public class


extends FrameLayout

implements NestedScrollingParent3, NestedScrollingChild3, ScrollingView




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.core', name: 'core', version: '1.9.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.core
  • artifactId: core
  • version: 1.9.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.core:core:1.9.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



NestedScrollView is just like , but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.


public EdgeEffectmEdgeGlowBottom

public EdgeEffectmEdgeGlowTop

publicNestedScrollView(Context context)

publicNestedScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

publicNestedScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)

public voidaddView(View child)

public voidaddView(View child, int index)

public voidaddView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public voidaddView(View child, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public booleanarrowScroll(int direction)

Handle scrolling in response to an up or down arrow click.

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollExtent()

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollOffset()

public intcomputeHorizontalScrollRange()

public voidcomputeScroll()

protected intcomputeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(Rect rect)

Compute the amount to scroll in the Y direction in order to get a rectangle completely on the screen (or, if taller than the screen, at least the first screen size chunk of it).

public intcomputeVerticalScrollExtent()

public intcomputeVerticalScrollOffset()

public intcomputeVerticalScrollRange()

The scroll range of a scroll view is the overall height of all of its children.

public booleandispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)

public booleandispatchNestedFling(float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public booleandispatchNestedPreFling(float velocityX, float velocityY)

public booleandispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int[] offsetInWindow[])

public booleandispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int[] offsetInWindow[], int type)

public booleandispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[])

public booleandispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[], int type)

public voiddispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[], int type, int[] consumed[])

public voiddraw(Canvas canvas)

public booleanexecuteKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)

You can call this function yourself to have the scroll view perform scrolling from a key event, just as if the event had been dispatched to it by the view hierarchy.

public voidfling(int velocityY)

Fling the scroll view

public booleanfullScroll(int direction)

Handles scrolling in response to a "home/end" shortcut press.

protected floatgetBottomFadingEdgeStrength()

public intgetMaxScrollAmount()

public intgetNestedScrollAxes()

protected floatgetTopFadingEdgeStrength()

public booleanhasNestedScrollingParent()

public booleanhasNestedScrollingParent(int type)

public booleanisFillViewport()

Indicates whether this ScrollView's content is stretched to fill the viewport.

public booleanisNestedScrollingEnabled()

public booleanisSmoothScrollingEnabled()

protected voidmeasureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec)

protected voidmeasureChildWithMargins(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed, int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed)

public voidonAttachedToWindow()

public booleanonGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)

public booleanonInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

protected voidonLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)

protected voidonMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)

public booleanonNestedFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public booleanonNestedPreFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)

public voidonNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[])

public voidonNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int type)

public voidonNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed)

public voidonNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type)

public voidonNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type, int[] consumed[])

public voidonNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes)

public voidonNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes, int type)

protected voidonOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX, boolean clampedY)

protected booleanonRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect)

When looking for focus in children of a scroll view, need to be a little more careful not to give focus to something that is scrolled off screen.

protected voidonRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

protected ParcelableonSaveInstanceState()

protected voidonScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)

protected voidonSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)

public booleanonStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int axes)

public booleanonStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int axes, int type)

public voidonStopNestedScroll(View target)

public voidonStopNestedScroll(View target, int type)

public booleanonTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public booleanpageScroll(int direction)

Handles scrolling in response to a "page up/down" shortcut press.

public voidrequestChildFocus(View child, View focused)

public booleanrequestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rectangle, boolean immediate)

public voidrequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept)

public voidrequestLayout()

public voidscrollTo(int x, int y)

public voidsetFillViewport(boolean fillViewport)

Set whether this ScrollView should stretch its content height to fill the viewport or not.

public voidsetNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled)

public voidsetOnScrollChangeListener(NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener l)

Register a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of this view change.

public voidsetSmoothScrollingEnabled(boolean smoothScrollingEnabled)

Set whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition.

public booleanshouldDelayChildPressedState()

public final voidsmoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy)

Like View, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.

public final voidsmoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy, int scrollDurationMs)

Like View, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.

public final voidsmoothScrollTo(int x, int y)

Like NestedScrollView.scrollTo(int, int), but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.

public final voidsmoothScrollTo(int x, int y, int scrollDurationMs)

Like NestedScrollView.scrollTo(int, int), but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.

public booleanstartNestedScroll(int axes)

public booleanstartNestedScroll(int axes, int type)

public voidstopNestedScroll()

public voidstopNestedScroll(int type)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public EdgeEffect mEdgeGlowTop

public EdgeEffect mEdgeGlowBottom


public NestedScrollView(Context context)

public NestedScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public NestedScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)


public void dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[], int type, int[] consumed[])

public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes, int type)

public void stopNestedScroll(int type)

public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent(int type)

public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[], int type)

public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int[] offsetInWindow[], int type)

public void setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled)

public boolean isNestedScrollingEnabled()

public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes)

public void stopNestedScroll()

public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent()

public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow[])

public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int[] offsetInWindow[])

public boolean dispatchNestedFling(float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public boolean dispatchNestedPreFling(float velocityX, float velocityY)

public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type, int[] consumed[])

public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int axes, int type)

public void onNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes, int type)

public void onStopNestedScroll(View target, int type)

public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type)

public void onNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[], int type)

public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int axes)

public void onNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes)

public void onStopNestedScroll(View target)

public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed)

public void onNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[])

public boolean onNestedFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public boolean onNestedPreFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)

public int getNestedScrollAxes()

public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState()

protected float getTopFadingEdgeStrength()

protected float getBottomFadingEdgeStrength()

public int getMaxScrollAmount()


The maximum amount this scroll view will scroll in response to an arrow event.

public void addView(View child)

public void addView(View child, int index)

public void addView(View child, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public void setOnScrollChangeListener(NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener l)

Register a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of this view change.

This version of the method works on all versions of Android, back to API v4.


l: The listener to notify when the scroll X or Y position changes.

See also: View, View

public boolean isFillViewport()

Indicates whether this ScrollView's content is stretched to fill the viewport.


True if the content fills the viewport, false otherwise.

public void setFillViewport(boolean fillViewport)

Set whether this ScrollView should stretch its content height to fill the viewport or not.


fillViewport: True to stretch the content's height to the viewport's boundaries, false otherwise.

public boolean isSmoothScrollingEnabled()


Whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition.

public void setSmoothScrollingEnabled(boolean smoothScrollingEnabled)

Set whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition.


smoothScrollingEnabled: whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition

protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)

public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)

public boolean executeKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)

You can call this function yourself to have the scroll view perform scrolling from a key event, just as if the event had been dispatched to it by the view hierarchy.


event: The key event to execute.


Return true if the event was handled, else false.

public void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept)

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)

protected void onOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX, boolean clampedY)

public boolean pageScroll(int direction)

Handles scrolling in response to a "page up/down" shortcut press. This method will scroll the view by one page up or down and give the focus to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.


direction: the scroll direction: View to go one page up or View to go one page down


true if the key event is consumed by this method, false otherwise

public boolean fullScroll(int direction)

Handles scrolling in response to a "home/end" shortcut press. This method will scroll the view to the top or bottom and give the focus to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.


direction: the scroll direction: View to go the top of the view or View to go the bottom


true if the key event is consumed by this method, false otherwise

public boolean arrowScroll(int direction)

Handle scrolling in response to an up or down arrow click.


direction: The direction corresponding to the arrow key that was pressed


True if we consumed the event, false otherwise

public final void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy)

Like View, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.


dx: the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis
dy: the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis

public final void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy, int scrollDurationMs)

Like View, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.


dx: the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis
dy: the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis
scrollDurationMs: the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds

public final void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y)

Like NestedScrollView.scrollTo(int, int), but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.


x: the position where to scroll on the X axis
y: the position where to scroll on the Y axis

public final void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y, int scrollDurationMs)

Like NestedScrollView.scrollTo(int, int), but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.


x: the position where to scroll on the X axis
y: the position where to scroll on the Y axis
scrollDurationMs: the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds

public int computeVerticalScrollRange()

The scroll range of a scroll view is the overall height of all of its children.

public int computeVerticalScrollOffset()

public int computeVerticalScrollExtent()

public int computeHorizontalScrollRange()

public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset()

public int computeHorizontalScrollExtent()

protected void measureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec)

protected void measureChildWithMargins(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed, int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed)

public void computeScroll()

protected int computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(Rect rect)

Compute the amount to scroll in the Y direction in order to get a rectangle completely on the screen (or, if taller than the screen, at least the first screen size chunk of it).


rect: The rect.


