public abstract class


extends Service




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Base class for media browse services.

Media browse services enable applications to browse media content provided by an application and ask the application to start playing it. They may also be used to control content that is already playing by way of a MediaSessionCompat. To extend this class, you must declare the service in your manifest file with an intent filter with the MediaBrowserServiceCompat.SERVICE_INTERFACE action.

For example:

 <service android:name=".MyMediaBrowserServiceCompat"
          android:label="@string/service_name" >
         <action android:name="" />

Developer Guides

For information about building your media application, read the Media Apps developer guide.


public static final java.lang.StringKEY_MEDIA_ITEM

A key for passing the MediaItem to the ResultReceiver in getItem.

public static final java.lang.StringKEY_SEARCH_RESULTS

A key for passing the list of MediaItems to the ResultReceiver in search.

public static final intRESULT_ERROR

public static final intRESULT_OK

public static final intRESULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE

public static final java.lang.StringSERVICE_INTERFACE

The that must be declared as handled by the service.


public voidattachToBaseContext(Context base)

Attaches to the base context.

public voiddump( fd, writer, java.lang.String args[])

public final BundlegetBrowserRootHints()

Gets the root hints sent from the currently connected MediaBrowserCompat.

public final MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfogetCurrentBrowserInfo()

Gets the browser information who sent the current request.

public MediaSessionCompat.TokengetSessionToken()

Gets the session token, or null if it has not yet been created or if it has been destroyed.

public voidnotifyChildrenChanged(MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, java.lang.String parentId, Bundle options)

Notifies a connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way.

public voidnotifyChildrenChanged(java.lang.String parentId)

Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way.

public voidnotifyChildrenChanged(java.lang.String parentId, Bundle options)

Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way.

public IBinderonBind(Intent intent)

public voidonCreate()

public voidonCustomAction(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<Bundle> result)

Called to request a custom action to this service.

public voidonDestroy()

public abstract MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRootonGetRoot(java.lang.String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints)

Called to get the root information for browsing by a particular client.

public abstract voidonLoadChildren(java.lang.String parentId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result)

Called to get information about the children of a media item.

public voidonLoadChildren(java.lang.String parentId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result, Bundle options)

Called to get information about the children of a media item.

public voidonLoadItem(java.lang.String itemId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> result)

Called to get information about a specific media item.

public voidonSearch(java.lang.String query, Bundle extras, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result)

Called to get the search result.

public voidonSubscribe(java.lang.String id, Bundle option)

Called when a MediaBrowserCompat.subscribe(String, MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback) is called.

public voidonUnsubscribe(java.lang.String id)

Called when a MediaBrowserCompat.unsubscribe(String) is called.

public voidsetSessionToken(MediaSessionCompat.Token token)

Call to set the media session.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_INTERFACE

The that must be declared as handled by the service.

public static final java.lang.String KEY_MEDIA_ITEM

A key for passing the MediaItem to the ResultReceiver in getItem.

public static final java.lang.String KEY_SEARCH_RESULTS

A key for passing the list of MediaItems to the ResultReceiver in search.

public static final int RESULT_ERROR

public static final int RESULT_OK

public static final int RESULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE


public MediaBrowserServiceCompat()


public void attachToBaseContext(Context base)

Attaches to the base context. This method is added to change the visibility of .

Note that we cannot simply override and hide it because lint checks considers the overridden method as the new public API that needs update of current.txt.

public void onCreate()

public void onDestroy()

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)

public void dump( fd, writer, java.lang.String args[])

public abstract MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot onGetRoot(java.lang.String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints)

Called to get the root information for browsing by a particular client.

The implementation should verify that the client package has permission to access browse media information before returning the root id; it should return null if the client is not allowed to access this information.


clientPackageName: The package name of the application which is requesting access to browse media.
clientUid: The uid of the application which is requesting access to browse media.
rootHints: An optional bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse service when connecting and retrieving the root id for browsing, or null if none. The contents of this bundle may affect the information returned when browsing.


The MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot for accessing this app's content or null.

See also: MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_RECENT, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_OFFLINE, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_SUGGESTED

public abstract void onLoadChildren(java.lang.String parentId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result)

Called to get information about the children of a media item.

Implementations must call result.sendResult with the list of children. If loading the children will be an expensive operation that should be performed on another thread, result.detach may be called before returning from this function, and then result.sendResult called when the loading is complete.

In case the media item does not have any children, call MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendResult(T) with an empty list. When the given parentId is invalid, implementations must call result.sendResult with null, which will invoke MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback.onError(String).


parentId: The id of the parent media item whose children are to be queried.
result: The Result to send the list of children to.

public void onLoadChildren(java.lang.String parentId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result, Bundle options)

Called to get information about the children of a media item.

Implementations must call result.sendResult with the list of children. If loading the children will be an expensive operation that should be performed on another thread, result.detach may be called before returning from this function, and then result.sendResult called when the loading is complete.

In case the media item does not have any children, call MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendResult(T) with an empty list. When the given parentId is invalid, implementations must call result.sendResult with null, which will invoke MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback.onError(String).


parentId: The id of the parent media item whose children are to be queried.
result: The Result to send the list of children to.
options: A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browse. The information returned through the result should be affected by the contents of this bundle.

public void onSubscribe(java.lang.String id, Bundle option)

Called when a MediaBrowserCompat.subscribe(String, MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback) is called.


id: id
option: option

public void onUnsubscribe(java.lang.String id)

Called when a MediaBrowserCompat.unsubscribe(String) is called.



public void onLoadItem(java.lang.String itemId, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> result)

Called to get information about a specific media item.

Implementations must call result.sendResult. If loading the item will be an expensive operation result.detach may be called before returning from this function, and then result.sendResult called when the item has been loaded.

When the given itemId is invalid, implementations must call result.sendResult with null.

The default implementation will invoke MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallback.onError(String).


itemId: The id for the specific MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem.
result: The Result to send the item to, or null if the id is invalid.

public void onSearch(java.lang.String query, Bundle extras, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<java.util.List> result)

Called to get the search result.

Implementations must call result.sendResult. If the search will be an expensive operation result.detach may be called before returning from this function, and then result.sendResult called when the search has been completed.

In case there are no search results, call result.sendResult with an empty list. In case there are some errors happened, call result.sendResult with null, which will invoke MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback.onError(String, Bundle).

The default implementation will invoke MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback.onError(String, Bundle).


query: The search query sent from the media browser. It contains keywords separated by space.
extras: The bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser.
result: The MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result to send the search result.

public void onCustomAction(java.lang.String action, Bundle extras, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<Bundle> result)

Called to request a custom action to this service.

Implementations must call either MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendResult(T) or MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendError(Bundle). If the requested custom action will be an expensive operation MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.detach() may be called before returning from this function, and then the service can send the result later when the custom action is completed. Implementation can also call MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendProgressUpdate(Bundle) to send an interim update to the requester.

