public interface



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch', version: '1.0.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch:1.0.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (


Provides a connection to a single AppSearch database.

An AppSearchSession instance provides access to database operations such as setting a schema, adding documents, and searching.

Instances of this interface are usually obtained from a storage implementation, e.g. LocalStorage.createSearchSession() or PlatformStorage.createSearchSession().

All implementations of this interface must be thread safe.


public voidclose()

Closes the AppSearchSession to persist all schema and document updates, additions, and deletes to disk.

public <any>getByDocumentId(GetByDocumentIdRequest request)

Gets GenericDocument objects by document IDs in a namespace from the AppSearchSession database.

public CapabilitiesgetCapabilities()

Returns the Capabilities to check for the availability of certain features for this session.

public <any>getNamespaces()

Retrieves the set of all namespaces in the current database with at least one document.

public <any>getSchema()

Retrieves the schema most recently successfully provided to AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest).

public <any>getStorageInfo()

Gets the storage info for this AppSearchSession database.

public <any>put(PutDocumentsRequest request)

Indexes documents into the AppSearchSession database.

public <any>remove(RemoveByDocumentIdRequest request)

Removes GenericDocument objects by document IDs in a namespace from the AppSearchSession database.

public <any>remove(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Removes GenericDocuments from the index by Query.

public <any>reportUsage(ReportUsageRequest request)

Reports usage of a particular document by namespace and ID.

public <any>requestFlush()

Flush all schema and document updates, additions, and deletes to disk if possible.

public SearchResultssearch(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Retrieves documents from the open AppSearchSession that match a given query string and type of search provided.

public <any>setSchema(SetSchemaRequest request)

Sets the schema that represents the organizational structure of data within the AppSearch database.


public <any> setSchema(SetSchemaRequest request)

Sets the schema that represents the organizational structure of data within the AppSearch database.

Upon creating an AppSearchSession, AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest) should be called. If the schema needs to be updated, or it has not been previously set, then the provided schema will be saved and persisted to disk. Otherwise, AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest) is handled efficiently as a no-op call.


request: the schema to set or update the AppSearch database to.


a which resolves to a SetSchemaResponse object.

public <any> getSchema()

Retrieves the schema most recently successfully provided to AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest).


The pending GetSchemaResponse of performing this operation.

public <any> getNamespaces()

Retrieves the set of all namespaces in the current database with at least one document.


The pending result of performing this operation.

public <any> put(PutDocumentsRequest request)

Indexes documents into the AppSearchSession database.

Each GenericDocument object must have a schemaType field set to an AppSearchSchema type that has been previously registered by calling the AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest) method.


request: containing documents to be indexed.


a which resolves to an AppSearchBatchResult. The keys of the returned AppSearchBatchResult are the IDs of the input documents. The values are either null if the corresponding document was successfully indexed, or a failed AppSearchResult otherwise.

public <any> getByDocumentId(GetByDocumentIdRequest request)

Gets GenericDocument objects by document IDs in a namespace from the AppSearchSession database.


request: a request containing a namespace and IDs to get documents for.


A which resolves to an AppSearchBatchResult. The keys of the AppSearchBatchResult represent the input document IDs from the GetByDocumentIdRequest object. The values are either the corresponding GenericDocument object for the ID on success, or an AppSearchResult object on failure. For example, if an ID is not found, the value for that ID will be set to an AppSearchResult object with result code: AppSearchResult.RESULT_NOT_FOUND.

public SearchResults search(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Retrieves documents from the open AppSearchSession that match a given query string and type of search provided.

Query strings can be empty, contain one term with no operators, or contain multiple terms and operators.

For query strings that are empty, all documents that match the SearchSpec will be returned.

For query strings with a single term and no operators, documents that match the provided query string and SearchSpec will be returned.

The following operators are supported:

  • AND (implicit)

    AND is an operator that matches documents that contain all provided terms.

    NOTE: A space between terms is treated as an "AND" operator. Explicitly including "AND" in a query string will treat "AND" as a term, returning documents that also contain "AND".

    Example: "apple AND banana" matches documents that contain the terms "apple", "and", "banana".

    Example: "apple banana" matches documents that contain both "apple" and "banana".

    Example: "apple banana cherry" matches documents that contain "apple", "banana", and "cherry".

  • OR

    OR is an operator that matches documents that contain any provided term.

    Example: "apple OR banana" matches documents that contain either "apple" or "banana".

