public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Allows an app to interact with an ongoing media session. Media buttons and other commands can be sent to the session. A callback may be registered to receive updates from the session, such as metadata and play state changes.

A MediaController can be created if you have a MediaSessionCompat.Token from the session owner.

MediaController objects are thread-safe.

This is a helper for accessing features in introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.

If MediaControllerCompat is created with a session token from another process, following methods will not work directly after the creation if the session token is not passed through a MediaBrowserCompat:

Developer Guides

For information about building your media application, read the Media Apps developer guide.


public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM_AT

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_ARGUMENT_INDEX

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_ARGUMENT_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_GET_EXTRA_BINDER

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM

public static final java.lang.StringCOMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM_AT

publicMediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat.Token sessionToken)

Creates a media controller from a session token which may have been obtained from another process.

publicMediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat session)

Creates a media controller from a session.

public voidaddQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description)

Adds a queue item from the given description at the end of the play queue of this session.

public voidaddQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index)

Adds a queue item from the given description at the specified position in the play queue of this session.

public voidadjustVolume(int direction, int flags)

Adjusts the volume of the output this session is playing on.

public booleandispatchMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent)

Sends the specified media button event to the session.

public BundlegetExtras()

Gets the extras for this session.

public longgetFlags()

Gets the flags for this session.

public java.lang.ObjectgetMediaController()

Gets the underlying framework object.

public static MediaControllerCompatgetMediaController(Activity activity)

Retrieves the MediaControllerCompat set in the activity by MediaControllerCompat.setMediaController(Activity, MediaControllerCompat) for sending media key and volume events.

public MediaMetadataCompatgetMetadata()

Gets the current metadata for this session.

public java.lang.StringgetPackageName()

Gets the session owner's package name.

public MediaControllerCompat.PlaybackInfogetPlaybackInfo()

Gets the current playback info for this session.

public PlaybackStateCompatgetPlaybackState()

Gets the current playback state for this session.

public java.util.List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem>getQueue()

Gets the current play queue for this session if one is set.

public java.lang.CharSequencegetQueueTitle()

Gets the queue title for this session.

public intgetRatingType()

Gets the rating type supported by the session.

public intgetRepeatMode()

Gets the repeat mode for this session.

public VersionedParcelablegetSession2Token()

Gets the SessionToken in media2 as VersionedParcelable for the session that this controller is connected to.

public PendingIntentgetSessionActivity()

Gets an intent for launching UI associated with this session if one exists.

public BundlegetSessionInfo()

Gets the additional session information which was set when the session was created.

public MediaSessionCompat.TokengetSessionToken()

Gets the token for the session that this controller is connected to.

public intgetShuffleMode()

Gets the shuffle mode for this session.

public MediaControllerCompat.TransportControlsgetTransportControls()

Gets a MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls instance for this session.

public booleanisCaptioningEnabled()

Returns whether captioning is enabled for this session.

public booleanisSessionReady()

Returns whether the session is ready or not.

public voidregisterCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback)

Adds a callback to receive updates from the Session.

public voidregisterCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback, Handler handler)

Adds a callback to receive updates from the session.

public voidremoveQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem with the given description in the play queue of the associated session.

public voidremoveQueueItemAt(int index)

Removes a queue item at the specified position in the play queue of this session.

public voidsendCommand(java.lang.String command, Bundle params, ResultReceiver cb)

Sends a generic command to the session.

public static voidsetMediaController(Activity activity, MediaControllerCompat mediaController)

Sets a MediaControllerCompat in the activity for later retrieval via MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(Activity).

public voidsetVolumeTo(int value, int flags)

Sets the volume of the output this session is playing on.

public voidunregisterCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback)

Stops receiving updates on the specified callback.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_GET_EXTRA_BINDER

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM_AT

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM_AT

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_ARGUMENT_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION

public static final java.lang.String COMMAND_ARGUMENT_INDEX


public MediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat session)

Creates a media controller from a session.


context: A context.
session: The session to be controlled.

public MediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat.Token sessionToken)

Creates a media controller from a session token which may have been obtained from another process.


context: A context.
sessionToken: The token of the session to be controlled.


public static void setMediaController(Activity activity, MediaControllerCompat mediaController)

Sets a MediaControllerCompat in the activity for later retrieval via MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(Activity).

On API 21 and later, will also be called.


activity: The activity to set the mediaController in, must not be null.
mediaController: The controller for the session which should receive media keys and volume changes on API 21 and later.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(Activity)

public static MediaControllerCompat getMediaController(Activity activity)

Retrieves the MediaControllerCompat set in the activity by MediaControllerCompat.setMediaController(Activity, MediaControllerCompat) for sending media key and volume events.

This is compatible with .


activity: The activity to get the media controller from, must not be null.


The controller which should receive events.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.setMediaController(Activity, MediaControllerCompat)

public MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls getTransportControls()

Gets a MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls instance for this session.


A controls instance

public boolean dispatchMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent)

Sends the specified media button event to the session. Only media keys can be sent by this method, other keys will be ignored.


keyEvent: The media button event to dispatch.


true if the event was sent to the session, false otherwise.

public PlaybackStateCompat getPlaybackState()

Gets the current playback state for this session.

If the session is not ready, PlaybackStateCompat.getExtras() on the result of this method may return null.


The current PlaybackState or null

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public MediaMetadataCompat getMetadata()

Gets the current metadata for this session.


The current MediaMetadata or null.

public java.util.List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getQueue()

Gets the current play queue for this session if one is set. If you only care about the current item MediaControllerCompat.getMetadata() should be used.


The current play queue or null.

public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description)

Adds a queue item from the given description at the end of the play queue of this session. Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags with MediaControllerCompat.getFlags() and check that the flag MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS is set.


description: The MediaDescriptionCompat for creating the MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem to be inserted.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getFlags(), MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS

public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index)

Adds a queue item from the given description at the specified position in the play queue of this session. Shifts the queue item currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent queue items to the right (adds one to their indices). Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags with MediaControllerCompat.getFlags() and check that the flag MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS is set.


description: The MediaDescriptionCompat for creating the MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem to be inserted.
index: The index at which the created MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem is to be inserted.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getFlags(), MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS

public void removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem with the given description in the play queue of the associated session. Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags with MediaControllerCompat.getFlags() and check that the flag MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS is set.


description: The MediaDescriptionCompat for denoting the MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem to be removed.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getFlags(), MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS

public void removeQueueItemAt(int index)

Deprecated: Use MediaControllerCompat.removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat) instead.

Removes a queue item at the specified position in the play queue of this session. Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags with MediaControllerCompat.getFlags() and check that the flag MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS is set.


index: The index of the element to be removed.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getFlags(), MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS

public java.lang.CharSequence getQueueTitle()

Gets the queue title for this session.

public Bundle getExtras()

Gets the extras for this session.

public int getRatingType()

Gets the rating type supported by the session. One of:

If the session is not ready, it will return RatingCompat.RATING_NONE.


The supported rating type, or RatingCompat.RATING_NONE if the value is not set or the session is not ready.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public boolean isCaptioningEnabled()

Returns whether captioning is enabled for this session.

If the session is not ready, it will return a false.


true if captioning is enabled, false if disabled or not set.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public int getRepeatMode()

Gets the repeat mode for this session.


The latest repeat mode set to the session, PlaybackStateCompat.REPEAT_MODE_NONE if not set, or PlaybackStateCompat.REPEAT_MODE_INVALID if the session is not ready yet.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public int getShuffleMode()

Gets the shuffle mode for this session.


