public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A class to encapsulate rating information used as content metadata. A rating is defined by its rating style (see RatingCompat.RATING_HEART, RatingCompat.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN, RatingCompat.RATING_3_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_4_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_5_STARS or RatingCompat.RATING_PERCENTAGE) and the actual rating value (which may be defined as "unrated"), both of which are defined when the rating instance is constructed through one of the factory methods.


public static final <any>CREATOR

public static final intRATING_3_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 3 stars.

public static final intRATING_4_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 4 stars.

public static final intRATING_5_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 5 stars.

public static final intRATING_HEART

A rating style with a single degree of rating, "heart" vs "no heart".

public static final intRATING_NONE

Indicates a rating style is not supported.

public static final intRATING_PERCENTAGE

A rating style expressed as a percentage.

public static final intRATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN

A rating style for "thumb up" vs "thumb down".

public intdescribeContents()

public static RatingCompatfromRating(java.lang.Object ratingObj)

Creates an instance from a framework object.

public floatgetPercentRating()

Return the percentage-based rating value.

public java.lang.ObjectgetRating()

Gets the underlying framework object.

public intgetRatingStyle()

Return the rating style.

public floatgetStarRating()

Return the star-based rating value.

public booleanhasHeart()

Return whether the rating is "heart selected".

public booleanisRated()

Return whether there is a rating value available.

public booleanisThumbUp()

Return whether the rating is "thumb up".

public static RatingCompatnewHeartRating(boolean hasHeart)

Return a Rating instance with a heart-based rating.

public static RatingCompatnewPercentageRating(float percent)

Return a Rating instance with a percentage-based rating.

public static RatingCompatnewStarRating(int starRatingStyle, float starRating)

Return a Rating instance with a star-based rating.

public static RatingCompatnewThumbRating(boolean thumbIsUp)

Return a Rating instance with a thumb-based rating.

public static RatingCompatnewUnratedRating(int ratingStyle)

Return a Rating instance with no rating.

public java.lang.StringtoString()

public voidwriteToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public static final int RATING_NONE

Indicates a rating style is not supported. A Rating will never have this type, but can be used by other classes to indicate they do not support Rating.

public static final int RATING_HEART

A rating style with a single degree of rating, "heart" vs "no heart". Can be used to indicate the content referred to is a favorite (or not).

public static final int RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN

A rating style for "thumb up" vs "thumb down".

public static final int RATING_3_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 3 stars.

public static final int RATING_4_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 4 stars.

public static final int RATING_5_STARS

A rating style with 0 to 5 stars.

public static final int RATING_PERCENTAGE

A rating style expressed as a percentage.

public static final <any> CREATOR


public java.lang.String toString()

public int describeContents()

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

public static RatingCompat newUnratedRating(int ratingStyle)

Return a Rating instance with no rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with no rating known for the given rating style.


ratingStyle: one of RatingCompat.RATING_HEART, RatingCompat.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN, RatingCompat.RATING_3_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_4_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_5_STARS, or RatingCompat.RATING_PERCENTAGE.


null if an invalid rating style is passed, a new Rating instance otherwise.

public static RatingCompat newHeartRating(boolean hasHeart)

Return a Rating instance with a heart-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with a rating style of RatingCompat.RATING_HEART, and a heart-based rating.


hasHeart: true for a "heart selected" rating, false for "heart unselected".


a new Rating instance.

public static RatingCompat newThumbRating(boolean thumbIsUp)

Return a Rating instance with a thumb-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with a RatingCompat.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN rating style, and a "thumb up" or "thumb down" rating.


thumbIsUp: true for a "thumb up" rating, false for "thumb down".


a new Rating instance.

public static RatingCompat newStarRating(int starRatingStyle, float starRating)

Return a Rating instance with a star-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with one of the star-base rating styles and the given integer or fractional number of stars. Non integer values can for instance be used to represent an average rating value, which might not be an integer number of stars.


