public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


Builders for composable layout elements that can be combined together to create renderable UI layouts.


public static final intANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

Align to the center of the container.

public static final intANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_END

Align to the end of the container.

public static final intANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_START

Align to the start of the container.

public static final intANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_UNDEFINED

Angular alignment is undefined.

public static final intARC_ANCHOR_CENTER

Anchor at the center of the elements.

public static final intARC_ANCHOR_END

Anchor at the end of the elements.

public static final intARC_ANCHOR_START

Anchor at the start of the elements.

public static final intARC_ANCHOR_UNDEFINED

Anchor position is undefined.

public static final intARC_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE

Draws an element in Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction.


Draws an element in Counter Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction.

public static final intARC_DIRECTION_NORMAL

Draws an element in Clockwise direction for LTR layout direction and Counter Clockwise for RTL.

public static final intCONTENT_SCALE_MODE_CROP

Content will be resized proportionally so it completely fills its bounds, and anything outside of the bounds will be cropped.

public static final intCONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FILL_BOUNDS

Content will be resized to fill its bounds, without taking into account the aspect ratio.

public static final intCONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT

Content will be scaled to fit inside its bounds, proportionally.

public static final intCONTENT_SCALE_MODE_UNDEFINED

Content scaling is undefined.

public static final intFONT_VARIANT_BODY

Font variant suited for body text.

public static final intFONT_VARIANT_CUSTOM_1

Renderer dependent Font variant.

public static final intFONT_VARIANT_TITLE

Font variant suited for title text.

public static final intFONT_VARIANT_UNDEFINED

Font variant is undefined.

public static final intFONT_WEIGHT_BOLD

Bold font weight.

public static final intFONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM

Medium font weight.

public static final intFONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL

Normal font weight.

public static final intFONT_WEIGHT_UNDEFINED

Font weight is undefined.

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER

Horizontally align to center.

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END

Horizontally align to the content end (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts).

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT

Horizontally align to the left.

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT

Horizontally align to the right.

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START

Horizontally align to the content start (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts).

public static final intHORIZONTAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Horizontal alignment is undefined.

public static final intSPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM

Align to the bottom of the line (descent of the largest text in this line).


Align to the baseline of the text.

public static final intSPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Alignment is undefined.

public static final intSTROKE_CAP_BUTT

Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.

public static final intSTROKE_CAP_ROUND

Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension.

public static final intSTROKE_CAP_SQUARE

Begin and end contours with a half square extension.

public static final intSTROKE_CAP_UNDEFINED

StrokeCap is undefined.

public static final intTEXT_ALIGN_CENTER

Align to the center of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element.

public static final intTEXT_ALIGN_END

Align to the "end" of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts).

public static final intTEXT_ALIGN_START

Align to the "start" of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts).

public static final intTEXT_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Alignment is undefined.

public static final intTEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE

Truncate the text to fit in the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's parent bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e.

public static final intTEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END

Truncate the text at the last line defined by setMaxLines in LayoutElementBuilders.Text to fit in the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e.

public static final intTEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE

Enable marquee animation for texts that don't fit inside the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element.

public static final intTEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE

Truncate the text to fit inside of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's bounds.

public static final intTEXT_OVERFLOW_UNDEFINED

Overflow behavior is undefined.

public static final intVERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM

Vertically align to the bottom.

public static final intVERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER

Vertically align to center.

public static final intVERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP

Vertically align to the top.

public static final intVERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Vertical alignment is undefined.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.ArcLayoutElementarcLayoutElementFromProto(LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.FontSettingfontSettingFromProto(LayoutElementProto.FontSetting proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementlayoutElementFromProto(LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.SpanspanFromProto(LayoutElementProto.Span proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_UNDEFINED

Font weight is undefined.

public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL

Normal font weight.

public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM

Medium font weight.

public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD

Bold font weight.

public static final int FONT_VARIANT_UNDEFINED

Font variant is undefined.

public static final int FONT_VARIANT_TITLE

Font variant suited for title text.

public static final int FONT_VARIANT_BODY

Font variant suited for body text.

public static final int FONT_VARIANT_CUSTOM_1

Renderer dependent Font variant. If not supported, will behave similar to LayoutElementBuilders.FONT_VARIANT_UNDEFINED.

public static final int SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Alignment is undefined.

public static final int SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM

Align to the bottom of the line (descent of the largest text in this line). If there is no text in the line containing this image, this will align to the bottom of the line, where the line height is defined as the height of the largest image in the line.


Align to the baseline of the text. Note that if the line in the LayoutElementBuilders.Spannable which contains this image does not contain any text, the effects of using this alignment are undefined.

public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_UNDEFINED

Overflow behavior is undefined.

public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE

Truncate the text to fit inside of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's bounds. If text is truncated, it will be truncated on a word boundary.

public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END

Deprecated: Use LayoutElementBuilders.TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE instead.

Truncate the text at the last line defined by setMaxLines in LayoutElementBuilders.Text to fit in the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been truncated. Note that this will not add an ellipsis if the number of lines that fits into the available space is less than the setMaxLines in LayoutElementBuilders.Text.

public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE

Enable marquee animation for texts that don't fit inside the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element. This is only applicable for single line texts; if the text has multiple lines, the behavior is equivalent to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.

public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE

Truncate the text to fit in the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element's parent bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been truncated.