If the requested custom action is not supported by this service, call MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendError(Bundle). The default implementation will invoke MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result.sendError(Bundle).


action: The custom action sent from the media browser.
extras: The bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser.
result: The MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result to send the result of the requested custom action.


public void setSessionToken(MediaSessionCompat.Token token)

Call to set the media session.

This should be called as soon as possible during the service's startup. It may only be called once.


token: The token for the service's MediaSessionCompat.

public MediaSessionCompat.Token getSessionToken()

Gets the session token, or null if it has not yet been created or if it has been destroyed.

public final Bundle getBrowserRootHints()

Gets the root hints sent from the currently connected MediaBrowserCompat. The root hints are service-specific arguments included in an optional bundle sent to the media browser service when connecting and retrieving the root id for browsing, or null if none. The contents of this bundle may affect the information returned when browsing.

Note that this will return null when connected to and running on API 23 or lower.

See also: MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_RECENT, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_OFFLINE, MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot.EXTRA_SUGGESTED

public final MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo()

Gets the browser information who sent the current request.

See also: MediaSessionManager.isTrustedForMediaControl(MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo)

public void notifyChildrenChanged(java.lang.String parentId)

Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.


parentId: The id of the parent media item whose children changed.

public void notifyChildrenChanged(java.lang.String parentId, Bundle options)

Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.


parentId: The id of the parent media item whose children changed.
options: A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse. The contents of this bundle may contain the information about the change.

public void notifyChildrenChanged(MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, java.lang.String parentId, Bundle options)

Notifies a connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.


remoteUserInfo: to receive this event.
parentId: The id of the parent media item whose children changed.
options: A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse. The contents of this bundle may contain the information about the change.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session.legacy;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_CONNECT;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_DISCONNECT;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_GET_MEDIA_ITEM;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_REGISTER_CALLBACK_MESSENGER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_SEARCH;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_SEND_CUSTOM_ACTION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.CLIENT_MSG_UNREGISTER_CALLBACK_MESSENGER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_CALLING_PID;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_CALLING_UID;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_OPTIONS;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_PACKAGE_NAME;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_ROOT_HINTS;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.DATA_SEARCH_QUERY;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.EXTRA_CALLING_PID;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.EXTRA_CLIENT_VERSION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.EXTRA_SERVICE_VERSION;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.EXTRA_SESSION_BINDER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT_FAILED;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.SERVICE_MSG_ON_LOAD_CHILDREN;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaBrowserProtocol.SERVICE_VERSION_CURRENT;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo.LEGACY_CONTROLLER;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo.UNKNOWN_PID;
import static androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo.UNKNOWN_UID;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.collection.ArrayMap;
import androidx.core.util.Pair;
import androidx.media3.common.util.NullableType;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfo;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * Base class for media browse services.
 * <p>Media browse services enable applications to browse media content provided by an application
 * and ask the application to start playing it. They may also be used to control content that is
 * already playing by way of a {@link MediaSessionCompat}. To extend this class, you must declare
 * the service in your manifest file with an intent filter with the {@link #SERVICE_INTERFACE}
 * action.
 * <p>For example:
 * <pre>
 * &lt;service android:name=".MyMediaBrowserServiceCompat"
 *          android:label="&#64;string/service_name" >
 *     &lt;intent-filter>
 *         &lt;action android:name="" />
 *     &lt;/intent-filter>
 * &lt;/service>
 * </pre>
 * <div class="special reference">
 * <h2>Developer Guides</h2>
 * <p>For information about building your media application, read the <a
 * href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/media-apps/index.html">Media Apps</a> developer guide. </div>
public abstract class MediaBrowserServiceCompat extends Service {
  static final String TAG = "MBServiceCompat";
  static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);

  private static final float EPSILON = 0.00001f;

  private @MonotonicNonNull MediaBrowserServiceImpl mImpl;

  /** The {@link Intent} that must be declared as handled by the service. */
  public static final String SERVICE_INTERFACE = "";

  /** A key for passing the MediaItem to the ResultReceiver in getItem. */
  public static final String KEY_MEDIA_ITEM = "media_item";

  /** A key for passing the list of MediaItems to the ResultReceiver in search. */
  public static final String KEY_SEARCH_RESULTS = "search_results";

  static final int RESULT_FLAG_OPTION_NOT_HANDLED = 1 << 0;
  static final int RESULT_FLAG_ON_LOAD_ITEM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 1 << 1;
  static final int RESULT_FLAG_ON_SEARCH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 1 << 2;

  /** */
  public static final int RESULT_ERROR = -1;

  /** */
  public static final int RESULT_OK = 0;

  /** */
  public static final int RESULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE = 1;

      flag = true,
      value = {
  private @interface ResultFlags {}

  private final ServiceBinderImpl mServiceBinderImpl = new ServiceBinderImpl();
  final ConnectionRecord mConnectionFromFwk =
      new ConnectionRecord(LEGACY_CONTROLLER, UNKNOWN_PID, UNKNOWN_UID, null, null);
  final ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> mPendingConnections = new ArrayList<>();
  final ArrayMap<IBinder, ConnectionRecord> mConnections = new ArrayMap<>();
  @Nullable ConnectionRecord mCurConnection;

  }) // Using this before construtor completes
  final ServiceHandler mHandler = new ServiceHandler(/* service= */ this);

  @Nullable MediaSessionCompat.Token mSession;

  interface MediaBrowserServiceImpl {
    void onCreate();

    IBinder onBind(Intent intent);

    void setSessionToken(MediaSessionCompat.Token token);

    void notifyChildrenChanged(String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options);

    void notifyChildrenChanged(RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, String parentId, Bundle options);

    Bundle getBrowserRootHints();

    RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo();

  class MediaBrowserServiceImplBase implements MediaBrowserServiceImpl {
    private @MonotonicNonNull Messenger mMessenger;

    public void onCreate() {
      mMessenger = new Messenger(mHandler);

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
      if (SERVICE_INTERFACE.equals(intent.getAction())) {
        return checkNotNull(mMessenger).getBinder();
      return null;

    public void setSessionToken(final MediaSessionCompat.Token token) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              Iterator<ConnectionRecord> iter = mConnections.values().iterator();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ConnectionRecord connection =;
                try {
                  BrowserRoot root = checkNotNull(connection.root);
                      .onConnect(root.getRootId(), token, root.getExtras());
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                  Log.w(TAG, "Connection for " + connection.pkg + " is no longer valid.");

    public void notifyChildrenChanged(String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              for (IBinder binder : mConnections.keySet()) {
                ConnectionRecord connection = checkNotNull(mConnections.get(binder));
                notifyChildrenChangedOnHandler(connection, parentId, options);

    public void notifyChildrenChanged(
        final RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, final String parentId, final Bundle options) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              for (int i = 0; i < mConnections.size(); i++) {
                ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.valueAt(i);
                if (connection.browserInfo.equals(remoteUserInfo)) {
                  notifyChildrenChangedOnHandler(connection, parentId, options);