The latest shuffle mode set to the session, or PlaybackStateCompat.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE if disabled or not set, or PlaybackStateCompat.SHUFFLE_MODE_INVALID if the session is not ready yet.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public long getFlags()

Gets the flags for this session. Flags are defined in MediaSessionCompat.


The current set of flags for the session.

public MediaControllerCompat.PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo()

Gets the current playback info for this session.


The current playback info or null.

public PendingIntent getSessionActivity()

Gets an intent for launching UI associated with this session if one exists.


A PendingIntent to launch UI or null.

public MediaSessionCompat.Token getSessionToken()

Gets the token for the session that this controller is connected to.


The session's token.

public VersionedParcelable getSession2Token()

Gets the SessionToken in media2 as VersionedParcelable for the session that this controller is connected to.


The session's token as VersionedParcelable.

public void setVolumeTo(int value, int flags)

Sets the volume of the output this session is playing on. The command will be ignored if it does not support VolumeProviderCompat.VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE. The flags in AudioManager may be used to affect the handling.


value: The value to set it to, between 0 and the reported max.
flags: Flags from AudioManager to include with the volume request.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getPlaybackInfo()

public void adjustVolume(int direction, int flags)

Adjusts the volume of the output this session is playing on. The direction must be one of AudioManager, AudioManager, or AudioManager. The command will be ignored if the session does not support VolumeProviderCompat.VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE or VolumeProviderCompat.VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE. The flags in AudioManager may be used to affect the handling.


direction: The direction to adjust the volume in.
flags: Any flags to pass with the command.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.getPlaybackInfo()

public void registerCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback)

Adds a callback to receive updates from the Session. Updates will be posted on the caller's thread.


callback: The callback object, must not be null.

public void registerCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback, Handler handler)

Adds a callback to receive updates from the session. Updates will be posted on the specified handler's thread.


callback: The callback object, must not be null.
handler: The handler to post updates on. If null the callers thread will be used.

public void unregisterCallback(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback)

Stops receiving updates on the specified callback. If an update has already been posted you may still receive it after calling this method.


callback: The callback to remove

public void sendCommand(java.lang.String command, Bundle params, ResultReceiver cb)

Sends a generic command to the session. It is up to the session creator to decide what commands and parameters they will support. As such, commands should only be sent to sessions that the controller owns.


command: The command to send
params: Any parameters to include with the command. Can be null.
cb: The callback to receive the result on. Can be null.

public boolean isSessionReady()

Returns whether the session is ready or not.

If the session is not ready, following methods can work incorrectly.


true if the session is ready, false otherwise.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public java.lang.String getPackageName()

Gets the session owner's package name.


The package name of the session owner.

public Bundle getSessionInfo()

Gets the additional session information which was set when the session was created. The returned can include additional unchanging information about the session. For example, it can include the version of the session application, or other app-specific unchanging information.


The additional session information, or if the session didn't set the information or if the session is not ready.

See also: MediaControllerCompat.isSessionReady(), MediaControllerCompat.Callback.onSessionReady()

public java.lang.Object getMediaController()

Gets the underlying framework object.

This method is only supported on API 21+.


The underlying object, or null if none.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session.legacy;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ResultReceiver;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.session.R;
import androidx.media3.session.legacy.MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem;
import androidx.media3.session.legacy.PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.ParcelUtils;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcelable;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Allows an app to interact with an ongoing media session. Media buttons and other commands can be
 * sent to the session. A callback may be registered to receive updates from the session, such as
 * metadata and play state changes.
 * <p>A MediaController can be created if you have a {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} from the
 * session owner.
 * <p>MediaController objects are thread-safe.
 * <p>This is a helper for accessing features in {@link}
 * introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
 * <p class="note">If MediaControllerCompat is created with a {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token
 * session token} from another process, following methods will not work directly after the creation
 * if the {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token session token} is not passed through a {@link
 * MediaBrowserCompat}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link #getPlaybackState()}.{@link PlaybackStateCompat#getExtras() getExtras()}
 *   <li>{@link #getRatingType()}
 *   <li>{@link #getRepeatMode()}
 *   <li>{@link #getSessionInfo()}
 *   <li>{@link #getShuffleMode()}
 *   <li>{@link #isCaptioningEnabled()}
 * </ul>
 * <div class="special reference">
 * <h2>Developer Guides</h2>
 * <p>For information about building your media application, read the <a
 * href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/media-apps/index.html">Media Apps</a> developer guide. </div>
public final class MediaControllerCompat {
  static final String TAG = "MediaControllerCompat";

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_GET_EXTRA_BINDER =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM_AT =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM_AT =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_ARGUMENT_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION =

  /** */
  public static final String COMMAND_ARGUMENT_INDEX =

   * Sets a {@link MediaControllerCompat} in the {@code activity} for later retrieval via {@link
   * #getMediaController(Activity)}.
   * <p>On API 21 and later, {@link Activity#setMediaController(MediaController)} will also be
   * called.
   * @param activity The activity to set the {@code mediaController} in, must not be null.
   * @param mediaController The controller for the session which should receive media keys and
   *     volume changes on API 21 and later.
   * @see #getMediaController(Activity)
   * @see Activity#setMediaController(
  public static void setMediaController(Activity activity, MediaControllerCompat mediaController) {
        .setTag(, mediaController);
    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      MediaControllerImplApi21.setMediaController(activity, mediaController);

   * Retrieves the {@link MediaControllerCompat} set in the activity by {@link
   * #setMediaController(Activity, MediaControllerCompat)} for sending media key and volume events.
   * <p>This is compatible with {@link Activity#getMediaController()}.
   * @param activity The activity to get the media controller from, must not be null.
   * @return The controller which should receive events.
   * @see #setMediaController(Activity, MediaControllerCompat)
  public static MediaControllerCompat getMediaController(Activity activity) {
    Object tag = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getTag(;
    if (tag instanceof MediaControllerCompat) {
      return (MediaControllerCompat) tag;
    } else if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      return MediaControllerImplApi21.getMediaController(activity);
    return null;

  @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
  static void validateCustomAction(@Nullable String action, @Nullable Bundle args) {
    if (action == null) {
    switch (action) {
      case MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_FOLLOW:
      case MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_UNFOLLOW:
        if (args == null || !args.containsKey(MediaSessionCompat.ARGUMENT_MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE)) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "An extra field "
                  + MediaSessionCompat.ARGUMENT_MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE
                  + " is required "
                  + "for this action "
                  + action
                  + ".");

  private final MediaControllerImpl mImpl;
  private final MediaSessionCompat.Token mToken;
  // This set is used to keep references to registered callbacks to prevent them being GCed,
  // since we only keep weak references for callbacks in this class and its inner classes.
  private final Set<Callback> mRegisteredCallbacks;

   * Creates a media controller from a session.
   * @param context A context.
   * @param session The session to be controlled.
  public MediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat session) {
    this(context, session.getSessionToken());

   * Creates a media controller from a session token which may have been obtained from another
   * process.
   * @param context A context.
   * @param sessionToken The token of the session to be controlled.
  public MediaControllerCompat(Context context, MediaSessionCompat.Token sessionToken) {
    if (sessionToken == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionToken must not be null");
    mRegisteredCallbacks = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
    mToken = sessionToken;

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
      mImpl = new MediaControllerImplApi29(context, sessionToken);
    } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
      mImpl = new MediaControllerImplApi21(context, sessionToken);
    } else {
      mImpl = new MediaControllerImplBase(sessionToken);

   * Gets a {@link TransportControls} instance for this session.
   * @return A controls instance
  public TransportControls getTransportControls() {
    return mImpl.getTransportControls();

