public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements GlShaderProgram



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-effect', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-effect
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-effect:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A GlShaderProgram for performing separable convolutions.

A single ConvolutionFunction1D is applied horizontally on a first pass and vertically on a second pass.


publicSeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(Context context, boolean useHdr, ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider convolutionFunction1DProvider)

Creates an instance.

publicSeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(Context context, boolean useHdr, SeparableConvolution convolution, float scaleWidth, float scaleHeight)

Creates an instance.

public final voidflush()

protected voidonBlurRendered(GlTextureInfo inputTexture)

Called when the blur has been rendered onto the frame.

public final voidqueueInputFrame(GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs)

public voidrelease()

public final voidreleaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture)

public final voidsetErrorListener(java.util.concurrent.Executor errorListenerExecutor, GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener errorListener)

public final voidsetInputListener(GlShaderProgram.InputListener inputListener)

public final voidsetOutputListener(GlShaderProgram.OutputListener outputListener)

public final voidsignalEndOfCurrentInputStream()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public SeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(Context context, boolean useHdr, SeparableConvolution convolution, float scaleWidth, float scaleHeight)

Creates an instance.


context: The .
useHdr: Whether input textures come from an HDR source. If true, colors will be in linear RGB BT.2020. If false, colors will be in linear RGB BT.709.
convolution: The SeparableConvolution to apply in each direction.
scaleWidth: The scaling factor used to determine the width of the output relative to the input.
scaleHeight: The scaling factor used to determine the height of the output relative to the input.

public SeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(Context context, boolean useHdr, ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider convolutionFunction1DProvider)

Creates an instance.


context: The .
useHdr: Whether input textures come from an HDR source. If true, colors will be in linear RGB BT.2020. If false, colors will be in linear RGB BT.709.
convolutionFunction1DProvider: The ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider which will provide the 1D convolution function to apply in each direction.


public final void setInputListener(GlShaderProgram.InputListener inputListener)

public final void setOutputListener(GlShaderProgram.OutputListener outputListener)

public final void setErrorListener(java.util.concurrent.Executor errorListenerExecutor, GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener errorListener)

public final void queueInputFrame(GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs)

public final void releaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture)

public final void signalEndOfCurrentInputStream()

public final void flush()

public void release()

protected void onBlurRendered(GlTextureInfo inputTexture)

Called when the blur has been rendered onto the frame.

The default implementation is a no-op.


inputTexture: The input texture.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.effect;

import android.content.Context;
import android.opengl.GLES20;
import android.opengl.GLES30;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.GlObjectsProvider;
import androidx.media3.common.GlTextureInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.VideoFrameProcessingException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.GlProgram;
import androidx.media3.common.util.GlUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Size;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * A {@link GlShaderProgram} for performing separable convolutions.
 * <p>A single {@link ConvolutionFunction1D} is applied horizontally on a first pass and vertically
 * on a second pass.
public class SeparableConvolutionShaderProgram implements GlShaderProgram {
  private static final String VERTEX_SHADER_PATH = "shaders/vertex_shader_transformation_es2.glsl";
  private static final String FRAGMENT_SHADER_PATH =

  // TODO (b/282767994): Fix TAP hanging issue and update samples per texel.
  private static final int RASTER_SAMPLES_PER_TEXEL = 5;
  // Apply some padding in the function LUT to avoid any issues from GL sampling off the texture.

  private final GlProgram glProgram;
  private final boolean useHdr;
  private final ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider convolutionFunction1DProvider;

  private GlShaderProgram.InputListener inputListener;
  private GlShaderProgram.OutputListener outputListener;
  private GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener errorListener;
  private Executor errorListenerExecutor;
  private boolean outputTextureInUse;
  private GlTextureInfo outputTexture;
  private GlTextureInfo intermediateTexture;
  private GlTextureInfo functionLutTexture; // Values for the function LUT as a texture.
  private float functionLutTexelStep;
  private float functionLutCenterX;
  private float functionLutDomainStart;
  private float functionLutWidth;
  private Size outputSize;
  private Size lastInputSize;
  private Size intermediateSize;
  private @MonotonicNonNull ConvolutionFunction1D lastConvolutionFunction;