    @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
    void notifyChildrenChangedOnHandler(
        ConnectionRecord connection, String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
      List<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>> callbackList =
      if (callbackList != null) {
        for (Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle> callback : callbackList) {
          if (MediaBrowserCompatUtils.hasDuplicatedItems(options, callback.second)) {
            performLoadChildren(parentId, connection, callback.second, options);
      // Don't break, because multiple remoteUserInfo may match.

    public Bundle getBrowserRootHints() {
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onLoadChildren,"
                + " onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      return mCurConnection.rootHints == null ? null : new Bundle(mCurConnection.rootHints);

    public RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo() {
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onLoadChildren,"
                + " onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      return mCurConnection.browserInfo;

  class MediaBrowserServiceImplApi21 implements MediaBrowserServiceImpl {
    final List<Bundle> mRootExtrasList = new ArrayList<>();
    @MonotonicNonNull MediaBrowserService mServiceFwk;
    @MonotonicNonNull Messenger mMessenger;

    public void onCreate() {
      mServiceFwk = new MediaBrowserServiceApi21(MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this);

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
      return checkNotNull(mServiceFwk).onBind(intent);

    public void setSessionToken(final MediaSessionCompat.Token token) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    void setSessionTokenOnHandler(MediaSessionCompat.Token token) {
      if (!mRootExtrasList.isEmpty()) {
        IMediaSession extraBinder = token.getExtraBinder();
        if (extraBinder != null) {
          for (Bundle rootExtras : mRootExtrasList) {
            rootExtras.putBinder(EXTRA_SESSION_BINDER, extraBinder.asBinder());
          .setSessionToken(checkNotNull((MediaSession.Token) token.getToken()));

    public void notifyChildrenChanged(String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
      notifyChildrenChangedForFramework(parentId, options);
      notifyChildrenChangedForCompat(parentId, options);

    public void notifyChildrenChanged(
        final RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, final String parentId, final Bundle options) {
      // TODO(Post-P): Need a way to notify to a specific browser in framework.
      notifyChildrenChangedForCompat(remoteUserInfo, parentId, options);

    public BrowserRoot onGetRoot(
        String clientPackageName, int clientUid, @Nullable Bundle rootHints) {
      Bundle rootExtras = null;
      int clientPid = UNKNOWN_PID;
      if (rootHints != null && rootHints.getInt(EXTRA_CLIENT_VERSION, 0) != 0) {
        mMessenger = new Messenger(mHandler);
        rootExtras = new Bundle();
        rootExtras.putBinder(EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER, mMessenger.getBinder());
        if (mSession != null) {
          IMediaSession extraBinder = mSession.getExtraBinder();
              EXTRA_SESSION_BINDER, extraBinder == null ? null : extraBinder.asBinder());
        } else {
        clientPid = rootHints.getInt(EXTRA_CALLING_PID, UNKNOWN_PID);
      ConnectionRecord connection =
          new ConnectionRecord(clientPackageName, clientPid, clientUid, rootHints, null);
      // We aren't sure whether this connection request would be accepted.
      // Temporarily set mCurConnection just to make getCurrentBrowserInfo() working.
      mCurConnection = connection;
      BrowserRoot root =
          MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.onGetRoot(clientPackageName, clientUid, rootHints);
      mCurConnection = null;
      if (root == null) {
        return null;
      if (mMessenger != null) {
        // Keeps the connection request from the MediaBrowserCompat to reuse the package
        // name here.
        // Note: Connection will be completed after it gets extra binder call with
      @Nullable Bundle existingRootExtras = root.getExtras();
      if (rootExtras == null) {
        rootExtras = existingRootExtras;
      } else if (existingRootExtras != null) {
      return new BrowserRoot(root.getRootId(), rootExtras);

    public void onLoadChildren(String parentId, final ResultWrapper<List<Parcel>> resultWrapper) {
      final Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result =
          new Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>>(parentId) {
            void onResultSent(@Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list) {
              List<Parcel> parcelList;
              if (list == null) {
                // A null children list here indicates that the requested parentId
                // is invalid. Unfortunately before API 24 the platform
                // MediaBrowserService's implementation of Result inside
                // performLoadChildren (invoked below) throws an exception if
                // given a null list  (b/19127753). This means there's no clear
                // way to communicate an invalid parentId, so in order to avoid
                // an exception below API 24 we transform null to an empty list
                // here (meaning it looks like parentId is valid but has no
                // children).
                parcelList = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24 ? null : Collections.emptyList();
              } else {
                parcelList = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
                for (MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item : list) {
                  Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
                  item.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);

            public void detach() {
      mCurConnection = mConnectionFromFwk;
      MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.onLoadChildren(parentId, result);
      mCurConnection = null;

    void notifyChildrenChangedForFramework(String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {

    void notifyChildrenChangedForCompat(String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              for (IBinder binder : mConnections.keySet()) {
                ConnectionRecord connection = checkNotNull(mConnections.get(binder));
                notifyChildrenChangedForCompatOnHandler(connection, parentId, options);

    void notifyChildrenChangedForCompat(
        final RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, final String parentId, final Bundle options) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              for (int i = 0; i < mConnections.size(); i++) {
                ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.valueAt(i);
                if (connection.browserInfo.equals(remoteUserInfo)) {
                  notifyChildrenChangedForCompatOnHandler(connection, parentId, options);

    @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
    void notifyChildrenChangedForCompatOnHandler(
        ConnectionRecord connection, String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
      List<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>> callbackList =
      if (callbackList != null) {
        for (Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle> callback : callbackList) {
          if (MediaBrowserCompatUtils.hasDuplicatedItems(options, callback.second)) {
            performLoadChildren(parentId, connection, callback.second, options);

    public Bundle getBrowserRootHints() {
      if (mMessenger == null) {
        // TODO: Handle getBrowserRootHints when connected with framework MediaBrowser.
        return null;
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onGetRoot,"
                + " onLoadChildren, onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      return mCurConnection.rootHints == null ? null : new Bundle(mCurConnection.rootHints);

    public RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo() {
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onGetRoot,"
                + " onLoadChildren, onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      return mCurConnection.browserInfo;

    class MediaBrowserServiceApi21 extends MediaBrowserService {
      @SuppressWarnings("method.invocation.invalid") // Calling base method from constructor
      MediaBrowserServiceApi21(Context context) {

      public MediaBrowserService.BrowserRoot onGetRoot(
          String clientPackageName, int clientUid, @Nullable Bundle rootHints) {
        MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot browserRootCompat =
                clientPackageName, clientUid, rootHints == null ? null : new Bundle(rootHints));
        return browserRootCompat == null
            ? null
            : new MediaBrowserService.BrowserRoot(
                browserRootCompat.mRootId, browserRootCompat.mExtras);

      public void onLoadChildren(String parentId, Result<List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>> result) {
            parentId, new ResultWrapper<List<Parcel>>(result));

  class MediaBrowserServiceImplApi23 extends MediaBrowserServiceImplApi21 {
    public void onCreate() {
      mServiceFwk = new MediaBrowserServiceApi23(MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this);

    public void onLoadItem(String itemId, final ResultWrapper<Parcel> resultWrapper) {
      final Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> result =
          new Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>(itemId) {
            void onResultSent(@Nullable MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item) {
              if (item == null) {
              } else {
                Parcel parcelItem = Parcel.obtain();
                item.writeToParcel(parcelItem, 0);