   * Sends the specified media button event to the session. Only media keys can be sent by this
   * method, other keys will be ignored.
   * @param keyEvent The media button event to dispatch.
   * @return true if the event was sent to the session, false otherwise.
  public boolean dispatchMediaButtonEvent(@Nullable KeyEvent keyEvent) {
    if (keyEvent == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("KeyEvent may not be null");
    return mImpl.dispatchMediaButtonEvent(keyEvent);

   * Gets the current playback state for this session.
   * <p>If the session is not ready, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#getExtras()} on the result of this
   * method may return null.
   * @return The current PlaybackState or null
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public PlaybackStateCompat getPlaybackState() {
    return mImpl.getPlaybackState();

   * Gets the current metadata for this session.
   * @return The current MediaMetadata or null.
  public MediaMetadataCompat getMetadata() {
    return mImpl.getMetadata();

   * Gets the current play queue for this session if one is set. If you only care about the current
   * item {@link #getMetadata()} should be used.
   * @return The current play queue or null.
  public List<QueueItem> getQueue() {
    return mImpl.getQueue();

   * Adds a queue item from the given {@code description} at the end of the play queue of this
   * session. Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the
   * session's flags with {@link #getFlags()} and check that the flag {@link
   * MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS} is set.
   * @param description The {@link MediaDescriptionCompat} for creating the {@link
   *     MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem} to be inserted.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this session doesn't support this.
   * @see #getFlags()
   * @see MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS
  public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {

   * Adds a queue item from the given {@code description} at the specified position in the play
   * queue of this session. Shifts the queue item currently at that position (if any) and any
   * subsequent queue items to the right (adds one to their indices). Not all sessions may support
   * this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags with {@link
   * #getFlags()} and check that the flag {@link MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS} is
   * set.
   * @param description The {@link MediaDescriptionCompat} for creating the {@link
   *     MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem} to be inserted.
   * @param index The index at which the created {@link MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem} is to be
   *     inserted.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this session doesn't support this.
   * @see #getFlags()
   * @see MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS
  public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index) {
    mImpl.addQueueItem(description, index);

   * Removes the first occurrence of the specified {@link MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem} with the
   * given {@link MediaDescriptionCompat description} in the play queue of the associated session.
   * Not all sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's
   * flags with {@link #getFlags()} and check that the flag {@link
   * MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS} is set.
   * @param description The {@link MediaDescriptionCompat} for denoting the {@link
   *     MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem} to be removed.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this session doesn't support this.
   * @see #getFlags()
   * @see MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS
  public void removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {

   * Removes a queue item at the specified position in the play queue of this session. Not all
   * sessions may support this. To know whether the session supports this, get the session's flags
   * with {@link #getFlags()} and check that the flag {@link
   * MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS} is set.
   * @param index The index of the element to be removed.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this session doesn't support this.
   * @see #getFlags()
   * @see MediaSessionCompat#FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS
   * @deprecated Use {@link #removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat)} instead.
  public void removeQueueItemAt(int index) {
    List<QueueItem> queue = getQueue();
    if (queue != null && index >= 0 && index < queue.size()) {
      QueueItem item = queue.get(index);
      if (item != null) {

  /** Gets the queue title for this session. */
  public CharSequence getQueueTitle() {
    return mImpl.getQueueTitle();

  /** Gets the extras for this session. */
  public Bundle getExtras() {
    return mImpl.getExtras();

   * Gets the rating type supported by the session. One of:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_NONE}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_HEART}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_3_STARS}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_4_STARS}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_5_STARS}
   *   <li>{@link RatingCompat#RATING_PERCENTAGE}
   * </ul>
   * <p>If the session is not ready, it will return {@link RatingCompat#RATING_NONE}.
   * @return The supported rating type, or {@link RatingCompat#RATING_NONE} if the value is not set
   *     or the session is not ready.
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public int getRatingType() {
    return mImpl.getRatingType();

   * Returns whether captioning is enabled for this session.
   * <p>If the session is not ready, it will return a {@code false}.
   * @return {@code true} if captioning is enabled, {@code false} if disabled or not set.
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public boolean isCaptioningEnabled() {
    return mImpl.isCaptioningEnabled();

   * Gets the repeat mode for this session.
   * @return The latest repeat mode set to the session, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_NONE}
   *     if not set, or {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_INVALID} if the session is not ready
   *     yet.
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public int getRepeatMode() {
    return mImpl.getRepeatMode();

   * Gets the shuffle mode for this session.
   * @return The latest shuffle mode set to the session, or {@link
   *     PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE} if disabled or not set, or {@link
   *     PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_INVALID} if the session is not ready yet.
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public int getShuffleMode() {
    return mImpl.getShuffleMode();

   * Gets the flags for this session. Flags are defined in {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
   * @return The current set of flags for the session.
  public long getFlags() {
    return mImpl.getFlags();

   * Gets the current playback info for this session.
   * @return The current playback info or null.
  public PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo() {
    return mImpl.getPlaybackInfo();

   * Gets an intent for launching UI associated with this session if one exists.
   * @return A {@link PendingIntent} to launch UI or null.
  public PendingIntent getSessionActivity() {
    return mImpl.getSessionActivity();

   * Gets the token for the session that this controller is connected to.
   * @return The session's token.
  public MediaSessionCompat.Token getSessionToken() {
    return mToken;

   * Gets the SessionToken in media2 as VersionedParcelable for the session that this controller is
   * connected to.
   * @return The session's token as VersionedParcelable.
  public VersionedParcelable getSession2Token() {
    return mToken.getSession2Token();

   * Sets the volume of the output this session is playing on. The command will be ignored if it
   * does not support {@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}. The flags in {@link
   * AudioManager} may be used to affect the handling.
   * @see #getPlaybackInfo()
   * @param value The value to set it to, between 0 and the reported max.
   * @param flags Flags from {@link AudioManager} to include with the volume request.
  public void setVolumeTo(int value, int flags) {
    mImpl.setVolumeTo(value, flags);

   * Adjusts the volume of the output this session is playing on. The direction must be one of
   * {@link AudioManager#ADJUST_LOWER}, {@link AudioManager#ADJUST_RAISE}, or {@link
   * AudioManager#ADJUST_SAME}. The command will be ignored if the session does not support {@link
   * VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE} or {@link
   * VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}. The flags in {@link AudioManager} may be used to
   * affect the handling.
   * @see #getPlaybackInfo()
   * @param direction The direction to adjust the volume in.
   * @param flags Any flags to pass with the command.
  public void adjustVolume(int direction, int flags) {
    mImpl.adjustVolume(direction, flags);

   * Adds a callback to receive updates from the Session. Updates will be posted on the caller's
   * thread.
   * @param callback The callback object, must not be null.
  public void registerCallback(Callback callback) {
    registerCallback(callback, null);

   * Adds a callback to receive updates from the session. Updates will be posted on the specified
   * handler's thread.
   * @param callback The callback object, must not be null.
   * @param handler The handler to post updates on. If null the callers thread will be used.
  public void registerCallback(Callback callback, @Nullable Handler handler) {
    if (callback == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback must not be null");
    if (!mRegisteredCallbacks.add(callback)) {
      Log.w(TAG, "the callback has already been registered");
    if (handler == null) {
      handler = new Handler();
    mImpl.registerCallback(callback, handler);

   * Stops receiving updates on the specified callback. If an update has already been posted you may
   * still receive it after calling this method.
   * @param callback The callback to remove
  public void unregisterCallback(Callback callback) {
    if (callback == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback must not be null");
    if (!mRegisteredCallbacks.remove(callback)) {
      Log.w(TAG, "the callback has never been registered");
    try {
    } finally {