The scroll delta.

public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused)

protected boolean onRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect)

When looking for focus in children of a scroll view, need to be a little more careful not to give focus to something that is scrolled off screen. This is more expensive than the default ViewGroup implementation, otherwise this behavior might have been made the default.

public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rectangle, boolean immediate)

public void requestLayout()

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)

public void onAttachedToWindow()

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)

public void fling(int velocityY)

Fling the scroll view


velocityY: The initial velocity in the Y direction. Positive numbers mean that the finger/cursor is moving down the screen, which means we want to scroll towards the top.

public void scrollTo(int x, int y)

This version also clamps the scrolling to the bounds of our child.

public void draw(Canvas canvas)

protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)

protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState()


 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.widget;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.FocusFinder;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.VelocityTracker;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.widget.EdgeEffect;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.OverScroller;
import android.widget.ScrollView;

import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.core.R;
import androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat;
import androidx.core.view.MotionEventCompat;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingChild3;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingChildHelper;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingParent3;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingParentHelper;
import androidx.core.view.ScrollingView;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;
import androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat;
import androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat;

import java.util.List;

 * NestedScrollView is just like {@link ScrollView}, but it supports acting
 * as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.
 * Nested scrolling is enabled by default.
public class NestedScrollView extends FrameLayout implements NestedScrollingParent3,
        NestedScrollingChild3, ScrollingView {
    static final int ANIMATED_SCROLL_GAP = 250;

    static final float MAX_SCROLL_FACTOR = 0.5f;

    private static final String TAG = "NestedScrollView";
    private static final int DEFAULT_SMOOTH_SCROLL_DURATION = 250;

     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll
     * X or Y positions of a view change.
     * <p>This version of the interface works on all versions of Android, back to API v4.</p>
     * @see #setOnScrollChangeListener(OnScrollChangeListener)
    public interface OnScrollChangeListener {
         * Called when the scroll position of a view changes.
         * @param v The view whose scroll position has changed.
         * @param scrollX Current horizontal scroll origin.
         * @param scrollY Current vertical scroll origin.
         * @param oldScrollX Previous horizontal scroll origin.
         * @param oldScrollY Previous vertical scroll origin.
        void onScrollChange(@NonNull NestedScrollView v, int scrollX, int scrollY,
                int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY);

    private long mLastScroll;

    private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();
    private OverScroller mScroller;

    /** @hide */
    public EdgeEffect mEdgeGlowTop;

    /** @hide */
    public EdgeEffect mEdgeGlowBottom;

     * Position of the last motion event.
    private int mLastMotionY;

     * True when the layout has changed but the traversal has not come through yet.
     * Ideally the view hierarchy would keep track of this for us.
    private boolean mIsLayoutDirty = true;
    private boolean mIsLaidOut = false;

     * The child to give focus to in the event that a child has requested focus while the
     * layout is dirty. This prevents the scroll from being wrong if the child has not been
     * laid out before requesting focus.
    private View mChildToScrollTo = null;

     * True if the user is currently dragging this ScrollView around. This is
     * not the same as 'is being flinged', which can be checked by
     * mScroller.isFinished() (flinging begins when the user lifts their finger).
    private boolean mIsBeingDragged = false;

     * Determines speed during touch scrolling
    private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker;

     * When set to true, the scroll view measure its child to make it fill the currently
     * visible area.
    private boolean mFillViewport;

     * Whether arrow scrolling is animated.
    private boolean mSmoothScrollingEnabled = true;

    private int mTouchSlop;
    private int mMinimumVelocity;
    private int mMaximumVelocity;

     * ID of the active pointer. This is used to retain consistency during
     * drags/flings if multiple pointers are used.
    private int mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;

     * Used during scrolling to retrieve the new offset within the window.
    private final int[] mScrollOffset = new int[2];
    private final int[] mScrollConsumed = new int[2];
    private int mNestedYOffset;

    private int mLastScrollerY;

     * Sentinel value for no current active pointer.
     * Used by {@link #mActivePointerId}.
    private static final int INVALID_POINTER = -1;

    private SavedState mSavedState;

    private static final AccessibilityDelegate ACCESSIBILITY_DELEGATE = new AccessibilityDelegate();

    private static final int[] SCROLLVIEW_STYLEABLE = new int[] {

    private final NestedScrollingParentHelper mParentHelper;
    private final NestedScrollingChildHelper mChildHelper;

    private float mVerticalScrollFactor;

    private OnScrollChangeListener mOnScrollChangeListener;

    public NestedScrollView(@NonNull Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public NestedScrollView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, R.attr.nestedScrollViewStyle);

    public NestedScrollView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
        mEdgeGlowTop = EdgeEffectCompat.create(context, attrs);
        mEdgeGlowBottom = EdgeEffectCompat.create(context, attrs);


        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
                attrs, SCROLLVIEW_STYLEABLE, defStyleAttr, 0);

        setFillViewport(a.getBoolean(0, false));


        mParentHelper = new NestedScrollingParentHelper(this);
        mChildHelper = new NestedScrollingChildHelper(this);

        // ...because why else would you be using this widget?

        ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, ACCESSIBILITY_DELEGATE);

    // NestedScrollingChild3

    public void dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed,
            int dyUnconsumed, @Nullable int[] offsetInWindow, int type, @NonNull int[] consumed) {
        mChildHelper.dispatchNestedScroll(dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed,
                offsetInWindow, type, consumed);

    // NestedScrollingChild2

    public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes, int type) {
        return mChildHelper.startNestedScroll(axes, type);

    public void stopNestedScroll(int type) {

    public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent(int type) {
        return mChildHelper.hasNestedScrollingParent(type);

    public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed,
            int dyUnconsumed, @Nullable int[] offsetInWindow, int type) {
        return mChildHelper.dispatchNestedScroll(dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed,
                offsetInWindow, type);

    public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, @Nullable int[] consumed,
            @Nullable int[] offsetInWindow, int type) {
        return mChildHelper.dispatchNestedPreScroll(dx, dy, consumed, offsetInWindow, type);

    // NestedScrollingChild

    public void setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled) {

    public boolean isNestedScrollingEnabled() {
        return mChildHelper.isNestedScrollingEnabled();

    public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes) {
        return startNestedScroll(axes, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public void stopNestedScroll() {

    public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent() {
        return hasNestedScrollingParent(ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed,
            int dyUnconsumed, @Nullable int[] offsetInWindow) {
        return mChildHelper.dispatchNestedScroll(dxConsumed, dyConsumed, dxUnconsumed, dyUnconsumed,

    public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, @Nullable int[] consumed,
            @Nullable int[] offsetInWindow) {
        return dispatchNestedPreScroll(dx, dy, consumed, offsetInWindow, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public boolean dispatchNestedFling(float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed) {
        return mChildHelper.dispatchNestedFling(velocityX, velocityY, consumed);

    public boolean dispatchNestedPreFling(float velocityX, float velocityY) {
        return mChildHelper.dispatchNestedPreFling(velocityX, velocityY);