Note that, when this is used, the parent of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element this corresponds to shouldn't have its width and height set to wrapped, as it can lead to unexpected results.

public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_UNDEFINED

Content scaling is undefined.

public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT

Content will be scaled to fit inside its bounds, proportionally. As an example, If a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 LayoutElementBuilders.Image element, the actual image resource would be drawn as a 50x25 image, centered within the 50x50 bounds.

public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_CROP

Content will be resized proportionally so it completely fills its bounds, and anything outside of the bounds will be cropped. As an example, if a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 LayoutElementBuilders.Image element, the image resource would be drawn as a 100x50 image, centered within its bounds (and with 25px cropped from both the left and right sides).

public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FILL_BOUNDS

Content will be resized to fill its bounds, without taking into account the aspect ratio. If a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 LayoutElementBuilders.Image element, the image would be drawn as a 50x50 image, stretched vertically.

public static final int STROKE_CAP_UNDEFINED

StrokeCap is undefined.

public static final int STROKE_CAP_BUTT

Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.

public static final int STROKE_CAP_ROUND

Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension. The extension size is proportional to the thickness of the path.

public static final int STROKE_CAP_SQUARE

Begin and end contours with a half square extension. The extension size is proportional to the thickness of the path.

public static final int ARC_DIRECTION_NORMAL

Draws an element in Clockwise direction for LTR layout direction and Counter Clockwise for RTL.

public static final int ARC_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE

Draws an element in Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction.


Draws an element in Counter Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction.

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Horizontal alignment is undefined.

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT

Horizontally align to the left.

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER

Horizontally align to center.

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT

Horizontally align to the right.

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START

Horizontally align to the content start (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts).

public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END

Horizontally align to the content end (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts).

public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Vertical alignment is undefined.

public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP

Vertically align to the top.

public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER

Vertically align to center.

public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM

Vertically align to the bottom.

public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_UNDEFINED

Alignment is undefined.

public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_START

Align to the "start" of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts).

public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER

Align to the center of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element.

public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_END

Align to the "end" of the LayoutElementBuilders.Text element (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts).

public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_UNDEFINED

Anchor position is undefined.

public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_START

Anchor at the start of the elements. This will cause elements added to an arc to begin at the given anchor_angle, and sweep around to the right.

public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER

Anchor at the center of the elements. This will cause the center of the whole set of elements added to an arc to be pinned at the given anchor_angle.

public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_END

Anchor at the end of the elements. This will cause the set of elements inside the arc to end at the specified anchor_angle, i.e. all elements should be to the left of anchor_angle.

public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_UNDEFINED

Angular alignment is undefined.

public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_START

Align to the start of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees and has 180 degrees of sweep, the element within would draw from 90 degrees, clockwise.

public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

Align to the center of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees, and has 180 degrees of sweep, and the contained element has 90 degrees of sweep, the element would draw between 135 and 225 degrees.

public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_END

Align to the end of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees and has 180 degrees of sweep, and the contained element has 90 degrees of sweep, the element would draw between 180 and 270 degrees.


public static LayoutElementBuilders.FontSetting fontSettingFromProto(LayoutElementProto.FontSetting proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.Span spanFromProto(LayoutElementProto.Span proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement layoutElementFromProto(LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.

public static LayoutElementBuilders.ArcLayoutElement arcLayoutElementFromProto(LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement proto, Fingerprint fingerprint)

Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout;

import static androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.sp;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.util.Log;

import androidx.annotation.Dimension;
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.OptIn;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.annotation.StringDef;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ColorBuilders.Brush;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ColorBuilders.ColorProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DeviceParametersBuilders.DeviceParameters;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.AngularLayoutConstraint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.DpProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.EmProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.ExtensionDimension;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.HorizontalLayoutConstraint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.ImageDimension;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.SpProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.SpacerDimension;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.VerticalLayoutConstraint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.ArcModifiers;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Shadow;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.SpanModifiers;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.BoolProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.Int32Prop;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.StringLayoutConstraint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.StringProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.ExperimentalProtoLayoutExtensionApi;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Fingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.ProtoLayoutExperimental;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.RequiresSchemaVersion;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AlignmentProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DimensionProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FingerprintProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FingerprintProto.TreeFingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TypesProto;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.protobuf.ByteString;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

 * Builders for composable layout elements that can be combined together to create renderable UI
 * layouts.
public final class LayoutElementBuilders {
    private LayoutElementBuilders() {}

    @VisibleForTesting static final String WEIGHT_AXIS_TAG = "wght";
    @VisibleForTesting static final String WIDTH_AXIS_TAG = "wdth";
    @VisibleForTesting static final String TABULAR_OPTION_TAG = "tnum";

    /** The weight to be applied to the font. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
    public @interface FontWeight {}

    /** Font weight is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_UNDEFINED = 0;

    /** Normal font weight. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL = 400;

    /** Medium font weight. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM = 500;

    /** Bold font weight. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD = 700;

     * The variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and body text, which
     * can be selected using this field.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
    public @interface FontVariant {}

    /** Font variant is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_VARIANT_UNDEFINED = 0;

    /** Font variant suited for title text. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_VARIANT_TITLE = 1;

    /** Font variant suited for body text. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int FONT_VARIANT_BODY = 2;

     * Renderer dependent Font variant. If not supported, will behave similar to {@link
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int FONT_VARIANT_CUSTOM_1 = 3;

     * The alignment of a {@link SpanImage} within the line height of the surrounding {@link
     * Spannable}.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface SpanVerticalAlignment {}

    /** Alignment is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Align to the bottom of the line (descent of the largest text in this line). If there is no
     * text in the line containing this image, this will align to the bottom of the line, where the
     * line height is defined as the height of the largest image in the line.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 1;

     * Align to the baseline of the text. Note that if the line in the {@link Spannable} which
     * contains this image does not contain any text, the effects of using this alignment are
     * undefined.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_BASELINE = 2;

