public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-transformer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-transformer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-transformer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A composition of MediaItem instances, with transformations to apply to them.

The MediaItem instances can be concatenated or mixed. Effects can be applied to individual MediaItem instances, as well as to the composition.


public final Effectseffects

The Effects to apply to the composition.

public final booleanforceAudioTrack

Whether the output file should always contain an audio track.


Interpret HDR input as SDR, likely with a washed out look.

public static final intHDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR

Processes HDR input as HDR, to generate HDR output.


Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using the decoder tone-mapper.


Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using an OpenGL tone-mapper.

public final inthdrMode

The Composition.HdrMode specifying how to handle HDR input video.

public final booleanretainHdrFromUltraHdrImage

Sets whether to use produce an HDR output video from Ultra HDR image input.

public final <any>sequences

The EditedMediaItemSequence instances to compose.

public final booleantransmuxAudio

Whether to transmux the media items' audio tracks.

public final booleantransmuxVideo

Whether to transmux the media items' video tracks.

public final VideoCompositorSettingsvideoCompositorSettings

The VideoCompositorSettings to apply to the composition.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR

Processes HDR input as HDR, to generate HDR output.

The HDR output format (ex. color transfer) will be the same as the HDR input format.

Supported on API 31+, by some device and HDR format combinations.

If not supported, Transformer will attempt to use Composition.HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL.


Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using the decoder tone-mapper.

Supported on API 31+, by some device and HDR format combinations. Tone-mapping is only guaranteed to be supported on API 33+, on devices with HDR capture support.

If not supported, Transformer throws an ExportException.

public static final int HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL

Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using an OpenGL tone-mapper.

Supported on API 29+.

This may exhibit mild differences from Composition.HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_MEDIACODEC, depending on the device's tone-mapping implementation, but should have much wider support and have more consistent results across devices.

If not supported, Transformer throws an ExportException.


Interpret HDR input as SDR, likely with a washed out look.

This is much more widely supported than Composition.HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR, Composition.HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_MEDIACODEC, and Composition.HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL. However, as HDR transfer functions and metadata will be ignored, contents will be displayed incorrectly, likely with a washed out look.

Using this API may lead to codec errors before API 29.

Use of this flag may result in ERROR_CODE_DECODING_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED.

This field is experimental, and will be renamed or removed in a future release.

public final <any> sequences

The EditedMediaItemSequence instances to compose.

MediaItem instances from different sequences that are overlapping in time will be mixed in the output.

public final VideoCompositorSettings videoCompositorSettings

The VideoCompositorSettings to apply to the composition.

public final Effects effects

The Effects to apply to the composition.

public final boolean forceAudioTrack

Whether the output file should always contain an audio track.

For more information, see Composition.Builder.experimentalSetForceAudioTrack(boolean).

public final boolean transmuxAudio

Whether to transmux the media items' audio tracks.

For more information, see Composition.Builder.setTransmuxAudio(boolean).

public final boolean transmuxVideo

Whether to transmux the media items' video tracks.

For more information, see Composition.Builder.setTransmuxVideo(boolean).

public final int hdrMode

The Composition.HdrMode specifying how to handle HDR input video.

For more information, see Composition.Builder.setHdrMode(int).

public final boolean retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage

Sets whether to use produce an HDR output video from Ultra HDR image input.

For more information, see Composition.Builder.experimentalSetRetainHdrFromUltraHdrImage(boolean).


