public abstract class

RichContentReceiverCompat<T extends View>

extends java.lang.Object






Callback for apps to implement handling for insertion of rich content. "Rich content" here refers to both text and non-text content: plain text, styled text, HTML, images, videos, audio files, etc.

This callback can be attached to different types of UI components. For editable android.widget.TextView components, implementations should typically extend from TextViewRichContentReceiverCompat.

Example implementation:

   public class MyRichContentReceiver extends TextViewRichContentReceiverCompat {

       private static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
           Set.of("text/*", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpg"));

       public Set<String> getSupportedMimeTypes() {
           return SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES;

       public boolean onReceive(@NonNull TextView textView, @NonNull ClipData clip,
               int source, int flags) {
         if (clip.getDescription().hasMimeType("image/*")) {
             return receiveImage(textView, clip);
         return super.onReceive(textView, clip, source);

       private boolean receiveImage(@NonNull TextView textView, @NonNull ClipData clip) {
           // ... app-specific logic to handle the content URI in the clip ...


public static final intFLAG_CONVERT_TO_PLAIN_TEXT

Flag for RichContentReceiverCompat.onReceive(T, ClipData, int, int) requesting that the content should be converted to plain text prior to inserting.

public static final intSOURCE_CLIPBOARD

Specifies that the operation was triggered by a paste from the clipboard (e.g.

public static final intSOURCE_INPUT_METHOD

Specifies that the operation was triggered from the soft keyboard (also known as input method editor or IME).


public final InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListenerbuildOnCommitContentListener(View view)

Creates an that uses this receiver to insert content.

public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String>getSupportedMimeTypes()

Returns the MIME types that can be handled by this callback.

public abstract booleanonReceive(View view, ClipData clip, int source, int flags)

Insert the given clip.

public final voidpopulateEditorInfoContentMimeTypes(InputConnection ic, EditorInfo outAttrs)

Populates outAttrs.contentMimeTypes with the supported MIME types of this receiver.

public final booleansupports(ClipDescription description)

Returns true if the MIME type of the given clip is supported by this receiver.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int SOURCE_CLIPBOARD

Specifies that the operation was triggered by a paste from the clipboard (e.g. "Paste" or "Paste as plain text" action in the insertion/selection menu).

public static final int SOURCE_INPUT_METHOD

Specifies that the operation was triggered from the soft keyboard (also known as input method editor or IME). See for more info.

public static final int FLAG_CONVERT_TO_PLAIN_TEXT

Flag for RichContentReceiverCompat.onReceive(T, ClipData, int, int) requesting that the content should be converted to plain text prior to inserting.


public RichContentReceiverCompat()


public abstract boolean onReceive(View view, ClipData clip, int source, int flags)

Insert the given clip.

For a UI component where this callback is set, this function will be invoked in the following scenarios:

  1. Paste from the clipboard (e.g. "Paste" or "Paste as plain text" action in the insertion/selection menu)
  2. Content insertion from the keyboard ()

For text, if the view has a selection, the selection should be overwritten by the clip; if there's no selection, this method should insert the content at the current cursor position.

For rich content (e.g. an image), this function may insert the content inline, or it may add the content as an attachment (could potentially go into a completely separate view).

This function may be invoked with a clip whose MIME type is not in the list of supported types returned by RichContentReceiverCompat.getSupportedMimeTypes(). This provides the opportunity to implement custom fallback logic if desired.


view: The view where the content insertion was requested.
clip: The clip to insert.
source: The trigger of the operation.
flags: Optional flags to configure the insertion behavior. Use 0 for default behavior. See FLAG_ constants on this class for other options.


Returns true if the clip was inserted.

public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSupportedMimeTypes()

Returns the MIME types that can be handled by this callback.

Different platform features (e.g. pasting from the clipboard, inserting stickers from the keyboard, etc) may use this function to conditionally alter their behavior. For example, the keyboard may choose to hide its UI for inserting GIFs if the input field that has focus has a RichContentReceiverCompat set and the MIME types returned from this function don't include "image/gif".


An immutable set with the MIME types supported by this callback. The returned MIME types may contain wildcards such as "text/*", "image/*", etc.

public final boolean supports(ClipDescription description)

Returns true if the MIME type of the given clip is supported by this receiver.

public final void populateEditorInfoContentMimeTypes(InputConnection ic, EditorInfo outAttrs)

Populates outAttrs.contentMimeTypes with the supported MIME types of this receiver.

public final InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener buildOnCommitContentListener(View view)

Creates an that uses this receiver to insert content. The object returned by this function should be passed to InputConnectionCompat.createWrapper(InputConnection, EditorInfo, InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener) when creating the in View.


