public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements AssetLoader



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-transformer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-transformer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-transformer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


An AssetLoader implementation that loads raw audio and/or video data.

Typically instantiated in a custom AssetLoader.Factory saving a reference to the created RawAssetLoader.

Provide raw audio data as input by calling RawAssetLoader.queueAudioData(ByteBuffer, long, boolean). This method must always be called from the same thread, which can be any thread.

Provide video frames as input by calling RawAssetLoader.queueInputTexture(int, long), then signal the end of input when finished. These two methods must be called from the same thread, which can be any thread.

All other methods are for internal use only and must never be called.


publicRawAssetLoader(EditedMediaItem editedMediaItem, AssetLoader.Listener assetLoaderListener, Format audioFormat, Format videoFormat, OnInputFrameProcessedListener frameProcessedListener)

Creates an instance.

public <any>getDecoderNames()

public intgetProgress(ProgressHolder progressHolder)

public booleanqueueAudioData(java.nio.ByteBuffer audioData, long presentationTimeUs, boolean isLast)

Attempts to provide raw audio data.

public booleanqueueInputTexture(int texId, long presentationTimeUs)

Attempts to provide an input texture.

public voidrelease()

public voidsignalEndOfVideoInput()

Signals that no further input frames will be rendered.

public voidstart()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public RawAssetLoader(EditedMediaItem editedMediaItem, AssetLoader.Listener assetLoaderListener, Format audioFormat, Format videoFormat, OnInputFrameProcessedListener frameProcessedListener)

Creates an instance.


editedMediaItem: The EditedMediaItem for which raw data is provided. The EditedMediaItem.durationUs must be set.
assetLoaderListener: Listener for asset loading events.
audioFormat: The audio format, or null if only video data is provided.
videoFormat: The video format, or null if only audio data is provided. The Format.width and the Format.height must be set.
frameProcessedListener: Listener for the event when a frame has been processed, or null if only audio data is provided. The listener receives a GL sync object (if supported) to allow reusing the texture after it's no longer in use.


public void start()

public int getProgress(ProgressHolder progressHolder)

public <any> getDecoderNames()

public void release()

public boolean queueInputTexture(int texId, long presentationTimeUs)

Attempts to provide an input texture.

Must be called on the same thread as RawAssetLoader.signalEndOfVideoInput().


texId: The ID of the texture to queue.
presentationTimeUs: The presentation time for the texture, in microseconds.


Whether the texture was successfully queued. If false, the caller should try again later.

public void signalEndOfVideoInput()

Signals that no further input frames will be rendered.

Must be called on the same thread as RawAssetLoader.queueInputTexture(int, long).

public boolean queueAudioData(java.nio.ByteBuffer audioData, long presentationTimeUs, boolean isLast)

Attempts to provide raw audio data.


audioData: The raw audio data. The java.nio.ByteBuffer can be reused after calling this method.
presentationTimeUs: The presentation time for the raw audio data, in microseconds.
isLast: Signals the last audio data.


Whether the raw audio data was successfully queued. If false, the caller should try again later.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.transformer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.ExportException.ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.SampleConsumer.INPUT_RESULT_END_OF_STREAM;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.SampleConsumer.INPUT_RESULT_TRY_AGAIN_LATER;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.Transformer.PROGRESS_STATE_AVAILABLE;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.Transformer.PROGRESS_STATE_NOT_STARTED;
import static androidx.media3.transformer.TransformerUtil.getValidColor;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Math.round;

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.MimeTypes;
import androidx.media3.common.OnInputFrameProcessedListener;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.decoder.DecoderInputBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * An {@link AssetLoader} implementation that loads raw audio and/or video data.
 * <p>Typically instantiated in a custom {@link AssetLoader.Factory} saving a reference to the
 * created {@link RawAssetLoader}.
 * <p>Provide raw audio data as input by calling {@link #queueAudioData}. This method must always be
 * called from the same thread, which can be any thread.
 * <p>Provide video frames as input by calling {@link #queueInputTexture}, then {@link
 * #signalEndOfVideoInput() signal the end of input} when finished. These two methods must be called
 * from the same thread, which can be any thread.
 * <p>All other methods are for internal use only and must never be called.
public final class RawAssetLoader implements AssetLoader {
  private final EditedMediaItem editedMediaItem;
  private final Listener assetLoaderListener;
  @Nullable private final Format audioFormat;
  @Nullable private final Format videoFormat;
  @Nullable private final OnInputFrameProcessedListener frameProcessedListener;

  private @MonotonicNonNull SampleConsumer audioSampleConsumer;
  private @MonotonicNonNull SampleConsumer videoSampleConsumer;
  private @Transformer.ProgressState int progressState;
  private boolean isVideoTrackAdded;
  private boolean isAudioTrackAdded;
  private boolean isAudioEndOfStreamSignaled;
  private boolean isVideoEndOfStreamSignaled;

  // Read on app's thread and written on internal thread.
  private volatile boolean isStarted;
  // Read on internal thread and written on app's thread.
  private volatile long lastQueuedAudioPresentationTimeUs;
  // Read on internal thread and written on app's thread.
  private volatile long lastQueuedVideoPresentationTimeUs;

