public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Builder for objects.



public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterDocumentClasses(java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> documentClasses[])

Adds the Schema names of given document classes to the Schema type filter of SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterDocumentClasses(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Class> documentClasses)

Adds the Schema names of given document classes to the Schema type filter of SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterNamespaces(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> namespaces)

Adds a namespace filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterNamespaces(java.lang.String namespaces[])

Adds a namespace filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterPackageNames(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> packageNames)

Adds a package name filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterPackageNames(java.lang.String packageNames[])

Adds a package name filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterSchemas(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> schemas)

Adds a Schema type filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddFilterSchemas(java.lang.String schemas[])

Adds a Schema type filter to SearchSpec Entry.

public SearchSpec.BuilderaddProjection(java.lang.String schema, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> propertyPaths)

Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection.

public SearchSpecbuild()

Constructs a new SearchSpec from the contents of this builder.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetMaxSnippetSize(int maxSnippetSize)

Sets maxSnippetSize, the maximum snippet size.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetOrder(int order)

Indicates the order of returned search results, the default is SearchSpec.ORDER_DESCENDING, meaning that results with higher scores come first.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetRankingStrategy(int rankingStrategy)

Sets ranking strategy for AppSearch results.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetResultCountPerPage(int resultCountPerPage)

Sets the number of results per page in the returned object.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetResultGrouping(int groupingTypeFlags, int limit)

Set the maximum number of results to return for each group, where groups are defined by grouping type.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetSnippetCount(int snippetCount)

Only the first snippetCount documents based on the ranking strategy will have snippet information provided.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetSnippetCountPerProperty(int snippetCountPerProperty)

Sets snippetCountPerProperty.

public SearchSpec.BuildersetTermMatch(int termMatchType)

Indicates how the query terms should match TermMatchCode in the index.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()


public SearchSpec.Builder setTermMatch(int termMatchType)

Indicates how the query terms should match TermMatchCode in the index.

If this method is not called, the default term match type is SearchSpec.TERM_MATCH_PREFIX.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterSchemas(java.lang.String schemas[])

Adds a Schema type filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified schema types.

If unset, the query will search over all schema types.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterSchemas(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> schemas)

Adds a Schema type filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified schema types.

If unset, the query will search over all schema types.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterDocumentClasses(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Class> documentClasses)

Adds the Schema names of given document classes to the Schema type filter of SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified schema types.

If unset, the query will search over all schema types.


documentClasses: classes annotated with Document.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterDocumentClasses(java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> documentClasses[])

Adds the Schema names of given document classes to the Schema type filter of SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified schema types.

If unset, the query will search over all schema types.


documentClasses: classes annotated with Document.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterNamespaces(java.lang.String namespaces[])

Adds a namespace filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified namespaces.

If unset, the query will search over all namespaces.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterNamespaces(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> namespaces)

Adds a namespace filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that have the specified namespaces.

If unset, the query will search over all namespaces.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterPackageNames(java.lang.String packageNames[])

Adds a package name filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that were indexed from the specified packages.

If unset, the query will search over all packages that the caller has access to. If package names are specified which caller doesn't have access to, then those package names will be ignored.

public SearchSpec.Builder addFilterPackageNames(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> packageNames)

Adds a package name filter to SearchSpec Entry. Only search for documents that were indexed from the specified packages.

If unset, the query will search over all packages that the caller has access to. If package names are specified which caller doesn't have access to, then those package names will be ignored.

public SearchSpec.Builder setResultCountPerPage(int resultCountPerPage)

Sets the number of results per page in the returned object.

The default number of results per page is 10.

public SearchSpec.Builder setRankingStrategy(int rankingStrategy)

Sets ranking strategy for AppSearch results.

public SearchSpec.Builder setOrder(int order)

Indicates the order of returned search results, the default is SearchSpec.ORDER_DESCENDING, meaning that results with higher scores come first.

This order field will be ignored if RankingStrategy = RANKING_STRATEGY_NONE.

public SearchSpec.Builder setSnippetCount(int snippetCount)

Only the first snippetCount documents based on the ranking strategy will have snippet information provided.

The list returned from SearchResult.getMatchInfos() will contain at most this many entries.

If set to 0 (default), snippeting is disabled and the list returned from SearchResult.getMatchInfos() will be empty.

public SearchSpec.Builder setSnippetCountPerProperty(int snippetCountPerProperty)

Sets snippetCountPerProperty. Only the first snippetCountPerProperty snippets for each property of each GenericDocument will contain snippet information.

If set to 0, snippeting is disabled and the list returned from SearchResult.getMatchInfos() will be empty.

The default behavior is to snippet all matches a property contains, up to the maximum value of 10,000.

public SearchSpec.Builder setMaxSnippetSize(int maxSnippetSize)

Sets maxSnippetSize, the maximum snippet size. Snippet windows start at maxSnippetSize/2 bytes before the middle of the matching token and end at maxSnippetSize/2 bytes after the middle of the matching token. It respects token boundaries, therefore the returned window may be smaller than requested.

Setting maxSnippetSize to 0 will disable windowing and an empty string will be returned. If matches enabled is also set to false, then snippeting is disabled.

Ex. maxSnippetSize = 16. "foo bar baz bat rat" with a query of "baz" will return a window of "bar baz bat" which is only 11 bytes long.

public SearchSpec.Builder addProjection(java.lang.String schema, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> propertyPaths)

Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection. If property paths are added for a type, then only the properties referred to will be retrieved for results of that type. If a property path that is specified isn't present in a result, it will be ignored for that result. Property paths cannot be null.

If no property paths are added for a particular type, then all properties of results of that type will be retrieved.

If property path is added for the SearchSpec.PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD, then those property paths will apply to all results, excepting any types that have their own, specific property paths set.

Suppose the following document is in the index.

 Email: Document {
   sender: Document {
     name: "Mr. Person"
     email: ""
   recipients: [
     Document {
       name: "John Doe"
       email: ""
     Document {
       name: "Jane Doe"
       email: ""
   subject: "IMPORTANT"
   body: "Limited time offer!"

Then, suppose that a query for "important" is issued with the following projection type property paths:

 {schema: "Email", ["subject", "", ""]}

The above document will be returned as:

 Email: Document {
   sender: Document {
     name: "Mr. Body"
   recipients: [
     Document {
       name: "John Doe"
     Document {
       name: "Jane Doe"
   subject: "IMPORTANT"

public SearchSpec.Builder setResultGrouping(int groupingTypeFlags, int limit)

Set the maximum number of results to return for each group, where groups are defined by grouping type.

Calling this method will override any previous calls. So calling setResultGrouping(GROUPING_TYPE_PER_PACKAGE, 7) and then calling setResultGrouping(GROUPING_TYPE_PER_PACKAGE, 2) will result in only the latter, a limit of two results per package, being applied. Or calling setResultGrouping (GROUPING_TYPE_PER_PACKAGE, 1) and then calling setResultGrouping (GROUPING_TYPE_PER_PACKAGE | GROUPING_PER_NAMESPACE, 5) will result in five results per package per namespace.


groupingTypeFlags: One or more combination of grouping types.
limit: Number of results to return per groupingTypeFlags.

public SearchSpec build()

Constructs a new SearchSpec from the contents of this builder.