            public void detach() {
      mCurConnection = mConnectionFromFwk;
      MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.onLoadItem(itemId, result);
      mCurConnection = null;

    class MediaBrowserServiceApi23 extends MediaBrowserServiceApi21 {
      MediaBrowserServiceApi23(Context context) {

      public void onLoadItem(String itemId, Result<MediaBrowser.MediaItem> result) {
        MediaBrowserServiceImplApi23.this.onLoadItem(itemId, new ResultWrapper<Parcel>(result));

  class MediaBrowserServiceImplApi26 extends MediaBrowserServiceImplApi23 {
    public void onCreate() {
      mServiceFwk = new MediaBrowserServiceApi26(MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this);

    public void onLoadChildren(
        String parentId, final ResultWrapper<List<Parcel>> resultWrapper, final Bundle options) {
      final Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result =
          new Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>>(parentId) {
            void onResultSent(@Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list) {
              if (list == null) {
              if ((getFlags() & RESULT_FLAG_OPTION_NOT_HANDLED) != 0) {
                // If onLoadChildren(options) is not overridden, the list we get
                // here is not paginated. Therefore, we need to manually cut
                // the list. In other words, we need to apply options here.
                list = applyOptions(list, options);
              List<Parcel> parcelList = new ArrayList<>(list == null ? 0 : list.size());
              if (list != null) {
                for (MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item : list) {
                  Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
                  item.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);

            public void detach() {
      mCurConnection = mConnectionFromFwk;
      MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.onLoadChildren(parentId, result, options);
      mCurConnection = null;

    public Bundle getBrowserRootHints() {
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onGetRoot,"
                + " onLoadChildren, onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      if (mCurConnection == mConnectionFromFwk) {
        return checkNotNull(mServiceFwk).getBrowserRootHints();
      return mCurConnection.rootHints == null ? null : new Bundle(mCurConnection.rootHints);

    void notifyChildrenChangedForFramework(final String parentId, @Nullable Bundle options) {
      if (options != null) {
        checkNotNull(mServiceFwk).notifyChildrenChanged(parentId, options);
      } else {
        super.notifyChildrenChangedForFramework(parentId, options);

    class MediaBrowserServiceApi26 extends MediaBrowserServiceApi23 {
      MediaBrowserServiceApi26(Context context) {

      public void onLoadChildren(
          String parentId, Result<List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>> result, Bundle options) {
        mCurConnection = mConnectionFromFwk;
            parentId, new ResultWrapper<List<Parcel>>(result), options);
        mCurConnection = null;

  class MediaBrowserServiceImplApi28 extends MediaBrowserServiceImplApi26 {
    public RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo() {
      if (mCurConnection == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "This should be called inside of onGetRoot,"
                + " onLoadChildren, onLoadItem, onSearch, or onCustomAction methods");
      if (mCurConnection == mConnectionFromFwk) {
        return new RemoteUserInfo(checkNotNull(mServiceFwk).getCurrentBrowserInfo());
      return mCurConnection.browserInfo;

  private static final class ServiceHandler extends Handler {

    // Must only be accessed on the main thread.
    @Nullable private MediaBrowserServiceCompat mService;

    ServiceHandler(MediaBrowserServiceCompat service) {
      mService = service;

    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
      if (mService != null) {
      } else {
        removeCallbacksAndMessages(/* token= */ null);

    public void release() {
      mService = null;

    public boolean sendMessageAtTime(Message msg, long uptimeMillis) {
      // Binder.getCallingUid() in handleMessage will return the uid of this process.
      // In order to get the right calling uid, Binder.getCallingUid() should be called here.
      Bundle data = msg.getData();
      data.putInt(DATA_CALLING_UID, Binder.getCallingUid());
      int pid = Binder.getCallingPid();
      if (pid > 0) {
        data.putInt(DATA_CALLING_PID, pid);
      } else if (!data.containsKey(DATA_CALLING_PID)) {
        // If the MediaBrowserCompat didn't send its PID, then put UNKNOWN_PID.
        data.putInt(DATA_CALLING_PID, UNKNOWN_PID);
      return super.sendMessageAtTime(msg, uptimeMillis);

    public void postOrRun(Runnable r) {
      if (Thread.currentThread() == getLooper().getThread()) {;
      } else {

  /** All the info about a connection. */
  private class ConnectionRecord implements IBinder.DeathRecipient {
    @Nullable public final String pkg;
    public final int pid;
    public final int uid;
    public final RemoteUserInfo browserInfo;
    @Nullable public final Bundle rootHints;
    @Nullable public final ServiceCallbacks callbacks;
    public final HashMap<
            @NullableType String, List<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>>>
        subscriptions = new HashMap<>();
    @Nullable public BrowserRoot root;

        @Nullable String pkg,
        int pid,
        int uid,
        @Nullable Bundle rootHints,
        @Nullable ServiceCallbacks callback) {
      this.pkg = pkg; = pid;
      this.uid = uid;
      this.browserInfo = new RemoteUserInfo(pkg, pid, uid);
      this.rootHints = rootHints;
      this.callbacks = callback;

    public void binderDied() {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

   * Completion handler for asynchronous callback methods in {@link MediaBrowserServiceCompat}.
   * <p>Each of the methods that takes one of these to send the result must call either {@link
   * #sendResult} or {@link #sendError} to respond to the caller with the given results or errors.
   * If those functions return without calling {@link #sendResult} or {@link #sendError}, they must
   * instead call {@link #detach} before returning, and then may call {@link #sendResult} or {@link
   * #sendError} when they are done. If {@link #sendResult}, {@link #sendError}, or {@link #detach}
   * is called twice, an exception will be thrown.
   * <p>Those functions might also want to call {@link #sendProgressUpdate} to send interim updates
   * to the caller. If it is called after calling {@link #sendResult} or {@link #sendError}, an
   * exception will be thrown.
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat#onLoadChildren
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat#onLoadItem
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat#onSearch
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat#onCustomAction
  public static class Result<T> {
    @Nullable private final Object mDebug;
    private boolean mDetachCalled;
    private boolean mSendResultCalled;
    private boolean mSendErrorCalled;
    private int mFlags;

    Result(@Nullable Object debug) {
      mDebug = debug;

    /** Send the result back to the caller. */
    public void sendResult(@Nullable T result) {
      if (mSendResultCalled || mSendErrorCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "sendResult() called when either sendResult() or "
                + "sendError() had already been called for: "
                + mDebug);
      mSendResultCalled = true;

     * Send an interim update to the caller. This method is supported only when it is used in {@link
     * #onCustomAction}.
     * @param extras A bundle that contains extra data.
    public void sendProgressUpdate(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
      if (mSendResultCalled || mSendErrorCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "sendProgressUpdate() called when either "
                + "sendResult() or sendError() had already been called for: "
                + mDebug);