    // NestedScrollingParent3

    public void onNestedScroll(@NonNull View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type, @NonNull int[] consumed) {
        onNestedScrollInternal(dyUnconsumed, type, consumed);

    private void onNestedScrollInternal(int dyUnconsumed, int type, @Nullable int[] consumed) {
        final int oldScrollY = getScrollY();
        scrollBy(0, dyUnconsumed);
        final int myConsumed = getScrollY() - oldScrollY;

        if (consumed != null) {
            consumed[1] += myConsumed;
        final int myUnconsumed = dyUnconsumed - myConsumed;

        mChildHelper.dispatchNestedScroll(0, myConsumed, 0, myUnconsumed, null, type, consumed);

    // NestedScrollingParent2

    public boolean onStartNestedScroll(@NonNull View child, @NonNull View target, int axes,
            int type) {
        return (axes & ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL) != 0;

    public void onNestedScrollAccepted(@NonNull View child, @NonNull View target, int axes,
            int type) {
        mParentHelper.onNestedScrollAccepted(child, target, axes, type);
        startNestedScroll(ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL, type);

    public void onStopNestedScroll(@NonNull View target, int type) {
        mParentHelper.onStopNestedScroll(target, type);

    public void onNestedScroll(@NonNull View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int type) {
        onNestedScrollInternal(dyUnconsumed, type, null);

    public void onNestedPreScroll(@NonNull View target, int dx, int dy, @NonNull int[] consumed,
            int type) {
        dispatchNestedPreScroll(dx, dy, consumed, null, type);

    // NestedScrollingParent

    public boolean onStartNestedScroll(
            @NonNull View child, @NonNull View target, int axes) {
        return onStartNestedScroll(child, target, axes, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public void onNestedScrollAccepted(
            @NonNull View child, @NonNull View target, int axes) {
        onNestedScrollAccepted(child, target, axes, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public void onStopNestedScroll(@NonNull View target) {
        onStopNestedScroll(target, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public void onNestedScroll(@NonNull View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed) {
        onNestedScrollInternal(dyUnconsumed, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH, null);

    public void onNestedPreScroll(@NonNull View target, int dx, int dy, @NonNull int[] consumed) {
        onNestedPreScroll(target, dx, dy, consumed, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

    public boolean onNestedFling(
            @NonNull View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed) {
        if (!consumed) {
            dispatchNestedFling(0, velocityY, true);
            fling((int) velocityY);
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean onNestedPreFling(@NonNull View target, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
        return dispatchNestedPreFling(velocityX, velocityY);

    public int getNestedScrollAxes() {
        return mParentHelper.getNestedScrollAxes();

    // ScrollView import

    public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState() {
        return true;

    protected float getTopFadingEdgeStrength() {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0.0f;

        final int length = getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
        final int scrollY = getScrollY();
        if (scrollY < length) {
            return scrollY / (float) length;

        return 1.0f;

    protected float getBottomFadingEdgeStrength() {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0.0f;

        View child = getChildAt(0);
        final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        final int length = getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
        final int bottomEdge = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom();
        final int span = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin - getScrollY() - bottomEdge;
        if (span < length) {
            return span / (float) length;

        return 1.0f;

     * @return The maximum amount this scroll view will scroll in response to
     *   an arrow event.
    public int getMaxScrollAmount() {
        return (int) (MAX_SCROLL_FACTOR * getHeight());

    private void initScrollView() {
        mScroller = new OverScroller(getContext());
        final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext());
        mTouchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop();
        mMinimumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity();
        mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();

    public void addView(@NonNull View child) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ScrollView can host only one direct child");


    public void addView(View child, int index) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ScrollView can host only one direct child");

        super.addView(child, index);

    public void addView(View child, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ScrollView can host only one direct child");

        super.addView(child, params);

    public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ScrollView can host only one direct child");

        super.addView(child, index, params);

     * Register a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of
     * this view change.
     * <p>This version of the method works on all versions of Android, back to API v4.</p>
     * @param l The listener to notify when the scroll X or Y position changes.
     * @see View#getScrollX()
     * @see View#getScrollY()
    public void setOnScrollChangeListener(@Nullable OnScrollChangeListener l) {
        mOnScrollChangeListener = l;

     * @return Returns true this ScrollView can be scrolled
    private boolean canScroll() {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            int childSize = child.getHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin;
            int parentSpace = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
            return childSize > parentSpace;
        return false;

     * Indicates whether this ScrollView's content is stretched to fill the viewport.
     * @return True if the content fills the viewport, false otherwise.
     * @attr name android:fillViewport
    public boolean isFillViewport() {
        return mFillViewport;

     * Set whether this ScrollView should stretch its content height to fill the viewport or not.
     * @param fillViewport True to stretch the content's height to the viewport's
     *        boundaries, false otherwise.
     * @attr name android:fillViewport
    public void setFillViewport(boolean fillViewport) {
        if (fillViewport != mFillViewport) {
            mFillViewport = fillViewport;

     * @return Whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition.
    public boolean isSmoothScrollingEnabled() {
        return mSmoothScrollingEnabled;

     * Set whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition.
     * @param smoothScrollingEnabled whether arrow scrolling will animate its transition
    public void setSmoothScrollingEnabled(boolean smoothScrollingEnabled) {
        mSmoothScrollingEnabled = smoothScrollingEnabled;

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
        super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);

        if (mOnScrollChangeListener != null) {
            mOnScrollChangeListener.onScrollChange(this, l, t, oldl, oldt);

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        if (!mFillViewport) {

        final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
        if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {

        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

            int childSize = child.getMeasuredHeight();
            int parentSpace = getMeasuredHeight()
                    - getPaddingTop()
                    - getPaddingBottom()
                    - lp.topMargin
                    - lp.bottomMargin;

            if (childSize < parentSpace) {
                int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec,
                        getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin,
                int childHeightMeasureSpec =
                        MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parentSpace, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

    public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
        // Let the focused view and/or our descendants get the key first
        return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event) || executeKeyEvent(event);

     * You can call this function yourself to have the scroll view perform
     * scrolling from a key event, just as if the event had been dispatched to
     * it by the view hierarchy.
     * @param event The key event to execute.
     * @return Return true if the event was handled, else false.
    public boolean executeKeyEvent(@NonNull KeyEvent event) {

        if (!canScroll()) {
            if (isFocused() && event.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
                View currentFocused = findFocus();
                if (currentFocused == this) currentFocused = null;
                View nextFocused = FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this,
                        currentFocused, View.FOCUS_DOWN);
                return nextFocused != null
                        && nextFocused != this
                        && nextFocused.requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN);
            return false;

        boolean handled = false;
        if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            switch (event.getKeyCode()) {
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
                    if (!event.isAltPressed()) {
                        handled = arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_UP);
                    } else {
                        handled = fullScroll(View.FOCUS_UP);
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
                    if (!event.isAltPressed()) {
                        handled = arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN);
                    } else {
                        handled = fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN);
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE:
                    pageScroll(event.isShiftPressed() ? View.FOCUS_UP : View.FOCUS_DOWN);

        return handled;

    private boolean inChild(int x, int y) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            final int scrollY = getScrollY();
            final View child = getChildAt(0);
            return !(y < child.getTop() - scrollY
                    || y >= child.getBottom() - scrollY
                    || x < child.getLeft()
                    || x >= child.getRight());
        return false;

    private void initOrResetVelocityTracker() {
        if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
            mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
        } else {

    private void initVelocityTrackerIfNotExists() {
        if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
            mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();

    private void recycleVelocityTracker() {
        if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
            mVelocityTracker = null;

    public void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept) {
        if (disallowIntercept) {

    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent ev) {
         * This method JUST determines whether we want to intercept the motion.
         * If we return true, onMotionEvent will be called and we do the actual
         * scrolling there.

        * Shortcut the most recurring case: the user is in the dragging
        * state and they are moving their finger.  We want to intercept this
        * motion.
        final int action = ev.getAction();
        if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) && mIsBeingDragged) {
            return true;

        switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
                 * mIsBeingDragged == false, otherwise the shortcut would have caught it. Check
                 * whether the user has moved far enough from their original down touch.