   * Creates an instance.
   * @param context The {@link Context}.
   * @param useHdr Whether input textures come from an HDR source. If {@code true}, colors will be
   *     in linear RGB BT.2020. If {@code false}, colors will be in linear RGB BT.709.
   * @param convolution The {@link SeparableConvolution} to apply in each direction.
   * @param scaleWidth The scaling factor used to determine the width of the output relative to the
   *     input.
   * @param scaleHeight The scaling factor used to determine the height of the output relative to
   *     the input.
   * @throws VideoFrameProcessingException If a problem occurs while reading shader files.
  public SeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(
      Context context,
      boolean useHdr,
      SeparableConvolution convolution,
      float scaleWidth,
      float scaleHeight)
      throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    this(context, useHdr, new SeparableConvolutionWrapper(convolution, scaleWidth, scaleHeight));

   * Creates an instance.
   * @param context The {@link Context}.
   * @param useHdr Whether input textures come from an HDR source. If {@code true}, colors will be
   *     in linear RGB BT.2020. If {@code false}, colors will be in linear RGB BT.709.
   * @param convolutionFunction1DProvider The {@link ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider} which will
   *     provide the 1D convolution function to apply in each direction.
   * @throws VideoFrameProcessingException If a problem occurs while reading shader files.
  public SeparableConvolutionShaderProgram(
      Context context, boolean useHdr, ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider convolutionFunction1DProvider)
      throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    this.useHdr = useHdr;
    this.convolutionFunction1DProvider = convolutionFunction1DProvider;
    inputListener = new InputListener() {};
    outputListener = new OutputListener() {};
    errorListener = (frameProcessingException) -> {};
    errorListenerExecutor = MoreExecutors.directExecutor();
    functionLutTexture = GlTextureInfo.UNSET;
    intermediateTexture = GlTextureInfo.UNSET;
    outputTexture = GlTextureInfo.UNSET;
    lastInputSize = Size.ZERO;
    intermediateSize = Size.ZERO;
    outputSize = Size.ZERO;
    lastConvolutionFunction = null;

    try {
      glProgram = new GlProgram(context, VERTEX_SHADER_PATH, FRAGMENT_SHADER_PATH);
    } catch (IOException | GlUtil.GlException e) {
      throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);

  public final void setInputListener(InputListener inputListener) {
    this.inputListener = inputListener;
    if (!outputTextureInUse) {

  public final void setOutputListener(OutputListener outputListener) {
    this.outputListener = outputListener;

  public final void setErrorListener(Executor errorListenerExecutor, ErrorListener errorListener) {
    this.errorListenerExecutor = errorListenerExecutor;
    this.errorListener = errorListener;

  public final void queueInputFrame(
      GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo inputTexture, long presentationTimeUs) {
        "The shader program does not currently accept input frames. Release prior output frames"
            + " first.");
    try {
          glObjectsProvider, new Size(inputTexture.width, inputTexture.height), presentationTimeUs);
      outputTextureInUse = true;


      // The four-vertex triangle strip forms a quad.
      GLES20.glDrawArrays(GLES20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, /* i1= */ 0, /* i2= */ 4);
      outputListener.onOutputFrameAvailable(outputTexture, presentationTimeUs);
    } catch (GlUtil.GlException e) {
          () -> errorListener.onError(VideoFrameProcessingException.from(e, presentationTimeUs)));

  public final void releaseOutputFrame(GlTextureInfo outputTexture) {
    outputTextureInUse = false;

  public final void signalEndOfCurrentInputStream() {

  public final void flush() {
    outputTextureInUse = false;

  public void release() throws VideoFrameProcessingException {
    try {
    } catch (GlUtil.GlException e) {
      throw new VideoFrameProcessingException(e);