 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.widget;

import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipDescription;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.view.inputmethod.EditorInfoCompat;
import androidx.core.view.inputmethod.InputConnectionCompat;
import androidx.core.view.inputmethod.InputContentInfoCompat;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Set;

 * Callback for apps to implement handling for insertion of rich content. "Rich content" here refers
 * to both text and non-text content: plain text, styled text, HTML, images, videos, audio files,
 * etc.
 * <p>This callback can be attached to different types of UI components. For editable
 * {@link android.widget.TextView} components, implementations should typically extend from
 * {@link TextViewRichContentReceiverCompat}.
 * <p>Example implementation:<br>
 * <pre class="prettyprint">
 *   public class MyRichContentReceiver extends TextViewRichContentReceiverCompat {
 *       private static final Set&lt;String&gt; SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
 *           Set.of("text/*", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpg"));
 *       &#64;NonNull
 *       &#64;Override
 *       public Set&lt;String&gt; getSupportedMimeTypes() {
 *           return SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES;
 *       }
 *       &#64;Override
 *       public boolean onReceive(@NonNull TextView textView, @NonNull ClipData clip,
 *               int source, int flags) {
 *         if (clip.getDescription().hasMimeType("image/*")) {
 *             return receiveImage(textView, clip);
 *         }
 *         return super.onReceive(textView, clip, source);
 *       }
 *       private boolean receiveImage(@NonNull TextView textView, @NonNull ClipData clip) {
 *           // ... app-specific logic to handle the content URI in the clip ...
 *       }
 *   }
 * </pre>
 * @param <T> The type of {@link View} with which this receiver can be associated.
public abstract class RichContentReceiverCompat<T extends View> {
    private static final String TAG = "RichContentReceiver";

     * Specifies the UI through which content is being inserted.
    @interface Source {}

     * Specifies that the operation was triggered by a paste from the clipboard (e.g. "Paste" or
     * "Paste as plain text" action in the insertion/selection menu).
    public static final int SOURCE_CLIPBOARD = 0;

     * Specifies that the operation was triggered from the soft keyboard (also known as input method
     * editor or IME). See for more
     * info.
    public static final int SOURCE_INPUT_METHOD = 1;

     * Flags to configure the insertion behavior.
    @IntDef(flag = true, value = {FLAG_CONVERT_TO_PLAIN_TEXT})
    @interface Flags {}

     * Flag for {@link #onReceive} requesting that the content should be converted to plain text
     * prior to inserting.
    public static final int FLAG_CONVERT_TO_PLAIN_TEXT = 1 << 0;

     * Insert the given clip.
     * <p>For a UI component where this callback is set, this function will be invoked in the
     * following scenarios:
     * <ol>
     *     <li>Paste from the clipboard (e.g. "Paste" or "Paste as plain text" action in the
     *     insertion/selection menu)
     *     <li>Content insertion from the keyboard ({@link InputConnection#commitContent})
     * </ol>
     * <p>For text, if the view has a selection, the selection should be overwritten by the
     * clip; if there's no selection, this method should insert the content at the current
     * cursor position.
     * <p>For rich content (e.g. an image), this function may insert the content inline, or it may
     * add the content as an attachment (could potentially go into a completely separate view).
     * <p>This function may be invoked with a clip whose MIME type is not in the list of supported
     * types returned by {@link #getSupportedMimeTypes()}. This provides the opportunity to
     * implement custom fallback logic if desired.
     * @param view   The view where the content insertion was requested.
     * @param clip   The clip to insert.
     * @param source The trigger of the operation.
     * @param flags  Optional flags to configure the insertion behavior. Use 0 for default
     *               behavior. See {@code FLAG_} constants on this class for other options.
     * @return Returns true if the clip was inserted.
    public abstract boolean onReceive(@NonNull T view, @NonNull ClipData clip, @Source int source,
            @Flags int flags);

     * Returns the MIME types that can be handled by this callback.
     * <p>Different platform features (e.g. pasting from the clipboard, inserting stickers from the
     * keyboard, etc) may use this function to conditionally alter their behavior. For example, the
     * keyboard may choose to hide its UI for inserting GIFs if the input field that has focus has
     * a {@link RichContentReceiverCompat} set and the MIME types returned from this function
     * don't include "image/gif".
     * @return An immutable set with the MIME types supported by this callback. The returned
     * MIME types may contain wildcards such as "text/*", "image/*", etc.
    public abstract Set<String> getSupportedMimeTypes();

     * Returns true if the MIME type of the given clip is {@link #getSupportedMimeTypes() supported}
     * by this receiver.
     * @hide
    public final boolean supports(@NonNull ClipDescription description) {
        for (String supportedMimeType : getSupportedMimeTypes()) {
            if (description.hasMimeType(supportedMimeType)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Populates {@code outAttrs.contentMimeTypes} with the supported MIME types of this receiver.
     * @hide
    public final void populateEditorInfoContentMimeTypes(@Nullable InputConnection ic,
            @Nullable EditorInfo outAttrs) {
        if (ic == null || outAttrs == null) {
        String[] mimeTypes = getSupportedMimeTypes().toArray(new String[0]);
        EditorInfoCompat.setContentMimeTypes(outAttrs, mimeTypes);

     * Creates an {@link InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener} that uses this receiver
     * to insert content. The object returned by this function should be passed to
     * {@link InputConnectionCompat#createWrapper} when creating the {@link InputConnection} in
     * {@link View#onCreateInputConnection}.
     * @hide
    public final InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener buildOnCommitContentListener(
            @NonNull final T view) {
        return new InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener() {
            public boolean onCommitContent(InputContentInfoCompat content, int flags,
                    Bundle opts) {
                ClipDescription description = content.getDescription();
                if ((flags & InputConnectionCompat.INPUT_CONTENT_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION) != 0) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "Can't insert from IME; requestPermission() failed: " + e);
                        return false; // Can't insert the content if we don't have permission
                ClipData clip = new ClipData(description,
                        new ClipData.Item(content.getContentUri()));
                return onReceive(view, clip, SOURCE_INPUT_METHOD, 0);