    Example: "apple OR banana OR cherry" matches documents that contain any of "apple", "banana", or "cherry".

  • Exclusion (-)

    Exclusion (-) is an operator that matches documents that do not contain the provided term.

    Example: "-apple" matches documents that do not contain "apple".

  • Grouped Terms

    For queries that require multiple operators and terms, terms can be grouped into subqueries. Subqueries are contained within an open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.

    Example: "(donut OR bagel) (coffee OR tea)" matches documents that contain either "donut" or "bagel" and either "coffee" or "tea".

  • Property Restricts

    For queries that require a term to match a specific AppSearchSchema property of a document, a ":" must be included between the property name and the term.

    Example: "subject:important" matches documents that contain the term "important" in the "subject" property.

Additional search specifications, such as filtering by AppSearchSchema type or adding projection, can be set by calling the corresponding SearchSpec.Builder setter.

This method is lightweight. The heavy work will be done in SearchResults.getNextPage().


queryExpression: query string to search.
searchSpec: spec for setting document filters, adding projection, setting term match type, etc.


a SearchResults object for retrieved matched documents.

public <any> reportUsage(ReportUsageRequest request)

Reports usage of a particular document by namespace and ID.

A usage report represents an event in which a user interacted with or viewed a document.

For each call to AppSearchSession.reportUsage(ReportUsageRequest), AppSearch updates usage count and usage recency metrics for that particular document. These metrics are used for ordering, SearchSpec) results by the SearchSpec.RANKING_STRATEGY_USAGE_COUNT and SearchSpec.RANKING_STRATEGY_USAGE_LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP ranking strategies.

Reporting usage of a document is optional.


request: The usage reporting request.


The pending result of performing this operation which resolves to null on success.

public <any> remove(RemoveByDocumentIdRequest request)

Removes GenericDocument objects by document IDs in a namespace from the AppSearchSession database.

Removed documents will no longer be surfaced by, SearchSpec) or AppSearchSession.getByDocumentId(GetByDocumentIdRequest) calls.

Once the database crosses the document count or byte usage threshold, removed documents will be deleted from disk.


request: RemoveByDocumentIdRequest with IDs in a namespace to remove from the index.


a which resolves to an AppSearchBatchResult. The keys of the AppSearchBatchResult represent the input IDs from the RemoveByDocumentIdRequest object. The values are either null on success, or a failed AppSearchResult otherwise. IDs that are not found will return a failed AppSearchResult with a result code of AppSearchResult.RESULT_NOT_FOUND.

public <any> remove(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Removes GenericDocuments from the index by Query. Documents will be removed if they match the queryExpression in given namespaces and schemaTypes which is set via SearchSpec.Builder.addFilterNamespaces(String...) and SearchSpec.Builder.addFilterSchemas(String...).

An empty queryExpression matches all documents.

An empty set of namespaces or schemaTypes matches all namespaces or schemaTypes in the current database.


queryExpression: Query String to search.
searchSpec: Spec containing schemaTypes, namespaces and query expression indicates how document will be removed. All specific about how to scoring, ordering, snippeting and resulting will be ignored.


The pending result of performing this operation.

public <any> getStorageInfo()

Gets the storage info for this AppSearchSession database.

This may take time proportional to the number of documents and may be inefficient to call repeatedly.


a which resolves to a StorageInfo object.

public <any> requestFlush()

Flush all schema and document updates, additions, and deletes to disk if possible.

The request is not guaranteed to be handled and may be ignored by some implementations of AppSearchSession.


The pending result of performing this operation. AppSearchException with AppSearchResult.RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR will be set to the future if we hit error when save to disk.

public Capabilities getCapabilities()

Returns the Capabilities to check for the availability of certain features for this session.

public void close()

Closes the AppSearchSession to persist all schema and document updates, additions, and deletes to disk.


 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
// @exportToFramework:skipFile()

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import java.util.Set;

 * Provides a connection to a single AppSearch database.
 * <p>An {@link AppSearchSession} instance provides access to database operations such as setting
 * a schema, adding documents, and searching.
 * <p>Instances of this interface are usually obtained from a storage implementation, e.g.
 * {@code LocalStorage.createSearchSession()} or {@code PlatformStorage.createSearchSession()}.
 * <p>All implementations of this interface must be thread safe.
 * @see GlobalSearchSession
public interface AppSearchSession extends Closeable {

