public interface




Listener for input-related video frame processing events.

This listener can be called from any thread.


public voidonFlush()

Called when the GlShaderProgram has been flushed.

public voidonInputFrameProcessed(GlTextureInfo inputTexture)

Called when the GlShaderProgram has processed an input frame.

public voidonReadyToAcceptInputFrame()

Called when the GlShaderProgram is ready to accept another input frame.


public void onReadyToAcceptInputFrame()

Called when the GlShaderProgram is ready to accept another input frame.

For each time this method is called, GlShaderProgram.queueInputFrame(GlObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo, long) can be called once.

public void onInputFrameProcessed(GlTextureInfo inputTexture)

Called when the GlShaderProgram has processed an input frame.

The implementation shall not assume the GlShaderProgram is ready to accept another input frame when this method is called.


inputTexture: The GlTextureInfo that was used to queue the input frame.

public void onFlush()

Called when the GlShaderProgram has been flushed.

The implementation shall not assume the GlShaderProgram is ready to accept another input frame when this method is called. If the implementation manages a limited input capacity, it must clear all prior input frame capacity.