public abstract class


extends TextureOverlay





TextOverlay, DrawableOverlay

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-effect', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-effect
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-effect:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Creates TextureOverlays from Bitmaps.

Useful for overlaying images and animated images (e.g. GIFs).



public static BitmapOverlaycreateStaticBitmapOverlay(Bitmap overlayBitmap)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the overlayBitmap in the same position and size throughout the whole video.

public static BitmapOverlaycreateStaticBitmapOverlay(Bitmap overlayBitmap, OverlaySettings overlaySettings)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the overlayBitmap in the same OverlaySettings throughout the whole video.

public static BitmapOverlaycreateStaticBitmapOverlay(Context context, Uri overlayBitmapUri, OverlaySettings overlaySettings)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the input at overlayBitmapUri with the same OverlaySettings throughout the whole video.

public abstract BitmapgetBitmap(long presentationTimeUs)

Returns the overlay bitmap displayed at the specified timestamp.

public abstract intgetTextureId(long presentationTimeUs)

Returns the overlay texture identifier displayed at the specified timestamp.

public SizegetTextureSize(long presentationTimeUs)

public float[]getVertexTransformation(long presentationTimeUs)

public voidrelease()

Releases all resources.

from TextureOverlayconfigure, getOverlaySettings
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public BitmapOverlay()


public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(Bitmap overlayBitmap)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the overlayBitmap in the same position and size throughout the whole video.


overlayBitmap: The bitmap to overlay on the video.

public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(Bitmap overlayBitmap, OverlaySettings overlaySettings)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the overlayBitmap in the same OverlaySettings throughout the whole video.


overlayBitmap: The bitmap to overlay on the video.
overlaySettings: The OverlaySettings configuring how the overlay is displayed on the frames.

public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(Context context, Uri overlayBitmapUri, OverlaySettings overlaySettings)

Creates a BitmapOverlay that shows the input at overlayBitmapUri with the same OverlaySettings throughout the whole video.


context: The .
overlayBitmapUri: The pointing to the resource to be converted into a bitmap.
overlaySettings: The OverlaySettings configuring how the overlay is displayed on the frames.

public abstract Bitmap getBitmap(long presentationTimeUs)

Returns the overlay bitmap displayed at the specified timestamp.


presentationTimeUs: The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.

public Size getTextureSize(long presentationTimeUs)

Gets the width and height of the cached bitmap.


presentationTimeUs: The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.

public abstract int getTextureId(long presentationTimeUs)

Returns the overlay texture identifier displayed at the specified timestamp.


presentationTimeUs: The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.

public float[] getVertexTransformation(long presentationTimeUs)

Flips the overlay vertically to convert between Android and OpenGL texture coordinate systems.

public void release()

Releases all resources.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.effect;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;

import android.content.Context;
import android.opengl.Matrix;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.VideoFrameProcessingException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.BitmapLoader;
import androidx.media3.common.util.GlUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Size;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSourceBitmapLoader;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * Creates {@link TextureOverlay}s from {@link Bitmap}s.
 * <p>Useful for overlaying images and animated images (e.g. GIFs).
public abstract class BitmapOverlay extends TextureOverlay {

  private final float[] flipVerticallyMatrix;

  private int lastTextureId;
  private int lastBitmapGenerationId;
  @Nullable private Bitmap lastBitmap;

  public BitmapOverlay() {
    float[] temp = GlUtil.create4x4IdentityMatrix();
    Matrix.scaleM(temp, /* offset */ 0, /* x= */ 1f, /* y= */ -1f, /* z= */ 1f);
    flipVerticallyMatrix = temp;

    lastTextureId = C.INDEX_UNSET;

   * Creates a {@link BitmapOverlay} that shows the {@code overlayBitmap} in the same position and
   * size throughout the whole video.
   * @param overlayBitmap The bitmap to overlay on the video.
  public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(Bitmap overlayBitmap) {
    return new BitmapOverlay() {
      public Bitmap getBitmap(long presentationTimeUs) {
        return overlayBitmap;

   * Creates a {@link BitmapOverlay} that shows the {@code overlayBitmap} in the same {@link
   * OverlaySettings} throughout the whole video.
   * @param overlayBitmap The bitmap to overlay on the video.
   * @param overlaySettings The {@link OverlaySettings} configuring how the overlay is displayed on
   *     the frames.
  public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(
      Bitmap overlayBitmap, OverlaySettings overlaySettings) {
    return new BitmapOverlay() {
      public Bitmap getBitmap(long presentationTimeUs) {
        return overlayBitmap;

      public OverlaySettings getOverlaySettings(long presentationTimeUs) {
        return overlaySettings;

   * Creates a {@link BitmapOverlay} that shows the input at {@code overlayBitmapUri} with the same
   * {@link OverlaySettings} throughout the whole video.
   * @param context The {@link Context}.
   * @param overlayBitmapUri The {@link Uri} pointing to the resource to be converted into a bitmap.
   * @param overlaySettings The {@link OverlaySettings} configuring how the overlay is displayed on
   *     the frames.
  public static BitmapOverlay createStaticBitmapOverlay(
      Context context, Uri overlayBitmapUri, OverlaySettings overlaySettings) {
    return new BitmapOverlay() {
      private @MonotonicNonNull Bitmap lastBitmap;

      public Bitmap getBitmap(long presentationTimeUs) throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
        if (lastBitmap == null) {
          BitmapLoader bitmapLoader = new DataSourceBitmapLoader(context);
          ListenableFuture<Bitmap> future = bitmapLoader.loadBitmap(overlayBitmapUri);
          try {
            lastBitmap = future.get();
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);
          } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);
        return lastBitmap;

      public OverlaySettings getOverlaySettings(long presentationTimeUs) {
        return overlaySettings;

   * Returns the overlay bitmap displayed at the specified timestamp.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.
   * @throws VideoFrameProcessingException If an error occurs while processing or drawing the frame.
  public abstract Bitmap getBitmap(long presentationTimeUs) throws VideoFrameProcessingException;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>Gets the width and height of the cached bitmap.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.
  public Size getTextureSize(long presentationTimeUs) {
    return new Size(checkNotNull(lastBitmap).getWidth(), checkNotNull(lastBitmap).getHeight());

  public int getTextureId(long presentationTimeUs) throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap(presentationTimeUs);
    int generationId = bitmap.getGenerationId();
    if (bitmap != lastBitmap || generationId != lastBitmapGenerationId) {
      lastBitmap = bitmap;
      lastBitmapGenerationId = generationId;
      try {
        if (lastTextureId == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
          lastTextureId = GlUtil.generateTexture();
        GlUtil.setTexture(lastTextureId, bitmap);
      } catch (GlUtil.GlException e) {
        throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);
    return lastTextureId;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>Flips the overlay vertically to convert between Android and OpenGL texture coordinate
   * systems.
  public float[] getVertexTransformation(long presentationTimeUs) {
    // Whereas the Android system uses the top-left corner as (0,0) of the
    // coordinate system, OpenGL uses the bottom-left corner as (0,0), so the
    // texture gets flipped. Flip the texture vertically to ensure the
    // orientation of the output is correct.
    return flipVerticallyMatrix;

  public void release() throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    lastBitmap = null;
    if (lastTextureId != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      try {
      } catch (GlUtil.GlException e) {
        throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);
    lastTextureId = C.INDEX_UNSET;