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.transformer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.effect.VideoCompositorSettings;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.List;

 * A composition of {@link MediaItem} instances, with transformations to apply to them.
 * <p>The {@link MediaItem} instances can be concatenated or mixed. {@link Effects} can be applied
 * to individual {@link MediaItem} instances, as well as to the composition.
public final class Composition {

  /** A builder for {@link Composition} instances. */
  public static final class Builder {

    private ImmutableList<EditedMediaItemSequence> sequences;
    private VideoCompositorSettings videoCompositorSettings;
    private Effects effects;
    private boolean forceAudioTrack;
    private boolean transmuxAudio;
    private boolean transmuxVideo;
    private @HdrMode int hdrMode;
    private boolean retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage;

     * Creates an instance.
     * @see Builder#Builder(List)
    public Builder(EditedMediaItemSequence sequence, EditedMediaItemSequence... sequences) {
          new ImmutableList.Builder<EditedMediaItemSequence>()

     * Creates an instance.
     * @param sequences The {@link EditedMediaItemSequence} instances to compose. The list must be
     *     non empty. See {@link Composition#sequences} for more details.
    public Builder(List<EditedMediaItemSequence> sequences) {
          "The composition must contain at least one EditedMediaItemSequence.");
      this.sequences = ImmutableList.copyOf(sequences);
      videoCompositorSettings = VideoCompositorSettings.DEFAULT;
      effects = Effects.EMPTY;

    /** Creates a new instance to build upon the provided {@link Composition}. */
    private Builder(Composition composition) {
      sequences = composition.sequences;
      videoCompositorSettings = composition.videoCompositorSettings;
      effects = composition.effects;
      forceAudioTrack = composition.forceAudioTrack;
      transmuxAudio = composition.transmuxAudio;
      transmuxVideo = composition.transmuxVideo;
      hdrMode = composition.hdrMode;
      retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage = composition.retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage;

     * Sets the {@link VideoCompositorSettings} to apply to the {@link Composition}.
     * <p>The default value is {@link VideoCompositorSettings#DEFAULT}.
     * @param videoCompositorSettings The {@link VideoCompositorSettings}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setVideoCompositorSettings(VideoCompositorSettings videoCompositorSettings) {
      this.videoCompositorSettings = videoCompositorSettings;
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link Effects} to apply to the {@link Composition}.
     * <p>The default value is {@link Effects#EMPTY}.
     * <p>This only works with the {@code Presentation} effect.
     * @param effects The {@link Composition} {@link Effects}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setEffects(Effects effects) {
      this.effects = effects;
      return this;

     * Sets whether the output file should always contain an audio track.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If {@code false}:
     *       <ul>
     *         <li>If the {@link Composition} export doesn't produce any audio at timestamp 0, but
     *             produces audio later on, the export is {@linkplain
     *             Transformer.Listener#onError(Composition, ExportResult, ExportException)
     *             aborted}.
     *         <li>If the {@link Composition} doesn't produce any audio during the entire export,
     *             the output won't contain any audio.
     *         <li>If the {@link Composition} export produces audio at timestamp 0, the output will
     *             contain an audio track.
     *       </ul>
     *   <li>If {@code true}, the output will always contain an audio track.
     * </ul>
     * If the output contains an audio track, silent audio will be generated for the segments where
     * the {@link Composition} export doesn't produce any audio.
     * <p>The MIME type of the output's audio track can be set using {@link
     * Transformer.Builder#setAudioMimeType(String)}. The sample rate and channel count can be set
     * by passing relevant {@link AudioProcessor} instances to the {@link Composition}.
     * <p>Forcing an audio track and {@linkplain #setTransmuxAudio(boolean) requesting audio
     * transmuxing} are not allowed together because generating silence requires transcoding.
     * <p>This method is experimental and may be removed or changed without warning.
     * @param forceAudioTrack Whether to force an audio track in the output.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder experimentalSetForceAudioTrack(boolean forceAudioTrack) {
      this.forceAudioTrack = forceAudioTrack;
      return this;