   * Called when the blur has been rendered onto the frame.
   * <p>The default implementation is a no-op.
   * @param inputTexture The input texture.
   * @throws GlUtil.GlException If an error occurs.
  protected void onBlurRendered(GlTextureInfo inputTexture) throws GlUtil.GlException {
    // Do nothing.

  private void renderOnePass(int inputTexId, boolean isHorizontal) throws GlUtil.GlException {
    int size = isHorizontal ? lastInputSize.getWidth() : intermediateSize.getHeight();
    glProgram.setSamplerTexIdUniform("uTexSampler", inputTexId, /* texUnitIndex= */ 0);
    glProgram.setIntUniform("uIsHorizontal", isHorizontal ? 1 : 0);
    glProgram.setFloatUniform("uSourceTexelSize", 1.0f / size);
    glProgram.setFloatUniform("uSourceFullSize", (float) size);
    glProgram.setFloatUniform("uConvStartTexels", functionLutDomainStart);
    glProgram.setFloatUniform("uConvWidthTexels", functionLutWidth);
    glProgram.setFloatUniform("uFunctionLookupStepSize", functionLutTexelStep);
    glProgram.setFloatsUniform("uFunctionLookupCenter", new float[] {functionLutCenterX, 0.5f});
        "uFunctionLookupSampler", functionLutTexture.texId, /* texUnitIndex= */ 1);

    // The four-vertex triangle strip forms a quad.
    GLES20.glDrawArrays(GLES20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

  private void renderHorizontal(GlTextureInfo inputTexture) throws GlUtil.GlException {
    // Render horizontal reads from the input texture and renders to the intermediate texture.
        intermediateTexture.fboId, intermediateTexture.width, intermediateTexture.height);
    renderOnePass(inputTexture.texId, /* isHorizontal= */ true);

  private void renderVertical() throws GlUtil.GlException {
    // Render vertical reads from the intermediate and renders to the output texture.
        outputTexture.fboId, outputTexture.width, outputTexture.height);
    renderOnePass(intermediateTexture.texId, /* isHorizontal= */ false);

  private void ensureTexturesAreConfigured(
      GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, Size inputSize, long presentationTimeUs)
      throws GlUtil.GlException {
    outputSize = convolutionFunction1DProvider.configure(inputSize);
    ConvolutionFunction1D currentConvolutionFunction =
    if (!currentConvolutionFunction.equals(lastConvolutionFunction)) {
      lastConvolutionFunction = currentConvolutionFunction;

    // Only update intermediate and output textures if the size changes.
    if (inputSize.equals(lastInputSize)) {

    // Draw the frame on the entire normalized device coordinate space, from -1 to 1, for x and y.
    float[] identityMatrix = GlUtil.create4x4IdentityMatrix();
    glProgram.setFloatsUniform("uTransformationMatrix", identityMatrix);
    glProgram.setFloatsUniform("uTexTransformationMatrix", identityMatrix);

    // If there is a size change with the filtering (for example, a scaling operation), the first
    // pass is applied horizontally.  As a result, width of the intermediate texture will match the
    // output size, while the height will be unchanged from the input
    intermediateSize = new Size(outputSize.getWidth(), inputSize.getHeight());
    intermediateTexture =
        configurePixelTexture(glObjectsProvider, intermediateTexture, intermediateSize);
    outputTexture = configurePixelTexture(glObjectsProvider, outputTexture, outputSize);

    this.lastInputSize = inputSize;

   * Creates a function lookup table for the convolution, and stores it in a 16b floating point
   * texture for GPU access.
  private void updateFunctionTexture(ConvolutionFunction1D convolutionFunction)
      throws GlUtil.GlException {

    int lutRasterSize =
                convolutionFunction.width() * RASTER_SAMPLES_PER_TEXEL + 2 * FUNCTION_LUT_PADDING);

