public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Builder for ColorBuilders.ColorProp



Creates an instance of ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder.

publicBuilder(int staticValue)

Creates an instance of ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder from the given static value.

public ColorBuilders.ColorPropbuild()

Builds an instance from accumulated values.

public ColorBuilders.ColorProp.BuildersetArgb(int argb)

Sets the static color value, in ARGB format.

public ColorBuilders.ColorProp.BuildersetDynamicValue(DynamicBuilders.DynamicColor dynamicValue)

Sets the dynamic value.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder(int staticValue)

Creates an instance of ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder from the given static value. ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder can be used to provide a dynamic value.

public Builder()

Deprecated: use ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder.Builder(int)

Creates an instance of ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder.


public ColorBuilders.ColorProp.Builder setArgb(int argb)

Sets the static color value, in ARGB format. If a dynamic value is also set and the renderer supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static value will be ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero (equivalent to ) will be used instead.

Sets the dynamic value. Note that when setting this value, the static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that only read the static value. If dynamicValue has an invalid result, the provided static value will be used instead.

Builds an instance from accumulated values.