public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements Muxer.Factory




androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer.Factory for InAppMuxer.


public InAppMuxercreate(java.lang.String path)

public <any>getSupportedSampleMimeTypes(int trackType)

public InAppMuxer.FactorysetVideoDurationUs(long videoDurationUs)

Sets the duration of the video track (in microseconds) in the output.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public InAppMuxer.Factory setVideoDurationUs(long videoDurationUs)

Sets the duration of the video track (in microseconds) in the output.

Only the duration of the last sample is adjusted to achieve the given duration. Duration of the other samples remains unchanged.

The default is C.TIME_UNSET to not set any duration in the output. In this case the video track duration is determined by the samples written to it and the duration of the last sample is set to 0.


videoDurationUs: The duration of the video track (in microseconds) in the output, or C.TIME_UNSET to not set any duration. Only applicable when a video track is added.


This factory.

public InAppMuxer create(java.lang.String path)

public <any> getSupportedSampleMimeTypes(int trackType)