    /** How text that will not fit inside the bounds of a {@link Text} element will be handled. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
    public @interface TextOverflow {}

    /** Overflow behavior is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Truncate the text to fit inside of the {@link Text} element's bounds. If text is truncated,
     * it will be truncated on a word boundary.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE = 1;

     * Truncate the text at the last line defined by {@code setMaxLines} in {@link Text} to fit in
     * the {@link Text} element's bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if
     * it has been truncated. Note that this will not add an ellipsis if the number of lines that
     * fits into the available space is less than the {@code setMaxLines} in {@link Text}.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE} instead.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END = 2;

     * Enable marquee animation for texts that don't fit inside the {@link Text} element. This is
     * only applicable for single line texts; if the text has multiple lines, the behavior is
     * equivalent to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE = 3;

     * Truncate the text to fit in the {@link Text} element's parent bounds, but add an ellipsis
     * (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been truncated.
     * <p>Note that, when this is used, the parent of the {@link Text} element this corresponds to
     * shouldn't have its width and height set to wrapped, as it can lead to unexpected results.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static final int TEXT_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE = 4;

     * How content which does not match the dimensions of its bounds (e.g. an image resource being
     * drawn inside an {@link Image}) will be resized to fit its bounds.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface ContentScaleMode {}

    /** Content scaling is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Content will be scaled to fit inside its bounds, proportionally. As an example, If a 10x5
     * image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 {@link Image} element, the actual image resource
     * would be drawn as a 50x25 image, centered within the 50x50 bounds.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT = 1;

     * Content will be resized proportionally so it completely fills its bounds, and anything
     * outside of the bounds will be cropped. As an example, if a 10x5 image was going to be drawn
     * inside a 50x50 {@link Image} element, the image resource would be drawn as a 100x50 image,
     * centered within its bounds (and with 25px cropped from both the left and right sides).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_CROP = 2;

     * Content will be resized to fill its bounds, without taking into account the aspect ratio. If
     * a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 {@link Image} element, the image would be
     * drawn as a 50x50 image, stretched vertically.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FILL_BOUNDS = 3;

    /** Styles to use for path endings. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public @interface StrokeCap {}

    /** {@code StrokeCap} is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int STROKE_CAP_UNDEFINED = 0;

    /** Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int STROKE_CAP_BUTT = 1;

     * Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension. The extension size is proportional to
     * the thickness of the path.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int STROKE_CAP_ROUND = 2;

     * Begin and end contours with a half square extension. The extension size is proportional to
     * the thickness of the path.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int STROKE_CAP_SQUARE = 3;

    /** Direction of drawing for any curved element. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public @interface ArcDirection {}

     * Draws an element in Clockwise direction for LTR layout direction and Counter Clockwise for
     * RTL.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static final int ARC_DIRECTION_NORMAL = 0;

    /** Draws an element in Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static final int ARC_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE = 1;

    /** Draws an element in Counter Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static final int ARC_DIRECTION_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = 2;

    /** An extensible {@code FontWeight} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class FontWeightProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        FontWeightProp(LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static FontWeightProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new FontWeightProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static FontWeightProp fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "FontWeightProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link FontWeightProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.FontWeightProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1485961687);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@FontWeight int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public FontWeightProp build() {
                return new FontWeightProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code FontVariant} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class FontVariantProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static FontVariantProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new FontVariantProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static FontVariantProp fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "FontVariantProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link FontVariantProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.FontVariantProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-295272526);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@FontVariant int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public FontVariantProp build() {
                return new FontVariantProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code SpanVerticalAlignment} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class SpanVerticalAlignmentProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp impl,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static SpanVerticalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new SpanVerticalAlignmentProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static SpanVerticalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "SpanVerticalAlignmentProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link SpanVerticalAlignmentProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.SpanVerticalAlignmentProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1822193880);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@SpanVerticalAlignment int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public SpanVerticalAlignmentProp build() {
                return new SpanVerticalAlignmentProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** The styling of a font (e.g. font size, and metrics). */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class FontStyle {
        private final LayoutElementProto.FontStyle mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        FontStyle(LayoutElementProto.FontStyle impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets whether the text should be rendered in a italic typeface. If not specified, defaults
         * to "false".
        private BoolProp isItalic() {
            if (mImpl.hasItalic()) {
                return BoolProp.fromProto(mImpl.getItalic());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets whether the text should be rendered with an underline. If not specified, defaults to
         * "false".
        private BoolProp isUnderline() {
            if (mImpl.hasUnderline()) {
                return BoolProp.fromProto(mImpl.getUnderline());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the text color. If not defined, defaults to white.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
        public ColorProp getColor() {
            if (mImpl.hasColor()) {
                return ColorProp.fromProto(mImpl.getColor());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the weight of the font. If the provided value is not supported on a platform, the
         * nearest supported value will be used. If not defined, or when set to an invalid value,
         * defaults to "normal".
        public FontWeightProp getWeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasWeight()) {
                return FontWeightProp.fromProto(mImpl.getWeight());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the text letter-spacing. Positive numbers increase the space between letters while
         * negative numbers tighten the space. If not specified, defaults to 0.
        public EmProp getLetterSpacing() {
            if (mImpl.hasLetterSpacing()) {
                return EmProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLetterSpacing());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and body
         * text, which can be selected using this field. If not specified, defaults to "body".
        public FontVariantProp getVariant() {
            if (mImpl.hasVariant()) {
                return FontVariantProp.fromProto(mImpl.getVariant());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the collection of font settings to be applied.
         * <p>Supported settings depend on the font used and renderer version.
        public List<FontSetting> getSettings() {
            List<FontSetting> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.FontSetting item : mImpl.getSettingsList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets the prioritized collection of font family names describing which font should be used
         * for this {@link FontStyle} and its fallback values if not available. For example,
         * preferring default system variable font with default non variable system font as a
         * fallback.
        public List<String> getPreferredFontFamilies() {
            return mImpl.getPreferredFontFamiliesList();