   * Sends a generic command to the session. It is up to the session creator to decide what commands
   * and parameters they will support. As such, commands should only be sent to sessions that the
   * controller owns.
   * @param command The command to send
   * @param params Any parameters to include with the command. Can be {@code null}.
   * @param cb The callback to receive the result on. Can be {@code null}.
  public void sendCommand(String command, @Nullable Bundle params, @Nullable ResultReceiver cb) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(command)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("command must neither be null nor empty");
    mImpl.sendCommand(command, params, cb);

   * Returns whether the session is ready or not.
   * <p>If the session is not ready, following methods can work incorrectly.
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@link #getPlaybackState()}
   *   <li>{@link #getRatingType()}
   *   <li>{@link #getRepeatMode()}
   *   <li>{@link #getSessionInfo()}}
   *   <li>{@link #getShuffleMode()}
   *   <li>{@link #isCaptioningEnabled()}
   * </ul>
   * @return true if the session is ready, false otherwise.
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady()
  public boolean isSessionReady() {
    return mImpl.isSessionReady();

   * Gets the session owner's package name.
   * @return The package name of the session owner.
  public String getPackageName() {
    return mImpl.getPackageName();

   * Gets the additional session information which was set when the session was created. The
   * returned {@link Bundle} can include additional unchanging information about the session. For
   * example, it can include the version of the session application, or other app-specific
   * unchanging information.
   * @return The additional session information, or {@link Bundle#EMPTY} if the session didn't set
   *     the information or if the session is not ready.
   * @see #isSessionReady
   * @see Callback#onSessionReady
  public Bundle getSessionInfo() {
    return mImpl.getSessionInfo();

   * Gets the underlying framework {@link} object.
   * <p>This method is only supported on API 21+.
   * @return The underlying {@link} object, or null if none.
  public Object getMediaController() {
    return mImpl.getMediaController();

   * Callback for receiving updates on from the session. A Callback can be registered using {@link
   * #registerCallback}
  public abstract static class Callback implements IBinder.DeathRecipient {
    @Nullable final MediaController.Callback mCallbackFwk;
    @Nullable MessageHandler mHandler;
    @Nullable IMediaControllerCallback mIControllerCallback;

    // Sharing this in constructor
    @SuppressWarnings({"assignment.type.incompatible", "argument.type.incompatible"})
    public Callback() {
      if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
        mCallbackFwk = new MediaControllerCallbackApi21(this);
      } else {
        mCallbackFwk = null;
        mIControllerCallback = new StubCompat(this);

     * Override to handle the session being ready.
     * @see MediaControllerCompat#isSessionReady
    public void onSessionReady() {}

     * Override to handle the session being destroyed. The session is no longer valid after this
     * call and calls to it will be ignored.
    public void onSessionDestroyed() {}

     * Override to handle custom events sent by the session owner without a specified interface.
     * Controllers should only handle these for sessions they own.
     * @param event The event from the session.
     * @param extras Optional parameters for the event.
    public void onSessionEvent(@Nullable String event, @Nullable Bundle extras) {}

     * Override to handle changes in playback state.
     * @param state The new playback state of the session
    public void onPlaybackStateChanged(@Nullable PlaybackStateCompat state) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the current metadata.
     * @param metadata The current metadata for the session or null if none.
     * @see MediaMetadataCompat
    public void onMetadataChanged(@Nullable MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {}

     * Override to handle changes to items in the queue.
     * @see MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem
     * @param queue A list of items in the current play queue. It should include the currently
     *     playing item as well as previous and upcoming items if applicable.
    public void onQueueChanged(@Nullable List<QueueItem> queue) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the queue title.
     * @param title The title that should be displayed along with the play queue such as "Now
     *     Playing". May be null if there is no such title.
    public void onQueueTitleChanged(@Nullable CharSequence title) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the {@link MediaSessionCompat} extras.
     * @param extras The extras that can include other information associated with the {@link
     *     MediaSessionCompat}.
    public void onExtrasChanged(@Nullable Bundle extras) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the audio info.
     * @param info The current audio info for this session.
    public void onAudioInfoChanged(@Nullable PlaybackInfo info) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the captioning enabled status.
     * @param enabled {@code true} if captioning is enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
    public void onCaptioningEnabledChanged(boolean enabled) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the repeat mode.
     * @param repeatMode The repeat mode. It should be one of followings: {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_NONE}, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_ONE},
     *     {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_ALL}, {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_GROUP}
    public void onRepeatModeChanged(@PlaybackStateCompat.RepeatMode int repeatMode) {}

     * Override to handle changes to the shuffle mode.
     * @param shuffleMode The shuffle mode. Must be one of the following: {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE}, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL},
     *     {@link PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP}
    public void onShuffleModeChanged(@PlaybackStateCompat.ShuffleMode int shuffleMode) {}

    public void binderDied() {
      postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_DESTROYED, null, null);

    /** Set the handler to use for callbacks. */
    void setHandler(@Nullable Handler handler) {
      if (handler == null) {
        if (mHandler != null) {
          mHandler.mRegistered = false;
          mHandler = null;
      } else {
        mHandler = new MessageHandler(handler.getLooper());
        mHandler.mRegistered = true;

    void postToHandler(int what, @Nullable Object obj, @Nullable Bundle data) {
      if (mHandler != null) {
        Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(what, obj);
        if (data != null) {

    // Callback methods in this class are run on handler which was given to registerCallback().
    private static class MediaControllerCallbackApi21 extends MediaController.Callback {
      private final WeakReference<MediaControllerCompat.Callback> mCallback;

      MediaControllerCallbackApi21(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback) {
        mCallback = new WeakReference<>(callback);

      public void onSessionDestroyed() {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {

      public void onSessionEvent(String event, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          if (callback.mIControllerCallback != null && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) {
            // Ignore. ExtraCallback will handle this.
          } else {
            callback.onSessionEvent(event, extras);

      public void onPlaybackStateChanged(@Nullable PlaybackState stateObj) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          if (callback.mIControllerCallback != null) {
            // Ignore. ExtraCallback will handle this.
          } else {

      public void onMetadataChanged(@Nullable MediaMetadata metadataObj) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {

      public void onQueueChanged(@Nullable List<MediaSession.QueueItem> queue) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {

      public void onQueueTitleChanged(@Nullable CharSequence title) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {

      public void onExtrasChanged(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {

      public void onAudioInfoChanged(@Nullable MediaController.PlaybackInfo info) {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null && info != null) {
              new PlaybackInfo(

    private static class StubCompat extends IMediaControllerCallback.Stub {
      private final WeakReference<MediaControllerCompat.Callback> mCallback;

      StubCompat(MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback) {
        mCallback = new WeakReference<>(callback);

      public void onEvent(@Nullable String event, @Nullable Bundle extras) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_EVENT, event, extras);

      public void onSessionDestroyed() throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_DESTROYED, null, null);

      public void onPlaybackStateChanged(@Nullable PlaybackStateCompat state)
          throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STATE, state, null);

      public void onMetadataChanged(@Nullable MediaMetadataCompat metadata) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_METADATA, metadata, null);

      public void onQueueChanged(@Nullable List<QueueItem> queue) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE, queue, null);

      public void onQueueTitleChanged(@Nullable CharSequence title) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE_TITLE, title, null);

      public void onCaptioningEnabledChanged(boolean enabled) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_CAPTIONING_ENABLED, enabled, null);

      public void onRepeatModeChanged(int repeatMode) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_REPEAT_MODE, repeatMode, null);

      public void onShuffleModeChangedRemoved(boolean enabled) throws RemoteException {
        // Do nothing.