     * Notify the caller of a failure. This is supported only when it is used in {@link
     * #onCustomAction}.
     * @param extras A bundle that contains extra data.
    public void sendError(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
      if (mSendResultCalled || mSendErrorCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "sendError() called when either sendResult() or "
                + "sendError() had already been called for: "
                + mDebug);
      mSendErrorCalled = true;

     * Detach this message from the current thread and allow the {@link #sendResult} call to happen
     * later.
    public void detach() {
      if (mDetachCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "detach() called when detach() had already" + " been called for: " + mDebug);
      if (mSendResultCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "detach() called when sendResult() had already" + " been called for: " + mDebug);
      if (mSendErrorCalled) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "detach() called when sendError() had already" + " been called for: " + mDebug);
      mDetachCalled = true;

    boolean isDone() {
      return mDetachCalled || mSendResultCalled || mSendErrorCalled;

    void setFlags(@ResultFlags int flags) {
      mFlags = flags;

    int getFlags() {
      return mFlags;

     * Called when the result is sent, after assertions about not being called twice have happened.
    void onResultSent(@Nullable T result) {}

    /** Called when an interim update is sent. */
    void onProgressUpdateSent(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "It is not supported to send an interim update " + "for " + mDebug);

     * Called when an error is sent, after assertions about not being called twice have happened.
    void onErrorSent(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("It is not supported to send an error for " + mDebug);

    private void checkExtraFields(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
      if (extras == null) {
      if (extras.containsKey(MediaBrowserCompat.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS)) {
        float value = extras.getFloat(MediaBrowserCompat.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS);
        if (value < -EPSILON || value > 1.0f + EPSILON) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "The value of the EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS "
                  + "field must be a float number within [0.0, 1.0]");

  private class ServiceBinderImpl {
    ServiceBinderImpl() {}

    public void connect(
        @Nullable String pkg,
        int pid,
        int uid,
        @Nullable Bundle rootHints,
        ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {

      if (!isValidPackage(pkg, uid)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package/uid mismatch: uid=" + uid + " package=" + pkg);

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              // Clear out the old subscriptions. We are getting new ones.

              ConnectionRecord connection =
                  new ConnectionRecord(pkg, pid, uid, rootHints, callbacks);
              mCurConnection = connection;
              BrowserRoot root = MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.onGetRoot(pkg, uid, rootHints);
              connection.root = root;
              mCurConnection = null;

              // If they didn't return something, don't allow this client.
              if (root == null) {
                Log.i(TAG, "No root for client " + pkg + " from service " + getClass().getName());
                try {
                } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                  Log.w(TAG, "Calling onConnectFailed() failed. Ignoring. " + "pkg=" + pkg);
              } else {
                try {
                  mConnections.put(b, connection);
                  b.linkToDeath(connection, 0);
                  if (mSession != null) {
                    callbacks.onConnect(root.getRootId(), mSession, root.getExtras());
                } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                  Log.w(TAG, "Calling onConnect() failed. Dropping client. " + "pkg=" + pkg);

    public void disconnect(ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              // Clear out the old subscriptions. We are getting new ones.
              final ConnectionRecord old = mConnections.remove(b);
              if (old != null) {
                // TODO
                checkNotNull(old.callbacks).asBinder().unlinkToDeath(old, 0);

    public void addSubscription(
        @Nullable String id,
        @Nullable IBinder token,
        @Nullable Bundle options,
        ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              // Get the record for the connection
              ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.get(b);
              if (connection == null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "addSubscription for callback that isn't registered id=" + id);

              MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.addSubscription(id, connection, token, options);

    public void removeSubscription(
        @Nullable String id, @Nullable IBinder token, ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.get(b);
              if (connection == null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "removeSubscription for callback that isn't registered id=" + id);
              if (!MediaBrowserServiceCompat.this.removeSubscription(id, connection, token)) {
                Log.w(TAG, "removeSubscription called for " + id + " which is not subscribed");

    public void getMediaItem(
        @Nullable String mediaId,
        @Nullable ResultReceiver receiver,
        final ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
      if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId) || receiver == null) {

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.get(b);
              if (connection == null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "getMediaItem for callback that isn't registered id=" + mediaId);
              performLoadItem(mediaId, connection, receiver);

    // Used when {@link MediaBrowserProtocol#EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER} is used.
    public void registerCallbacks(
        ServiceCallbacks callbacks,
        @Nullable String pkg,
        int pid,
        int uid,
        @Nullable Bundle rootHints) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();
              // Clear out the old subscriptions. We are getting new ones.

              ConnectionRecord connection = null;
              Iterator<ConnectionRecord> iter = mPendingConnections.iterator();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ConnectionRecord pendingConnection =;
                // Note: We cannot use Map/Set for mPendingConnections but List because
                // multiple MediaBrowserCompats with the same UID can request connect.
                if (pendingConnection.uid == uid) {
                  // If caller hasn't set pkg and pid, do the best effort to get it.
                  if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pkg) || pid <= 0) {
                    // Note: Do not assign pendingConnection directly because it doesn't
                    // have callback information.
                    connection =
                        new ConnectionRecord(
              if (connection == null) {
                connection = new ConnectionRecord(pkg, pid, uid, rootHints, callbacks);
              mConnections.put(b, connection);
              try {
                b.linkToDeath(connection, 0);
              } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "IBinder is already dead.");

    // Used when {@link MediaBrowserProtocol#EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER} is used.
    public void unregisterCallbacks(final ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();
              ConnectionRecord old = mConnections.remove(b);
              if (old != null) {
                b.unlinkToDeath(old, 0);

    public void search(
        @Nullable String query,
        @Nullable Bundle extras,
        @Nullable ResultReceiver receiver,
        final ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
      if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query) || receiver == null) {

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.get(b);
              if (connection == null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "search for callback that isn't registered query=" + query);
              performSearch(query, extras, connection, receiver);

    public void sendCustomAction(
        @Nullable String action,
        @Nullable Bundle extras,
        @Nullable ResultReceiver receiver,
        ServiceCallbacks callbacks) {
      if (TextUtils.isEmpty(action) || receiver == null) {

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              final IBinder b = callbacks.asBinder();

              ConnectionRecord connection = mConnections.get(b);
              if (connection == null) {
                    "sendCustomAction for callback that isn't registered action="
                        + action
                        + ", extras="
                        + extras);
              performCustomAction(action, extras, connection, receiver);

  private interface ServiceCallbacks {
    IBinder asBinder();

    void onConnect(String root, @Nullable MediaSessionCompat.Token session, @Nullable Bundle extras)
        throws RemoteException;

    void onConnectFailed() throws RemoteException;

    void onLoadChildren(
        @Nullable String mediaId,
        @Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list,
        @Nullable Bundle options,
        @Nullable Bundle notifyChildrenChangedOptions)
        throws RemoteException;

  private static class ServiceCallbacksCompat implements ServiceCallbacks {
    final Messenger mCallbacks;