     * Sets the schema that represents the organizational structure of data within the AppSearch
     * database.
     * <p>Upon creating an {@link AppSearchSession}, {@link #setSchema} should be called. If the
     * schema needs to be updated, or it has not been previously set, then the provided schema
     * will be saved and persisted to disk. Otherwise, {@link #setSchema} is handled efficiently
     * as a no-op call.
     * @param  request the schema to set or update the AppSearch database to.
     * @return a {@link ListenableFuture} which resolves to a {@link SetSchemaResponse} object.
    ListenableFuture<SetSchemaResponse> setSchema(
            @NonNull SetSchemaRequest request);

     * Retrieves the schema most recently successfully provided to {@link #setSchema}.
     * @return The pending {@link GetSchemaResponse} of performing this operation.
    // This call hits disk; async API prevents us from treating these calls as properties.
    ListenableFuture<GetSchemaResponse> getSchema();

     * Retrieves the set of all namespaces in the current database with at least one document.
     * @return The pending result of performing this operation.
    ListenableFuture<Set<String>> getNamespaces();

     * Indexes documents into the {@link AppSearchSession} database.
     * <p>Each {@link GenericDocument} object must have a {@code schemaType} field set to an
     * {@link AppSearchSchema} type that has been previously registered by calling the
     * {@link #setSchema} method.
     * @param request containing documents to be indexed.
     * @return a {@link ListenableFuture} which resolves to an {@link AppSearchBatchResult}.
     * The keys of the returned {@link AppSearchBatchResult} are the IDs of the input documents.
     * The values are either {@code null} if the corresponding document was successfully indexed,
     * or a failed {@link AppSearchResult} otherwise.
    ListenableFuture<AppSearchBatchResult<String, Void>> put(@NonNull PutDocumentsRequest request);

     * Gets {@link GenericDocument} objects by document IDs in a namespace from the
     * {@link AppSearchSession} database.
     * @param request a request containing a namespace and IDs to get documents for.
     * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} which resolves to an {@link AppSearchBatchResult}.
     * The keys of the {@link AppSearchBatchResult} represent the input document IDs from the
     * {@link GetByDocumentIdRequest} object. The values are either the corresponding
     * {@link GenericDocument} object for the ID on success, or an {@link AppSearchResult}
     * object on failure. For example, if an ID is not found, the value for that ID will be set
     * to an {@link AppSearchResult} object with result code:
     * {@link AppSearchResult#RESULT_NOT_FOUND}.
    ListenableFuture<AppSearchBatchResult<String, GenericDocument>> getByDocumentId(
            @NonNull GetByDocumentIdRequest request);

     * Retrieves documents from the open {@link AppSearchSession} that match a given query string
     * and type of search provided.
     * <p>Query strings can be empty, contain one term with no operators, or contain multiple
     * terms and operators.
     * <p>For query strings that are empty, all documents that match the {@link SearchSpec} will be
     * returned.
     * <p>For query strings with a single term and no operators, documents that match the
     * provided query string and {@link SearchSpec} will be returned.
     * <p>The following operators are supported:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>AND (implicit)
     *     <p>AND is an operator that matches documents that contain <i>all</i>
     *     provided terms.
     *     <p><b>NOTE:</b> A space between terms is treated as an "AND" operator. Explicitly
     *     including "AND" in a query string will treat "AND" as a term, returning documents that
     *     also contain "AND".
     *     <p>Example: "apple AND banana" matches documents that contain the
     *     terms "apple", "and", "banana".
     *     <p>Example: "apple banana" matches documents that contain both "apple" and
     *     "banana".
     *     <p>Example: "apple banana cherry" matches documents that contain "apple", "banana", and
     *     "cherry".
     *     <li>OR
     *     <p>OR is an operator that matches documents that contain <i>any</i> provided term.
     *     <p>Example: "apple OR banana" matches documents that contain either "apple" or "banana".
     *     <p>Example: "apple OR banana OR cherry" matches documents that contain any of
     *     "apple", "banana", or "cherry".
     *     <li>Exclusion (-)
     *     <p>Exclusion (-) is an operator that matches documents that <i>do not</i> contain the
     *     provided term.
     *     <p>Example: "-apple" matches documents that do not contain "apple".
     *     <li>Grouped Terms
     *     <p>For queries that require multiple operators and terms, terms can be grouped into
     *     subqueries. Subqueries are contained within an open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.
     *     <p>Example: "(donut OR bagel) (coffee OR tea)" matches documents that contain
     *     either "donut" or "bagel" and either "coffee" or "tea".
     *     <li>Property Restricts
     *     <p>For queries that require a term to match a specific {@link AppSearchSchema}
     *     property of a document, a ":" must be included between the property name and the term.
     *     <p>Example: "subject:important" matches documents that contain the term "important" in
     *     the "subject" property.
     * </ul>
     * <p>Additional search specifications, such as filtering by {@link AppSearchSchema} type or
     * adding projection, can be set by calling the corresponding {@link SearchSpec.Builder} setter.
     * <p>This method is lightweight. The heavy work will be done in
     * {@link SearchResults#getNextPage}.
     * @param queryExpression query string to search.
     * @param searchSpec      spec for setting document filters, adding projection, setting term
     *                        match type, etc.
     * @return a {@link SearchResults} object for retrieved matched documents.
    SearchResults search(@NonNull String queryExpression, @NonNull SearchSpec searchSpec);