                * Locally do absolute value. mLastMotionY is set to the y value
                * of the down event.
                final int activePointerId = mActivePointerId;
                if (activePointerId == INVALID_POINTER) {
                    // If we don't have a valid id, the touch down wasn't on content.

                final int pointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(activePointerId);
                if (pointerIndex == -1) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Invalid pointerId=" + activePointerId
                            + " in onInterceptTouchEvent");

                final int y = (int) ev.getY(pointerIndex);
                final int yDiff = Math.abs(y - mLastMotionY);
                if (yDiff > mTouchSlop
                        && (getNestedScrollAxes() & ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL) == 0) {
                    mIsBeingDragged = true;
                    mLastMotionY = y;
                    mNestedYOffset = 0;
                    final ViewParent parent = getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
                final int y = (int) ev.getY();
                if (!inChild((int) ev.getX(), y)) {
                    mIsBeingDragged = stopGlowAnimations(ev) || !mScroller.isFinished();

                 * Remember location of down touch.
                 * ACTION_DOWN always refers to pointer index 0.
                mLastMotionY = y;
                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);

                 * If being flinged and user touches the screen, initiate drag;
                 * otherwise don't. mScroller.isFinished should be false when
                 * being flinged. We also want to catch the edge glow and start dragging
                 * if one is being animated. We need to call computeScrollOffset() first so that
                 * isFinished() is correct.
                mIsBeingDragged = stopGlowAnimations(ev) || !mScroller.isFinished();
                startNestedScroll(ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                /* Release the drag */
                mIsBeingDragged = false;
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
                if (mScroller.springBack(getScrollX(), getScrollY(), 0, 0, 0, getScrollRange())) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:

        * The only time we want to intercept motion events is if we are in the
        * drag mode.
        return mIsBeingDragged;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent ev) {

        final int actionMasked = ev.getActionMasked();

        if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            mNestedYOffset = 0;

        MotionEvent vtev = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
        vtev.offsetLocation(0, mNestedYOffset);

        switch (actionMasked) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
                if (getChildCount() == 0) {
                    return false;
                if (mIsBeingDragged) {
                    final ViewParent parent = getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {

                 * If being flinged and user touches, stop the fling. isFinished
                 * will be false if being flinged.
                if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {

                // Remember where the motion event started
                mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY();
                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);
                startNestedScroll(ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL, ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                final int activePointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId);
                if (activePointerIndex == -1) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Invalid pointerId=" + mActivePointerId + " in onTouchEvent");

                final int y = (int) ev.getY(activePointerIndex);
                int deltaY = mLastMotionY - y;
                deltaY -= releaseVerticalGlow(deltaY, ev.getX(activePointerIndex));
                if (!mIsBeingDragged && Math.abs(deltaY) > mTouchSlop) {
                    final ViewParent parent = getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {
                    mIsBeingDragged = true;
                    if (deltaY > 0) {
                        deltaY -= mTouchSlop;
                    } else {
                        deltaY += mTouchSlop;
                if (mIsBeingDragged) {
                    // Start with nested pre scrolling
                    if (dispatchNestedPreScroll(0, deltaY, mScrollConsumed, mScrollOffset,
                            ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH)) {
                        deltaY -= mScrollConsumed[1];
                        mNestedYOffset += mScrollOffset[1];

                    // Scroll to follow the motion event
                    mLastMotionY = y - mScrollOffset[1];

                    final int oldY = getScrollY();
                    final int range = getScrollRange();
                    final int overscrollMode = getOverScrollMode();
                    boolean canOverscroll = overscrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
                            || (overscrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && range > 0);

                    // Calling overScrollByCompat will call onOverScrolled, which
                    // calls onScrollChanged if applicable.
                    boolean clearVelocityTracker =
                            overScrollByCompat(0, deltaY, 0, getScrollY(), 0, range, 0,
                                    0, true) && !hasNestedScrollingParent(ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH);

                    final int scrolledDeltaY = getScrollY() - oldY;
                    final int unconsumedY = deltaY - scrolledDeltaY;

                    mScrollConsumed[1] = 0;

                    dispatchNestedScroll(0, scrolledDeltaY, 0, unconsumedY, mScrollOffset,
                            ViewCompat.TYPE_TOUCH, mScrollConsumed);

                    mLastMotionY -= mScrollOffset[1];
                    mNestedYOffset += mScrollOffset[1];

                    if (canOverscroll) {
                        deltaY -= mScrollConsumed[1];
                        final int pulledToY = oldY + deltaY;
                        if (pulledToY < 0) {
                                    (float) -deltaY / getHeight(),
                                    ev.getX(activePointerIndex) / getWidth());
                            if (!mEdgeGlowBottom.isFinished()) {
                        } else if (pulledToY > range) {
                                    (float) deltaY / getHeight(),
                                    1.f - ev.getX(activePointerIndex) / getWidth());
                            if (!mEdgeGlowTop.isFinished()) {
                        if (!mEdgeGlowTop.isFinished() || !mEdgeGlowBottom.isFinished()) {
                            clearVelocityTracker = false;
                    if (clearVelocityTracker) {
                        // Break our velocity if we hit a scroll barrier.
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker;
                velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumVelocity);
                int initialVelocity = (int) velocityTracker.getYVelocity(mActivePointerId);
                if ((Math.abs(initialVelocity) >= mMinimumVelocity)) {
                    if (!edgeEffectFling(initialVelocity)
                            && !dispatchNestedPreFling(0, -initialVelocity)) {
                        dispatchNestedFling(0, -initialVelocity, true);
                } else if (mScroller.springBack(getScrollX(), getScrollY(), 0, 0, 0,
                        getScrollRange())) {
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                if (mIsBeingDragged && getChildCount() > 0) {
                    if (mScroller.springBack(getScrollX(), getScrollY(), 0, 0, 0,
                            getScrollRange())) {
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: {
                final int index = ev.getActionIndex();
                mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(index);
                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(index);
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
                mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId));

        if (mVelocityTracker != null) {

        return true;

    private boolean edgeEffectFling(int velocityY) {
        boolean consumed = true;
        if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowTop) != 0) {
        } else if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom) != 0) {
        } else {
            consumed = false;
        return consumed;

     * This stops any edge glow animation that is currently running by applying a
     * 0 length pull at the displacement given by the provided MotionEvent. On pre-S devices,
     * this method does nothing, allowing any animating edge effect to continue animating and
     * returning <code>false</code> always.
     * @param e The motion event to use to indicate the finger position for the displacement of
     *          the current pull.
     * @return <code>true</code> if any edge effect had an existing effect to be drawn ond the
     * animation was stopped or <code>false</code> if no edge effect had a value to display.
    private boolean stopGlowAnimations(MotionEvent e) {
        boolean stopped = false;
        if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowTop) != 0) {
            EdgeEffectCompat.onPullDistance(mEdgeGlowTop, 0, e.getX() / getWidth());
            stopped = true;
        if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom) != 0) {
            EdgeEffectCompat.onPullDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom, 0, 1 - e.getX() / getWidth());
            stopped = true;
        return stopped;

    private void onSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev) {
        final int pointerIndex = ev.getActionIndex();
        final int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
        if (pointerId == mActivePointerId) {
            // This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new
            // active pointer and adjust accordingly.
            // TODO: Make this decision more intelligent.
            final int newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
            mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(newPointerIndex);
            mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(newPointerIndex);
            if (mVelocityTracker != null) {