starRatingStyle: one of RatingCompat.RATING_3_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_4_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_5_STARS.
starRating: a number ranging from 0.0f to 3.0f, 4.0f or 5.0f according to the rating style.


null if the rating style is invalid, or the rating is out of range, a new Rating instance otherwise.

public static RatingCompat newPercentageRating(float percent)

Return a Rating instance with a percentage-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with a RatingCompat.RATING_PERCENTAGE rating style, and a rating of the given percentage.


percent: the value of the rating


null if the rating is out of range, a new Rating instance otherwise.

public boolean isRated()

Return whether there is a rating value available.


true if the instance was not created with RatingCompat.newUnratedRating(int).

public int getRatingStyle()

Return the rating style.


one of RatingCompat.RATING_HEART, RatingCompat.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN, RatingCompat.RATING_3_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_4_STARS, RatingCompat.RATING_5_STARS, or RatingCompat.RATING_PERCENTAGE.

public boolean hasHeart()

Return whether the rating is "heart selected".


true if the rating is "heart selected", false if the rating is "heart unselected", if the rating style is not RatingCompat.RATING_HEART or if it is unrated.

public boolean isThumbUp()

Return whether the rating is "thumb up".


true if the rating is "thumb up", false if the rating is "thumb down", if the rating style is not RatingCompat.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN or if it is unrated.

public float getStarRating()

Return the star-based rating value.


a rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a negative value if the rating style is not star-based, or if it is unrated.

public float getPercentRating()

Return the percentage-based rating value.


a rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a negative value if the rating style is not percentage-based, or if it is unrated.

public static RatingCompat fromRating(java.lang.Object ratingObj)

Creates an instance from a framework object.

This method is only supported on API 19+.


ratingObj: A object, or null if none.


An equivalent RatingCompat object, or null if none.

public java.lang.Object getRating()

Gets the underlying framework object.

This method is only supported on API 19+.


An equivalent object, or null if none.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session.legacy;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * A class to encapsulate rating information used as content metadata. A rating is defined by its
 * rating style (see {@link #RATING_HEART}, {@link #RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN}, {@link #RATING_3_STARS},
 * {@link #RATING_4_STARS}, {@link #RATING_5_STARS} or {@link #RATING_PERCENTAGE}) and the actual
 * rating value (which may be defined as "unrated"), both of which are defined when the rating
 * instance is constructed through one of the factory methods.
public final class RatingCompat implements Parcelable {
  private static final String TAG = "Rating";

  /** */
  public @interface Style {}

  /** */
  public @interface StarStyle {}

   * Indicates a rating style is not supported. A Rating will never have this type, but can be used
   * by other classes to indicate they do not support Rating.
  public static final int RATING_NONE = 0;

   * A rating style with a single degree of rating, "heart" vs "no heart". Can be used to indicate
   * the content referred to is a favorite (or not).
  public static final int RATING_HEART = 1;

  /** A rating style for "thumb up" vs "thumb down". */
  public static final int RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN = 2;

  /** A rating style with 0 to 3 stars. */
  public static final int RATING_3_STARS = 3;

  /** A rating style with 0 to 4 stars. */
  public static final int RATING_4_STARS = 4;

  /** A rating style with 0 to 5 stars. */
  public static final int RATING_5_STARS = 5;

  /** A rating style expressed as a percentage. */
  public static final int RATING_PERCENTAGE = 6;

  private static final float RATING_NOT_RATED = -1.0f;

  private final int mRatingStyle;
  private final float mRatingValue;