         * Gets the size of the font, in scaled pixels (sp). If more than one size was originally
         * added, it will return the last one.
        public SpProp getSize() {
            List<DimensionProto.SpProp> sizes = mImpl.getSizeList();
            return !sizes.isEmpty() ? SpProp.fromProto(sizes.get(sizes.size() - 1)) : null;

        /** Gets the available sizes of the font, in scaled pixels (sp). */
        public List<SpProp> getSizes() {
            List<SpProp> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (DimensionProto.SpProp item : mImpl.getSizeList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets whether the text should be rendered in a italic typeface. If not specified, defaults to
         * "false".
        public BoolProp getItalic() {
            return isItalic();

         * Gets whether the text should be rendered with an underline. If not specified, defaults to
         * "false".
        public BoolProp getUnderline() {
            return isUnderline();

        /** The recommended font family names to be used within {@link FontStyle}. */
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
                value = {ROBOTO_FONT, ROBOTO_FLEX_FONT},
                open = true)
        public @interface FontFamilyName {}

        /** Font family name that uses Roboto font. Supported in renderers supporting 1.4. */
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
        public static final String ROBOTO_FONT = "roboto";

         * Font family name that uses Roboto Flex variable font. Supported in renderers
         * supporting 1.4.
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
        public static final String ROBOTO_FLEX_FONT = "roboto-flex";

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static FontStyle fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontStyle proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new FontStyle(proto, fingerprint);

        static FontStyle fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontStyle proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.FontStyle toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
        public String toString() {
            return "FontStyle{"
                    + "size="
                    + getSize()
                    + ", italic="
                    + getItalic()
                    + ", underline="
                    + getUnderline()
                    + ", color="
                    + getColor()
                    + ", weight="
                    + getWeight()
                    + ", letterSpacing="
                    + getLetterSpacing()
                    + ", variant="
                    + getVariant()
                    + ", settings="
                    + getSettings()
                    + ", preferredFontFamilies="
                    + getPreferredFontFamilies()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link FontStyle} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.FontStyle.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-374492482);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets whether the text should be rendered in a italic typeface. If not specified,
             * defaults to "false".
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setItalic(@NonNull BoolProp italic) {
                if (italic.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "FontStyle.Builder.setItalic doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        2, checkNotNull(italic.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets whether the text should be rendered in a italic typeface. If not specified,
             * defaults to "false".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setItalic(boolean italic) {
                return setItalic(new BoolProp.Builder(italic).build());

             * Sets whether the text should be rendered with an underline. If not specified,
             * defaults to "false".
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setUnderline(@NonNull BoolProp underline) {
                if (underline.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "FontStyle.Builder.setUnderline doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        3, checkNotNull(underline.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets whether the text should be rendered with an underline. If not specified,
             * defaults to "false".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setUnderline(boolean underline) {
                return setUnderline(new BoolProp.Builder(underline).build());

             * Sets the text color. If not defined, defaults to white.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setColor(@NonNull ColorProp color) {
                        4, checkNotNull(color.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the weight of the font. If the provided value is not supported on a platform,
             * the nearest supported value will be used. If not defined, or when set to an invalid
             * value, defaults to "normal".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWeight(@NonNull FontWeightProp weight) {
                        5, checkNotNull(weight.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the weight of the font. If the provided value is not supported on a platform,
             * the nearest supported value will be used. If not defined, or when set to an invalid
             * value, defaults to "normal".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWeight(@FontWeight int weight) {
                return setWeight(new FontWeightProp.Builder().setValue(weight).build());

             * Sets the text letter-spacing. Positive numbers increase the space between letters
             * while negative numbers tighten the space. If not specified, defaults to 0.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setLetterSpacing(@NonNull EmProp letterSpacing) {
                        6, checkNotNull(letterSpacing.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and body
             * text, which can be selected using this field. If not specified, defaults to "body".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVariant(@NonNull FontVariantProp variant) {
                        7, checkNotNull(variant.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and body
             * text, which can be selected using this field. If not specified, defaults to "body".
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVariant(@FontVariant int variant) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(7, variant);
                return this;

             * Adds one item to the collection of font settings to be applied.
             * <p>Supported settings depend on the font used and renderer version. If this is used
             * with the variable fonts on renderers supporting 1.4, weight and width setting will be
             * always available.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            private Builder addSetting(@NonNull FontSetting setting) {
                        8, checkNotNull(setting.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Adds one item to the prioritized collection of font family names describing which
             * font should be used for this {@link FontStyle} and its fallback values if not
             * available. For example, preferring default system variable font with default non
             * variable system font as a fallback. If not set, defaults to system font.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            private Builder addPreferredFontFamily(@NonNull String preferredFontFamily) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(9, preferredFontFamily.hashCode());
                return this;

            @VisibleForTesting static final int TEXT_SIZES_LIMIT = 10;