    public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) {
        if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL && !mIsBeingDragged) {
            final float vscroll;
            if (MotionEventCompat.isFromSource(event, InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)) {
                vscroll = event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_VSCROLL);
            } else if (MotionEventCompat.isFromSource(event, InputDevice.SOURCE_ROTARY_ENCODER)) {
                vscroll = event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_SCROLL);
            } else {
                vscroll = 0;
            if (vscroll != 0) {
                final int delta = (int) (vscroll * getVerticalScrollFactorCompat());
                final int range = getScrollRange();
                int oldScrollY = getScrollY();
                int newScrollY = oldScrollY - delta;
                boolean absorbed = false;
                if (newScrollY < 0) {
                    // We don't want an EdgeEffect for mouse wheel operations
                    final boolean canOverScroll = canOverScroll()
                            && !MotionEventCompat.isFromSource(event, InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE);
                    if (canOverScroll) {
                                -((float) newScrollY) / getHeight(),
                        absorbed = true;
                    newScrollY = 0;
                } else if (newScrollY > range) {
                    // We don't want an EdgeEffect for mouse wheel operations
                    final boolean canOverScroll = canOverScroll()
                            && !MotionEventCompat.isFromSource(event, InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE);
                    if (canOverScroll) {
                                ((float) (newScrollY - range)) / getHeight(),
                        absorbed = true;
                    newScrollY = range;
                if (newScrollY != oldScrollY) {
                    super.scrollTo(getScrollX(), newScrollY);
                    return true;
                return absorbed;
        return false;

     * Returns true if the NestedScrollView supports over scroll.
    private boolean canOverScroll() {
        final int mode = getOverScrollMode();
        return mode == OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
                || (mode == OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && getScrollRange() > 0);

    private float getVerticalScrollFactorCompat() {
        if (mVerticalScrollFactor == 0) {
            TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
            final Context context = getContext();
            if (!context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(
                    android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight, outValue, true)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Expected theme to define listPreferredItemHeight.");
            mVerticalScrollFactor = outValue.getDimension(
        return mVerticalScrollFactor;

    protected void onOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY,
            boolean clampedX, boolean clampedY) {
        super.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);

    @SuppressWarnings({"SameParameterValue", "unused"})
    boolean overScrollByCompat(int deltaX, int deltaY,
            int scrollX, int scrollY,
            int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY,
            int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY,
            boolean isTouchEvent) {
        final int overScrollMode = getOverScrollMode();
        final boolean canScrollHorizontal =
                computeHorizontalScrollRange() > computeHorizontalScrollExtent();
        final boolean canScrollVertical =
                computeVerticalScrollRange() > computeVerticalScrollExtent();
        final boolean overScrollHorizontal = overScrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
                || (overScrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && canScrollHorizontal);
        final boolean overScrollVertical = overScrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
                || (overScrollMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && canScrollVertical);

        int newScrollX = scrollX + deltaX;
        if (!overScrollHorizontal) {
            maxOverScrollX = 0;

        int newScrollY = scrollY + deltaY;
        if (!overScrollVertical) {
            maxOverScrollY = 0;

        // Clamp values if at the limits and record
        final int left = -maxOverScrollX;
        final int right = maxOverScrollX + scrollRangeX;
        final int top = -maxOverScrollY;
        final int bottom = maxOverScrollY + scrollRangeY;

        boolean clampedX = false;
        if (newScrollX > right) {
            newScrollX = right;
            clampedX = true;
        } else if (newScrollX < left) {
            newScrollX = left;
            clampedX = true;

        boolean clampedY = false;
        if (newScrollY > bottom) {
            newScrollY = bottom;
            clampedY = true;
        } else if (newScrollY < top) {
            newScrollY = top;
            clampedY = true;

        if (clampedY && !hasNestedScrollingParent(ViewCompat.TYPE_NON_TOUCH)) {
            mScroller.springBack(newScrollX, newScrollY, 0, 0, 0, getScrollRange());

        onOverScrolled(newScrollX, newScrollY, clampedX, clampedY);

        return clampedX || clampedY;

    int getScrollRange() {
        int scrollRange = 0;
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            int childSize = child.getHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin;
            int parentSpace = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
            scrollRange = Math.max(0, childSize - parentSpace);
        return scrollRange;

     * <p>
     * Finds the next focusable component that fits in the specified bounds.
     * </p>
     * @param topFocus look for a candidate is the one at the top of the bounds
     *                 if topFocus is true, or at the bottom of the bounds if topFocus is
     *                 false
     * @param top      the top offset of the bounds in which a focusable must be
     *                 found
     * @param bottom   the bottom offset of the bounds in which a focusable must
     *                 be found
     * @return the next focusable component in the bounds or null if none can
     *         be found
    private View findFocusableViewInBounds(boolean topFocus, int top, int bottom) {

        List<View> focusables = getFocusables(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
        View focusCandidate = null;

         * A fully contained focusable is one where its top is below the bound's
         * top, and its bottom is above the bound's bottom. A partially
         * contained focusable is one where some part of it is within the
         * bounds, but it also has some part that is not within bounds.  A fully contained
         * focusable is preferred to a partially contained focusable.
        boolean foundFullyContainedFocusable = false;

        int count = focusables.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            View view = focusables.get(i);
            int viewTop = view.getTop();
            int viewBottom = view.getBottom();

            if (top < viewBottom && viewTop < bottom) {
                 * the focusable is in the target area, it is a candidate for
                 * focusing

                final boolean viewIsFullyContained = (top < viewTop) && (viewBottom < bottom);

                if (focusCandidate == null) {
                    /* No candidate, take this one */
                    focusCandidate = view;
                    foundFullyContainedFocusable = viewIsFullyContained;
                } else {
                    final boolean viewIsCloserToBoundary =
                            (topFocus && viewTop < focusCandidate.getTop())
                                    || (!topFocus && viewBottom > focusCandidate.getBottom());

                    if (foundFullyContainedFocusable) {
                        if (viewIsFullyContained && viewIsCloserToBoundary) {
                             * We're dealing with only fully contained views, so
                             * it has to be closer to the boundary to beat our
                             * candidate
                            focusCandidate = view;
                    } else {
                        if (viewIsFullyContained) {
                            /* Any fully contained view beats a partially contained view */
                            focusCandidate = view;
                            foundFullyContainedFocusable = true;
                        } else if (viewIsCloserToBoundary) {
                             * Partially contained view beats another partially
                             * contained view if it's closer
                            focusCandidate = view;

        return focusCandidate;

     * <p>Handles scrolling in response to a "page up/down" shortcut press. This
     * method will scroll the view by one page up or down and give the focus
     * to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no
     * component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the
     * focus.</p>
     * @param direction the scroll direction: {@link View#FOCUS_UP}
     *                  to go one page up or
     *                  {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN} to go one page down
     * @return true if the key event is consumed by this method, false otherwise
    public boolean pageScroll(int direction) {
        boolean down = direction == View.FOCUS_DOWN;
        int height = getHeight();

        if (down) {
   = getScrollY() + height;
            int count = getChildCount();
            if (count > 0) {
                View view = getChildAt(count - 1);
                LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
                int bottom = view.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin + getPaddingBottom();
                if ( + height > bottom) {
           = bottom - height;
        } else {
   = getScrollY() - height;
            if ( < 0) {
       = 0;
        mTempRect.bottom = + height;

        return scrollAndFocus(direction,, mTempRect.bottom);

     * <p>Handles scrolling in response to a "home/end" shortcut press. This
     * method will scroll the view to the top or bottom and give the focus
     * to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no
     * component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the
     * focus.</p>
     * @param direction the scroll direction: {@link View#FOCUS_UP}
     *                  to go the top of the view or
     *                  {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN} to go the bottom
     * @return true if the key event is consumed by this method, false otherwise
    public boolean fullScroll(int direction) {
        boolean down = direction == View.FOCUS_DOWN;
        int height = getHeight(); = 0;
        mTempRect.bottom = height;

        if (down) {
            int count = getChildCount();
            if (count > 0) {
                View view = getChildAt(count - 1);
                LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
                mTempRect.bottom = view.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin + getPaddingBottom();
       = mTempRect.bottom - height;

        return scrollAndFocus(direction,, mTempRect.bottom);

