public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object




Callback for receiving the result of MediaBrowserCompat.sendCustomAction(String, Bundle, MediaBrowserCompat.CustomActionCallback).



public voidonError(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle data)

Called when an error happens while performing the custom action or the connected service doesn't support the requested custom action.

public voidonProgressUpdate(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle data)

Called when an interim update was delivered from the connected service while performing the custom action.

public voidonResult(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle resultData)

Called when the custom action finished successfully.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public CustomActionCallback()


public void onProgressUpdate(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle data)

Called when an interim update was delivered from the connected service while performing the custom action.


action: The custom action sent to the connected service.
extras: The bundle of service-specific arguments sent to the connected service.
data: The additional data delivered from the connected service.

public void onResult(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle resultData)

Called when the custom action finished successfully.


action: The custom action sent to the connected service.
extras: The bundle of service-specific arguments sent to the connected service.
resultData: The additional data delivered from the connected service.

public void onError(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, Bundle data)

Called when an error happens while performing the custom action or the connected service doesn't support the requested custom action.


action: The custom action sent to the connected service.
extras: The bundle of service-specific arguments sent to the connected service.
data: The additional data delivered from the connected service.