public interface


Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch', version: '1.1.0-alpha05'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha05

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch:1.1.0-alpha05 it located at Google repository (


Provides a connection to all enterprise (work profile) AppSearch databases the querying application has been granted access to.

This session can be created from any user profile but will only properly return results when created from the main profile. If the user is not the main profile or an associated work profile does not exist, queries will still successfully complete but with empty results.

Schemas must be explicitly tagged enterprise and may require additional permissions to be visible from an enterprise session. Retrieved documents may also have certain fields restricted or modified unlike if they were retrieved directly from GlobalSearchSession on the work profile.

All implementations of this interface must be thread safe.


public <any>getByDocumentIdAsync(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String databaseName, GetByDocumentIdRequest request)

Retrieves GenericDocument documents, belonging to the specified package name and database name and identified by the namespace and ids in the request, from the EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession database.

public FeaturesgetFeatures()

Returns the Features to check for the availability of certain features for this session.

public <any>getSchemaAsync(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String databaseName)

Retrieves the collection of schemas most recently successfully provided to AppSearchSession.setSchemaAsync(SetSchemaRequest) for any types belonging to the requested package and database that the caller has been granted access to.

public SearchResultssearch(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Retrieves documents from all enterprise (work profile) AppSearch databases that the querying application has access to.


public <any> getByDocumentIdAsync(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String databaseName, GetByDocumentIdRequest request)

Retrieves GenericDocument documents, belonging to the specified package name and database name and identified by the namespace and ids in the request, from the EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession database. When a call is successful, the result will be returned in the successes section of the AppSearchBatchResult object in the callback. If the package doesn't exist, database doesn't exist, or if the calling package doesn't have access, these failures will be reflected as AppSearchResult objects with a RESULT_NOT_FOUND status code in the failures section of the AppSearchBatchResult object.


packageName: the name of the package to get from
databaseName: the name of the database to get from
request: a request containing a namespace and IDs of the documents to retrieve.

public SearchResults search(java.lang.String queryExpression, SearchSpec searchSpec)

Retrieves documents from all enterprise (work profile) AppSearch databases that the querying application has access to.

Applications can be granted access to documents by specifying SetSchemaRequest.Builder.setSchemaTypeVisibilityForPackage(String, boolean, PackageIdentifier), or SetSchemaRequest.Builder.setDocumentClassVisibilityForPackage(Class, boolean, PackageIdentifier) when building a schema.

Document access can also be granted to system UIs by specifying SetSchemaRequest.Builder.setSchemaTypeDisplayedBySystem(String, boolean), or SetSchemaRequest.Builder.setDocumentClassDisplayedBySystem(Class, boolean) when building a schema.

See, SearchSpec) for a detailed explanation on forming a query string.

This method is lightweight. The heavy work will be done in SearchResults.getNextPageAsync().


queryExpression: query string to search.
searchSpec: spec for setting document filters, adding projection, setting term match type, etc.


a SearchResults object for retrieved matched documents.

public <any> getSchemaAsync(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String databaseName)

Retrieves the collection of schemas most recently successfully provided to AppSearchSession.setSchemaAsync(SetSchemaRequest) for any types belonging to the requested package and database that the caller has been granted access to.

If the requested package/database combination does not exist or the caller has not been granted access to it, then an empty GetSchemaResponse will be returned.


packageName: the package that owns the requested AppSearchSchema instances.
databaseName: the database that owns the requested AppSearchSchema instances.


The pending GetSchemaResponse containing the schemas that the caller has access to or an empty GetSchemaResponse if the request package and database does not exist, has not set a schema or contains no schemas that are accessible to the caller.

public Features getFeatures()

Returns the Features to check for the availability of certain features for this session.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
// @exportToFramework:skipFile()

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresFeature;


 * Provides a connection to all enterprise (work profile) AppSearch databases the querying
 * application has been granted access to.
 * <p>This session can be created from any user profile but will only properly return results when
 * created from the main profile. If the user is not the main profile or an associated work profile
 * does not exist, queries will still successfully complete but with empty results.
 * <p>Schemas must be explicitly tagged enterprise and may require additional permissions to be
 * visible from an enterprise session. Retrieved documents may also have certain fields restricted
 * or modified unlike if they were retrieved directly from {@link GlobalSearchSession} on the work
 * profile.
 * <p>All implementations of this interface must be thread safe.
 * @see GlobalSearchSession
        enforcement = "",
public interface EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession {
     * Retrieves {@link GenericDocument} documents, belonging to the specified package name and
     * database name and identified by the namespace and ids in the request, from the
     * {@link EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession} database. When a call is successful, the result will be
     * returned in the successes section of the {@link AppSearchBatchResult} object in the callback.
     * If the package doesn't exist, database doesn't exist, or if the calling package doesn't have
     * access, these failures will be reflected as {@link AppSearchResult} objects with a
     * RESULT_NOT_FOUND status code in the failures section of the {@link AppSearchBatchResult}
     * object.
     * @param packageName the name of the package to get from
     * @param databaseName the name of the database to get from
     * @param request a request containing a namespace and IDs of the documents to retrieve.
    ListenableFuture<AppSearchBatchResult<String, GenericDocument>> getByDocumentIdAsync(
            @NonNull String packageName,
            @NonNull String databaseName,
            @NonNull GetByDocumentIdRequest request);

     * Retrieves documents from all enterprise (work profile) AppSearch databases that the querying
     * application has access to.
     * <p>Applications can be granted access to documents by specifying
     * {@link SetSchemaRequest.Builder#setSchemaTypeVisibilityForPackage}, or
     * {@link SetSchemaRequest.Builder#setDocumentClassVisibilityForPackage} when building a schema.
     * <p>Document access can also be granted to system UIs by specifying
     * {@link SetSchemaRequest.Builder#setSchemaTypeDisplayedBySystem}, or
     * {@link SetSchemaRequest.Builder#setDocumentClassDisplayedBySystem}
     * when building a schema.
     * <p>See {@link AppSearchSession#search} for a detailed explanation on
     * forming a query string.
     * <p>This method is lightweight. The heavy work will be done in
     * {@link SearchResults#getNextPageAsync}.
     * @param queryExpression query string to search.
     * @param searchSpec      spec for setting document filters, adding projection, setting term
     *                        match type, etc.
     * @return a {@link SearchResults} object for retrieved matched documents.
    SearchResults search(@NonNull String queryExpression, @NonNull SearchSpec searchSpec);

     * Retrieves the collection of schemas most recently successfully provided to
     * {@link AppSearchSession#setSchemaAsync} for any types belonging to the requested package and
     * database that the caller has been granted access to.
     * <p> If the requested package/database combination does not exist or the caller has not been
     * granted access to it, then an empty GetSchemaResponse will be returned.
     * @param packageName the package that owns the requested {@link AppSearchSchema} instances.
     * @param databaseName the database that owns the requested {@link AppSearchSchema} instances.
     * @return The pending {@link GetSchemaResponse} containing the schemas that the caller has
     * access to or an empty GetSchemaResponse if the request package and database does not
     * exist, has not set a schema or contains no schemas that are accessible to the caller.
    // This call hits disk; async API prevents us from treating these calls as properties.
    ListenableFuture<GetSchemaResponse> getSchemaAsync(@NonNull String packageName,
            @NonNull String databaseName);

     * Returns the {@link Features} to check for the availability of certain features
     * for this session.
    Features getFeatures();