public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Defines the communication protocol for media browsers and media browser services.


public static final intCLIENT_MSG_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION

(client v1) Sent to subscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id.

public static final intCLIENT_MSG_CONNECT

(client v1) Sent to connect to the media browse service compat.

public static final intCLIENT_MSG_DISCONNECT

(client v1) Sent to disconnect from the media browse service compat.

public static final intCLIENT_MSG_GET_MEDIA_ITEM

(client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service.


(client v1) Sent to register the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments - replyTo : Callback messenger


(client v1) Sent to unsubscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id.

public static final intCLIENT_MSG_SEARCH

(client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service.

public static final intCLIENT_MSG_SEND_CUSTOM_ACTION

(client v1) Sent to request a custom action from the media browser.


(client v1) Sent to unregister the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final intCLIENT_VERSION_1

MediaBrowserServiceCompat will check the version of the MediaBrowserCompat, and it will not send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the MediaBrowserCompat.

public static final intCLIENT_VERSION_CURRENT

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_CALLING_PID

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_CALLING_UID

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_CUSTOM_ACTION

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_OPTIONS

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_PACKAGE_NAME

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_RESULT_RECEIVER

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_ROOT_HINTS

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS

public static final java.lang.StringDATA_SEARCH_QUERY

public static final java.lang.StringEXTRA_CALLING_PID

public static final java.lang.StringEXTRA_CLIENT_VERSION

public static final java.lang.StringEXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER

public static final java.lang.StringEXTRA_SERVICE_VERSION

public static final java.lang.StringEXTRA_SESSION_BINDER

public static final intSERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT

(service v1) Sent after MediaBrowserCompat.connect() when the request has successfully completed.

public static final intSERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT_FAILED

(service v1) Sent after MediaBrowserCompat.connect() when the connection to the media browser failed.

public static final intSERVICE_MSG_ON_LOAD_CHILDREN

(service v1) Sent when the list of children is loaded or updated.

public static final intSERVICE_VERSION_1

MediaBrowserCompat will check the version of the connected MediaBrowserServiceCompat, and it will not send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the MediaBrowserServiceCompat.

public static final intSERVICE_VERSION_2

To prevent ClassNotFoundException from Parcelables, MediaBrowser(Service)Compat tries to avoid using framework code as much as possible (b/62648808).

public static final intSERVICE_VERSION_CURRENT

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN

public static final java.lang.String DATA_CALLING_UID

public static final java.lang.String DATA_CALLING_PID

public static final java.lang.String DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID

public static final java.lang.String DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST

public static final java.lang.String DATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN

public static final java.lang.String DATA_OPTIONS

public static final java.lang.String DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS

public static final java.lang.String DATA_PACKAGE_NAME

public static final java.lang.String DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER

public static final java.lang.String DATA_ROOT_HINTS

public static final java.lang.String DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS

public static final java.lang.String DATA_SEARCH_QUERY

public static final java.lang.String DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION

public static final java.lang.String DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS

public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_CLIENT_VERSION

public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_CALLING_PID

public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_SERVICE_VERSION

public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER

public static final java.lang.String EXTRA_SESSION_BINDER

public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_1

MediaBrowserCompat will check the version of the connected MediaBrowserServiceCompat, and it will not send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the MediaBrowserServiceCompat.

public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_2

To prevent ClassNotFoundException from Parcelables, MediaBrowser(Service)Compat tries to avoid using framework code as much as possible (b/62648808). For backward compatibility, service v2 is introduced so that the browser can distinguish whether the service supports subscribing through compat code.

public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_CURRENT

public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT

(service v1) Sent after MediaBrowserCompat.connect() when the request has successfully completed. - arg1 : The service version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for the root media item id DATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN : Media session token DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments

public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT_FAILED

(service v1) Sent after MediaBrowserCompat.connect() when the connection to the media browser failed. - arg1 : service version

public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_LOAD_CHILDREN

(service v1) Sent when the list of children is loaded or updated. - arg1 : The service version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for the parent media item id DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST : An array list for the media item children DATA_OPTIONS : A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browse to the media browser service DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS : A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser service to the media browser by calling MediaBrowserServiceCompat.notifyChildrenChanged(String, Bundle)

public static final int CLIENT_VERSION_1

MediaBrowserServiceCompat will check the version of the MediaBrowserCompat, and it will not send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the MediaBrowserCompat.

public static final int CLIENT_VERSION_CURRENT

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_CONNECT

(client v1) Sent to connect to the media browse service compat. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_PACKAGE_NAME : A string for the package name of MediaBrowserCompat DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_DISCONNECT

(client v1) Sent to disconnect from the media browse service compat. - arg1 : The client version - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION

(client v1) Sent to subscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_OPTIONS : A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to the media browser service DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN : An IBinder of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to the media browser service - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION

(client v1) Sent to unsubscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN : An IBinder of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to the media browser service - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_GET_MEDIA_ITEM

(client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER : Result receiver to get the result - replyTo : Callback messenger


(client v1) Sent to register the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments - replyTo : Callback messenger


(client v1) Sent to unregister the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_SEARCH

(client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_SEARCH_QUERY : A string for search query that contains keywords separated by space. DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS : A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browser service. DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER : Result receiver to get the result. - replyTo : Callback messenger

public static final int CLIENT_MSG_SEND_CUSTOM_ACTION

(client v1) Sent to request a custom action from the media browser. - arg1 : The client version - data DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION : A string for the custom action. DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS : A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browser service. DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER : Result receiver to get the result. - replyTo : Callback messenger


