public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


Builders for dimensions for layout elements.


public static DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimensioncontainerDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.DegreesPropdegrees(float valueDegrees)

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp using a measurement in degrees.

public static DimensionBuilders.DpPropdp(float valueDp)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.DpProp using a measurement in DP.

public static DimensionBuilders.EmPropem(float valueEm)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.EmProp using a measurement in EM.

public static DimensionBuilders.EmPropem(int valueEm)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.EmProp using a measurement in EM.

public static DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionPropexpand()

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp that will expand to the size of its parent.

public static DimensionBuilders.ExtensionDimensionextensionDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.ImageDimensionimageDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ImageDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.PivotDimensionpivotDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.PivotDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.SpPropsp(float valueSp)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.SpProp using a measurement in SP.

public static DimensionBuilders.SpacerDimensionspacerDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.SpacerDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionPropweight(float weight)

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp with weight (a dimensionless scalar value).

public static DimensionBuilders.WrappedDimensionPropwrap()

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.WrappedDimensionProp that will shrink to the size of its children.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static DimensionBuilders.DpProp dp(float valueDp)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.DpProp using a measurement in DP.

public static DimensionBuilders.SpProp sp(float valueSp)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.SpProp using a measurement in SP.

public static DimensionBuilders.EmProp em(int valueEm)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.EmProp using a measurement in EM.

public static DimensionBuilders.EmProp em(float valueEm)

Shortcut for building a DimensionBuilders.EmProp using a measurement in EM.

public static DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp degrees(float valueDegrees)

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp using a measurement in degrees.

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp that will expand to the size of its parent.

public static DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp weight(float weight)

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp with weight (a dimensionless scalar value).

This will only affect the width of children of a LayoutElementBuilders.Row or the height of children of a LayoutElementBuilders.Column, otherwise it will expand to the size of its parent. Where applicable, the remaining space in the width or height left from the children with fixed or wrapped dimension will be proportionally split across children with expand dimension, meaning that the width or height of the element is proportional to the sum of the weights of its weighted siblings. For the siblings that don't have weight set, but they are expanded, defaults to 1.

Shortcut for building an DimensionBuilders.WrappedDimensionProp that will shrink to the size of its children.

public static DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension containerDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.ImageDimension imageDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ImageDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.SpacerDimension spacerDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.SpacerDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.ExtensionDimension extensionDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static DimensionBuilders.PivotDimension pivotDimensionFromProto(DimensionProto.PivotDimension proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout;

import static androidx.annotation.Dimension.DP;
import static androidx.annotation.Dimension.SP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import androidx.annotation.Dimension;
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.OptIn;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.FloatProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicBuilders;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.ExperimentalProtoLayoutExtensionApi;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Fingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.RequiresSchemaVersion;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DimensionProto;

/** Builders for dimensions for layout elements. */
public final class DimensionBuilders {
    private DimensionBuilders() {}

    private static final ExpandedDimensionProp EXPAND = new ExpandedDimensionProp.Builder().build();
    private static final WrappedDimensionProp WRAP = new WrappedDimensionProp.Builder().build();

    /** Shortcut for building a {@link DpProp} using a measurement in DP. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static DpProp dp(@Dimension(unit = DP) float valueDp) {
        return new DpProp.Builder(valueDp).build();

    /** Shortcut for building a {@link SpProp} using a measurement in SP. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static SpProp sp(@Dimension(unit = SP) float valueSp) {
        return new SpProp.Builder().setValue(valueSp).build();

    /** Shortcut for building a {@link EmProp} using a measurement in EM. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static EmProp em(int valueEm) {
        return new EmProp.Builder().setValue(valueEm).build();

    /** Shortcut for building a {@link EmProp} using a measurement in EM. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static EmProp em(float valueEm) {
        return new EmProp.Builder().setValue(valueEm).build();

    /** Shortcut for building an {@link DegreesProp} using a measurement in degrees. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static DegreesProp degrees(float valueDegrees) {
        return new DegreesProp.Builder(valueDegrees).build();

     * Shortcut for building an {@link ExpandedDimensionProp} that will expand to the size of its
     * parent.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static ExpandedDimensionProp expand() {
        return EXPAND;

