public final class


extends java.lang.Object




A builder for HslAdjustment instances.



Creates a new instance with the default values.

public HslAdjustment.BuilderadjustHue(float hueAdjustmentDegrees)

Rotates the hue of the frame by hueAdjustmentDegrees.

public HslAdjustment.BuilderadjustLightness(float lightnessAdjustment)

Adjusts the lightness of the frame by lightnessAdjustment.

public HslAdjustment.BuilderadjustSaturation(float saturationAdjustment)

Adjusts the saturation of the frame by saturationAdjustment.

public HslAdjustmentbuild()

Creates a new HslAdjustment instance.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()

Creates a new instance with the default values.


public HslAdjustment.Builder adjustHue(float hueAdjustmentDegrees)

Rotates the hue of the frame by hueAdjustmentDegrees.

The Hue of the frame is defined in the interval of [0, 360] degrees. The actual degrees of hue adjustment applied is hueAdjustmentDegrees % 360.


hueAdjustmentDegrees: The hue adjustment in rotation degrees. The default value is 0, which means no change is applied.

public HslAdjustment.Builder adjustSaturation(float saturationAdjustment)

Adjusts the saturation of the frame by saturationAdjustment.

Saturation is defined in the interval of [0, 100] where a saturation of 0 will generate a grayscale frame and a saturation of 100 has a maximum separation between the colors.


saturationAdjustment: The difference of how much the saturation will be adjusted in either direction. Needs to be in the interval of [-100, 100] and the default value is 0, which means no change is applied.

public HslAdjustment.Builder adjustLightness(float lightnessAdjustment)

Adjusts the lightness of the frame by lightnessAdjustment.

Lightness is defined in the interval of [0, 100] where a lightness of 0 is a black frame and a lightness of 100 is a white frame.


lightnessAdjustment: The difference by how much the lightness will be adjusted in either direction. Needs to be in the interval of [-100, 100] and the default value is 0, which means no change is applied.

public HslAdjustment build()

Creates a new HslAdjustment instance.