public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements Codec.DecoderFactory



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-transformer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-transformer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-transformer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Default implementation of Codec.DecoderFactory that uses MediaCodec for decoding.


publicDefaultDecoderFactory(Context context)

publicDefaultDecoderFactory(Context context, boolean enableDecoderFallback, DefaultDecoderFactory.Listener listener)

Creates a new factory that selects the most preferred decoder, optionally falling back to less preferred decoders if initialization fails.

public DefaultCodeccreateForAudioDecoding(Format format)

public DefaultCodeccreateForVideoDecoding(Format format, Surface outputSurface, boolean requestSdrToneMapping)

public booleanisDynamicSchedulingEnabled()

Returns whether decoder dynamic scheduling is enabled.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public DefaultDecoderFactory(Context context)

Deprecated: Use DefaultDecoderFactory.Builder instead.

public DefaultDecoderFactory(Context context, boolean enableDecoderFallback, DefaultDecoderFactory.Listener listener)

Deprecated: Use DefaultDecoderFactory.Builder instead.

Creates a new factory that selects the most preferred decoder, optionally falling back to less preferred decoders if initialization fails.


context: The context.
enableDecoderFallback: Whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is less efficient or slower than the primary decoder.
listener: Listener for codec initialization errors.


public DefaultCodec createForAudioDecoding(Format format)

public DefaultCodec createForVideoDecoding(Format format, Surface outputSurface, boolean requestSdrToneMapping)

public boolean isDynamicSchedulingEnabled()

Returns whether decoder dynamic scheduling is enabled.

See DefaultDecoderFactory.Builder.experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled(boolean).


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.media3.transformer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.MediaFormatUtil.createMediaFormatFromFormat;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.SDK_INT;
import static java.lang.Math.max;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.Surface;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.ColorInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.MimeTypes;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Log;
import androidx.media3.common.util.MediaFormatUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.mediacodec.MediaCodecInfo;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.mediacodec.MediaCodecSelector;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.mediacodec.MediaCodecUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Default implementation of {@link Codec.DecoderFactory} that uses {@link MediaCodec} for decoding.
public final class DefaultDecoderFactory implements Codec.DecoderFactory {

  private static final String TAG = "DefaultDecoderFactory";

  /** Listener for decoder factory events. */
  public interface Listener {
     * Reports that a codec was initialized.
     * <p>Called on the thread that is using the associated factory.
     * @param codecName The {@linkplain MediaCodec#getName() name of the codec} that was
     *     initialized.
     * @param codecInitializationExceptions The list of non-fatal errors that occurred before the
     *     codec was successfully initialized, which is empty if no errors occurred.
    void onCodecInitialized(String codecName, List<ExportException> codecInitializationExceptions);

  /** A builder for {@link DefaultDecoderFactory} instances. */
  public static final class Builder {
    private final Context context;
    private Listener listener;
    private boolean enableDecoderFallback;
    private @C.Priority int codecPriority;
    private boolean shouldConfigureOperatingRate;
    private MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector;
    private boolean dynamicSchedulingEnabled;

    /** Creates a new {@link Builder}. */
    public Builder(Context context) {
      this.context = context.getApplicationContext();
      listener = (codecName, codecInitializationExceptions) -> {};
      shouldConfigureOperatingRate = false;
      mediaCodecSelector = MediaCodecSelector.DEFAULT;

    /** Sets the {@link Listener}. */
    public Builder setListener(Listener listener) {
      this.listener = listener;
      return this;

     * Sets whether the decoder can fallback.
     * <p>This decides whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder
     * initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is less efficient or slower
     * than the primary decoder.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
    public Builder setEnableDecoderFallback(boolean enableDecoderFallback) {
      this.enableDecoderFallback = enableDecoderFallback;
      return this;