    // The function LUT is mapped to [0, 1] texture coords. We need to calculate what change
    // in texture coordinated corresponds exactly with a size of 1 texel (or pixel) in the function.
    // This is basically 1 / function_width, but due to the ceil() call above, it needs to be
    // calculated based on the actual raster size.
    this.functionLutTexelStep = 1.0f / ((float) lutRasterSize / RASTER_SAMPLES_PER_TEXEL);

    FloatBuffer functionValues = FloatBuffer.allocate(lutRasterSize);
    float rasterSampleStep = 1.0f / RASTER_SAMPLES_PER_TEXEL;
    float functionDomainStart = convolutionFunction.domainStart();
    int index = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < lutRasterSize; i++) {
      float sampleValue = 0.0f;
      int unpaddedI = i - FUNCTION_LUT_PADDING;
      float samplePosition = functionDomainStart + unpaddedI * rasterSampleStep;

      if (unpaddedI >= 0 && i <= lutRasterSize - FUNCTION_LUT_PADDING) {
        sampleValue = convolutionFunction.value(samplePosition);
      functionValues.put(index++, sampleValue);

    // Calculate the center of the function in the raster.  The formula below is a slight
    // adjustment on (value - min) / (max - min), where value = 0 at center and
    // rasterSampleStep * lutRasterSize is equal to (max - min) over the range of the raster
    // samples, which may be slightly different than the difference between the function's max
    // and min domain values.
    // To find the value associated at position 0 in the texture, is the value corresponding with
    // the leading edge position of the first sample.  This needs to account for the padding and
    // the 1/2 texel offsets used in texture lookups (index 0 is centered at 0.5 / numTexels).
    float minValueWithPadding =
        functionDomainStart - rasterSampleStep * (FUNCTION_LUT_PADDING + 0.5f);
    this.functionLutCenterX = -minValueWithPadding / (rasterSampleStep * lutRasterSize);
    this.functionLutDomainStart = convolutionFunction.domainStart();
    this.functionLutWidth = convolutionFunction.width();

    // Create new GL texture if needed.
    if (functionLutTexture == GlTextureInfo.UNSET || functionLutTexture.width != lutRasterSize) {

      int functionLutTextureId = GlUtil.generateTexture();
      // We do not render into lookup table. Do not generate framebuffer or renderbuffer.
      functionLutTexture =
          new GlTextureInfo(
              /* fboId= */ C.INDEX_UNSET,
              /* rboId= */ C.INDEX_UNSET,
              /* width= */ lutRasterSize,
              /* height= */ 1);
    GlUtil.bindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, functionLutTexture.texId, GLES20.GL_LINEAR);
        /* level= */ 0,
        /* internalformat= */ GLES30.GL_R16F,
        /* width= */ lutRasterSize,
        /* height= */ 1,
        /* border= */ 0,
        /* format= */ GLES30.GL_RED,
        /* type= */ GLES30.GL_FLOAT,
        /* buffer= */ functionValues);

  private GlTextureInfo configurePixelTexture(
      GlObjectsProvider glObjectsProvider, GlTextureInfo existingTexture, Size size)
      throws GlUtil.GlException {
    if (size.getWidth() == existingTexture.width && size.getHeight() == existingTexture.height) {
      return existingTexture;

    int texId = GlUtil.createTexture(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight(), useHdr);

    return glObjectsProvider.createBuffersForTexture(texId, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());

  private static final class SeparableConvolutionWrapper implements ConvolutionFunction1D.Provider {
    private final SeparableConvolution separableConvolution;
    private final float scaleWidth;
    private final float scaleHeight;

    public SeparableConvolutionWrapper(
        SeparableConvolution separableConvolution, float scaleWidth, float scaleHeight) {
      this.separableConvolution = separableConvolution;
      this.scaleWidth = scaleWidth;
      this.scaleHeight = scaleHeight;

    public ConvolutionFunction1D getConvolution(long presentationTimeUs) {
      return separableConvolution.getConvolution(presentationTimeUs);

    public Size configure(Size inputSize) {
      return new Size(
          (int) (inputSize.getWidth() * scaleWidth), (int) (inputSize.getHeight() * scaleHeight));