     * Shortcut for building an {@link ExpandedDimensionProp} with weight (a dimensionless scalar
     * value).
     * <p>This will only affect the width of children of a {@link
     * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Row} or the height of children of a {@link
     * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column}, otherwise it will expand to the size
     * of its parent. Where applicable, the remaining space in the width or height left from the
     * children with fixed or wrapped dimension will be proportionally split across children with
     * expand dimension, meaning that the width or height of the element is proportional to the sum
     * of the weights of its weighted siblings. For the siblings that don't have weight set, but
     * they are expanded, defaults to 1.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static ExpandedDimensionProp weight(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) float weight) {
        return new ExpandedDimensionProp.Builder()
                .setLayoutWeight(new FloatProp.Builder(weight).build())

     * Shortcut for building an {@link WrappedDimensionProp} that will shrink to the size of its
     * children.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static WrappedDimensionProp wrap() {
        return WRAP;

    /** A type for linear dimensions, measured in dp. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    @OptIn(markerClass = ExperimentalProtoLayoutExtensionApi.class)
    public static final class DpProp
            implements ContainerDimension,
                PivotDimension {
        private final DimensionProto.DpProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        DpProp(DimensionProto.DpProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the static value, in dp. If a dynamic value is also set and the renderer supports
         * dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static value will be ignored. If the
         * static value is not specified, zero will be used instead.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue();

         * Gets the dynamic value, in dp. Note that when setting this value, the static value is
         * still required to be set to support older renderers that only read the static value. If
         * {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result, the provided static value will be used
         * instead.
        public DynamicFloat getDynamicValue() {
            if (mImpl.hasDynamicValue()) {
                return DynamicBuilders.dynamicFloatFromProto(mImpl.getDynamicValue());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static DpProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.DpProp proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new DpProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static DpProp fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.DpProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        DimensionProto.DpProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public DimensionProto.ContainerDimension toContainerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ContainerDimension.newBuilder().setLinearDimension(mImpl).build();

        public DimensionProto.ImageDimension toImageDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ImageDimension.newBuilder().setLinearDimension(mImpl).build();

        public DimensionProto.SpacerDimension toSpacerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.SpacerDimension.newBuilder().setLinearDimension(mImpl).build();

        public DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension toExtensionDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension.newBuilder().setLinearDimension(mImpl).build();

        public DimensionProto.PivotDimension toPivotDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.PivotDimension.newBuilder().setOffsetDp(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "DpProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + ", dynamicValue=" + getDynamicValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link DpProp}. */
        public static final class Builder
                implements ContainerDimension.Builder,
                        PivotDimension.Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder mImpl = DimensionProto.DpProp.newBuilder();
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(756413087);

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder} from the given static value. {@link
             * #setDynamicValue(DynamicFloat)} can be used to provide a dynamic value.
            public Builder(@Dimension(unit = DP) float staticValue) {

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder}.
             * @deprecated use {@link #Builder(float)}
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the static value, in dp. If a dynamic value is also set and the renderer
             * supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static value will be
             * ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be used instead.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

             * Sets the dynamic value, in dp. Note that when setting this value, the static value is
             * still required to be set to support older renderers that only read the static value.
             * If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result, the provided static value will be used
             * instead.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setDynamicValue(@NonNull DynamicFloat dynamicValue) {
                        2, checkNotNull(dynamicValue.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Builds an instance from accumulated values.
             * @throws IllegalStateException if a dynamic value is set using {@link
             *     #setDynamicValue(DynamicFloat)} but neither {@link #Builder(float)} nor {@link
             *     #setValue(float)} is used to provide a static value.
            public DpProp build() {
                if (mImpl.hasDynamicValue() && !mImpl.hasValue()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Static value is missing.");
                return new DpProp(, mFingerprint);

    private static class DpPropLayoutConstraint {
        protected final DimensionProto.DpProp mImpl;
        @Nullable protected final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        protected DpPropLayoutConstraint(
                DimensionProto.DpProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the value to use when laying out components which can have a dynamic value.
         * Constrains the layout so that components are not changing size or location regardless of
         * the dynamic value that is being provided.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValueForLayout();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        public DimensionProto.SpacerDimension toSpacerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.SpacerDimension.newBuilder().setLinearDimension(mImpl).build();

        /** Builder for {@link DpPropLayoutConstraint}. */
        protected static class Builder {
            protected final DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder mImpl =
            protected final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(756413088);

