public final class


extends java.lang.Object




ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers for an element. These may change the way they are drawn (e.g. ModifiersBuilders.Padding or ModifiersBuilders.Background), or change their behaviour (e.g. ModifiersBuilders.Clickable, or ModifiersBuilders.Semantics).


public static ModifiersBuilders.ModifiersfromProto(ModifiersProto.Modifiers proto)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static ModifiersBuilders.ModifiersfromProto(ModifiersProto.Modifiers proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public ModifiersBuilders.BackgroundgetBackground()

Gets the background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.BordergetBorder()

Gets the border of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.ClickablegetClickable()

Gets the clickable property of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.AnimatedVisibilitygetContentUpdateAnimation()

Gets the content transition of an element.

public FingerprintgetFingerprint()

Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown.

public ModifiersBuilders.ElementMetadatagetMetadata()

Gets metadata about an element.

public TypeBuilders.FloatPropgetOpacity()

Gets the opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is completely opaque.

public ModifiersBuilders.PaddinggetPadding()

Gets the padding of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.SemanticsgetSemantics()

Gets the semantics of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.TransformationgetTransformation()

Gets the transformation applied to the element post-layout.

public TypeBuilders.BoolPropisVisible()

Gets whether the attached element is visible, or hidden.

public ModifiersProto.ModifierstoProto()

Returns the internal proto instance.

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public ModifiersBuilders.Clickable getClickable()

Gets the clickable property of the modified element. It allows its wrapped element to have actions associated with it, which will be executed when the element is tapped.

public ModifiersBuilders.Semantics getSemantics()

Gets the semantics of the modified element. This can be used to add metadata to the modified element (eg. screen reader content descriptions).

public ModifiersBuilders.Padding getPadding()

Gets the padding of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.Border getBorder()

Gets the border of the modified element.

public ModifiersBuilders.Background getBackground()

Gets the background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.

Gets metadata about an element. For use by libraries building higher-level components only. This can be used to track component metadata.

public ModifiersBuilders.AnimatedVisibility getContentUpdateAnimation()

Gets the content transition of an element. Any update to the element or its children will trigger this animation for this element and everything underneath it.

public TypeBuilders.BoolProp isVisible()

Gets whether the attached element is visible, or hidden. If the element is hidden, then it will still consume space in the layout, but will not render any contents, nor will any children render any contents. Defaults to visible.

public ModifiersBuilders.Transformation getTransformation()

Gets the transformation applied to the element post-layout.

public TypeBuilders.FloatProp getOpacity()

Gets the opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the view is the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is completely opaque.

public Fingerprint getFingerprint()

Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown.

public static ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers fromProto(ModifiersProto.Modifiers proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. Intended for testing purposes only. An object created using this method can't be added to any other wrapper.

public ModifiersProto.Modifiers toProto()

Returns the internal proto instance.

public java.lang.String toString()