   * Creates an instance.
   * @param editedMediaItem The {@link EditedMediaItem} for which raw data is provided. The {@link
   *     EditedMediaItem#durationUs} must be set.
   * @param assetLoaderListener Listener for asset loading events.
   * @param audioFormat The audio format, or {@code null} if only video data is provided.
   * @param videoFormat The video format, or {@code null} if only audio data is provided. The {@link
   *     Format#width} and the {@link Format#height} must be set.
   * @param frameProcessedListener Listener for the event when a frame has been processed, or {@code
   *     null} if only audio data is provided. The listener receives a GL sync object (if supported)
   *     to allow reusing the texture after it's no longer in use.
  public RawAssetLoader(
      EditedMediaItem editedMediaItem,
      Listener assetLoaderListener,
      @Nullable Format audioFormat,
      @Nullable Format videoFormat,
      @Nullable OnInputFrameProcessedListener frameProcessedListener) {
    checkArgument(audioFormat != null || videoFormat != null);
    checkArgument(editedMediaItem.durationUs != C.TIME_UNSET);
        videoFormat == null
            || (videoFormat.height != Format.NO_VALUE && videoFormat.width != Format.NO_VALUE));
    this.editedMediaItem = editedMediaItem;
    this.assetLoaderListener = assetLoaderListener;
    this.audioFormat = audioFormat;
    this.videoFormat =
        videoFormat != null
            ? videoFormat
            : null;
    this.frameProcessedListener = frameProcessedListener;
    lastQueuedAudioPresentationTimeUs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    lastQueuedVideoPresentationTimeUs = Long.MAX_VALUE;

  public void start() {
    // The constructor guarantees at least one track is present.
    int trackCount = 1;
    if (audioFormat != null && videoFormat != null) {
      trackCount = 2;
    isStarted = true;

  public @Transformer.ProgressState int getProgress(ProgressHolder progressHolder) {
    if (progressState == PROGRESS_STATE_AVAILABLE) {
      long lastTimestampUs =
          min(lastQueuedAudioPresentationTimeUs, lastQueuedVideoPresentationTimeUs);
      if (lastTimestampUs == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
        lastTimestampUs = 0;
      progressHolder.progress = round((lastTimestampUs / (float) editedMediaItem.durationUs) * 100);
    return progressState;

  public ImmutableMap<Integer, String> getDecoderNames() {
    return ImmutableMap.of();

  public void release() {

   * Attempts to provide an input texture.
   * <p>Must be called on the same thread as {@link #signalEndOfVideoInput}.
   * @param texId The ID of the texture to queue.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation time for the texture, in microseconds.
   * @return Whether the texture was successfully queued. If {@code false}, the caller should try
   *     again later.
  public boolean queueInputTexture(int texId, long presentationTimeUs) {
    try {
      if (!isVideoTrackAdded) {
        if (!isStarted) {
          return false;
        assetLoaderListener.onTrackAdded(checkNotNull(videoFormat), SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_TYPE_DECODED);
        isVideoTrackAdded = true;
      if (videoSampleConsumer == null) {
        SampleConsumer videoSampleConsumer =
        if (videoSampleConsumer == null) {
          return false;
        } else {
          this.videoSampleConsumer = videoSampleConsumer;
      int result = videoSampleConsumer.queueInputTexture(texId, presentationTimeUs);
      if (result == INPUT_RESULT_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
        return false;
      if (result == INPUT_RESULT_END_OF_STREAM) {
        isVideoEndOfStreamSignaled = true;
      lastQueuedVideoPresentationTimeUs = presentationTimeUs;
      return true;
    } catch (ExportException e) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      assetLoaderListener.onError(ExportException.createForAssetLoader(e, ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED));
    return false;

   * Signals that no further input frames will be rendered.
   * <p>Must be called on the same thread as {@link #queueInputTexture}.
  public void signalEndOfVideoInput() {
    try {
      if (!isVideoEndOfStreamSignaled) {
        isVideoEndOfStreamSignaled = true;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      assetLoaderListener.onError(ExportException.createForAssetLoader(e, ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED));

   * Attempts to provide raw audio data.
   * @param audioData The raw audio data. The {@link ByteBuffer} can be reused after calling this
   *     method.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation time for the raw audio data, in microseconds.
   * @param isLast Signals the last audio data.
   * @return Whether the raw audio data was successfully queued. If {@code false}, the caller should
   *     try again later.
  public boolean queueAudioData(ByteBuffer audioData, long presentationTimeUs, boolean isLast) {
    if (!isStarted) {
      return false;
    try {
      if (!isAudioTrackAdded) {
        assetLoaderListener.onTrackAdded(checkNotNull(audioFormat), SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_TYPE_DECODED);
        isAudioTrackAdded = true;
      if (audioSampleConsumer == null) {
        SampleConsumer audioSampleConsumer =
        if (audioSampleConsumer == null) {
          return false;
        } else {
          this.audioSampleConsumer = audioSampleConsumer;
      DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer = audioSampleConsumer.getInputBuffer();
      if (decoderInputBuffer == null) {
        return false;
      if (isLast) {

      if (audioSampleConsumer.queueInputBuffer()) {
        lastQueuedAudioPresentationTimeUs = presentationTimeUs;
        isAudioEndOfStreamSignaled = isLast;
        return true;
    } catch (ExportException e) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      assetLoaderListener.onError(ExportException.createForAssetLoader(e, ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED));
    return false;