     * <p>Scrolls the view to make the area defined by <code>top</code> and
     * <code>bottom</code> visible. This method attempts to give the focus
     * to a component visible in this area. If no component can be focused in
     * the new visible area, the focus is reclaimed by this ScrollView.</p>
     * @param direction the scroll direction: {@link View#FOCUS_UP}
     *                  to go upward, {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN} to downward
     * @param top       the top offset of the new area to be made visible
     * @param bottom    the bottom offset of the new area to be made visible
     * @return true if the key event is consumed by this method, false otherwise
    private boolean scrollAndFocus(int direction, int top, int bottom) {
        boolean handled = true;

        int height = getHeight();
        int containerTop = getScrollY();
        int containerBottom = containerTop + height;
        boolean up = direction == View.FOCUS_UP;

        View newFocused = findFocusableViewInBounds(up, top, bottom);
        if (newFocused == null) {
            newFocused = this;

        if (top >= containerTop && bottom <= containerBottom) {
            handled = false;
        } else {
            int delta = up ? (top - containerTop) : (bottom - containerBottom);

        if (newFocused != findFocus()) newFocused.requestFocus(direction);

        return handled;

     * Handle scrolling in response to an up or down arrow click.
     * @param direction The direction corresponding to the arrow key that was
     *                  pressed
     * @return True if we consumed the event, false otherwise
    public boolean arrowScroll(int direction) {
        View currentFocused = findFocus();
        if (currentFocused == this) currentFocused = null;

        View nextFocused = FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, currentFocused, direction);

        final int maxJump = getMaxScrollAmount();

        if (nextFocused != null && isWithinDeltaOfScreen(nextFocused, maxJump, getHeight())) {
            offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(nextFocused, mTempRect);
            int scrollDelta = computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(mTempRect);
        } else {
            // no new focus
            int scrollDelta = maxJump;

            if (direction == View.FOCUS_UP && getScrollY() < scrollDelta) {
                scrollDelta = getScrollY();
            } else if (direction == View.FOCUS_DOWN) {
                if (getChildCount() > 0) {
                    View child = getChildAt(0);
                    LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                    int daBottom = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin;
                    int screenBottom = getScrollY() + getHeight() - getPaddingBottom();
                    scrollDelta = Math.min(daBottom - screenBottom, maxJump);
            if (scrollDelta == 0) {
                return false;
            doScrollY(direction == View.FOCUS_DOWN ? scrollDelta : -scrollDelta);

        if (currentFocused != null && currentFocused.isFocused()
                && isOffScreen(currentFocused)) {
            // previously focused item still has focus and is off screen, give
            // it up (take it back to ourselves)
            // (also, need to temporarily force FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS so we are
            // sure to
            // get it)
            final int descendantFocusability = getDescendantFocusability();  // save
            setDescendantFocusability(descendantFocusability);  // restore
        return true;

     * @return whether the descendant of this scroll view is scrolled off
     *  screen.
    private boolean isOffScreen(View descendant) {
        return !isWithinDeltaOfScreen(descendant, 0, getHeight());

     * @return whether the descendant of this scroll view is within delta
     *  pixels of being on the screen.
    private boolean isWithinDeltaOfScreen(View descendant, int delta, int height) {
        offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(descendant, mTempRect);

        return (mTempRect.bottom + delta) >= getScrollY()
                && ( - delta) <= (getScrollY() + height);

     * Smooth scroll by a Y delta
     * @param delta the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis
    private void doScrollY(int delta) {
        if (delta != 0) {
            if (mSmoothScrollingEnabled) {
                smoothScrollBy(0, delta);
            } else {
                scrollBy(0, delta);

     * Like {@link View#scrollBy}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param dx the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis
     * @param dy the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis
    public final void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy) {
        smoothScrollBy(dx, dy, DEFAULT_SMOOTH_SCROLL_DURATION, false);

     * Like {@link View#scrollBy}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param dx the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis
     * @param dy the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis
     * @param scrollDurationMs the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds
    public final void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy, int scrollDurationMs) {
        smoothScrollBy(dx, dy, scrollDurationMs, false);

     * Like {@link View#scrollBy}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param dx the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis
     * @param dy the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis
     * @param scrollDurationMs the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds
     * @param withNestedScrolling whether to include nested scrolling operations.
    private void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy, int scrollDurationMs, boolean withNestedScrolling) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            // Nothing to do.
        long duration = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() - mLastScroll;
        if (duration > ANIMATED_SCROLL_GAP) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            int childSize = child.getHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin;
            int parentSpace = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
            final int scrollY = getScrollY();
            final int maxY = Math.max(0, childSize - parentSpace);
            dy = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollY + dy, maxY)) - scrollY;
            mScroller.startScroll(getScrollX(), scrollY, 0, dy, scrollDurationMs);
        } else {
            if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {
            scrollBy(dx, dy);
        mLastScroll = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();

     * Like {@link #scrollTo}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param x the position where to scroll on the X axis
     * @param y the position where to scroll on the Y axis
    public final void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y) {
        smoothScrollTo(x, y, DEFAULT_SMOOTH_SCROLL_DURATION, false);

     * Like {@link #scrollTo}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param x the position where to scroll on the X axis
     * @param y the position where to scroll on the Y axis
     * @param scrollDurationMs the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds
    public final void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y, int scrollDurationMs) {
        smoothScrollTo(x, y, scrollDurationMs, false);

     * Like {@link #scrollTo}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param x the position where to scroll on the X axis
     * @param y the position where to scroll on the Y axis
     * @param withNestedScrolling whether to include nested scrolling operations.
    // This should be considered private, it is package private to avoid a synthetic ancestor.
    void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y, boolean withNestedScrolling) {
        smoothScrollTo(x, y, DEFAULT_SMOOTH_SCROLL_DURATION, withNestedScrolling);

     * Like {@link #scrollTo}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately.
     * @param x the position where to scroll on the X axis
     * @param y the position where to scroll on the Y axis
     * @param scrollDurationMs the duration of the smooth scroll operation in milliseconds
     * @param withNestedScrolling whether to include nested scrolling operations.
    // This should be considered private, it is package private to avoid a synthetic ancestor.
    void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y, int scrollDurationMs, boolean withNestedScrolling) {
        smoothScrollBy(x - getScrollX(), y - getScrollY(), scrollDurationMs, withNestedScrolling);

     * <p>The scroll range of a scroll view is the overall height of all of its
     * children.</p>
     * @hide
    public int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
        final int count = getChildCount();
        final int parentSpace = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();
        if (count == 0) {
            return parentSpace;

        View child = getChildAt(0);
        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        int scrollRange = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin;
        final int scrollY = getScrollY();
        final int overscrollBottom = Math.max(0, scrollRange - parentSpace);
        if (scrollY < 0) {
            scrollRange -= scrollY;
        } else if (scrollY > overscrollBottom) {
            scrollRange += scrollY - overscrollBottom;

        return scrollRange;

    /** @hide */
    public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
        return Math.max(0, super.computeVerticalScrollOffset());

    /** @hide */
    public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
        return super.computeVerticalScrollExtent();

    /** @hide */
    public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
        return super.computeHorizontalScrollRange();

    /** @hide */
    public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
        return super.computeHorizontalScrollOffset();

    /** @hide */
    public int computeHorizontalScrollExtent() {
        return super.computeHorizontalScrollExtent();

    protected void measureChild(@NonNull View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec,
            int parentHeightMeasureSpec) {
        ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = child.getLayoutParams();

        int childWidthMeasureSpec;
        int childHeightMeasureSpec;

        childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentWidthMeasureSpec, getPaddingLeft()
                + getPaddingRight(), lp.width);

        childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

        child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

    protected void measureChildWithMargins(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed,
            int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed) {
        final MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

        final int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentWidthMeasureSpec,
                getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin
                        + widthUsed, lp.width);
        final int childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

        child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

    public void computeScroll() {

        if (mScroller.isFinished()) {

        final int y = mScroller.getCurrY();
        int unconsumed = y - mLastScrollerY;
        mLastScrollerY = y;