    ServiceCallbacksCompat(Messenger callbacks) {
      mCallbacks = callbacks;

    public IBinder asBinder() {
      return mCallbacks.getBinder();

    public void onConnect(
        String root, @Nullable MediaSessionCompat.Token session, @Nullable Bundle extras)
        throws RemoteException {
      if (extras == null) {
        extras = new Bundle();
      Bundle data = new Bundle();
      data.putString(DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, root);
      data.putBundle(DATA_ROOT_HINTS, extras);
      sendRequest(SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT, data);

    public void onConnectFailed() throws RemoteException {
      sendRequest(SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT_FAILED, null);

    @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
    public void onLoadChildren(
        @Nullable String mediaId,
        @Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list,
        @Nullable Bundle options,
        @Nullable Bundle notifyChildrenChangedOptions)
        throws RemoteException {
      Bundle data = new Bundle();
      data.putString(DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mediaId);
      data.putBundle(DATA_OPTIONS, options);
      data.putBundle(DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS, notifyChildrenChangedOptions);
      if (list != null) {
      sendRequest(SERVICE_MSG_ON_LOAD_CHILDREN, data);

    private void sendRequest(int what, @Nullable Bundle data) throws RemoteException {
      Message msg = Message.obtain();
      msg.what = what;
      if (data != null) {

  @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
  static class ResultWrapper<T> {
    MediaBrowserService.Result mResultFwk;

    ResultWrapper(MediaBrowserService.Result result) {
      mResultFwk = result;

    public void sendResult(@Nullable T result) {
      if (result instanceof List) {
        mResultFwk.sendResult(parcelListToItemList((List<Parcel>) result));
      } else if (result instanceof Parcel) {
        Parcel parcel = (Parcel) result;
      } else {
        // The result is null or an invalid instance.

    public void detach() {

    List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem> parcelListToItemList(List<Parcel> parcelList) {
      if (parcelList == null) {
        return null;
      List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem> items = new ArrayList<>(parcelList.size());
      for (Parcel parcel : parcelList) {
      return items;

   * Attaches to the base context. This method is added to change the visibility of {@link
   * Service#attachBaseContext(Context)}.
   * <p>Note that we cannot simply override {@link Service#attachBaseContext(Context)} and hide it
   * because lint checks considers the overridden method as the new public API that needs update of
   * current.txt.
  public void attachToBaseContext(Context base) {

  public void onCreate() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
      mImpl = new MediaBrowserServiceImplApi28();
    } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
      mImpl = new MediaBrowserServiceImplApi26();
    } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
      mImpl = new MediaBrowserServiceImplApi23();
    } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      mImpl = new MediaBrowserServiceImplApi21();
    } else {
      mImpl = new MediaBrowserServiceImplBase();

  public void onDestroy() {

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return checkNotNull(mImpl).onBind(intent);

  public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) {}

   * Called to get the root information for browsing by a particular client.
   * <p>The implementation should verify that the client package has permission to access browse
   * media information before returning the root id; it should return null if the client is not
   * allowed to access this information.
   * @param clientPackageName The package name of the application which is requesting access to
   *     browse media.
   * @param clientUid The uid of the application which is requesting access to browse media.
   * @param rootHints An optional bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse
   *     service when connecting and retrieving the root id for browsing, or null if none. The
   *     contents of this bundle may affect the information returned when browsing.
   * @return The {@link BrowserRoot} for accessing this app's content or null.
   * @see BrowserRoot#EXTRA_RECENT
   * @see BrowserRoot#EXTRA_OFFLINE
   * @see BrowserRoot#EXTRA_SUGGESTED
  public abstract @Nullable BrowserRoot onGetRoot(
      @Nullable String clientPackageName, int clientUid, @Nullable Bundle rootHints);

   * Called to get information about the children of a media item.
   * <p>Implementations must call {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} with the list of
   * children. If loading the children will be an expensive operation that should be performed on
   * another thread, {@link Result#detach result.detach} may be called before returning from this
   * function, and then {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} called when the loading is
   * complete.
   * <p>In case the media item does not have any children, call {@link Result#sendResult} with an
   * empty list. When the given {@code parentId} is invalid, implementations must call {@link
   * Result#sendResult result.sendResult} with {@code null}, which will invoke {@link
   * MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback#onError}.
   * @param parentId The id of the parent media item whose children are to be queried.
   * @param result The Result to send the list of children to.
  public abstract void onLoadChildren(
      @Nullable String parentId, Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result);

   * Called to get information about the children of a media item.
   * <p>Implementations must call {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} with the list of
   * children. If loading the children will be an expensive operation that should be performed on
   * another thread, {@link Result#detach result.detach} may be called before returning from this
   * function, and then {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} called when the loading is
   * complete.
   * <p>In case the media item does not have any children, call {@link Result#sendResult} with an
   * empty list. When the given {@code parentId} is invalid, implementations must call {@link
   * Result#sendResult result.sendResult} with {@code null}, which will invoke {@link
   * MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback#onError}.
   * @param parentId The id of the parent media item whose children are to be queried.
   * @param result The Result to send the list of children to.
   * @param options A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browse. The
   *     information returned through the result should be affected by the contents of this bundle.
  public void onLoadChildren(
      @Nullable String parentId,
      Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result,
      Bundle options) {
    // To support backward compatibility, when the implementation of MediaBrowserService doesn't
    // override onLoadChildren() with options, onLoadChildren() without options will be used
    // instead, and the options will be applied in the implementation of result.onResultSent().
    onLoadChildren(parentId, result);

   * Called when a {@link MediaBrowserCompat#subscribe} is called.
   * @param id id
   * @param option option
  public void onSubscribe(@Nullable String id, @Nullable Bundle option) {}

   * Called when a {@link MediaBrowserCompat#unsubscribe} is called.
   * @param id
  public void onUnsubscribe(@Nullable String id) {}

   * Called to get information about a specific media item.
   * <p>Implementations must call {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult}. If loading the item
   * will be an expensive operation {@link Result#detach result.detach} may be called before
   * returning from this function, and then {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} called when
   * the item has been loaded.
   * <p>When the given {@code itemId} is invalid, implementations must call {@link Result#sendResult
   * result.sendResult} with {@code null}.
   * <p>The default implementation will invoke {@link MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallback#onError}.
   * @param itemId The id for the specific {@link MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem}.
   * @param result The Result to send the item to, or null if the id is invalid.
  public void onLoadItem(String itemId, Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> result) {

   * Called to get the search result.
   * <p>Implementations must call {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult}. If the search will be
   * an expensive operation {@link Result#detach result.detach} may be called before returning from
   * this function, and then {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} called when the search has
   * been completed.
   * <p>In case there are no search results, call {@link Result#sendResult result.sendResult} with
   * an empty list. In case there are some errors happened, call {@link Result#sendResult
   * result.sendResult} with {@code null}, which will invoke {@link
   * MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback#onError}.
   * <p>The default implementation will invoke {@link MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback#onError}.
   * @param query The search query sent from the media browser. It contains keywords separated by
   *     space.
   * @param extras The bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser.
   * @param result The {@link Result} to send the search result.
  public void onSearch(
      String query, @Nullable Bundle extras, Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result) {

