY_MILLIS = 100L;
        private static final long DEFAULT_DELAY_MILLIS = 500L;

        /** A RetryConfig indicating that no further retries should be attempted. */
        public static final RetryConfig NOT_RETRY = new RetryConfig(false, 0L);

         * A RetryConfig indicating that the initialization should be retried after the default
         * delay (determined by {@link #getDefaultRetryDelayInMillis()}). This delay provides
         * sufficient time for typical device recovery processes, balancing retry efficiency
         * and minimizing user wait time.
        public static final RetryConfig DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY = new RetryConfig(true);

         * A RetryConfig indicating that the initialization should be retried after a minimum
         * delay of 100 milliseconds.
         * This short delay serves two purposes:
         * <ul>
         * <li>Reduced Latency: Minimizes the wait time for the camera to become available,
         * improving user experience.
         * <li>Camera Self-Recovery: Provides a brief window for the camera to potentially
         * recover from temporary issues.
         * </ul>
         * This approach balances quick retries with potential self-recovery, aiming for the
         * fastest possible camera restoration.
        public static final RetryConfig MINI_DELAY_RETRY = new RetryConfig(true, MINI_DELAY_MILLIS);

         * A RetryConfig indicating that the initialization should be considered complete
         * without retrying. This config is intended for internal use and is not intended to
         * trigger further retries. It represents the legacy behavior of not failing the
         * initialization task for minor issues.
        public static RetryConfig COMPLETE_WITHOUT_FAILURE = new RetryConfig(false, 0, true);

         * Returns the recommended default delay to optimize retry attempts and camera recovery.
         * @return The default delay value, carefully calibrated based on extensive lab testing to:
         * <ul>
         *  <li>Provide sufficient time for typical device recovery processes in common bad
         *      camera states.</li>
         *  <li>Strike an optimal balance between minimizing latency and avoiding excessive retries,
         *      ensuring efficient camera initialization without unnecessary overhead.</li>
         * </ul>
         * This value represents the generally recommended delay for most scenarios, striking a
         * balance between providing adequate time for camera recovery and maintaining a smooth
         * user experience.
        public static long getDefaultRetryDelayInMillis() {
            return DEFAULT_DELAY_MILLIS;

        private final long mDelayInMillis;
        private final boolean mShouldRetry;
        private final boolean mCompleteWithoutFailure;

        private RetryConfig(boolean shouldRetry) {
            this(shouldRetry, RetryConfig.getDefaultRetryDelayInMillis());

        private RetryConfig(boolean shouldRetry, long delayInMillis) {
            this(shouldRetry, delayInMillis, false);

         * Constructor for determining whether to retry the initialization.
         * @param shouldRetry            Whether to retry the initialization.
         * @param delayInMillis          The delay time in milliseconds before starting the next
         *                               retry.
         * @param completeWithoutFailure Indicates whether to skip retries and not fail the
         *                               initialization. This is a flag for legacy behavior to
         *                               avoid failing the initialization task for minor issues.
         *                               When this flag is set to true, `shouldRetry` must be
         *                               false.
        private RetryConfig(boolean shouldRetry, long delayInMillis,
                boolean completeWithoutFailure) {
            mShouldRetry = shouldRetry;
            mDelayInMillis = delayInMillis;
            if (completeWithoutFailure) {
                        "shouldRetry must be false when completeWithoutFailure is set to true");
            mCompleteWithoutFailure = completeWithoutFailure;

         * Determines whether the initialization should be retried.
         * @return true if the initialization should be retried, false otherwise.
        public boolean shouldRetry() {
            return mShouldRetry;

         * Gets the delay time in milliseconds before the next retry attempt should be made.
         * @return The delay time in milliseconds.
        public long getRetryDelayInMillis() {
            return mDelayInMillis;

         * Signals to treat initialization errors as successful for legacy behavior compatibility.
         * <p>This config is intended for internal use and is not intended to trigger further
         * retries.
         * @return true if initialization should be deemed complete without additional retries,
         * despite any errors encountered. Otherwise, returns false.
        public boolean shouldCompleteWithoutFailure() {
            return mCompleteWithoutFailure;

         * A builder class for creating and customizing {@link RetryConfig} objects.
         * <p>While predefined configs like {@link RetryConfig#DEFAULT_DELAY_RETRY} are
         * recommended for typical recovery scenarios, this builder allows for fine-tuned control
         * when specific requirements necessitate a different approach.
        public static final class Builder {

            private boolean mShouldRetry = true;
            private long mTimeoutInMillis = RetryConfig.getDefaultRetryDelayInMillis();

             * Specifies whether a retry should be attempted.
             * @param shouldRetry  If true (the default), initialization will be retried.
             *                     If false, initialization will not be retried.
             * @return {@code this} for method chaining.
            public Builder setShouldRetry(boolean shouldRetry) {
                mShouldRetry = shouldRetry;
                return this;

             * Sets the retry delay in milliseconds.
             * <p>If set, the initialization will be retried after the specified delay. For optimal
             * results, the delay should be within the range of 100 to 2000 milliseconds. This
             * aligns with lab testing, which suggests this range provides sufficient recovery
             * time for most common camera issues while minimizing latency.
             * @param timeoutInMillis The delay in milliseconds.
             * @return {@code this} for method chaining.
            public Builder setRetryDelayInMillis(
                    @IntRange(from = 100, to = 2000) long timeoutInMillis) {
                mTimeoutInMillis = timeoutInMillis;
                return this;

             * Builds the customized {@link RetryConfig} object.
             * @return The configured RetryConfig.
            public RetryConfig build() {
                return new RetryConfig(mShouldRetry, mTimeoutInMillis);