             * Sets the available sizes of the font, in scaled pixels (sp). If not specified,
             * defaults to the size of the system's "body" font.
             * <p>If more than one size is specified and this {@link FontStyle} is applied to a
             * {@link Text} element with static text, the text size will be automatically picked
             * from the provided sizes to try to perfectly fit within its parent bounds. In other
             * words, the largest size from the specified preset sizes that can fit the most text
             * within the parent bounds will be used.
             * <p>The specified sizes don't have to be sorted, but they need to contain only
             * positive values. The maximum number of sizes used is limited to 10.
             * <p>Note that, if multiple sizes are set, the parent of the {@link Text} element this
             * corresponds to shouldn't have its width and height set to wrapped, as it can lead to
             * unexpected results.
             * <p>If this {@link FontStyle} is set to any other element besides {@link Text} or that
             * {@link Text} element has dynamic field, only the last added size will be used.
             * <p>Any previously added values with this method or {@link #setSize} will be cleared.
             * <p>While this field is accessible from 1.0 as singular, it only accepts multiple
             * values since version 1.3 and renderers supporting version 1.3 will use the multiple
             * values to automatically scale text. Renderers who don't support this version will use
             * the last size among multiple values.
             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of available sizes is larger than 10
             *     or one of the sizes is not a positive value.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setSizes(
                    @NonNull @IntRange(from = 1) @Dimension(unit = Dimension.SP) int... sizes) {
                if (sizes.length > TEXT_SIZES_LIMIT) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Number of available sizes of the font style can't be larger than 10.");

                for (int size : sizes) {
                    if (size <= 0) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "Available sizes of the font style must contain only positive "
                                        + "value.");

                    SpProp spPropSize = sp(size);
                return this;

             * Sets the size of the font, in scaled pixels (sp). If not specified, defaults to the
             * size of the system's "body" font.
             * <p>Any previously added values with this method or {@link #setSizes} will be cleared.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setSize(@NonNull SpProp size) {
                        1, checkNotNull(size.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the preferred font families for this {@link FontStyle}.
             * <p>For example, preferring default system variable font with default non variable
             * system font as a fallback.
             * <p>If the given font family is not available on a device, the fallback values will be
             * attempted to use, in order in which they are given.
             * <p>Renderer support for values outside of the given constants ({@link #ROBOTO_FONT}
             * or {@link #ROBOTO_FLEX_FONT}) is not guaranteed for all devices.
             * <p>If not set, default system font will be used.
             * @param fontFamily preferred font family name to be used if available
             * @param fallbacks the ordered list of fallback font family to attempt to use if the
             *                  preferred font family is not available.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            public Builder setPreferredFontFamilies(
                    @NonNull @FontFamilyName String fontFamily, @NonNull String... fallbacks) {
                for (String fallback : fallbacks) {
                return this;

            @VisibleForTesting static final int SETTINGS_LIMIT = 10;

             * Sets the collection of font settings to be applied. If more than one Setting with the
             * same axis tag is added, the first one will be used.
             * <p>Any previously added settings will be cleared.
             * <p>Supported settings depend on the font used and renderer version. If this is used
             * with the variable fonts on renderers supporting 1.4, {@link FontSetting#weight} and
             * {@link FontSetting#width} setting will always be available.
             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the given Setting is larger than
             *  10.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            public Builder setSettings(@NonNull FontSetting... settings) {
                if (settings.length > SETTINGS_LIMIT) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Number of given FontSetting can't be larger than " + SETTINGS_LIMIT
                                    + ".");

                // To make sure we only pass in unique ones.
                Set<String> axes = new HashSet<>();


                for (FontSetting setting : settings) {
                    String settingTag = "";

                    switch (setting.toFontSettingProto().getInnerCase()) {
                        case VARIATION:
                            settingTag = ((FontVariationSetting) setting).getAxisTag();
                        case FEATURE:
                            settingTag = ((FontFeatureSetting) setting).getTag();
                        case INNER_NOT_SET:

                    if (settingTag.isEmpty() || axes.contains(settingTag)) {
                        // We don't want to add duplicates and will only include the first one.



                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public FontStyle build() {
                return new FontStyle(, mFingerprint);

    /** Interface defining a single point of customization in a font. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    public interface FontSetting {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        LayoutElementProto.FontSetting toFontSettingProto();

         * {@link FontSetting} option for custom weight for font. Similar to the {@link
         * FontWeightProp} but it accepts any value. For more information, see <a
         * href="">here</a>.
         * <p>Note that using this {@link FontSetting} will override {@link
         * FontStyle.Builder#setWeight}.
         * @param value weight, usually in 1..1000, but actual range can be smaller, depending on
         *              the font used
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
        static FontSetting weight(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 1000) int value) {
            return new FontVariationSetting.Builder(WEIGHT_AXIS_TAG, value).build();

         * {@link FontSetting} option for custom width for font. For more information, see <a
         * href="">here</a>.
         * @param value width, usually in 25..200, but actual range can depend on the font used
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
        static FontSetting width(@FloatRange(from = 25, to = 200) float value) {
            return new FontVariationSetting.Builder(WIDTH_AXIS_TAG, value).build();

         * {@link FontSetting} option for enabling displaying tabular numerals. In other words, all
         * numeral characters will have the same width. This corresponds to {@code tnum} OpenType
         * feature.
         * <p>This setting's availability is font dependent and may not have effect on all font
         * families, some of them like Roboto automatically space out numeral characters to have the
         * same width, while other characters will have their own width.
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
        static FontSetting tabularNum() {
            return new FontFeatureSetting.Builder(TABULAR_OPTION_TAG).build();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link FontSetting} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            FontSetting build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static FontSetting fontSettingFromProto(
            @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontSetting proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasVariation()) {
            return FontVariationSetting.fromProto(proto.getVariation(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasFeature()) {
            return FontFeatureSetting.fromProto(proto.getFeature(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of FontSetting");

    static FontSetting fontSettingFromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontSetting proto) {
        return fontSettingFromProto(proto, null);

    /** A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a value for it. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    static final class FontVariationSetting implements FontSetting {
        private final LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value for this setting. */
        float getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue();