     * Reports usage of a particular document by namespace and ID.
     * <p>A usage report represents an event in which a user interacted with or viewed a document.
     * <p>For each call to {@link #reportUsage}, AppSearch updates usage count and usage recency
     * metrics for that particular document. These metrics are used for ordering {@link #search}
     * results by the {@link SearchSpec#RANKING_STRATEGY_USAGE_COUNT} and
     * {@link SearchSpec#RANKING_STRATEGY_USAGE_LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP} ranking strategies.
     * <p>Reporting usage of a document is optional.
     * @param request The usage reporting request.
     * @return The pending result of performing this operation which resolves to {@code null} on
     *     success.
    ListenableFuture<Void> reportUsage(@NonNull ReportUsageRequest request);

     * Removes {@link GenericDocument} objects by document IDs in a namespace from the
     * {@link AppSearchSession} database.
     * <p>Removed documents will no longer be surfaced by {@link #search} or
     * {@link #getByDocumentId}
     * calls.
     * <p>Once the database crosses the document count or byte usage threshold, removed documents
     * will be deleted from disk.
     * @param request {@link RemoveByDocumentIdRequest} with IDs in a namespace to remove from the
     *                index.
     * @return a {@link ListenableFuture} which resolves to an {@link AppSearchBatchResult}.
     * The keys of the {@link AppSearchBatchResult} represent the input IDs from the
     * {@link RemoveByDocumentIdRequest} object. The values are either {@code null} on success,
     * or a failed {@link AppSearchResult} otherwise. IDs that are not found will return a failed
     * {@link AppSearchResult} with a result code of {@link AppSearchResult#RESULT_NOT_FOUND}.
    ListenableFuture<AppSearchBatchResult<String, Void>> remove(
            @NonNull RemoveByDocumentIdRequest request);

     * Removes {@link GenericDocument}s from the index by Query. Documents will be removed if they
     * match the {@code queryExpression} in given namespaces and schemaTypes which is set via
     * {@link SearchSpec.Builder#addFilterNamespaces} and
     * {@link SearchSpec.Builder#addFilterSchemas}.
     * <p> An empty {@code queryExpression} matches all documents.
     * <p> An empty set of namespaces or schemaTypes matches all namespaces or schemaTypes in
     * the current database.
     * @param queryExpression Query String to search.
     * @param searchSpec      Spec containing schemaTypes, namespaces and query expression
     *                        indicates how document will be removed. All specific about how to
     *                        scoring, ordering, snippeting and resulting will be ignored.
     * @return The pending result of performing this operation.
    ListenableFuture<Void> remove(@NonNull String queryExpression, @NonNull SearchSpec searchSpec);

     * Gets the storage info for this {@link AppSearchSession} database.
     * <p>This may take time proportional to the number of documents and may be inefficient to
     * call repeatedly.
     * @return a {@link ListenableFuture} which resolves to a {@link StorageInfo} object.
    ListenableFuture<StorageInfo> getStorageInfo();

     * Flush all schema and document updates, additions, and deletes to disk if possible.
     * <p>The request is not guaranteed to be handled and may be ignored by some implementations of
     * AppSearchSession.
     * @return The pending result of performing this operation.
     * {@link androidx.appsearch.exceptions.AppSearchException} with
     * {@link AppSearchResult#RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR} will be set to the future if we hit error when
     * save to disk.
    ListenableFuture<Void> requestFlush();

     * Returns the {@link Capabilities} to check for the availability of certain features
     * for this session.
    @NonNull Capabilities getCapabilities();

     * Closes the {@link AppSearchSession} to persist all schema and document updates, additions,
     * and deletes to disk.
    void close();