  @Nullable private Object mRatingObj; // framework Rating object

  RatingCompat(@Style int ratingStyle, float rating) {
    mRatingStyle = ratingStyle;
    mRatingValue = rating;

  public String toString() {
    return "Rating:style="
        + mRatingStyle
        + " rating="
        + (mRatingValue < 0.0f ? "unrated" : String.valueOf(mRatingValue));

  public int describeContents() {
    return mRatingStyle;

  public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {

  public static final Parcelable.Creator<RatingCompat> CREATOR =
      new Parcelable.Creator<RatingCompat>() {
         * Rebuilds a Rating previously stored with writeToParcel().
         * @param p Parcel object to read the Rating from
         * @return a new Rating created from the data in the parcel
        public RatingCompat createFromParcel(Parcel p) {
          return new RatingCompat(p.readInt(), p.readFloat());

        public RatingCompat[] newArray(int size) {
          return new RatingCompat[size];

   * Return a Rating instance with no rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with no rating
   * known for the given rating style.
   * @param ratingStyle one of {@link #RATING_HEART}, {@link #RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN}, {@link
   *     #RATING_3_STARS}, {@link #RATING_4_STARS}, {@link #RATING_5_STARS}, or {@link
   * @return null if an invalid rating style is passed, a new Rating instance otherwise.
  public static RatingCompat newUnratedRating(@Style int ratingStyle) {
    switch (ratingStyle) {
      case RATING_HEART:
      case RATING_3_STARS:
      case RATING_4_STARS:
      case RATING_5_STARS:
        return new RatingCompat(ratingStyle, RATING_NOT_RATED);
        return null;

   * Return a Rating instance with a heart-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance
   * with a rating style of {@link #RATING_HEART}, and a heart-based rating.
   * @param hasHeart true for a "heart selected" rating, false for "heart unselected".
   * @return a new Rating instance.
  public static RatingCompat newHeartRating(boolean hasHeart) {
    return new RatingCompat(RATING_HEART, hasHeart ? 1.0f : 0.0f);

   * Return a Rating instance with a thumb-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance
   * with a {@link #RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN} rating style, and a "thumb up" or "thumb down" rating.
   * @param thumbIsUp true for a "thumb up" rating, false for "thumb down".
   * @return a new Rating instance.
  public static RatingCompat newThumbRating(boolean thumbIsUp) {
    return new RatingCompat(RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN, thumbIsUp ? 1.0f : 0.0f);

   * Return a Rating instance with a star-based rating. Create and return a new Rating instance with
   * one of the star-base rating styles and the given integer or fractional number of stars. Non
   * integer values can for instance be used to represent an average rating value, which might not
   * be an integer number of stars.
   * @param starRatingStyle one of {@link #RATING_3_STARS}, {@link #RATING_4_STARS}, {@link
   *     #RATING_5_STARS}.
   * @param starRating a number ranging from 0.0f to 3.0f, 4.0f or 5.0f according to the rating
   *     style.
   * @return null if the rating style is invalid, or the rating is out of range, a new Rating
   *     instance otherwise.
  public static RatingCompat newStarRating(@StarStyle int starRatingStyle, float starRating) {
    float maxRating = -1.0f;
    switch (starRatingStyle) {
      case RATING_3_STARS:
        maxRating = 3.0f;
      case RATING_4_STARS:
        maxRating = 4.0f;
      case RATING_5_STARS:
        maxRating = 5.0f;
        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid rating style (" + starRatingStyle + ") for a star rating");
        return null;
    if ((starRating < 0.0f) || (starRating > maxRating)) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Trying to set out of range star-based rating");
      return null;
    return new RatingCompat(starRatingStyle, starRating);

   * Return a Rating instance with a percentage-based rating. Create and return a new Rating
   * instance with a {@link #RATING_PERCENTAGE} rating style, and a rating of the given percentage.
   * @param percent the value of the rating
   * @return null if the rating is out of range, a new Rating instance otherwise.
  public static RatingCompat newPercentageRating(float percent) {
    if ((percent < 0.0f) || (percent > 100.0f)) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Invalid percentage-based rating value");
      return null;
    } else {
      return new RatingCompat(RATING_PERCENTAGE, percent);

