public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements GlShaderProgram





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-effect', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-effect
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-effect:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A base implementation of GlShaderProgram.

BaseGlShaderProgram manages an output texture pool, whose size is configurable on construction. An implementation should manage a GLSL shader program for processing frames. Override BaseGlShaderProgram.drawFrame(int, long) to customize drawing. Implementations generally copy input pixels into an output frame, with changes to pixels specific to the implementation.

BaseShaderProgram implementations can produce any number of output frames per input frame with the same presentation timestamp.

All methods in this class must be called on the thread that owns the OpenGL context.


protected final androidx.media3.effect.TexturePooloutputTexturePool

publicBaseGlShaderProgram(boolean useHighPrecisionColorComponents, int texturePoolCapacity)

Creates a BaseGlShaderProgram instance.

public abstract Sizeconfigure(int inputWidth, int inputHeight)

Configures the instance based on the input dimensions.

public abstract voiddrawFrame(int inputTexId, long presentationTimeUs)

Draws one frame.

public voidflush()

protected final GlShaderProgram.InputListenergetInputListener()

protected final GlShaderProgram.OutputListenergetOutputListener()

protected final voidonError(java.lang.Exception e)

public voidqueueInputFrame(GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs)

public voidrelease()

public voidreleaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture)

public voidsetErrorListener(java.util.concurrent.Executor errorListenerExecutor, GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener errorListener)

public voidsetInputListener(GlShaderProgram.InputListener inputListener)

public voidsetOutputListener(GlShaderProgram.OutputListener outputListener)

public booleanshouldClearTextureBuffer()

Returns true if the texture buffer should be cleared before calling BaseGlShaderProgram.drawFrame(int, long) or false if it should retain the content of the last drawn frame.

public voidsignalEndOfCurrentInputStream()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


protected final androidx.media3.effect.TexturePool outputTexturePool


public BaseGlShaderProgram(boolean useHighPrecisionColorComponents, int texturePoolCapacity)

Creates a BaseGlShaderProgram instance.


useHighPrecisionColorComponents: If false, uses colors with 8-bit unsigned bytes. If true, use 16-bit (half-precision) floating-point.
texturePoolCapacity: The capacity of the texture pool. For example, if implementing a texture cache, the size should be the number of textures to cache.


public abstract Size configure(int inputWidth, int inputHeight)

Configures the instance based on the input dimensions.

This method must be called before drawing the first frame and before drawing subsequent frames with different input dimensions.


inputWidth: The input width, in pixels.
inputHeight: The input height, in pixels.


The output width and height of frames processed through BaseGlShaderProgram.drawFrame(int, long).

public abstract void drawFrame(int inputTexId, long presentationTimeUs)

Draws one frame.

This method may only be called after the shader program has been configured. The caller is responsible for focussing the correct render target before calling this method.

A minimal implementation should tell OpenGL to use its shader program, bind the shader program's vertex attributes and uniforms, and issue a drawing command.


inputTexId: Identifier of a 2D OpenGL texture containing the input frame.
presentationTimeUs: The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.

public void setInputListener(GlShaderProgram.InputListener inputListener)

public void setOutputListener(GlShaderProgram.OutputListener outputListener)

public void setErrorListener(java.util.concurrent.Executor errorListenerExecutor, GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener errorListener)

public boolean shouldClearTextureBuffer()

Returns true if the texture buffer should be cleared before calling BaseGlShaderProgram.drawFrame(int, long) or false if it should retain the content of the last drawn frame.

When returning false, the shader program must clear the texture before first drawing to it, because textures are not zero-initialized when created. This can be done by calling GlUtil.clearFocusedBuffers().

public void queueInputFrame(GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs)

public void releaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture)

public void signalEndOfCurrentInputStream()

public void flush()

public void release()

protected final GlShaderProgram.InputListener getInputListener()

protected final GlShaderProgram.OutputListener getOutputListener()

protected final void onError(java.lang.Exception e)


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.effect;

import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.GlObjectsProvider;
import androidx.media3.common.GlTextureInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.VideoFrameProcessingException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.GlUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Size;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * A base implementation of {@link GlShaderProgram}.
 * <p>{@code BaseGlShaderProgram} manages an output texture pool, whose size is configurable on
 * construction. An implementation should manage a GLSL shader program for processing frames.
 * Override {@link #drawFrame} to customize drawing. Implementations generally copy input pixels
 * into an output frame, with changes to pixels specific to the implementation.
 * <p>{@code BaseShaderProgram} implementations can produce any number of output frames per input
 * frame with the same presentation timestamp.
 * <p>All methods in this class must be called on the thread that owns the OpenGL context.
public abstract class BaseGlShaderProgram implements GlShaderProgram {
  protected final TexturePool outputTexturePool;
  private InputListener inputListener;
  private OutputListener outputListener;
  private ErrorListener errorListener;
  private Executor errorListenerExecutor;
  private int inputWidth;
  private int inputHeight;