     * Sets whether to transmux the {@linkplain MediaItem media items'} audio tracks.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
     * <p>If the {@link Composition} contains one {@link MediaItem}, the value set is ignored. The
     * audio track will only be transcoded if necessary.
     * <p>If the input {@link Composition} contains multiple {@linkplain MediaItem media items}, all
     * the audio tracks are transcoded by default. They are all transmuxed if {@code transmuxAudio}
     * is {@code true}. Transmuxed tracks must be compatible (typically, all the {@link MediaItem}
     * instances containing the track to transmux are concatenated in a single {@link
     * EditedMediaItemSequence} and have the same sample format for that track). Any transcoding
     * effects requested will be ignored.
     * <p>Requesting audio transmuxing and {@linkplain #experimentalSetForceAudioTrack(boolean)
     * forcing an audio track} are not allowed together because generating silence requires
     * transcoding.
     * @param transmuxAudio Whether to transmux the audio tracks.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setTransmuxAudio(boolean transmuxAudio) {
      this.transmuxAudio = transmuxAudio;
      return this;

     * Sets whether to transmux the {@linkplain MediaItem media items'} video tracks.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
     * <p>If the {@link Composition} contains one {@link MediaItem}, the value set is ignored. The
     * video track will only be transcoded if necessary.
     * <p>If the input {@link Composition} contains multiple {@linkplain MediaItem media items}, all
     * the video tracks are transcoded by default. They are all transmuxed if {@code transmuxVideo}
     * is {@code true}. Transmuxed tracks must be compatible (typically, all the {@link MediaItem}
     * instances containing the track to transmux are concatenated in a single {@link
     * EditedMediaItemSequence} and have the same sample format for that track). Any transcoding
     * effects requested will be ignored.
     * @param transmuxVideo Whether to transmux the video tracks.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setTransmuxVideo(boolean transmuxVideo) {
      this.transmuxVideo = transmuxVideo;
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link HdrMode} for HDR video input.
     * <p>The default value is {@link #HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR}. Apps that need to tone-map HDR to SDR
     * should generally prefer {@link #HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL} over {@link
     * #HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_MEDIACODEC}, because its behavior is likely to be more
     * consistent across devices.
     * @param hdrMode The {@link HdrMode} used.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setHdrMode(@HdrMode int hdrMode) {
      this.hdrMode = hdrMode;
      return this;

     * Sets whether to use produce an HDR output video from Ultra HDR image input.
     * <p>If the {@link HdrMode} is {@link #HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR}, then setting this to {@code true}
     * applies the recovery map (i.e. the gainmap) to the base image to produce HDR video frames.
     * This is automatically overridden to true, if the first asset is a HDR video.
     * <p>The output video will have the same color encoding as the first {@link EditedMediaItem}
     * the sequence. If the Ultra HDR image is first in the sequence, output video will default to
     * BT2020 HLG full range colors.
     * <p>Ignored if {@link HdrMode} is not {@link #HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR}.
     * <p>Supported on API 34+, by some device and HDR format combinations. Ignored if unsupported
     * by device or API level.
     * <p>The default value is {@code false}.
     * @param retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage Whether to use produce an HDR output video from Ultra HDR
     *     image input.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder experimentalSetRetainHdrFromUltraHdrImage(boolean retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage) {
      this.retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage = retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage;
      return this;

    /** Builds a {@link Composition} instance. */
    public Composition build() {
      return new Composition(
          retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage && hdrMode == HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR);

     * Sets {@link Composition#sequences}.
     * @param sequences The {@link EditedMediaItemSequence} instances to compose. The list must not
     *     be empty.
     * @return This builder.
    /* package */ Builder setSequences(List<EditedMediaItemSequence> sequences) {
          "The composition must contain at least one EditedMediaItemSequence.");
      this.sequences = ImmutableList.copyOf(sequences);
      return this;

   * The strategy to use to transcode or edit High Dynamic Range (HDR) input video.
   * {@link #HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL}, or {@link
   * <p>Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) input video is unaffected by these settings.
  public @interface HdrMode {}

   * Processes HDR input as HDR, to generate HDR output.
   * <p>The HDR output format (ex. color transfer) will be the same as the HDR input format.
   * <p>Supported on API 31+, by some device and HDR format combinations.
   * <p>If not supported, {@link Transformer} will attempt to use {@link
  public static final int HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR = 0;

   * Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using the {@link
   *} decoder tone-mapper.
   * <p>Supported on API 31+, by some device and HDR format combinations. Tone-mapping is only
   * guaranteed to be supported on API 33+, on devices with HDR capture support.
   * <p>If not supported, {@link Transformer} throws an {@link ExportException}.
  public static final int HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_MEDIACODEC = 1;

   * Tone map HDR input to SDR before processing, to generate SDR output, using an OpenGL
   * tone-mapper.
   * <p>Supported on API 29+.
   * <p>This may exhibit mild differences from {@link
   * #HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_MEDIACODEC}, depending on the device's tone-mapping
   * implementation, but should have much wider support and have more consistent results across
   * devices.
   * <p>If not supported, {@link Transformer} throws an {@link ExportException}.
  public static final int HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL = 2;

   * Interpret HDR input as SDR, likely with a washed out look.
   * <p>This is much more widely supported than {@link #HDR_MODE_KEEP_HDR}, {@link
   * #HDR_MODE_TONE_MAP_HDR_TO_SDR_USING_OPEN_GL}. However, as HDR transfer functions and metadata
   * will be ignored, contents will be displayed incorrectly, likely with a washed out look.
   * <p>Using this API may lead to codec errors before API 29.
   * <p>Use of this flag may result in {@code ERROR_CODE_DECODING_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED}.
   * <p>This field is experimental, and will be renamed or removed in a future release.

   * The {@link EditedMediaItemSequence} instances to compose.
   * <p>{@link MediaItem} instances from different sequences that are overlapping in time will be
   * mixed in the output.
  public final ImmutableList<EditedMediaItemSequence> sequences;

  /** The {@link VideoCompositorSettings} to apply to the composition. */
  public final VideoCompositorSettings videoCompositorSettings;

  // TODO: b/302695659 - Ensure composition level effects are only applied consistently between the
  //  different VideoGraphs.
  /** The {@link Effects} to apply to the composition. */
  public final Effects effects;

   * Whether the output file should always contain an audio track.
   * <p>For more information, see {@link Builder#experimentalSetForceAudioTrack(boolean)}.
  public final boolean forceAudioTrack;

   * Whether to transmux the {@linkplain MediaItem media items'} audio tracks.
   * <p>For more information, see {@link Builder#setTransmuxAudio(boolean)}.
  public final boolean transmuxAudio;

   * Whether to transmux the {@linkplain MediaItem media items'} video tracks.
   * <p>For more information, see {@link Builder#setTransmuxVideo(boolean)}.
  public final boolean transmuxVideo;

   * The {@link HdrMode} specifying how to handle HDR input video.
   * <p>For more information, see {@link Builder#setHdrMode(int)}.
  public final @HdrMode int hdrMode;

   * Sets whether to use produce an HDR output video from Ultra HDR image input.
   * <p>For more information, see {@link
   * Builder#experimentalSetRetainHdrFromUltraHdrImage(boolean)}.
  public final boolean retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage;

  /** Returns a {@link Composition.Builder} initialized with the values of this instance. */
  /* package */ Builder buildUpon() {
    return new Builder(this);

  private Composition(
      List<EditedMediaItemSequence> sequences,
      VideoCompositorSettings videoCompositorSettings,
      Effects effects,
      boolean forceAudioTrack,
      boolean transmuxAudio,
      boolean transmuxVideo,
      @HdrMode int hdrMode,
      boolean retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage) {
        !transmuxAudio || !forceAudioTrack,
        "Audio transmuxing and audio track forcing are not allowed together.");
    this.sequences = ImmutableList.copyOf(sequences);
    this.videoCompositorSettings = videoCompositorSettings;
    this.effects = effects;
    this.transmuxAudio = transmuxAudio;
    this.transmuxVideo = transmuxVideo;
    this.forceAudioTrack = forceAudioTrack;
    this.hdrMode = hdrMode;
    this.retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage = retainHdrFromUltraHdrImage;