   * Called to request a custom action to this service.
   * <p>Implementations must call either {@link Result#sendResult} or {@link Result#sendError}. If
   * the requested custom action will be an expensive operation {@link Result#detach} may be called
   * before returning from this function, and then the service can send the result later when the
   * custom action is completed. Implementation can also call {@link Result#sendProgressUpdate} to
   * send an interim update to the requester.
   * <p>If the requested custom action is not supported by this service, call {@link
   * Result#sendError}. The default implementation will invoke {@link Result#sendError}.
   * @param action The custom action sent from the media browser.
   * @param extras The bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser.
   * @param result The {@link Result} to send the result of the requested custom action.
   * @see MediaBrowserCompat#CUSTOM_ACTION_DOWNLOAD
  public void onCustomAction(String action, Bundle extras, Result<Bundle> result) {

   * Call to set the media session.
   * <p>This should be called as soon as possible during the service's startup. It may only be
   * called once.
   * @param token The token for the service's {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
  public void setSessionToken(MediaSessionCompat.Token token) {
    if (token == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session token may not be null");
    if (mSession != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The session token has already been set");
    mSession = token;

  /** Gets the session token, or null if it has not yet been created or if it has been destroyed. */
  public MediaSessionCompat.Token getSessionToken() {
    return mSession;

   * Gets the root hints sent from the currently connected {@link MediaBrowserCompat}. The root
   * hints are service-specific arguments included in an optional bundle sent to the media browser
   * service when connecting and retrieving the root id for browsing, or null if none. The contents
   * of this bundle may affect the information returned when browsing.
   * <p>Note that this will return null when connected to {@link}
   * and running on API 23 or lower.
   * @throws IllegalStateException If this method is called outside of {@link #onLoadChildren},
   *     {@link #onLoadItem} or {@link #onSearch}.
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot#EXTRA_RECENT
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot#EXTRA_OFFLINE
   * @see MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot#EXTRA_SUGGESTED
  public final Bundle getBrowserRootHints() {
    return checkNotNull(mImpl).getBrowserRootHints();

   * Gets the browser information who sent the current request.
   * @throws IllegalStateException If this method is called outside of {@link #onGetRoot} or {@link
   *     #onLoadChildren} or {@link #onLoadItem}.
   * @see MediaSessionManager#isTrustedForMediaControl(RemoteUserInfo)
  public final RemoteUserInfo getCurrentBrowserInfo() {
    return checkNotNull(mImpl).getCurrentBrowserInfo();

   * Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed
   * in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.
   * @param parentId The id of the parent media item whose children changed.
  public void notifyChildrenChanged(String parentId) {
    if (parentId == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("parentId cannot be null in notifyChildrenChanged");
    checkNotNull(mImpl).notifyChildrenChanged(parentId, null);

   * Notifies all connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed
   * in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.
   * @param parentId The id of the parent media item whose children changed.
   * @param options A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse. The contents
   *     of this bundle may contain the information about the change.
  public void notifyChildrenChanged(String parentId, Bundle options) {
    if (parentId == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("parentId cannot be null in notifyChildrenChanged");
    if (options == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("options cannot be null in notifyChildrenChanged");
    checkNotNull(mImpl).notifyChildrenChanged(parentId, options);

   * Notifies a connected media browsers that the children of the specified parent id have changed
   * in some way. This will cause browsers to fetch subscribed content again.
   * @param remoteUserInfo to receive this event.
   * @param parentId The id of the parent media item whose children changed.
   * @param options A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browse. The contents
   *     of this bundle may contain the information about the change.
  public void notifyChildrenChanged(
      RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo, String parentId, Bundle options) {
    if (remoteUserInfo == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "remoteUserInfo cannot be null in" + " notifyChildrenChanged");
    if (parentId == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("parentId cannot be null in notifyChildrenChanged");
    if (options == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("options cannot be null in notifyChildrenChanged");
    checkNotNull(mImpl).notifyChildrenChanged(remoteUserInfo, parentId, options);

  // Package visibility to avoid synthetic accessor.
  /* package */
  void handleMessageInternal(Message msg) {
    Bundle data = msg.getData();
    switch (msg.what) {
          Bundle rootHints = data.getBundle(DATA_ROOT_HINTS);

              new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
        mServiceBinderImpl.disconnect(new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
          Bundle options = data.getBundle(DATA_OPTIONS);

              new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
            new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
            new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
          @Nullable Bundle rootHints = data.getBundle(DATA_ROOT_HINTS);

              new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo),
        mServiceBinderImpl.unregisterCallbacks(new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
          @Nullable Bundle searchExtras = data.getBundle(DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS);

              new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
          @Nullable Bundle customActionExtras = data.getBundle(DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS);

              new ServiceCallbacksCompat(msg.replyTo));
            "Unhandled message: "
                + msg
                + "\n  Service version: "
                + "\n  Client version: "
                + msg.arg1);

  /** Return whether the given package is one of the ones that is owned by the uid. */
  @EnsuresNonNullIf(result = true, expression = "#1")
  boolean isValidPackage(@Nullable String pkg, int uid) {
    if (pkg == null) {
      return false;
    final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
    final String[] packages = pm.getPackagesForUid(uid);
    if (packages == null) {
      return false;
    final int N = packages.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      if (packages[i].equals(pkg)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  /** Save the subscription and if it is a new subscription send the results. */
  void addSubscription(
      @Nullable String id,
      ConnectionRecord connection,
      @Nullable IBinder token,
      @Nullable Bundle options) {
    // Save the subscription
    List<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>> callbackList =
    if (callbackList == null) {
      callbackList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle> callback : callbackList) {
      if (token == callback.first
          && MediaBrowserCompatUtils.areSameOptions(options, callback.second)) {
    callbackList.add(new Pair<>(token, options));
    connection.subscriptions.put(id, callbackList);
    // send the results
    performLoadChildren(id, connection, options, null);

    mCurConnection = connection;
    onSubscribe(id, options);
    mCurConnection = null;

  /** Remove the subscription. */
  boolean removeSubscription(
      @Nullable String id, ConnectionRecord connection, @Nullable IBinder token) {
    try {
      if (token == null) {
        return connection.subscriptions.remove(id) != null;
      boolean removed = false;
      List<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>> callbackList =
      if (callbackList != null) {
        Iterator<Pair<@NullableType IBinder, @NullableType Bundle>> iter = callbackList.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          if (token == {
            removed = true;
        if (callbackList.size() == 0) {
      return removed;
    } finally {
      mCurConnection = connection;
      mCurConnection = null;

   * Call onLoadChildren and then send the results back to the connection.
   * <p>Callers must make sure that this connection is still connected.
  void performLoadChildren(
      @Nullable String parentId,
      final ConnectionRecord connection,
      @Nullable Bundle subscribeOptions,
      @Nullable Bundle notifyChildrenChangedOptions) {
    final Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result =
        new Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>>(parentId) {
          void onResultSent(@Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list) {
            if (mConnections.get(checkNotNull(connection.callbacks).asBinder()) != connection) {
              if (DEBUG) {
                    "Not sending onLoadChildren result for connection that has"
                        + " been disconnected. pkg="
                        + connection.pkg
                        + " id="
                        + parentId);