        /** Gets the axis tag for this font setting. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag. */
        public String getAxisTag() {
            return new String(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(mImpl.getAxisTag()).array(), US_ASCII);

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) {
                return true;

            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                return false;

            FontVariationSetting that = (FontVariationSetting) o;
            return Objects.equals(getAxisTag(), that.getAxisTag())
                    &&, that.getValue()) == 0;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(getAxisTag(), getValue());

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static FontVariationSetting fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new FontVariationSetting(proto, fingerprint);

        static FontVariationSetting fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting toFontSettingProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.newBuilder().setVariation(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "FontVariationSetting{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link FontVariationSetting}. */
        public static final class Builder implements FontSetting.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(361361700);

            /** Sets the value for this setting. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            Builder setValue(float value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(2, Float.floatToIntBits(value));
                return this;

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder}.
             * @param axisTag the axis tag for this font setting. This represents a 4 ASCII
             *     characters tag.
             * @param value the value for this font setting.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            public Builder(@NonNull String axisTag, float value) {

             * Sets the axis tag for this font setting. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            Builder setAxisTag(@NonNull String axisTag) {
                int axisTagInt = ByteBuffer.wrap(axisTag.getBytes()).getInt();
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, axisTagInt);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public FontVariationSetting build() {
                return new FontVariationSetting(, mFingerprint);

    /** A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
    static final class FontFeatureSetting implements FontSetting {
        private final LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the feature tag. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag. */
        public String getTag() {
            return new String(

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) {
                return true;

            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                return false;

            FontFeatureSetting that = (FontFeatureSetting) o;
            return Objects.equals(getTag(), that.getTag());

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(getTag());

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static FontFeatureSetting fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new FontFeatureSetting(proto, fingerprint);

        static FontFeatureSetting fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting toFontSettingProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.newBuilder().setFeature(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "FontFeatureSetting";

        /** Builder for {@link FontFeatureSetting}. */
        public static final class Builder implements FontSetting.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-2557130);

             * Creates an instance of {@link Builder}.
             * @param tag the tag for this font feature. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            public Builder(@NonNull String tag) {

            /** Sets the feature tag. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 400)
            Builder setTag(@NonNull String tag) {
                int tagInt = ByteBuffer.wrap(tag.getBytes()).getInt();
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, tagInt);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public FontFeatureSetting build() {
                return new FontFeatureSetting(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code TextOverflow} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class TextOverflowProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static TextOverflowProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new TextOverflowProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static TextOverflowProp fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "TextOverflowProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link TextOverflowProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1542057565);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@TextOverflow int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public TextOverflowProp build() {
                return new TextOverflowProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies for TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    static final class MarqueeParameters {
        private final LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
         * indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
        public int getIterations() {
            return mImpl.getIterations();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static MarqueeParameters fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new MarqueeParameters(proto, fingerprint);

        static MarqueeParameters fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "MarqueeParameters{" + "iterations=" + getIterations() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link MarqueeParameters} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1405971293);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
             * indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setIterations(int iterations) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, iterations);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public MarqueeParameters build() {
                return new MarqueeParameters(, mFingerprint);

    /** A text string. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Text implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Text mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Text(LayoutElementProto.Text impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the text to render.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
         * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
         * affected layout element through
         * {@code setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicText(StringLayoutConstraint)} otherwise
         * {@code build()} fails.
        public StringProp getText() {
            if (mImpl.hasText()) {
                return StringProp.fromProto(mImpl.getText());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
         * platform's default body font.
        public FontStyle getFontStyle() {
            if (mImpl.hasFontStyle()) {
                return FontStyle.fromProto(mImpl.getFontStyle());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Text} element. If
         * not defined, the {@link Text} element will be treated as a single-line element.
        public Int32Prop getMaxLines() {
            if (mImpl.hasMaxLines()) {
                return Int32Prop.fromProto(mImpl.getMaxLines());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets alignment of the text within its bounds. Note that a {@link Text} element will size
         * itself to wrap its contents, so this option is meaningless for single-line text (for
         * that, use alignment of the outer container). For multi-line text, however, this will set
         * the alignment of lines relative to the {@link Text} element bounds. If not defined,
         * defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public TextAlignmentProp getMultilineAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasMultilineAlignment()) {
                return TextAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getMultilineAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets how to handle text which overflows the bound of the {@link Text} element. A {@link
         * Text} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent container (while still
         * respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to render all of its text, the text
         * which cannot fit inside its container will be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
        public TextOverflowProp getOverflow() {
            if (mImpl.hasOverflow()) {
                return TextOverflowProp.fromProto(mImpl.getOverflow());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the vertical
         * distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults the font's recommended
         * interline spacing.
        public SpProp getLineHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasLineHeight()) {
                return SpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLineHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
         * TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
        @IntRange(from = -1)
        public int getMarqueeIterations() {
            return mImpl.getMarqueeParameters().getIterations();

         * Gets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from {@link
         * #getText()}.
        public StringLayoutConstraint getLayoutConstraintsForDynamicText() {
            if (mImpl.hasText()) {
                return StringLayoutConstraint.fromProto(mImpl.getText());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Text fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Text proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Text(proto, fingerprint);

        static Text fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Text proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Text toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setText(mImpl).build();

        @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
        public String toString() {
            return "Text{"
                    + "text="
                    + getText()
                    + ", fontStyle="
                    + getFontStyle()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", maxLines="
                    + getMaxLines()
                    + ", multilineAlignment="
                    + getMultilineAlignment()
                    + ", overflow="
                    + getOverflow()
                    + ", lineHeight="
                    + getLineHeight()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Text}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Text.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(814133697);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {

             * Sets the text to render.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
             * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
             * affected layout element through {@code
             * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicText(StringLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code build()}
             * fails.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setText(@NonNull StringProp text) {
                        1, checkNotNull(text.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
             * platform's default body font.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setFontStyle(@NonNull FontStyle fontStyle) {
                        2, checkNotNull(fontStyle.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        3, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Text} element.
             * If not defined, the {@link Text} element will be treated as a single-line element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMaxLines(@NonNull Int32Prop maxLines) {
                        4, checkNotNull(maxLines.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Text} element.
             * If not defined, the {@link Text} element will be treated as a single-line element.
            public Builder setMaxLines(@IntRange(from = 1) int maxLines) {
                return setMaxLines(new Int32Prop.Builder().setValue(maxLines).build());

             * Sets alignment of the text within its bounds. Note that a {@link Text} element will
             * size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is meaningless for single-line text
             * (for that, use alignment of the outer container). For multi-line text, however, this
             * will set the alignment of lines relative to the {@link Text} element bounds. If not
             * defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMultilineAlignment(@NonNull TextAlignmentProp multilineAlignment) {
                        5, checkNotNull(multilineAlignment.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets alignment of the text within its bounds. Note that a {@link Text} element will
             * size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is meaningless for single-line text
             * (for that, use alignment of the outer container). For multi-line text, however, this
             * will set the alignment of lines relative to the {@link Text} element bounds. If not
             * defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMultilineAlignment(@TextAlignment int multilineAlignment) {
                return setMultilineAlignment(
                        new TextAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(multilineAlignment).build());

             * Sets how to handle text which overflows the bound of the {@link Text} element. A
             * {@link Text} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent container
             * (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to render all of
             * its text, the text which cannot fit inside its container will be truncated. If not
             * defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setOverflow(@NonNull TextOverflowProp overflow) {
                        6, checkNotNull(overflow.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to handle text which overflows the bound of the {@link Text} element. A
             * {@link Text} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent container
             * (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to render all of
             * its text, the text which cannot fit inside its container will be truncated. If not
             * defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setOverflow(@TextOverflow int overflow) {
                return setOverflow(new TextOverflowProp.Builder().setValue(overflow).build());

             * Sets the explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the vertical
             * distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults the font's
             * recommended interline spacing.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setLineHeight(@NonNull SpProp lineHeight) {
                        7, checkNotNull(lineHeight.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow
             * is TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. Defaults to repeat
             * indefinitely.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setMarqueeIterations(@IntRange(from = -1) int marqueeIterations) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(9, marqueeIterations);
                return this;

             * Sets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from
             * {@link #setText(StringProp)}}.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicText(
                    @NonNull StringLayoutConstraint stringLayoutConstraint) {
                return this;

            /** Sets the static text to render. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setText(@NonNull String text) {
                return setText(new StringProp.Builder(text).build());

            public Text build() {
                TypesProto.StringProp text = mImpl.getText();
                if (text.hasDynamicValue() && !text.hasValueForLayout()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "text with dynamic value requires "
                                    + "layoutConstraintsForDynamicText to be present.");
                return new Text(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code ContentScaleMode} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ContentScaleModeProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ContentScaleModeProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ContentScaleModeProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static ContentScaleModeProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "ContentScaleModeProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ContentScaleModeProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ContentScaleModeProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1200564005);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@ContentScaleMode int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ContentScaleModeProp build() {
                return new ContentScaleModeProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** Filtering parameters used for images. This can be used to apply a color tint to images. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ColorFilter {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        ColorFilter(LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the tint color to use. If specified, the image will be tinted, using SRC_IN blending
         * (that is, all color information will be stripped from the target image, and only the
         * alpha channel will be blended with the requested color).
         * <p>Note that only Android image resources can be tinted; Inline images will not be
         * tinted, and this property will have no effect.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
        public ColorProp getTint() {
            if (mImpl.hasTint()) {
                return ColorProp.fromProto(mImpl.getTint());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ColorFilter fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ColorFilter(proto, fingerprint);

        static ColorFilter fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "ColorFilter{" + "tint=" + getTint() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ColorFilter} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ColorFilter.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1912021459);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the tint color to use. If specified, the image will be tinted, using SRC_IN
             * blending (that is, all color information will be stripped from the target image, and
             * only the alpha channel will be blended with the requested color).
             * <p>Note that only Android image resources can be tinted; Inline images will not be
             * tinted, and this property will have no effect.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setTint(@NonNull ColorProp tint) {
                        1, checkNotNull(tint.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ColorFilter build() {
                return new ColorFilter(, mFingerprint);

     * An image.
     * <p>Images used in this element must exist in the resource bundle that corresponds to this
     * layout. Images must have their dimension specified, and will be rendered at this width and
     * height, regardless of their native dimension.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Image implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Image mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Image(LayoutElementProto.Image impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
         * bundle.
        public StringProp getResourceId() {
            if (mImpl.hasResourceId()) {
                return StringProp.fromProto(mImpl.getResourceId());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
        public ImageDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.imageDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
        public ImageDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.imageDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets how to scale the image resource inside the bounds specified by width/height if its
         * size does not match those bounds. Defaults to CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT.
        public ContentScaleModeProp getContentScaleMode() {
            if (mImpl.hasContentScaleMode()) {
                return ContentScaleModeProp.fromProto(mImpl.getContentScaleMode());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets filtering parameters for this image. If not specified, defaults to no filtering. */
        public ColorFilter getColorFilter() {
            if (mImpl.hasColorFilter()) {
                return ColorFilter.fromProto(mImpl.getColorFilter());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Image fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Image proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Image(proto, fingerprint);

        static Image fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Image proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Image toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setImage(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Image{"
                    + "resourceId="
                    + getResourceId()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", contentScaleMode="
                    + getContentScaleMode()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", colorFilter="
                    + getColorFilter()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Image}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Image.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-48009959);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
             * bundle.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setResourceId(@NonNull StringProp resourceId) {
                if (resourceId.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Image.Builder.setResourceId doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(resourceId.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
             * bundle.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setResourceId(@NonNull String resourceId) {
                return setResourceId(new StringProp.Builder(resourceId).build());