      public void onShuffleModeChanged(int shuffleMode) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SHUFFLE_MODE, shuffleMode, null);

      public void onExtrasChanged(@Nullable Bundle extras) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_EXTRAS, extras, null);

      public void onVolumeInfoChanged(@Nullable ParcelableVolumeInfo info) throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          PlaybackInfo pi = null;
          if (info != null) {
            pi =
                new PlaybackInfo(
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_UPDATE_VOLUME, pi, null);

      public void onSessionReady() throws RemoteException {
        MediaControllerCompat.Callback callback = mCallback.get();
        if (callback != null) {
          callback.postToHandler(MessageHandler.MSG_SESSION_READY, null, null);

    private class MessageHandler extends Handler {
      private static final int MSG_EVENT = 1;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STATE = 2;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_METADATA = 3;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_VOLUME = 4;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE = 5;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE_TITLE = 6;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_EXTRAS = 7;
      private static final int MSG_DESTROYED = 8;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_REPEAT_MODE = 9;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_CAPTIONING_ENABLED = 11;
      private static final int MSG_UPDATE_SHUFFLE_MODE = 12;
      private static final int MSG_SESSION_READY = 13;

      boolean mRegistered = false;

      MessageHandler(Looper looper) {

      public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        if (!mRegistered) {
        switch (msg.what) {
          case MSG_EVENT:
              Bundle extras = msg.getData();
              onSessionEvent((String) msg.obj, extras);
            onPlaybackStateChanged((PlaybackStateCompat) msg.obj);
          case MSG_UPDATE_METADATA:
            onMetadataChanged((MediaMetadataCompat) msg.obj);
          case MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE:
            onQueueChanged((List<QueueItem>) msg.obj);
          case MSG_UPDATE_QUEUE_TITLE:
            onQueueTitleChanged((CharSequence) msg.obj);
            onCaptioningEnabledChanged((boolean) msg.obj);
          case MSG_UPDATE_REPEAT_MODE:
            onRepeatModeChanged((int) msg.obj);
            onShuffleModeChanged((int) msg.obj);
          case MSG_UPDATE_EXTRAS:
              Bundle extras = (Bundle) msg.obj;
          case MSG_UPDATE_VOLUME:
            onAudioInfoChanged((PlaybackInfo) msg.obj);
          case MSG_DESTROYED:
          case MSG_SESSION_READY:

   * Interface for controlling media playback on a session. This allows an app to send media
   * transport commands to the session.
  public abstract static class TransportControls {
     * Used as an integer extra field in {@link #playFromMediaId(String, Bundle)} or {@link
     * #prepareFromMediaId(String, Bundle)} to indicate the stream type to be used by the media
     * player when playing or preparing the specified media id. See {@link AudioManager} for a list
     * of stream types.
     * @deprecated Use {@link MediaConstants#TRANSPORT_CONTROLS_EXTRAS_KEY_LEGACY_STREAM_TYPE}
     *     instead.
    public static final String EXTRA_LEGACY_STREAM_TYPE =

    TransportControls() {}

     * Request that the player prepare for playback. This can decrease the time it takes to start
     * playback when a play command is received. Preparation is not required. You can call {@link
     * #play} without calling this method beforehand.
    public abstract void prepare();

     * Request that the player prepare playback for a specific media id. This can decrease the time
     * it takes to start playback when a play command is received. Preparation is not required. You
     * can call {@link #playFromMediaId} without calling this method beforehand.
     * @param mediaId The id of the requested media.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item to be
     *     prepared.
    public abstract void prepareFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Request that the player prepare playback for a specific search query. This can decrease the
     * time it takes to start playback when a play command is received. An empty or null query
     * should be treated as a request to prepare any music. Preparation is not required. You can
     * call {@link #playFromSearch} without calling this method beforehand.
     * @param query The search query.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the query.
    public abstract void prepareFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Request that the player prepare playback for a specific {@link Uri}. This can decrease the
     * time it takes to start playback when a play command is received. Preparation is not required.
     * You can call {@link #playFromUri} without calling this method beforehand.
     * @param uri The URI of the requested media.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item to be
     *     prepared.
    public abstract void prepareFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras);

    /** Request that the player start its playback at its current position. */
    public abstract void play();

     * Request that the player start playback for a specific media id.
     * @param mediaId The id of the requested media.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item to be
     *     played.
    public abstract void playFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Request that the player start playback for a specific search query. An empty or null query
     * should be treated as a request to play any music.
     * @param query The search query.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the query.
    public abstract void playFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Request that the player start playback for a specific {@link Uri}.
     * @param uri The URI of the requested media.
     * @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item to be
     *     played.
    public abstract void playFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Plays an item with a specific id in the play queue. If you specify an id that is not in the
     * play queue, the behavior is undefined.
    public abstract void skipToQueueItem(long id);

    /** Request that the player pause its playback and stay at its current position. */
    public abstract void pause();

     * Request that the player stop its playback; it may clear its state in whatever way is
     * appropriate.
    public abstract void stop();

     * Moves to a new location in the media stream.
     * @param pos Position to move to, in milliseconds.
    public abstract void seekTo(long pos);

     * Starts fast forwarding. If playback is already fast forwarding this may increase the rate.
    public abstract void fastForward();

    /** Skips to the next item. */
    public abstract void skipToNext();

    /** Starts rewinding. If playback is already rewinding this may increase the rate. */
    public abstract void rewind();

    /** Skips to the previous item. */
    public abstract void skipToPrevious();

     * Rates the current content. This will cause the rating to be set for the current user. The
     * rating type of the given {@link RatingCompat} must match the type returned by {@link
     * #getRatingType()}.
     * @param rating The rating to set for the current content
    public abstract void setRating(RatingCompat rating);

     * Rates a media item. This will cause the rating to be set for the specific media item. The
     * rating type of the given {@link RatingCompat} must match the type returned by {@link
     * #getRatingType()}.
     * @param rating The rating to set for the media item.
     * @param extras Optional arguments that can include information about the media item to be
     *     rated.
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ARGUMENT_MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ARGUMENT_MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE
    public abstract void setRating(RatingCompat rating, @Nullable Bundle extras);

     * Sets the playback speed. A value of {@code 1.0f} is the default playback value, and a
     * negative value indicates reverse playback. {@code 0.0f} is not allowed.
     * @param speed The playback speed
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code speed} is equal to zero.
    public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) {}

     * Enables/disables captioning for this session.
     * @param enabled {@code true} to enable captioning, {@code false} to disable.
    public abstract void setCaptioningEnabled(boolean enabled);

     * Sets the repeat mode for this session.
     * @param repeatMode The repeat mode. Must be one of the following: {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_NONE}, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_ONE},
     *     {@link PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_ALL}, {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#REPEAT_MODE_GROUP}
    public abstract void setRepeatMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.RepeatMode int repeatMode);

     * Sets the shuffle mode for this session.
     * @param shuffleMode The shuffle mode. Must be one of the following: {@link
     *     PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE}, {@link PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL},
     *     {@link PlaybackStateCompat#SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP}
    public abstract void setShuffleMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.ShuffleMode int shuffleMode);

     * Sends a custom action for the {@link MediaSessionCompat} to perform.
     * @param customAction The action to perform.
     * @param args Optional arguments to supply to the {@link MediaSessionCompat} for this custom
     *     action.
    public abstract void sendCustomAction(
        PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction customAction, @Nullable Bundle args);