   * Return whether there is a rating value available.
   * @return true if the instance was not created with {@link #newUnratedRating(int)}.
  public boolean isRated() {
    return mRatingValue >= 0.0f;

   * Return the rating style.
   * @return one of {@link #RATING_HEART}, {@link #RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN}, {@link #RATING_3_STARS},
   *     {@link #RATING_4_STARS}, {@link #RATING_5_STARS}, or {@link #RATING_PERCENTAGE}.
  public int getRatingStyle() {
    return mRatingStyle;

   * Return whether the rating is "heart selected".
   * @return true if the rating is "heart selected", false if the rating is "heart unselected", if
   *     the rating style is not {@link #RATING_HEART} or if it is unrated.
  public boolean hasHeart() {
    if (mRatingStyle != RATING_HEART) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return (mRatingValue == 1.0f);

   * Return whether the rating is "thumb up".
   * @return true if the rating is "thumb up", false if the rating is "thumb down", if the rating
   *     style is not {@link #RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN} or if it is unrated.
  public boolean isThumbUp() {
    if (mRatingStyle != RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return (mRatingValue == 1.0f);

   * Return the star-based rating value.
   * @return a rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a negative value if the rating style is not
   *     star-based, or if it is unrated.
  public float getStarRating() {
    switch (mRatingStyle) {
      case RATING_3_STARS:
      case RATING_4_STARS:
      case RATING_5_STARS:
        if (isRated()) {
          return mRatingValue;
      // fall through
        return -1.0f;

   * Return the percentage-based rating value.
   * @return a rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a negative value if the rating style is not
   *     percentage-based, or if it is unrated.
  public float getPercentRating() {
    if ((mRatingStyle != RATING_PERCENTAGE) || !isRated()) {
      return -1.0f;
    } else {
      return mRatingValue;

   * Creates an instance from a framework {@link} object.
   * <p>This method is only supported on API 19+.
   * @param ratingObj A {@link} object, or null if none.
   * @return An equivalent {@link RatingCompat} object, or null if none.
  public static RatingCompat fromRating(@Nullable Object ratingObj) {
    if (ratingObj != null) {
      final int ratingStyle = ((Rating) ratingObj).getRatingStyle();
      final RatingCompat rating;
      if (((Rating) ratingObj).isRated()) {
        switch (ratingStyle) {
          case Rating.RATING_HEART:
            rating = newHeartRating(((Rating) ratingObj).hasHeart());
          case Rating.RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN:
            rating = newThumbRating(((Rating) ratingObj).isThumbUp());
          case Rating.RATING_3_STARS:
          case Rating.RATING_4_STARS:
          case Rating.RATING_5_STARS:
            rating = newStarRating(ratingStyle, ((Rating) ratingObj).getStarRating());
          case Rating.RATING_PERCENTAGE:
            rating = newPercentageRating(((Rating) ratingObj).getPercentRating());
            return null;
      } else {
        rating = newUnratedRating(ratingStyle);
      checkNotNull(rating).mRatingObj = ratingObj;
      return rating;
    } else {
      return null;

   * Gets the underlying framework {@link} object.
   * <p>This method is only supported on API 19+.
   * @return An equivalent {@link} object, or null if none.
  public Object getRating() {
    if (mRatingObj == null) {
      if (isRated()) {
        switch (mRatingStyle) {
          case RATING_HEART:
            mRatingObj = Rating.newHeartRating(hasHeart());
          case RATING_THUMB_UP_DOWN:
            mRatingObj = Rating.newThumbRating(isThumbUp());
          case RATING_3_STARS:
          case RATING_4_STARS:
          case RATING_5_STARS:
            mRatingObj = Rating.newStarRating(mRatingStyle, getStarRating());
          case RATING_PERCENTAGE:
            mRatingObj = Rating.newPercentageRating(getPercentRating());
            return null;
      } else {
        mRatingObj = Rating.newUnratedRating(mRatingStyle);
    return mRatingObj;