   * Creates a {@code BaseGlShaderProgram} instance.
   * @param useHighPrecisionColorComponents If {@code false}, uses colors with 8-bit unsigned bytes.
   *     If {@code true}, use 16-bit (half-precision) floating-point.
   * @param texturePoolCapacity The capacity of the texture pool. For example, if implementing a
   *     texture cache, the size should be the number of textures to cache.
  public BaseGlShaderProgram(boolean useHighPrecisionColorComponents, int texturePoolCapacity) {
    outputTexturePool = new TexturePool(useHighPrecisionColorComponents, texturePoolCapacity);
    inputListener = new InputListener() {};
    outputListener = new OutputListener() {};
    errorListener = (frameProcessingException) -> {};
    errorListenerExecutor = MoreExecutors.directExecutor();
    inputWidth = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
    inputHeight = C.LENGTH_UNSET;

   * Configures the instance based on the input dimensions.
   * <p>This method must be called before {@linkplain #drawFrame(int,long) drawing} the first frame
   * and before drawing subsequent frames with different input dimensions.
   * @param inputWidth The input width, in pixels.
   * @param inputHeight The input height, in pixels.
   * @return The output width and height of frames processed through {@link #drawFrame(int, long)}.
   * @throws VideoFrameProcessingException If an error occurs while configuring.
  public abstract Size configure(int inputWidth, int inputHeight)
      throws VideoFrameProcessingException;

   * Draws one frame.
   * <p>This method may only be called after the shader program has been {@link #configure(int, int)
   * configured}. The caller is responsible for focussing the correct render target before calling
   * this method.
   * <p>A minimal implementation should tell OpenGL to use its shader program, bind the shader
   * program's vertex attributes and uniforms, and issue a drawing command.
   * @param inputTexId Identifier of a 2D OpenGL texture containing the input frame.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp of the current frame, in microseconds.
   * @throws VideoFrameProcessingException If an error occurs while processing or drawing the frame.
  public abstract void drawFrame(int inputTexId, long presentationTimeUs)
      throws VideoFrameProcessingException;

  public void setInputListener(InputListener inputListener) {
    this.inputListener = inputListener;
    for (int i = 0; i < outputTexturePool.freeTextureCount(); i++) {

  public void setOutputListener(OutputListener outputListener) {
    this.outputListener = outputListener;

  public void setErrorListener(Executor errorListenerExecutor, ErrorListener errorListener) {
    this.errorListenerExecutor = errorListenerExecutor;
    this.errorListener = errorListener;

   * Returns {@code true} if the texture buffer should be cleared before calling {@link #drawFrame}
   * or {@code false} if it should retain the content of the last drawn frame.
   * <p>When returning {@code false}, the shader program must clear the texture before first drawing
   * to it, because textures are not zero-initialized when created. This can be done by calling
   * {@link GlUtil#clearFocusedBuffers()}.
  public boolean shouldClearTextureBuffer() {
    // TODO - b/309428083: Clear the texture before first use.
    return true;

  public void queueInputFrame(
      GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs) {
    try {
      if (inputWidth != inputTexture.width
          || inputHeight != inputTexture.height
          || !outputTexturePool.isConfigured()) {
        inputWidth = inputTexture.width;
        inputHeight = inputTexture.height;
        Size outputTextureSize = configure(inputTexture.width, inputTexture.height);
            glObjectsProvider, outputTextureSize.getWidth(), outputTextureSize.getHeight());

      // Focus on the next free buffer.
      GlTextureInfo outputTexture = outputTexturePool.useTexture();

      // Copy frame to fbo.
          outputTexture.fboId, outputTexture.width, outputTexture.height);
      if (shouldClearTextureBuffer()) {
      drawFrame(inputTexture.texId, presentationTimeUs);
      outputListener.onOutputFrameAvailable(outputTexture, presentationTimeUs);
    } catch (VideoFrameProcessingException | GlUtil.GlException e) {
          () -> errorListener.onError(VideoFrameProcessingException.from(e)));

  public void releaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture) {
    if (!outputTexturePool.isUsingTexture(outputTexture)) {
      // This allows us to ignore outputTexture instances not associated with this
      // BaseGlShaderProgram instance. This may happen if a BaseGlShaderProgram is introduced into
      // the GlShaderProgram chain after frames already exist in the pipeline.
      // TODO - b/320481157: Consider removing this if condition and disallowing disconnecting a
      //  GlShaderProgram while it still has in-use frames.

  public void signalEndOfCurrentInputStream() {

  public void flush() {
    for (int i = 0; i < outputTexturePool.capacity(); i++) {

  public void release() throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    try {
    } catch (GlUtil.GlException e) {
      throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);

  protected final InputListener getInputListener() {
    return inputListener;

  protected final OutputListener getOutputListener() {
    return outputListener;

  protected final void onError(Exception e) {
        () -> errorListener.onError(VideoFrameProcessingException.from(e)));