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session.legacy;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;

import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;

/** Defines the communication protocol for media browsers and media browser services. */
public class MediaBrowserProtocol {

  public static final String DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN = "data_callback_token";
  public static final String DATA_CALLING_UID = "data_calling_uid";
  public static final String DATA_CALLING_PID = "data_calling_pid";
  public static final String DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID = "data_media_item_id";
  public static final String DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST = "data_media_item_list";
  public static final String DATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN = "data_media_session_token";
  public static final String DATA_OPTIONS = "data_options";
  public static final String DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS =
  public static final String DATA_PACKAGE_NAME = "data_package_name";
  public static final String DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER = "data_result_receiver";
  public static final String DATA_ROOT_HINTS = "data_root_hints";
  public static final String DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS = "data_search_extras";
  public static final String DATA_SEARCH_QUERY = "data_search_query";
  public static final String DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION = "data_custom_action";
  public static final String DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS = "data_custom_action_extras";

  public static final String EXTRA_CLIENT_VERSION = "extra_client_version";
  public static final String EXTRA_CALLING_PID = "extra_calling_pid";
  public static final String EXTRA_SERVICE_VERSION = "extra_service_version";
  public static final String EXTRA_MESSENGER_BINDER = "extra_messenger";
  public static final String EXTRA_SESSION_BINDER = "extra_session_binder";

   * MediaBrowserCompat will check the version of the connected MediaBrowserServiceCompat, and it
   * will not send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the
   * MediaBrowserServiceCompat.
  public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_1 = 1;

   * To prevent ClassNotFoundException from Parcelables, MediaBrowser(Service)Compat tries to avoid
   * using framework code as much as possible (b/62648808). For backward compatibility, service v2
   * is introduced so that the browser can distinguish whether the service supports subscribing
   * through compat code.
  public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_2 = 2;

  public static final int SERVICE_VERSION_CURRENT = SERVICE_VERSION_2;

   * Messages sent from the media browser service compat to the media browser compat.
   * (Compat implementation for IMediaBrowserServiceCallbacks)

   * (service v1) Sent after {@link MediaBrowserCompat#connect()} when the request has successfully
   * completed. - arg1 : The service version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for the root media
   * item id DATA_MEDIA_SESSION_TOKEN : Media session token DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints
   * bundle of service-specific arguments
  public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT = 1;

   * (service v1) Sent after {@link MediaBrowserCompat#connect()} when the connection to the media
   * browser failed. - arg1 : service version
  public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_CONNECT_FAILED = 2;

   * (service v1) Sent when the list of children is loaded or updated. - arg1 : The service version
   * - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for the parent media item id DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_LIST : An
   * array list for the media item children DATA_OPTIONS : A bundle of service-specific arguments
   * sent from the media browse to the media browser service DATA_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_CHANGED_OPTIONS :
   * A bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser service to the media browser
   * by calling {@link MediaBrowserServiceCompat#notifyChildrenChanged(String, Bundle)}
  public static final int SERVICE_MSG_ON_LOAD_CHILDREN = 3;

   * MediaBrowserServiceCompat will check the version of the MediaBrowserCompat, and it will not
   * send messages if they are introduced in the higher version of the MediaBrowserCompat.
  public static final int CLIENT_VERSION_1 = 1;

  public static final int CLIENT_VERSION_CURRENT = CLIENT_VERSION_1;

   * Messages sent from the media browser compat to the media browser service compat.
   * (Compat implementation for IMediaBrowserService)

   * (client v1) Sent to connect to the media browse service compat. - arg1 : The client version -
   * data DATA_PACKAGE_NAME : A string for the package name of MediaBrowserCompat DATA_ROOT_HINTS :
   * An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_CONNECT = 1;

   * (client v1) Sent to disconnect from the media browse service compat. - arg1 : The client
   * version - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_DISCONNECT = 2;

   * (client v1) Sent to subscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id. - arg1 :
   * The client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_OPTIONS : A
   * bundle of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to the media browser service
   * DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN : An IBinder of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to
   * the media browser service - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION = 3;

   * (client v1) Sent to unsubscribe for changes to the children of the specified media id. - arg1 :
   * The client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_CALLBACK_TOKEN
   * : An IBinder of service-specific arguments sent from the media browser to the media browser
   * service - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION = 4;

   * (client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service. - arg1 : The
   * client version - data DATA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID : A string for a media item id DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER :
   * Result receiver to get the result - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_GET_MEDIA_ITEM = 5;

   * (client v1) Sent to register the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - data
   * DATA_ROOT_HINTS : An optional root hints bundle of service-specific arguments - replyTo :
   * Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_REGISTER_CALLBACK_MESSENGER = 6;

   * (client v1) Sent to unregister the client messenger - arg1 : The client version - replyTo :
   * Callback messenger

   * (client v1) Sent to retrieve a specific media item from the connected service. - arg1 : The
   * client version - data DATA_SEARCH_QUERY : A string for search query that contains keywords
   * separated by space. DATA_SEARCH_EXTRAS : A bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the
   * media browser service. DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER : Result receiver to get the result. - replyTo :
   * Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_SEARCH = 8;

   * (client v1) Sent to request a custom action from the media browser. - arg1 : The client version
   * - data DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION : A string for the custom action. DATA_CUSTOM_ACTION_EXTRAS : A
   * bundle of service-specific arguments to send to the media browser service. DATA_RESULT_RECEIVER
   * : Result receiver to get the result. - replyTo : Callback messenger
  public static final int CLIENT_MSG_SEND_CUSTOM_ACTION = 9;

  private MediaBrowserProtocol() {}