     * Sends the id and args from a custom action for the {@link MediaSessionCompat} to perform.
     * @see #sendCustomAction(PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction action, Bundle args)
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ACTION_FLAG_AS_INAPPROPRIATE
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ACTION_SKIP_AD
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ACTION_FOLLOW
     * @see MediaSessionCompat#ACTION_UNFOLLOW
     * @param action The action identifier of the {@link PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction} as
     *     specified by the {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
     * @param args Optional arguments to supply to the {@link MediaSessionCompat} for this custom
     *     action.
    public abstract void sendCustomAction(String action, @Nullable Bundle args);

  /** Holds information about the way volume is handled for this session. */
  public static final class PlaybackInfo {
    /** The session uses local playback. */
    public static final int PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL = 1;

    /** The session uses remote playback. */
    public static final int PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE = 2;

    private final int mPlaybackType;
    private final AudioAttributesCompat mAudioAttrsCompat;
    private final int mVolumeControl;
    private final int mMaxVolume;
    private final int mCurrentVolume;

    PlaybackInfo(int type, int stream, int control, int max, int current) {
          new AudioAttributesCompat.Builder().setLegacyStreamType(stream).build(),

    PlaybackInfo(int type, AudioAttributesCompat attrsCompat, int control, int max, int current) {
      mPlaybackType = type;
      mAudioAttrsCompat = attrsCompat;
      mVolumeControl = control;
      mMaxVolume = max;
      mCurrentVolume = current;

     * Gets the type of volume handling, either local or remote. One of:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@link PlaybackInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL}
     *   <li>{@link PlaybackInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}
     * </ul>
     * @return The type of volume handling this session is using.
    public int getPlaybackType() {
      return mPlaybackType;

     * Gets the stream this is currently controlling volume on. When the volume type is {@link
     * PlaybackInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE} this value does not have meaning and should be ignored.
     * @deprecated Use {@link PlaybackInfo#getAudioAttributes()} instead.
     * @return The stream this session is playing on.
    public int getAudioStream() {
      return mAudioAttrsCompat.getLegacyStreamType();

     * Get the audio attributes for this session. The attributes will affect volume handling for the
     * session. When the volume type is {@link PlaybackInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE} these may be
     * ignored by the remote volume handler.
     * @return The attributes for this session.
    public AudioAttributesCompat getAudioAttributes() {
      return mAudioAttrsCompat;

     * Gets the type of volume control that can be used. One of:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}
     *   <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE}
     *   <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_FIXED}
     * </ul>
     * @return The type of volume control that may be used with this session.
    public int getVolumeControl() {
      return mVolumeControl;

     * Gets the maximum volume that may be set for this session.
     * @return The maximum allowed volume where this session is playing.
    public int getMaxVolume() {
      return mMaxVolume;

     * Gets the current volume for this session.
     * @return The current volume where this session is playing.
    public int getCurrentVolume() {
      return mCurrentVolume;

  interface MediaControllerImpl {
    void registerCallback(Callback callback, Handler handler);

    void unregisterCallback(Callback callback);

    boolean dispatchMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent);

    TransportControls getTransportControls();

    PlaybackStateCompat getPlaybackState();

    MediaMetadataCompat getMetadata();

    List<QueueItem> getQueue();

    void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description);

    void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index);

    void removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description);

    CharSequence getQueueTitle();

    Bundle getExtras();

    int getRatingType();

    boolean isCaptioningEnabled();

    int getRepeatMode();

    int getShuffleMode();

    long getFlags();

    PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo();

    PendingIntent getSessionActivity();

    void setVolumeTo(int value, int flags);

    void adjustVolume(int direction, int flags);

    void sendCommand(String command, @Nullable Bundle params, @Nullable ResultReceiver cb);

    boolean isSessionReady();

    String getPackageName();

    Bundle getSessionInfo();

    Object getMediaController();

  static class MediaControllerImplBase implements MediaControllerImpl {
    private IMediaSession mBinder;
    @Nullable private TransportControls mTransportControls;
    @Nullable private Bundle mSessionInfo;

    MediaControllerImplBase(MediaSessionCompat.Token token) {
      mBinder = IMediaSession.Stub.asInterface((IBinder) token.getToken());

    public void registerCallback(Callback callback, Handler handler) {
      if (callback == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback may not be null.");
      try {
        mBinder.asBinder().linkToDeath(callback, 0);
        callback.postToHandler(Callback.MessageHandler.MSG_SESSION_READY, null, null);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in registerCallback.", e);
        callback.postToHandler(Callback.MessageHandler.MSG_DESTROYED, null, null);

    public void unregisterCallback(Callback callback) {
      if (callback == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback may not be null.");
      try {
        mBinder.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(callback, 0);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in unregisterCallback.", e);

    public boolean dispatchMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent event) {
      if (event == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("event may not be null.");
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in dispatchMediaButtonEvent.", e);
      return false;

    public TransportControls getTransportControls() {
      if (mTransportControls == null) {
        mTransportControls = new TransportControlsBase(mBinder);

      return mTransportControls;

    public PlaybackStateCompat getPlaybackState() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getPlaybackState();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getPlaybackState.", e);
      return null;

    public MediaMetadataCompat getMetadata() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getMetadata();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getMetadata.", e);
      return null;

    public List<QueueItem> getQueue() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getQueue();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getQueue.", e);
      return null;

    public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {
      try {
        long flags = mBinder.getFlags();
        if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in addQueueItem.", e);

    public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index) {
      try {
        long flags = mBinder.getFlags();
        if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
        mBinder.addQueueItemAt(description, index);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in addQueueItemAt.", e);

    public void removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {
      try {
        long flags = mBinder.getFlags();
        if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in removeQueueItem.", e);

    public CharSequence getQueueTitle() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getQueueTitle();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getQueueTitle.", e);
      return null;

    public Bundle getExtras() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getExtras();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getExtras.", e);
      return null;

    public int getRatingType() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getRatingType();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getRatingType.", e);
      return 0;

    public boolean isCaptioningEnabled() {
      try {
        return mBinder.isCaptioningEnabled();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in isCaptioningEnabled.", e);
      return false;

    public int getRepeatMode() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getRepeatMode();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getRepeatMode.", e);
      return PlaybackStateCompat.REPEAT_MODE_INVALID;

    public int getShuffleMode() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getShuffleMode();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getShuffleMode.", e);
      return PlaybackStateCompat.SHUFFLE_MODE_INVALID;

    public long getFlags() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getFlags();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getFlags.", e);
      return 0;

    public PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo() {
      try {
        ParcelableVolumeInfo info = mBinder.getVolumeAttributes();
        if (info == null) {
          return null;
        PlaybackInfo pi =
            new PlaybackInfo(
        return pi;
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getPlaybackInfo.", e);
      return null;

    public PendingIntent getSessionActivity() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getLaunchPendingIntent();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getSessionActivity.", e);
      return null;

    public void setVolumeTo(int value, int flags) {
      try {
        mBinder.setVolumeTo(value, flags, null);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setVolumeTo.", e);

    public void adjustVolume(int direction, int flags) {
      try {
        mBinder.adjustVolume(direction, flags, null);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in adjustVolume.", e);

    public void sendCommand(String command, @Nullable Bundle params, @Nullable ResultReceiver cb) {
      try {
            command, params, cb == null ? null : new MediaSessionCompat.ResultReceiverWrapper(cb));
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in sendCommand.", e);

    public boolean isSessionReady() {
      return true;

    public String getPackageName() {
      try {
        return mBinder.getPackageName();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getPackageName.", e);
      return null;

    public Bundle getSessionInfo() {
      try {
        mSessionInfo = mBinder.getSessionInfo();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Dead object in getSessionInfo.", e);

