public final class


extends java.lang.Object




A type for specifying layout constraints when using DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp on a data bindable layout element.


public intgetAngularAlignment()

Gets angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value.

public FingerprintgetFingerprint()

public floatgetValue()

Gets the fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data bind.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProptoProto()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public float getValue()

Gets the fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data bind. If not set defaults to the static value of the associated DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp field.

public int getAngularAlignment()

Gets angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value.

public Fingerprint getFingerprint()