     * Sets the codec priority.
     * <p>Specifying codec priority allows the resource manager in the platform to reclaim less
     * important codecs before more important codecs.
     * <p>It is recommended to use predefined {@linkplain C.Priority priorities} like {@link
     * values defined relative to those defaults.
     * <p>This method is a no-op on API versions before 35.
     * <p>The default value is {@link C#PRIORITY_PROCESSING_FOREGROUND}.
     * @param codecPriority The {@link C.Priority} for the codec. Should be at most {@link
     *     C#PRIORITY_MAX}.
    public Builder setCodecPriority(@IntRange(to = C.PRIORITY_MAX) @C.Priority int codecPriority) {
      this.codecPriority = codecPriority;
      return this;

     * Sets whether a device-specific decoder {@linkplain MediaFormat#KEY_OPERATING_RATE operating
     * rate} should be requested.
     * <p>This is a best-effort hint to the codec. Setting this to {@code true} might improve
     * decoding performance.
     * <p>The effect of this field will be most noticeable when no other {@link MediaCodec}
     * instances are in use.
     * <p>Defaults to {@code false}.
     * @param shouldConfigureOperatingRate Whether to apply an {@link
     *     MediaFormat#KEY_OPERATING_RATE} configuration to the decoder.
    public Builder setShouldConfigureOperatingRate(boolean shouldConfigureOperatingRate) {
      this.shouldConfigureOperatingRate = shouldConfigureOperatingRate;
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link MediaCodecSelector} used when selecting a decoder.
     * <p>The default value is {@link MediaCodecSelector#DEFAULT}
    public Builder setMediaCodecSelector(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector) {
      this.mediaCodecSelector = mediaCodecSelector;
      return this;

     * Sets whether decoder dynamic scheduling is enabled.
     * <p>If enabled, the {@link ExoPlayerAssetLoader} can change how often the rendering loop for
     * {@linkplain DefaultCodec decoders} created by this factory is run.
     * <p>On some devices, setting this to {@code true} will {@linkplain
     * DefaultCodec#queueInputBuffer feed} and {@linkplain DefaultCodec#releaseOutputBuffer drain}
     * decoders more frequently, and will lead to improved performance.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
     * <p>This method is experimental, and will be renamed or removed in a future release.
     * @param dynamicSchedulingEnabled Whether to enable dynamic scheduling.
    public Builder experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled(boolean dynamicSchedulingEnabled) {
      this.dynamicSchedulingEnabled = dynamicSchedulingEnabled;
      return this;

    /** Creates an instance of {@link DefaultDecoderFactory}, using defaults if values are unset. */
    public DefaultDecoderFactory build() {
      return new DefaultDecoderFactory(this);

  private final Context context;
  private final boolean enableDecoderFallback;
  private final Listener listener;
  private final @C.Priority int codecPriority;
  private final boolean shouldConfigureOperatingRate;
  private final MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector;
  private final boolean dynamicSchedulingEnabled;

   * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
  public DefaultDecoderFactory(Context context) {
    this(new Builder(context));

   * Creates a new factory that selects the most preferred decoder, optionally falling back to less
   * preferred decoders if initialization fails.
   * @param context The context.
   * @param enableDecoderFallback Whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder
   *     initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is less efficient or slower
   *     than the primary decoder.
   * @param listener Listener for codec initialization errors.
   * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
  public DefaultDecoderFactory(Context context, boolean enableDecoderFallback, Listener listener) {
        new Builder(context).setEnableDecoderFallback(enableDecoderFallback).setListener(listener));

  private DefaultDecoderFactory(Builder builder) {
    this.context = builder.context;
    this.enableDecoderFallback = builder.enableDecoderFallback;
    this.listener = builder.listener;
    this.codecPriority = builder.codecPriority;
    this.shouldConfigureOperatingRate = builder.shouldConfigureOperatingRate;
    this.mediaCodecSelector = builder.mediaCodecSelector;
    this.dynamicSchedulingEnabled = builder.dynamicSchedulingEnabled;

  public DefaultCodec createForAudioDecoding(Format format) throws ExportException {
    MediaFormat mediaFormat = createMediaFormatFromFormat(format);
    return createCodecForMediaFormat(
        mediaFormat, format, /* outputSurface= */ null, /* devicePrefersSoftwareDecoder= */ false);