        // Nested Scrolling Pre Pass
        mScrollConsumed[1] = 0;
        dispatchNestedPreScroll(0, unconsumed, mScrollConsumed, null,
        unconsumed -= mScrollConsumed[1];

        final int range = getScrollRange();

        if (unconsumed != 0) {
            // Internal Scroll
            final int oldScrollY = getScrollY();
            overScrollByCompat(0, unconsumed, getScrollX(), oldScrollY, 0, range, 0, 0, false);
            final int scrolledByMe = getScrollY() - oldScrollY;
            unconsumed -= scrolledByMe;

            // Nested Scrolling Post Pass
            mScrollConsumed[1] = 0;
            dispatchNestedScroll(0, scrolledByMe, 0, unconsumed, mScrollOffset,
                    ViewCompat.TYPE_NON_TOUCH, mScrollConsumed);
            unconsumed -= mScrollConsumed[1];

        if (unconsumed != 0) {
            final int mode = getOverScrollMode();
            final boolean canOverscroll = mode == OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS
                    || (mode == OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && range > 0);
            if (canOverscroll) {
                if (unconsumed < 0) {
                    if (mEdgeGlowTop.isFinished()) {
                        mEdgeGlowTop.onAbsorb((int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity());
                } else {
                    if (mEdgeGlowBottom.isFinished()) {
                        mEdgeGlowBottom.onAbsorb((int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity());

        if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {
        } else {

     * If either of the vertical edge glows are currently active, this consumes part or all of
     * deltaY on the edge glow.
     * @param deltaY The pointer motion, in pixels, in the vertical direction, positive
     *                         for moving down and negative for moving up.
     * @param x The vertical position of the pointer.
     * @return The amount of <code>deltaY</code> that has been consumed by the
     * edge glow.
    private int releaseVerticalGlow(int deltaY, float x) {
        // First allow releasing existing overscroll effect:
        float consumed = 0;
        float displacement = x / getWidth();
        float pullDistance = (float) deltaY / getHeight();
        if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowTop) != 0) {
            consumed = -EdgeEffectCompat.onPullDistance(mEdgeGlowTop, -pullDistance, displacement);
            if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowTop) == 0) {
        } else if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom) != 0) {
            consumed = EdgeEffectCompat.onPullDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom, pullDistance,
                    1 - displacement);
            if (EdgeEffectCompat.getDistance(mEdgeGlowBottom) == 0) {
        int pixelsConsumed = Math.round(consumed * getHeight());
        if (pixelsConsumed != 0) {
        return pixelsConsumed;

    private void runAnimatedScroll(boolean participateInNestedScrolling) {
        if (participateInNestedScrolling) {
            startNestedScroll(ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL, ViewCompat.TYPE_NON_TOUCH);
        } else {
        mLastScrollerY = getScrollY();

    private void abortAnimatedScroll() {

     * Scrolls the view to the given child.
     * @param child the View to scroll to
    private void scrollToChild(View child) {

        /* Offset from child's local coordinates to ScrollView coordinates */
        offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(child, mTempRect);

        int scrollDelta = computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(mTempRect);

        if (scrollDelta != 0) {
            scrollBy(0, scrollDelta);

     * If rect is off screen, scroll just enough to get it (or at least the
     * first screen size chunk of it) on screen.
     * @param rect      The rectangle.
     * @param immediate True to scroll immediately without animation
     * @return true if scrolling was performed
    private boolean scrollToChildRect(Rect rect, boolean immediate) {
        final int delta = computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(rect);
        final boolean scroll = delta != 0;
        if (scroll) {
            if (immediate) {
                scrollBy(0, delta);
            } else {
                smoothScrollBy(0, delta);
        return scroll;

     * Compute the amount to scroll in the Y direction in order to get
     * a rectangle completely on the screen (or, if taller than the screen,
     * at least the first screen size chunk of it).
     * @param rect The rect.
     * @return The scroll delta.
    protected int computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(Rect rect) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) return 0;

        int height = getHeight();
        int screenTop = getScrollY();
        int screenBottom = screenTop + height;
        int actualScreenBottom = screenBottom;

        int fadingEdge = getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();

        // TODO: screenTop should be incremented by fadingEdge * getTopFadingEdgeStrength (but for
        // the target scroll distance).
        // leave room for top fading edge as long as rect isn't at very top
        if ( > 0) {
            screenTop += fadingEdge;

        // TODO: screenBottom should be decremented by fadingEdge * getBottomFadingEdgeStrength (but
        // for the target scroll distance).
        // leave room for bottom fading edge as long as rect isn't at very bottom
        View child = getChildAt(0);
        final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
        if (rect.bottom < child.getHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin) {
            screenBottom -= fadingEdge;

        int scrollYDelta = 0;

        if (rect.bottom > screenBottom && > screenTop) {
            // need to move down to get it in view: move down just enough so
            // that the entire rectangle is in view (or at least the first
            // screen size chunk).

            if (rect.height() > height) {
                // just enough to get screen size chunk on
                scrollYDelta += ( - screenTop);
            } else {
                // get entire rect at bottom of screen
                scrollYDelta += (rect.bottom - screenBottom);

            // make sure we aren't scrolling beyond the end of our content
            int bottom = child.getBottom() + lp.bottomMargin;
            int distanceToBottom = bottom - actualScreenBottom;
            scrollYDelta = Math.min(scrollYDelta, distanceToBottom);

        } else if ( < screenTop && rect.bottom < screenBottom) {
            // need to move up to get it in view: move up just enough so that
            // entire rectangle is in view (or at least the first screen
            // size chunk of it).

            if (rect.height() > height) {
                // screen size chunk
                scrollYDelta -= (screenBottom - rect.bottom);
            } else {
                // entire rect at top
                scrollYDelta -= (screenTop -;

            // make sure we aren't scrolling any further than the top our content
            scrollYDelta = Math.max(scrollYDelta, -getScrollY());
        return scrollYDelta;

    public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused) {
        if (!mIsLayoutDirty) {
        } else {
            // The child may not be laid out yet, we can't compute the scroll yet
            mChildToScrollTo = focused;
        super.requestChildFocus(child, focused);

     * When looking for focus in children of a scroll view, need to be a little
     * more careful not to give focus to something that is scrolled off screen.
     * This is more expensive than the default {@link ViewGroup}
     * implementation, otherwise this behavior might have been made the default.
    protected boolean onRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction,
            Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {

        // convert from forward / backward notation to up / down / left / right
        // (ugh).
        if (direction == View.FOCUS_FORWARD) {
            direction = View.FOCUS_DOWN;
        } else if (direction == View.FOCUS_BACKWARD) {
            direction = View.FOCUS_UP;

        final View nextFocus = previouslyFocusedRect == null
                ? FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, null, direction)
                : FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocusFromRect(
                        this, previouslyFocusedRect, direction);

        if (nextFocus == null) {
            return false;

        if (isOffScreen(nextFocus)) {
            return false;

        return nextFocus.requestFocus(direction, previouslyFocusedRect);

    public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(@NonNull View child, Rect rectangle,
            boolean immediate) {
        // offset into coordinate space of this scroll view
        rectangle.offset(child.getLeft() - child.getScrollX(),
                child.getTop() - child.getScrollY());

        return scrollToChildRect(rectangle, immediate);

    public void requestLayout() {
        mIsLayoutDirty = true;

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
        super.onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
        mIsLayoutDirty = false;
        // Give a child focus if it needs it
        if (mChildToScrollTo != null && isViewDescendantOf(mChildToScrollTo, this)) {
        mChildToScrollTo = null;

        if (!mIsLaidOut) {
            // If there is a saved state, scroll to the position saved in that state.
            if (mSavedState != null) {
                scrollTo(getScrollX(), mSavedState.scrollPosition);
                mSavedState = null;
            } // mScrollY default value is "0"