             * Creates a new builder for {@link DpPropLayoutConstraint}.
             * @param value Sets the value to use when laying out components which can have a
             *     dynamic value. Constrains the layout so that components are not changing size or
             *     location regardless of the dynamic value that is being provided.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            protected Builder(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {

             * Sets the value to use when laying out components which can have a dynamic value.
             * Constrains the layout so that components are not changing size or location regardless
             * of the dynamic value that is being provided.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            private Builder setValue(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(3, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

     * A type for specifying horizontal layout constraints when using {@link DpProp} on a data
     * bindable layout element.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final class HorizontalLayoutConstraint extends DpPropLayoutConstraint {
        HorizontalLayoutConstraint(DimensionProto.DpProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            super(impl, fingerprint);

         * Gets the horizontal alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value.
        public int getHorizontalAlignment() {
            return mImpl.getHorizontalAlignmentForLayoutValue();

        static HorizontalLayoutConstraint fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.DpProp proto) {
            return new HorizontalLayoutConstraint(proto, null);

        /** Builder for {@link HorizontalLayoutConstraint}. */
        public static final class Builder extends DpPropLayoutConstraint.Builder {
             * Creates a new builder for {@link HorizontalLayoutConstraint}.
             * @param value Sets the value to use when laying out components which can have a
             *     dynamic value. Constrains the layout so that components are not changing size or
             *     location regardless of the dynamic value that is being provided.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {

             * Sets the horizontal alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
             * value. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(
                    @LayoutElementBuilders.HorizontalAlignment int horizontalAlignment) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(5, horizontalAlignment);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance of {@link HorizontalLayoutConstraint}. */
            public HorizontalLayoutConstraint build() {
                return new HorizontalLayoutConstraint(, mFingerprint);

     * A type for specifying vertical layout constraints when using {@link DpProp} on a data
     * bindable layout element.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final class VerticalLayoutConstraint extends DpPropLayoutConstraint {
        VerticalLayoutConstraint(DimensionProto.DpProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            super(impl, fingerprint);

        /** Gets the vertical alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value. */
        public int getVerticalAlignment() {
            return mImpl.getVerticalAlignmentForLayoutValue();

        static VerticalLayoutConstraint fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.DpProp proto) {
            return new VerticalLayoutConstraint(proto, null);

        /** Builder for {@link VerticalLayoutConstraint}. */
        public static final class Builder extends DpPropLayoutConstraint.Builder {
             * Creates a new builder for {@link VerticalLayoutConstraint}.
             * @param value Sets the value to use when laying out components which can have a
             *     dynamic value. Constrains the layout so that components are not changing size or
             *     location regardless of the dynamic value that is being provided.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {

             * Sets the vertical alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value.
             * If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setVerticalAlignment(
                    @LayoutElementBuilders.VerticalAlignment int verticalAlignment) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(4, verticalAlignment);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance of {@link VerticalLayoutConstraint}. */
            public VerticalLayoutConstraint build() {
                return new VerticalLayoutConstraint(, mFingerprint);

    /** A type for font sizes, measured in sp. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class SpProp {
        private final DimensionProto.SpProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        SpProp(DimensionProto.SpProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value, in sp. */
        @Dimension(unit = SP)
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static SpProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.SpProp proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new SpProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static SpProp fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.SpProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public DimensionProto.SpProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "SpProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link SpProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.SpProp.Builder mImpl = DimensionProto.SpProp.newBuilder();
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(631793260);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value, in sp. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@Dimension(unit = SP) float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(2, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public SpProp build() {
                return new SpProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** A type for font spacing, measured in em. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class EmProp {
        private final DimensionProto.EmProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        EmProp(DimensionProto.EmProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value, in em. */
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static EmProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.EmProp proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new EmProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static EmProp fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.EmProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public DimensionProto.EmProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "EmProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link EmProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.EmProp.Builder mImpl = DimensionProto.EmProp.newBuilder();
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-659639046);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value, in em. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public EmProp build() {
                return new EmProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** A type for angular dimensions, measured in degrees. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class DegreesProp {
        private final DimensionProto.DegreesProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        DegreesProp(DimensionProto.DegreesProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the renderer
         * supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static value will be ignored.
         * If the static value is not specified, zero will be used instead.
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue();