  public DefaultCodec createForVideoDecoding(
      Format format, Surface outputSurface, boolean requestSdrToneMapping) throws ExportException {
    if (ColorInfo.isTransferHdr(format.colorInfo)) {
      if (requestSdrToneMapping
          && (SDK_INT < 31
              || deviceNeedsDisableToneMappingWorkaround(
                  checkNotNull(format.colorInfo).colorTransfer))) {
        throw createExportException(
            format, /* reason= */ "Tone-mapping HDR is not supported on this device.");
      if (SDK_INT < 29) {
        // TODO(b/266837571, b/267171669): Remove API version restriction after fixing linked bugs.
        throw createExportException(
            format, /* reason= */ "Decoding HDR is not supported on this device.");
    if (deviceNeedsDisable8kWorkaround(format)) {
      throw createExportException(
          format, /* reason= */ "Decoding 8k is not supported on this device.");
    if (deviceNeedsNoFrameRateWorkaround()) {
      format = format.buildUpon().setFrameRate(Format.NO_VALUE).build();

    MediaFormat mediaFormat = createMediaFormatFromFormat(format);
    if (decoderSupportsKeyAllowFrameDrop(context)) {
      // This key ensures no frame dropping when the decoder's output surface is full. This allows
      // transformer to decode as many frames as possible in one render cycle.
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_ALLOW_FRAME_DROP, 0);
    if (SDK_INT >= 31 && requestSdrToneMapping) {

    Pair<Integer, Integer> codecProfileAndLevel = MediaCodecUtil.getCodecProfileAndLevel(format);
    if (codecProfileAndLevel != null) {
          mediaFormat, MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE, codecProfileAndLevel.first);
          mediaFormat, MediaFormat.KEY_LEVEL, codecProfileAndLevel.second);

    if (SDK_INT >= 35) {
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_IMPORTANCE, max(0, -codecPriority));

    if (shouldConfigureOperatingRate) {

    return createCodecForMediaFormat(
        mediaFormat, format, outputSurface, devicePrefersSoftwareDecoder(format));

  private DefaultCodec createCodecForMediaFormat(
      MediaFormat mediaFormat,
      Format format,
      @Nullable Surface outputSurface,
      boolean devicePrefersSoftwareDecoder)
      throws ExportException {
    List<MediaCodecInfo> decoderInfos = ImmutableList.of();
    try {
      decoderInfos =
                  /* requiresSecureDecoder= */ false,
                  /* requiresTunnelingDecoder= */ false),
    } catch (MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Error querying decoders", e);
      throw createExportException(format, /* reason= */ "Querying codecs failed");
    if (decoderInfos.isEmpty()) {
      throw createExportException(format, /* reason= */ "No decoders for format");
    if (devicePrefersSoftwareDecoder) {
      List<MediaCodecInfo> softwareDecoderInfos = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < decoderInfos.size(); ++i) {
        MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo = decoderInfos.get(i);
        if (!mediaCodecInfo.hardwareAccelerated) {
      if (!softwareDecoderInfos.isEmpty()) {
        decoderInfos = softwareDecoderInfos;

    List<ExportException> codecInitExceptions = new ArrayList<>();
    DefaultCodec codec =
            enableDecoderFallback ? decoderInfos : decoderInfos.subList(0, 1),
    listener.onCodecInitialized(codec.getName(), codecInitExceptions);
    return codec;

   * Returns whether decoder dynamic scheduling is enabled.
   * <p>See {@link Builder#experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled}.
  public boolean isDynamicSchedulingEnabled() {
    return dynamicSchedulingEnabled;

  private static DefaultCodec createCodecFromDecoderInfos(
      Context context,
      List<MediaCodecInfo> decoderInfos,
      Format format,
      MediaFormat mediaFormat,
      @Nullable Surface outputSurface,
      List<ExportException> codecInitExceptions)
      throws ExportException {
    for (MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo : decoderInfos) {
      String codecMimeType = decoderInfo.codecMimeType;
      // Does not alter format.sampleMimeType to keep the original MimeType.
      // The MIME type of the selected decoder may differ from Format.sampleMimeType, for example,
      // video/hevc is used instead of video/dolby-vision for some specific DolbyVision videos.
      mediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, codecMimeType);
      try {
        return new DefaultCodec(
            context, format, mediaFormat,, /* isDecoder= */ true, outputSurface);
      } catch (ExportException e) {