      mSessionInfo = MediaSessionCompat.unparcelWithClassLoader(mSessionInfo);
      return mSessionInfo == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : new Bundle(mSessionInfo);

    public Object getMediaController() {
      return null;

  static class TransportControlsBase extends TransportControls {
    private IMediaSession mBinder;

    public TransportControlsBase(IMediaSession binder) {
      mBinder = binder;

    public void prepare() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in prepare.", e);

    public void prepareFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.prepareFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in prepareFromMediaId.", e);

    public void prepareFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.prepareFromSearch(query, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in prepareFromSearch.", e);

    public void prepareFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.prepareFromUri(uri, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in prepareFromUri.", e);

    public void play() {
      try {;
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in play.", e);

    public void playFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.playFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in playFromMediaId.", e);

    public void playFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.playFromSearch(query, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in playFromSearch.", e);

    public void playFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.playFromUri(uri, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in playFromUri.", e);

    public void skipToQueueItem(long id) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in skipToQueueItem.", e);

    public void pause() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in pause.", e);

    public void stop() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in stop.", e);

    public void seekTo(long pos) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in seekTo.", e);

    public void fastForward() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in fastForward.", e);

    public void skipToNext() {
      try {;
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in skipToNext.", e);

    public void rewind() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in rewind.", e);

    public void skipToPrevious() {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in skipToPrevious.", e);

    public void setRating(RatingCompat rating) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setRating.", e);

    public void setRating(RatingCompat rating, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      try {
        mBinder.rateWithExtras(rating, extras);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setRating.", e);

    public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) {
      if (speed == 0.0f) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("speed must not be zero");
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setPlaybackSpeed.", e);

    public void setCaptioningEnabled(boolean enabled) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setCaptioningEnabled.", e);

    public void setRepeatMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.RepeatMode int repeatMode) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setRepeatMode.", e);

    public void setShuffleMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.ShuffleMode int shuffleMode) {
      try {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in setShuffleMode.", e);

    public void sendCustomAction(CustomAction customAction, @Nullable Bundle args) {
      sendCustomAction(customAction.getAction(), args);

    public void sendCustomAction(String action, @Nullable Bundle args) {
      validateCustomAction(action, args);
      try {
        mBinder.sendCustomAction(action, args);
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in sendCustomAction.", e);

  static class MediaControllerImplApi21 implements MediaControllerImpl {
    protected final MediaController mControllerFwk;

    final Object mLock = new Object();

    private final List<Callback> mPendingCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();

    private HashMap<Callback, ExtraCallback> mCallbackMap = new HashMap<>();

    @Nullable protected Bundle mSessionInfo;

    final MediaSessionCompat.Token mSessionToken;

    // Calling method from constructor
    @SuppressWarnings({"assignment.type.incompatible", "method.invocation.invalid"})
    MediaControllerImplApi21(Context context, MediaSessionCompat.Token sessionToken) {
      mSessionToken = sessionToken;
      mControllerFwk =
          new MediaController(context, (MediaSession.Token) checkNotNull(mSessionToken.getToken()));
      if (mSessionToken.getExtraBinder() == null) {

    public final void registerCallback(Callback callback, Handler handler) {
      mControllerFwk.registerCallback(checkNotNull(callback.mCallbackFwk), handler);
      synchronized (mLock) {
        IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
        if (extraBinder != null) {
          ExtraCallback extraCallback = new ExtraCallback(callback);
          mCallbackMap.put(callback, extraCallback);
          callback.mIControllerCallback = extraCallback;
          try {
            callback.postToHandler(Callback.MessageHandler.MSG_SESSION_READY, null, null);
          } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in registerCallback.", e);
        } else {
          callback.mIControllerCallback = null;

    public final void unregisterCallback(Callback callback) {
      synchronized (mLock) {
        IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
        if (extraBinder != null) {
          try {
            ExtraCallback extraCallback = mCallbackMap.remove(callback);
            if (extraCallback != null) {
              callback.mIControllerCallback = null;
          } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in unregisterCallback.", e);
        } else {

    public boolean dispatchMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent event) {
      return mControllerFwk.dispatchMediaButtonEvent(event);

    public TransportControls getTransportControls() {
      MediaController.TransportControls controlsFwk = mControllerFwk.getTransportControls();
      if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
        return new TransportControlsApi29(controlsFwk);
      } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
        return new TransportControlsApi24(controlsFwk);
      } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
        return new TransportControlsApi23(controlsFwk);
      } else {
        return new TransportControlsApi21(controlsFwk);

    public PlaybackStateCompat getPlaybackState() {
      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder != null) {
        try {
          return extraBinder.getPlaybackState();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getPlaybackState.", e);
      PlaybackState stateFwk = mControllerFwk.getPlaybackState();
      return stateFwk != null ? PlaybackStateCompat.fromPlaybackState(stateFwk) : null;

    public MediaMetadataCompat getMetadata() {
      MediaMetadata metadataFwk = mControllerFwk.getMetadata();
      return metadataFwk != null ? MediaMetadataCompat.fromMediaMetadata(metadataFwk) : null;

    public List<QueueItem> getQueue() {
      List<MediaSession.QueueItem> queueFwks = mControllerFwk.getQueue();
      return queueFwks != null ? QueueItem.fromQueueItemList(queueFwks) : null;

    public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {
      long flags = getFlags();
      if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
      Bundle params = new Bundle();
      sendCommand(COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM, params, null);

    public void addQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description, int index) {
      long flags = getFlags();
      if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
      Bundle params = new Bundle();
      params.putInt(COMMAND_ARGUMENT_INDEX, index);
      sendCommand(COMMAND_ADD_QUEUE_ITEM_AT, params, null);

    public void removeQueueItem(MediaDescriptionCompat description) {
      long flags = getFlags();
      if ((flags & MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_QUEUE_COMMANDS) == 0) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "This session doesn't support queue management operations");
      Bundle params = new Bundle();
      sendCommand(COMMAND_REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM, params, null);

    public CharSequence getQueueTitle() {
      return mControllerFwk.getQueueTitle();

    public Bundle getExtras() {
      return mControllerFwk.getExtras();

    public int getRatingType() {
      if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 22) {
        try {
          IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
          if (extraBinder != null) {
            return extraBinder.getRatingType();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getRatingType.", e);
      return mControllerFwk.getRatingType();

    public boolean isCaptioningEnabled() {
      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder != null) {
        try {
          return extraBinder.isCaptioningEnabled();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in isCaptioningEnabled.", e);
      return false;

    public int getRepeatMode() {
      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder != null) {
        try {
          return extraBinder.getRepeatMode();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getRepeatMode.", e);
      return PlaybackStateCompat.REPEAT_MODE_INVALID;

    public int getShuffleMode() {
      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder != null) {
        try {
          return extraBinder.getShuffleMode();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getShuffleMode.", e);
      return PlaybackStateCompat.SHUFFLE_MODE_INVALID;

    public long getFlags() {
      return mControllerFwk.getFlags();

    public PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo() {
      MediaController.PlaybackInfo volumeInfoFwk = mControllerFwk.getPlaybackInfo();
      return volumeInfoFwk != null
          ? new PlaybackInfo(
          : null;

    public PendingIntent getSessionActivity() {
      return mControllerFwk.getSessionActivity();

    public void setVolumeTo(int value, int flags) {
      mControllerFwk.setVolumeTo(value, flags);

    public void adjustVolume(int direction, int flags) {
      mControllerFwk.adjustVolume(direction, flags);

    public void sendCommand(String command, @Nullable Bundle params, @Nullable ResultReceiver cb) {
      mControllerFwk.sendCommand(command, params, cb);

    public boolean isSessionReady() {
      return mSessionToken.getExtraBinder() != null;

    public String getPackageName() {
      return mControllerFwk.getPackageName();

    public Bundle getSessionInfo() {
      if (mSessionInfo != null) {
        return new Bundle(mSessionInfo);