         * Gets the dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the static value
         * is still required to be set to support older renderers that only read the static value.
         * If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result, the provided static value will be used
         * instead.
        public DynamicFloat getDynamicValue() {
            if (mImpl.hasDynamicValue()) {
                return DynamicBuilders.dynamicFloatFromProto(mImpl.getDynamicValue());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static DegreesProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.DegreesProp proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new DegreesProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static DegreesProp fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.DegreesProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public DimensionProto.DegreesProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "DegreesProp{"
                    + "value="
                    + getValue()
                    + ", dynamicValue="
                    + getDynamicValue()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link DegreesProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1927567665);

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder} from the given static value. {@link
             * #setDynamicValue(DynamicFloat)} can be used to provide a dynamic value.
            public Builder(float staticValue) {

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder}.
             * @deprecated use {@link #Builder(float)}
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the renderer
             * supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static value will be
             * ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be used instead.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

             * Sets the dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the static
             * value is still required to be set to support older renderers that only read the
             * static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result, the provided static
             * value will be used instead.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setDynamicValue(@NonNull DynamicFloat dynamicValue) {
                        2, checkNotNull(dynamicValue.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Builds an instance from accumulated values.
             * @throws IllegalStateException if a dynamic value is set using {@link
             *     #setDynamicValue(DynamicFloat)} but neither {@link #Builder(float)} nor {@link
             *     #setValue(float)} is used to provide a static value.
            public DegreesProp build() {
                if (mImpl.hasDynamicValue() && !mImpl.hasValue()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Static value is missing.");
                return new DegreesProp(, mFingerprint);

     * A type for specifying layout constraints when using {@link DegreesProp} on a data bindable
     * layout element.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final class AngularLayoutConstraint {
        private final DimensionProto.DegreesProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                DimensionProto.DegreesProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data bind. If
         * not set defaults to the static value of the associated {@link DegreesProp} field.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        public float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValueForLayout();

        /** Gets angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value. */
        public int getAngularAlignment() {
            return mImpl.getAngularAlignmentForLayoutValue();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        public DimensionProto.DegreesProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        static AngularLayoutConstraint fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.DegreesProp proto) {
            return new AngularLayoutConstraint(proto, null);

        /** Builder for {@link AngularLayoutConstraint}. */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1927567664);

             * Creates a new builder for {@link AngularLayoutConstraint}.
             * @param value Sets the fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing
             *     data bind.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {

             * Sets the fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data bind.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            private Builder setValue(@Dimension(unit = DP) float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(3, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

             * Sets angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by value. If
             * not specified, defaults to center alignment.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setAngularAlignment(
                    @LayoutElementBuilders.AngularAlignment int angularAlignment) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(4, angularAlignment);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance of {@link AngularLayoutConstraint}. */
            public AngularLayoutConstraint build() {
                return new AngularLayoutConstraint(, mFingerprint);

     * A type for a dimension that fills all the space it can (i.e. MATCH_PARENT in Android
     * parlance).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ExpandedDimensionProp
            implements ContainerDimension, ImageDimension, SpacerDimension {
        private final DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. This will only
         * affect the width of children of a {@link
         * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Row} or the height of children of a
         * {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column}. By default, all children
         * have equal weight. Where applicable, the width or height of the element is proportional
         * to the sum of the weights of its siblings.
         * <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to unexpected behaviour.
        public FloatProp getLayoutWeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasLayoutWeight()) {
                return FloatProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLayoutWeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ExpandedDimensionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ExpandedDimensionProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static ExpandedDimensionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public DimensionProto.ContainerDimension toContainerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ContainerDimension.newBuilder()

        public DimensionProto.ImageDimension toImageDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ImageDimension.newBuilder().setExpandedDimension(mImpl).build();

        public DimensionProto.SpacerDimension toSpacerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.SpacerDimension.newBuilder().setExpandedDimension(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ExpandedDimensionProp{" + "layoutWeight=" + getLayoutWeight() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ExpandedDimensionProp}. */
        public static final class Builder
                implements ContainerDimension.Builder,
                        SpacerDimension.Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.ExpandedDimensionProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-997720604);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. This will
             * only affect the width of children of a {@link
             * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Row} or the height of children of a
             * {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column}. By default, all
             * children have equal weight. Where applicable, the width or height of the element is
             * proportional to the sum of the weights of its siblings.
             * <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to unexpected
             * behaviour.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setLayoutWeight(@NonNull FloatProp layoutWeight) {
                if (layoutWeight.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ExpandedDimensionProp.Builder.setLayoutWeight doesn't support dynamic"
                                    + " values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(layoutWeight.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ExpandedDimensionProp build() {
                return new ExpandedDimensionProp(, mFingerprint);