            // Make sure current scrollY position falls into the scroll range.  If it doesn't,
            // scroll such that it does.
            int childSize = 0;
            if (getChildCount() > 0) {
                View child = getChildAt(0);
                LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                childSize = child.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin;
            int parentSpace = b - t - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
            int currentScrollY = getScrollY();
            int newScrollY = clamp(currentScrollY, parentSpace, childSize);
            if (newScrollY != currentScrollY) {
                scrollTo(getScrollX(), newScrollY);

        // Calling this with the present values causes it to re-claim them
        scrollTo(getScrollX(), getScrollY());
        mIsLaidOut = true;

    public void onAttachedToWindow() {

        mIsLaidOut = false;

    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

        View currentFocused = findFocus();
        if (null == currentFocused || this == currentFocused) {

        // If the currently-focused view was visible on the screen when the
        // screen was at the old height, then scroll the screen to make that
        // view visible with the new screen height.
        if (isWithinDeltaOfScreen(currentFocused, 0, oldh)) {
            offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(currentFocused, mTempRect);
            int scrollDelta = computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(mTempRect);

     * Return true if child is a descendant of parent, (or equal to the parent).
    private static boolean isViewDescendantOf(View child, View parent) {
        if (child == parent) {
            return true;

        final ViewParent theParent = child.getParent();
        return (theParent instanceof ViewGroup) && isViewDescendantOf((View) theParent, parent);

     * Fling the scroll view
     * @param velocityY The initial velocity in the Y direction. Positive
     *                  numbers mean that the finger/cursor is moving down the screen,
     *                  which means we want to scroll towards the top.
    public void fling(int velocityY) {
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {

            mScroller.fling(getScrollX(), getScrollY(), // start
                    0, velocityY, // velocities
                    0, 0, // x
                    Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, // y
                    0, 0); // overscroll

    private void endDrag() {
        mIsBeingDragged = false;



     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This version also clamps the scrolling to the bounds of our child.
    public void scrollTo(int x, int y) {
        // we rely on the fact the View.scrollBy calls scrollTo.
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            View child = getChildAt(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            int parentSpaceHorizontal = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
            int childSizeHorizontal = child.getWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin;
            int parentSpaceVertical = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
            int childSizeVertical = child.getHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin;
            x = clamp(x, parentSpaceHorizontal, childSizeHorizontal);
            y = clamp(y, parentSpaceVertical, childSizeVertical);
            if (x != getScrollX() || y != getScrollY()) {
                super.scrollTo(x, y);

    public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) {
        final int scrollY = getScrollY();
        if (!mEdgeGlowTop.isFinished()) {
            final int restoreCount =;
            int width = getWidth();
            int height = getHeight();
            int xTranslation = 0;
            int yTranslation = Math.min(0, scrollY);
                    || Api21Impl.getClipToPadding(this)) {
                width -= getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
                xTranslation += getPaddingLeft();
                    && Api21Impl.getClipToPadding(this)) {
                height -= getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
                yTranslation += getPaddingTop();
            canvas.translate(xTranslation, yTranslation);
            mEdgeGlowTop.setSize(width, height);
            if (mEdgeGlowTop.draw(canvas)) {
        if (!mEdgeGlowBottom.isFinished()) {
            final int restoreCount =;
            int width = getWidth();
            int height = getHeight();
            int xTranslation = 0;
            int yTranslation = Math.max(getScrollRange(), scrollY) + height;
                    || Api21Impl.getClipToPadding(this)) {
                width -= getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
                xTranslation += getPaddingLeft();
                    && Api21Impl.getClipToPadding(this)) {
                height -= getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
                yTranslation -= getPaddingBottom();
            canvas.translate(xTranslation - width, yTranslation);
            canvas.rotate(180, width, 0);
            mEdgeGlowBottom.setSize(width, height);
            if (mEdgeGlowBottom.draw(canvas)) {

    private static int clamp(int n, int my, int child) {
        if (my >= child || n < 0) {
            /* my >= child is this case:
             *                    |--------------- me ---------------|
             *     |------ child ------|
             * or
             *     |--------------- me ---------------|
             *            |------ child ------|
             * or
             *     |--------------- me ---------------|
             *                                  |------ child ------|
             * n < 0 is this case:
             *     |------ me ------|
             *                    |-------- child --------|
             *     |-- mScrollX --|
            return 0;
        if ((my + n) > child) {
            /* this case:
             *                    |------ me ------|
             *     |------ child ------|
             *     |-- mScrollX --|
            return child - my;
        return n;

    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
        if (!(state instanceof SavedState)) {

        SavedState ss = (SavedState) state;
        mSavedState = ss;

    protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
        Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();
        SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState);
        ss.scrollPosition = getScrollY();
        return ss;

    static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
        public int scrollPosition;

        SavedState(Parcelable superState) {

        SavedState(Parcel source) {
            scrollPosition = source.readInt();

        public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
            super.writeToParcel(dest, flags);

        public String toString() {
            return "HorizontalScrollView.SavedState{"
                    + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
                    + " scrollPosition=" + scrollPosition + "}";

        public static final Creator<SavedState> CREATOR =
                new Creator<SavedState>() {
            public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
                return new SavedState(in);

            public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
                return new SavedState[size];

    static class AccessibilityDelegate extends AccessibilityDelegateCompat {
        public boolean performAccessibilityAction(View host, int action, Bundle arguments) {
            if (super.performAccessibilityAction(host, action, arguments)) {
                return true;
            final NestedScrollView nsvHost = (NestedScrollView) host;
            if (!nsvHost.isEnabled()) {
                return false;
            int height = nsvHost.getHeight();
            Rect rect = new Rect();
            // Gets the visible rect on the screen except for the rotation or scale cases which
            // might affect the result.
            if (nsvHost.getMatrix().isIdentity() && nsvHost.getGlobalVisibleRect(rect)) {
                height = rect.height();
            switch (action) {
                case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD:
                case {
                    final int viewportHeight = height - nsvHost.getPaddingBottom()
                            - nsvHost.getPaddingTop();
                    final int targetScrollY = Math.min(nsvHost.getScrollY() + viewportHeight,
                    if (targetScrollY != nsvHost.getScrollY()) {
                        nsvHost.smoothScrollTo(0, targetScrollY, true);
                        return true;
                return false;
                case AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD:
                case {
                    final int viewportHeight = height - nsvHost.getPaddingBottom()
                            - nsvHost.getPaddingTop();
                    final int targetScrollY = Math.max(nsvHost.getScrollY() - viewportHeight, 0);
                    if (targetScrollY != nsvHost.getScrollY()) {
                        nsvHost.smoothScrollTo(0, targetScrollY, true);
                        return true;
                return false;
            return false;

        public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View host, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat info) {
            super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(host, info);
            final NestedScrollView nsvHost = (NestedScrollView) host;
            if (nsvHost.isEnabled()) {
                final int scrollRange = nsvHost.getScrollRange();
                if (scrollRange > 0) {
                    if (nsvHost.getScrollY() > 0) {
                    if (nsvHost.getScrollY() < scrollRange) {

        public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View host, AccessibilityEvent event) {
            super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(host, event);
            final NestedScrollView nsvHost = (NestedScrollView) host;
            final boolean scrollable = nsvHost.getScrollRange() > 0;
            AccessibilityRecordCompat.setMaxScrollX(event, nsvHost.getScrollX());
            AccessibilityRecordCompat.setMaxScrollY(event, nsvHost.getScrollRange());

    static class Api21Impl {
        private Api21Impl() {
            // This class is not instantiable.

        static boolean getClipToPadding(ViewGroup viewGroup) {
            return viewGroup.getClipToPadding();