      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder != null) {
        try {
          mSessionInfo = extraBinder.getSessionInfo();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in getSessionInfo.", e);
          mSessionInfo = Bundle.EMPTY;

      mSessionInfo = MediaSessionCompat.unparcelWithClassLoader(mSessionInfo);
      return mSessionInfo == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : new Bundle(mSessionInfo);

    public Object getMediaController() {
      return mControllerFwk;

    private void requestExtraBinder() {
      sendCommand(COMMAND_GET_EXTRA_BINDER, null, new ExtraBinderRequestResultReceiver(this));

    void processPendingCallbacksLocked() {
      IMediaSession extraBinder = mSessionToken.getExtraBinder();
      if (extraBinder == null) {
      for (Callback callback : mPendingCallbacks) {
        ExtraCallback extraCallback = new ExtraCallback(callback);
        mCallbackMap.put(callback, extraCallback);
        callback.mIControllerCallback = extraCallback;
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Dead object in registerCallback.", e);
        callback.postToHandler(Callback.MessageHandler.MSG_SESSION_READY, null, null);

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Activity.setMediaController is not annotated
    static void setMediaController(Activity activity, MediaControllerCompat mediaControllerCompat) {
      MediaController controllerFwk = null;
      if (mediaControllerCompat != null) {
        Object sessionTokenObj = mediaControllerCompat.getSessionToken().getToken();
        controllerFwk = new MediaController(activity, (MediaSession.Token) sessionTokenObj);

    static MediaControllerCompat getMediaController(Activity activity) {
      MediaController controllerFwk = activity.getMediaController();
      if (controllerFwk == null) {
        return null;
      MediaSession.Token sessionTokenFwk = controllerFwk.getSessionToken();
      return new MediaControllerCompat(
          activity, MediaSessionCompat.Token.fromToken(sessionTokenFwk));

    private static class ExtraBinderRequestResultReceiver extends ResultReceiver {
      private WeakReference<MediaControllerImplApi21> mMediaControllerImpl;

      ExtraBinderRequestResultReceiver(MediaControllerImplApi21 mediaControllerImpl) {
        super(null /* handler */);
        mMediaControllerImpl = new WeakReference<>(mediaControllerImpl);

      protected void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
        MediaControllerImplApi21 mediaControllerImpl = mMediaControllerImpl.get();
        if (mediaControllerImpl == null || resultData == null) {
        synchronized (mediaControllerImpl.mLock) {
                  resultData, MediaSessionCompat.KEY_SESSION2_TOKEN));

    private static class ExtraCallback extends Callback.StubCompat {
      ExtraCallback(Callback callback) {

      public void onSessionDestroyed() throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

      public void onMetadataChanged(@Nullable MediaMetadataCompat metadata) throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

      public void onQueueChanged(@Nullable List<QueueItem> queue) throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

      public void onQueueTitleChanged(@Nullable CharSequence title) throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

      public void onExtrasChanged(@Nullable Bundle extras) throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

      public void onVolumeInfoChanged(@Nullable ParcelableVolumeInfo info) throws RemoteException {
        // Will not be called.
        throw new AssertionError();

  static class MediaControllerImplApi29 extends MediaControllerImplApi21 {
    MediaControllerImplApi29(Context context, MediaSessionCompat.Token sessionToken) {
      super(context, sessionToken);

    public Bundle getSessionInfo() {
      if (mSessionInfo != null) {
        return new Bundle(mSessionInfo);
      mSessionInfo = mControllerFwk.getSessionInfo();
      mSessionInfo = MediaSessionCompat.unparcelWithClassLoader(mSessionInfo);
      return mSessionInfo == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : new Bundle(mSessionInfo);

  static class TransportControlsApi21 extends TransportControls {
    protected final MediaController.TransportControls mControlsFwk;

    TransportControlsApi21(MediaController.TransportControls controlsFwk) {
      mControlsFwk = controlsFwk;

    public void prepare() {
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_PREPARE, null);

    public void prepareFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putString(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_MEDIA_ID, mediaId);
      bundle.putBundle(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTRAS, extras);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_MEDIA_ID, bundle);

    public void prepareFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putString(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_QUERY, query);
      bundle.putBundle(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTRAS, extras);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_SEARCH, bundle);

    public void prepareFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putParcelable(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_URI, uri);
      bundle.putBundle(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTRAS, extras);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_URI, bundle);

    public void play() {;

    public void pause() {

    public void stop() {

    public void seekTo(long pos) {

    public void fastForward() {

    public void rewind() {

    public void skipToNext() {

    public void skipToPrevious() {

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Platform controller accepts null rating
    public void setRating(RatingCompat rating) {
      mControlsFwk.setRating(rating != null ? (Rating) rating.getRating() : null);

    public void setRating(RatingCompat rating, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putBundle(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTRAS, extras);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_SET_RATING, bundle);

    public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) {
      if (speed == 0.0f) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("speed must not be zero");
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putFloat(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_PLAYBACK_SPEED, speed);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_SET_PLAYBACK_SPEED, bundle);

    public void setCaptioningEnabled(boolean enabled) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putBoolean(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_CAPTIONING_ENABLED, enabled);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_SET_CAPTIONING_ENABLED, bundle);

    public void setRepeatMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.RepeatMode int repeatMode) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_REPEAT_MODE, repeatMode);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_SET_REPEAT_MODE, bundle);

    public void setShuffleMode(@PlaybackStateCompat.ShuffleMode int shuffleMode) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SHUFFLE_MODE, shuffleMode);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE, bundle);

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Platform controller accepts null extras
    public void playFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.playFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Platform controller accepts null extras
    public void playFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.playFromSearch(query, extras);

    public void playFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      if (uri == null || Uri.EMPTY.equals(uri)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify a non-empty Uri for playFromUri.");
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putParcelable(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_URI, uri);
      bundle.putBundle(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_EXTRAS, extras);
      sendCustomAction(MediaSessionCompat.ACTION_PLAY_FROM_URI, bundle);

    public void skipToQueueItem(long id) {

    public void sendCustomAction(CustomAction customAction, @Nullable Bundle args) {
      validateCustomAction(customAction.getAction(), args);
      mControlsFwk.sendCustomAction(customAction.getAction(), args);

    public void sendCustomAction(String action, @Nullable Bundle args) {
      validateCustomAction(action, args);
      mControlsFwk.sendCustomAction(action, args);

  static class TransportControlsApi23 extends TransportControlsApi21 {
    TransportControlsApi23(MediaController.TransportControls controlsFwk) {

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Framework controller is missing annotation
    public void playFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.playFromUri(uri, extras);

  static class TransportControlsApi24 extends TransportControlsApi23 {
    TransportControlsApi24(MediaController.TransportControls controlsFwk) {

    public void prepare() {

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Framework controller is missing annotation
    public void prepareFromMediaId(String mediaId, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.prepareFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Platform controller accepts null extra
    public void prepareFromSearch(String query, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.prepareFromSearch(query, extras);

    @SuppressWarnings("argument.type.incompatible") // Platform controller accepts null extra
    public void prepareFromUri(Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
      mControlsFwk.prepareFromUri(uri, extras);

  static class TransportControlsApi29 extends TransportControlsApi24 {
    TransportControlsApi29(MediaController.TransportControls controlsFwk) {

    public void setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) {
      if (speed == 0.0f) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("speed must not be zero");