     * A type for a dimension that sizes itself to the size of its children (i.e. WRAP_CONTENT in
     * Android parlance).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class WrappedDimensionProp implements ContainerDimension {
        private final DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the minimum size of this dimension. If not set, then there is no minimum size. */
        public DpProp getMinimumSize() {
            if (mImpl.hasMinimumSize()) {
                return DpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getMinimumSize());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static WrappedDimensionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new WrappedDimensionProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static WrappedDimensionProp fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public DimensionProto.ContainerDimension toContainerDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ContainerDimension.newBuilder()

        public String toString() {
            return "WrappedDimensionProp{" + "minimumSize=" + getMinimumSize() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link WrappedDimensionProp}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ContainerDimension.Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.WrappedDimensionProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1118918114);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the minimum size of this dimension. If not set, then there is no minimum size.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setMinimumSize(@NonNull DpProp minimumSize) {
                if (minimumSize.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "WrappedDimensionProp.Builder.setMinimumSize doesn't support dynamic"
                                    + " values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(minimumSize.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public WrappedDimensionProp build() {
                return new WrappedDimensionProp(, mFingerprint);

     * A type for a dimension that scales itself proportionally to another dimension such that the
     * aspect ratio defined by the given width and height values is preserved.
     * <p>Note that the width and height are unitless; only their ratio is relevant. This allows for
     * specifying an element's size using common ratios (e.g. width=4, height=3), or to allow an
     * element to be resized proportionally based on the size of an underlying asset (e.g. an
     * 800x600 image being added to a smaller container and resized accordingly).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ProportionalDimensionProp implements ImageDimension {
        private final DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the width to be used when calculating the aspect ratio to preserve. */
        @IntRange(from = 0)
        public int getAspectRatioWidth() {
            return mImpl.getAspectRatioWidth();

        /** Gets the height to be used when calculating the aspect ratio ratio to preserve. */
        @IntRange(from = 0)
        public int getAspectRatioHeight() {
            return mImpl.getAspectRatioHeight();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ProportionalDimensionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ProportionalDimensionProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static ProportionalDimensionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public DimensionProto.ImageDimension toImageDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.ImageDimension.newBuilder()

        public String toString() {
            return "ProportionalDimensionProp{"
                    + "aspectRatioWidth="
                    + getAspectRatioWidth()
                    + ", aspectRatioHeight="
                    + getAspectRatioHeight()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ProportionalDimensionProp}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ImageDimension.Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.ProportionalDimensionProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1725027476);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the width to be used when calculating the aspect ratio to preserve. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAspectRatioWidth(@IntRange(from = 0) int aspectRatioWidth) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, aspectRatioWidth);
                return this;

            /** Sets the height to be used when calculating the aspect ratio ratio to preserve. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAspectRatioHeight(@IntRange(from = 0) int aspectRatioHeight) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(2, aspectRatioHeight);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ProportionalDimensionProp build() {
                return new ProportionalDimensionProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** Interface defining a dimension that can be applied to a container. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface ContainerDimension {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        DimensionProto.ContainerDimension toContainerDimensionProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link ContainerDimension} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            ContainerDimension build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static ContainerDimension containerDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.ContainerDimension proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasLinearDimension()) {
            return DpProp.fromProto(proto.getLinearDimension(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasExpandedDimension()) {
            return ExpandedDimensionProp.fromProto(proto.getExpandedDimension(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasWrappedDimension()) {
            return WrappedDimensionProp.fromProto(proto.getWrappedDimension(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Proto was not a recognised instance of ContainerDimension");

    static ContainerDimension containerDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.ContainerDimension proto) {
        return containerDimensionFromProto(proto, null);