            List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> filteredList =
                (getFlags() & RESULT_FLAG_OPTION_NOT_HANDLED) != 0
                    ? applyOptions(list, subscribeOptions)
                    : list;
            try {
                  parentId, filteredList, subscribeOptions, notifyChildrenChangedOptions);
            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
              // The other side is in the process of crashing.
                  "Calling onLoadChildren() failed for id="
                      + parentId
                      + " package="
                      + connection.pkg);

    mCurConnection = connection;
    if (subscribeOptions == null) {
      onLoadChildren(parentId, result);
    } else {
      onLoadChildren(parentId, result, subscribeOptions);
    mCurConnection = null;

    if (!result.isDone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "onLoadChildren must call detach() or sendResult()"
              + " before returning for package="
              + connection.pkg
              + " id="
              + parentId);

  List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> applyOptions(
      @Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> list, @Nullable Bundle options) {
    if (list == null) {
      return null;
    if (options == null) {
      return list;
    int page = options.getInt(MediaBrowserCompat.EXTRA_PAGE, -1);
    int pageSize = options.getInt(MediaBrowserCompat.EXTRA_PAGE_SIZE, -1);
    if (page == -1 && pageSize == -1) {
      return list;
    int fromIndex = pageSize * page;
    int toIndex = fromIndex + pageSize;
    if (page < 0 || pageSize < 1 || fromIndex >= list.size()) {
      return Collections.emptyList();
    if (toIndex > list.size()) {
      toIndex = list.size();
    return list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex);

  void performLoadItem(String itemId, ConnectionRecord connection, final ResultReceiver receiver) {
    final Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> result =
        new Result<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>(itemId) {
          void onResultSent(@Nullable MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item) {
            if ((getFlags() & RESULT_FLAG_ON_LOAD_ITEM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) != 0) {
              receiver.send(RESULT_ERROR, null);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            receiver.send(RESULT_OK, bundle);

    mCurConnection = connection;
    onLoadItem(itemId, result);
    mCurConnection = null;

    if (!result.isDone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "onLoadItem must call detach() or sendResult()" + " before returning for id=" + itemId);

  void performSearch(
      String query, @Nullable Bundle extras, ConnectionRecord connection, ResultReceiver receiver) {
    final Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>> result =
        new Result<List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem>>(query) {
          void onResultSent(@Nullable List<MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem> items) {
            if ((getFlags() & RESULT_FLAG_ON_SEARCH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) != 0 || items == null) {
              receiver.send(RESULT_ERROR, null);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            List<> legacyPackageList =
            receiver.send(RESULT_OK, bundle);

    mCurConnection = connection;
    onSearch(query, extras, result);
    mCurConnection = null;

    if (!result.isDone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "onSearch must call detach() or sendResult()" + " before returning for query=" + query);

  void performCustomAction(
      String action,
      @Nullable Bundle extras,
      ConnectionRecord connection,
      ResultReceiver receiver) {
    final Result<Bundle> result =
        new Result<Bundle>(action) {
          void onResultSent(@Nullable Bundle result) {
            receiver.send(RESULT_OK, result);

          void onProgressUpdateSent(@Nullable Bundle data) {
            receiver.send(RESULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE, data);

          void onErrorSent(@Nullable Bundle data) {
            receiver.send(RESULT_ERROR, data);

    mCurConnection = connection;
    onCustomAction(action, extras == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : extras, result);
    mCurConnection = null;

    if (!result.isDone()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "onCustomAction must call detach() or sendResult() or "
              + "sendError() before returning for action="
              + action
              + " extras="
              + extras);

   * Contains information that the browser service needs to send to the client when first connected.
  public static final class BrowserRoot {
     * The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether the browser service should return a
     * browser root for recently played media items.
     * <p>When creating a media browser for a given media browser service, this key can be supplied
     * as a root hint for retrieving media items that are recently played. If the media browser
     * service can provide such media items, the implementation must return the key in the root hint
     * when {@link #onGetRoot(String, int, Bundle)} is called back.
     * <p>The root hint may contain multiple keys.
     * @see #EXTRA_OFFLINE
     * @see #EXTRA_SUGGESTED
    public static final String EXTRA_RECENT = "";

     * The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether the browser service should return a
     * browser root for offline media items.
     * <p>When creating a media browser for a given media browser service, this key can be supplied
     * as a root hint for retrieving media items that are can be played without an internet
     * connection. If the media browser service can provide such media items, the implementation
     * must return the key in the root hint when {@link #onGetRoot(String, int, Bundle)} is called
     * back.
     * <p>The root hint may contain multiple keys.
     * @see #EXTRA_RECENT
     * @see #EXTRA_SUGGESTED
    public static final String EXTRA_OFFLINE = "";

     * The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether the browser service should return a
     * browser root for suggested media items.
     * <p>When creating a media browser for a given media browser service, this key can be supplied
     * as a root hint for retrieving the media items suggested by the media browser service. The
     * list of media items passed in {@link
     * MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback#onChildrenLoaded(String, List)} is considered ordered
     * by relevance, first being the top suggestion. If the media browser service can provide such
     * media items, the implementation must return the key in the root hint when {@link
     * #onGetRoot(String, int, Bundle)} is called back.
     * <p>The root hint may contain multiple keys.
     * @see #EXTRA_RECENT
     * @see #EXTRA_OFFLINE
    public static final String EXTRA_SUGGESTED = "";

     * The lookup key for a string that indicates specific keywords which will be considered when
     * the browser service suggests media items.
     * <p>When creating a media browser for a given media browser service, this key can be supplied
     * as a root hint together with {@link #EXTRA_SUGGESTED} for retrieving suggested media items
     * related with the keywords. The list of media items passed in {@link
     *, List)} is
     * considered ordered by relevance, first being the top suggestion. If the media browser service
     * can provide such media items, the implementation must return the key in the root hint when
     * {@link #onGetRoot(String, int, Bundle)} is called back.
     * <p>The root hint may contain multiple keys.
     * @see #EXTRA_RECENT
     * @see #EXTRA_OFFLINE
     * @see #EXTRA_SUGGESTED
     * @deprecated The search functionality is now supported by the methods {@link
     *     MediaBrowserCompat#search} and {@link #onSearch}. Use those methods instead.
    public static final String EXTRA_SUGGESTION_KEYWORDS =

    private final String mRootId;
    @Nullable private final Bundle mExtras;

     * Constructs a browser root.
     * @param rootId The root id for browsing.
     * @param extras Any extras about the browser service.
    public BrowserRoot(String rootId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      if (rootId == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "The root id in BrowserRoot cannot be null. " + "Use null for BrowserRoot instead");
      mRootId = rootId;
      mExtras = extras;

    /** Gets the root id for browsing. */
    public String getRootId() {
      return mRootId;

    /** Gets any extras about the browser service. */
    public Bundle getExtras() {
      return mExtras;