public final class


extends java.lang.Object




An extensible StrokeCap property.


public static LayoutElementBuilders.StrokeCapPropfromProto(LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public FingerprintgetFingerprint()

Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown.

public ModifiersBuilders.ShadowgetShadow()

Gets the stroke cap's shadow.

public intgetValue()

Gets the value.

public LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProptoProto()

Returns the internal proto instance.

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public int getValue()

Gets the value.

public ModifiersBuilders.Shadow getShadow()

Gets the stroke cap's shadow. When set, the stroke cap will be drawn with a shadow, which allows it to be visible on top of other similarly colored elements.

Only opaque colors are supported in LayoutElementBuilders.ArcLine if a shadow is set. Any transparent colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).

public Fingerprint getFingerprint()

Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown.

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

Returns the internal proto instance.

public java.lang.String toString()