    /** Interface defining a dimension that can be applied to an image. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface ImageDimension {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        DimensionProto.ImageDimension toImageDimensionProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link ImageDimension} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            ImageDimension build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static ImageDimension imageDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.ImageDimension proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasLinearDimension()) {
            return DpProp.fromProto(proto.getLinearDimension(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasExpandedDimension()) {
            return ExpandedDimensionProp.fromProto(proto.getExpandedDimension(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasProportionalDimension()) {
            return ProportionalDimensionProp.fromProto(
                    proto.getProportionalDimension(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of ImageDimension");

    static ImageDimension imageDimensionFromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.ImageDimension proto) {
        return imageDimensionFromProto(proto, null);

    /** Interface defining a dimension that can be applied to a spacer. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface SpacerDimension {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        DimensionProto.SpacerDimension toSpacerDimensionProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link SpacerDimension} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            SpacerDimension build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static SpacerDimension spacerDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.SpacerDimension proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasLinearDimension()) {
            return DpProp.fromProto(proto.getLinearDimension(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasExpandedDimension()) {
            return ExpandedDimensionProp.fromProto(proto.getExpandedDimension(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of SpacerDimension");

    static SpacerDimension spacerDimensionFromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.SpacerDimension proto) {
        return spacerDimensionFromProto(proto, null);

     * Interface defining a dimension that can be applied to a {@link
     * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.ExtensionLayoutElement} element.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface ExtensionDimension {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension toExtensionDimensionProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link ExtensionDimension} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            ExtensionDimension build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static ExtensionDimension extensionDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasLinearDimension()) {
            return DpProp.fromProto(proto.getLinearDimension(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Proto was not a recognised instance of ExtensionDimension");

    static ExtensionDimension extensionDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.ExtensionDimension proto) {
        return extensionDimensionFromProto(proto, null);

    /** Provide a position representation proportional to the bounding box width/height. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    public static final class BoundingBoxRatio implements PivotDimension {
        private final DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        BoundingBoxRatio(DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the ratio proportional to the bounding box width/height. value 0 represents the
         * location at the top / left of the bounding box and value 1 represents the location at the
         * bottom / end of the bounding box. Its default value 0.5 represents the middle of the
         * bounding box. Values outside [0, 1] are also valid. Dynamic value is supported.
        public FloatProp getRatio() {
            if (mImpl.hasRatio()) {
                return FloatProp.fromProto(mImpl.getRatio());
            } else {
                return new FloatProp.Builder(0.5f).build();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static BoundingBoxRatio fromProto(
                @NonNull DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new BoundingBoxRatio(proto, fingerprint);

        static BoundingBoxRatio fromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public DimensionProto.PivotDimension toPivotDimensionProto() {
            return DimensionProto.PivotDimension.newBuilder().setLocationRatio(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "BoundingBoxRatio{" + "ratio=" + getRatio() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link BoundingBoxRatio}. */
        public static final class Builder implements PivotDimension.Builder {
            private final DimensionProto.BoundingBoxRatio.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1387873430);

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder}.
             * @param ratio the ratio proportional to the bounding box width/height. value 0
             *     represents the location at the top / left of the bounding box and value 1
             *     represents the location at the bottom / end of the bounding box. Its default
             *     value 0.5 represents the middle of the bounding box. Values outside [0, 1]
             *     are also valid. Dynamic value is supported.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            public Builder(@NonNull FloatProp ratio) {

             * Gets the ratio proportional to the bounding box width/height. value 0 represents the
             * location at the top / left of the bounding box and value 1 represents the location at
             * the bottom / end of the bounding box. Its default value 0.5 represents the middle
             * of the bounding box. Values outside [0, 1] are also valid. Dynamic value is
             * supported.
            private Builder setRatio(@NonNull FloatProp ratio) {
                        1, checkNotNull(ratio.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public BoundingBoxRatio build() {
                return new BoundingBoxRatio(, mFingerprint);

     * Interface defining a dimension that can be applied to a pivot location for scale and rotate
     * transformations.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    public interface PivotDimension {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        DimensionProto.PivotDimension toPivotDimensionProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link PivotDimension} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            PivotDimension build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static PivotDimension pivotDimensionFromProto(
            @NonNull DimensionProto.PivotDimension proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasOffsetDp()) {
            return DpProp.fromProto(proto.getOffsetDp(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasLocationRatio()) {
            return BoundingBoxRatio.fromProto(proto.getLocationRatio(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of PivotDimension");

    static PivotDimension pivotDimensionFromProto(@NonNull DimensionProto.PivotDimension proto) {
        return pivotDimensionFromProto(proto, null);