    // All codecs failed to be initialized, throw the first codec init error out.
    throw codecInitExceptions.get(0);

  private static void configureOperatingRate(MediaFormat mediaFormat) {
    if (SDK_INT < 25) {
      // Not setting priority and operating rate achieves better decoding performance.

    if (deviceNeedsPriorityWorkaround()) {
      // Setting KEY_PRIORITY to 1 leads to worse performance on many devices.
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PRIORITY, 1);

    // Setting KEY_OPERATING_RATE to Integer.MAX_VALUE leads to slower operation on some devices.
    mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_OPERATING_RATE, 10000);

  private static boolean deviceNeedsPriorityWorkaround() {
    // On these chipsets, decoder configuration fails if KEY_OPERATING_RATE is set but not
    // KEY_PRIORITY. See b/358519863.
    return SDK_INT >= 31
        && (Build.SOC_MODEL.equals("s5e8835") || Build.SOC_MODEL.equals("SA8155P"));

  private static boolean deviceNeedsDisable8kWorkaround(Format format) {
    // Fixed on API 31+. See http://b/278234847#comment40 for more information.
    return SDK_INT < 31
        && format.width >= 7680
        && format.height >= 4320
        && format.sampleMimeType != null
        && format.sampleMimeType.equals(MimeTypes.VIDEO_H265)
        && (Util.MODEL.equals("SM-F711U1") || Util.MODEL.equals("SM-F926U1"));

  private static boolean deviceNeedsDisableToneMappingWorkaround(
      @C.ColorTransfer int colorTransfer) {
    if (Util.MANUFACTURER.equals("Google") && Build.ID.startsWith("TP1A")) {
      // Some Pixel 6 builds report support for tone mapping but the feature doesn't work
      // (see b/249297370#comment8).
      return true;
    if (colorTransfer == C.COLOR_TRANSFER_HLG
        && (Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-F936")
            || Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-F916")
            || Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-F721")
            || Util.MODEL.equals("SM-X900"))) {
      // Some Samsung Galaxy Z Fold devices report support for HLG tone mapping but the feature only
      // works on PQ (see b/282791751#comment7).
      return true;
    if (SDK_INT < 34
        && colorTransfer == C.COLOR_TRANSFER_ST2084
        && Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-F936")) {
      // The Samsung Fold 4 HDR10 codec plugin for tonemapping sets incorrect crop values, so block
      // using it (see b/290725189).
      return true;
    return false;

  private static boolean deviceNeedsNoFrameRateWorkaround() {
    // Redmi Note 9 Pro fails if KEY_FRAME_RATE is set too high (see b/278076311).
    return SDK_INT < 30 && Util.DEVICE.equals("joyeuse");

  private static boolean decoderSupportsKeyAllowFrameDrop(Context context) {
    return SDK_INT >= 29 && context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion >= 29;

  private static boolean devicePrefersSoftwareDecoder(Format format) {
    // TODO: b/255953153 - Capture this corner case with refactored fallback API.
    // Some devices fail to configure a 1080p hardware encoder when a 1080p hardware decoder
    // was created. Fall back to using a software decoder (see b/283768701).
    // During a 1080p -> 180p export, using the hardware decoder would be faster than software
    // decoder (68 fps vs 45 fps).
    // When transcoding 1080p to 1080p, software decoder + hardware encoder (33 fps) outperforms
    // hardware decoder + software encoder (17 fps).
    // Due to b/267740292 using hardware to software encoder fallback is risky.
    return format.width * format.height >= 1920 * 1080
        && (Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(Util.MODEL, "vivo 1906")
            || Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(Util.MODEL, "redmi 7a")
            || Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(Util.MODEL, "redmi 8"));

  private static ExportException createExportException(Format format, String reason) {
    return ExportException.createForCodec(
        new IllegalArgumentException(reason),
        new ExportException.CodecInfo(
            /* isDecoder= */ true,
            /* name= */ null));