            /** Sets the width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ImageDimension width) {
                        2, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Sets the height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull ImageDimension height) {
                        3, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to scale the image resource inside the bounds specified by width/height if
             * its size does not match those bounds. Defaults to CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setContentScaleMode(@NonNull ContentScaleModeProp contentScaleMode) {
                        4, checkNotNull(contentScaleMode.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to scale the image resource inside the bounds specified by width/height if
             * its size does not match those bounds. Defaults to CONTENT_SCALE_MODE_FIT.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setContentScaleMode(@ContentScaleMode int contentScaleMode) {
                return setContentScaleMode(
                        new ContentScaleModeProp.Builder().setValue(contentScaleMode).build());

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        5, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets filtering parameters for this image. If not specified, defaults to no filtering.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setColorFilter(@NonNull ColorFilter colorFilter) {
                        6, checkNotNull(colorFilter.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            public Image build() {
                return new Image(, mFingerprint);

    /** A simple spacer, typically used to provide padding between adjacent elements. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Spacer implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Spacer mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Spacer(LayoutElementProto.Spacer impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the width of this {@link Spacer}. When this is added as the direct child of an
         * {@link Arc}, this must be specified as an angular dimension, otherwise a linear dimension
         * must be used. If not defined, defaults to 0.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
         * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
         * affected layout element through {@code
         * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
         * build()} fails.
        public SpacerDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.spacerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the height of this spacer. If not defined, defaults to 0.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
         * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
         * affected layout element through {@code
         * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
         * build()} fails.
        public SpacerDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.spacerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from {@link
         * #getWidth()}.
        public HorizontalLayoutConstraint getLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth() {
            if (mImpl.getWidth().hasLinearDimension()) {
                return HorizontalLayoutConstraint.fromProto(mImpl.getWidth().getLinearDimension());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from {@link
         * #getHeight()}.
        public VerticalLayoutConstraint getLayoutConstraintsForDynamicHeight() {
            if (mImpl.getHeight().hasLinearDimension()) {
                return VerticalLayoutConstraint.fromProto(mImpl.getHeight().getLinearDimension());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Spacer fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Spacer proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Spacer(proto, fingerprint);

        static Spacer fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Spacer proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Spacer toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setSpacer(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Spacer{"
                    + "width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Spacer}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Spacer.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-156449821);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the width of this {@link Spacer}. When this is added as the direct child of an
             * {@link Arc}, this must be specified as an angular dimension, otherwise a linear
             * dimension must be used. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
             * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
             * affected layout element through {@code
             * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
             * build()} fails.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull SpacerDimension width) {
                        1, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from
             * {@link #setWidth(SpacerDimension)}. If the {@link SpacerDimension} does not have a
             * dynamic value, this will be ignored.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(
                    @NonNull HorizontalLayoutConstraint horizontalLayoutConstraint) {
                switch (mImpl.getWidth().getInnerCase()) {
                    case INNER_NOT_SET:
                    case LINEAR_DIMENSION:
                return this;

             * Sets the height of this spacer. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
             * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
             * affected layout element through {@code
             * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
             * build()} fails.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull SpacerDimension height) {
                        2, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from
             * {@link #setHeight(SpacerDimension)}. If the {@link SpacerDimension} does not have a
             * dynamic value, this will be ignored.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicHeight(
                    @NonNull VerticalLayoutConstraint verticalLayoutConstraint) {
                switch (mImpl.getHeight().getInnerCase()) {
                    case INNER_NOT_SET:
                    case LINEAR_DIMENSION:
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        3, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            public Spacer build() {
                DimensionProto.DpProp width = mImpl.getWidth().getLinearDimension();
                if (width.hasDynamicValue() && !width.hasValueForLayout()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "width with dynamic value requires "
                                    + "layoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth to be present.");
                DimensionProto.DpProp height = mImpl.getHeight().getLinearDimension();
                if (height.hasDynamicValue() && !height.hasValueForLayout()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "height with dynamic value requires "
                                    + "layoutConstraintsForDynamicHeight to be present.");
                return new Spacer(, mFingerprint);

     * A container which stacks all of its children on top of one another. This also allows to add a
     * background color, or to have a border around them with some padding.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Box implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Box mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Box(LayoutElementProto.Box impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the child element(s) to wrap. */
        public List<LayoutElement> getContents() {
            List<LayoutElement> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement item : mImpl.getContentsList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets the height of this {@link Box}. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
         * its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the width of this {@link Box}. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
         * its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the horizontal alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
         * defaults to HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public HorizontalAlignmentProp getHorizontalAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasHorizontalAlignment()) {
                return HorizontalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getHorizontalAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the vertical alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
         * defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public VerticalAlignmentProp getVerticalAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasVerticalAlignment()) {
                return VerticalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getVerticalAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Box fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Box proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Box(proto, fingerprint);

        static Box fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Box proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Box toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setBox(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Box{"
                    + "contents="
                    + getContents()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", horizontalAlignment="
                    + getHorizontalAlignment()
                    + ", verticalAlignment="
                    + getVerticalAlignment()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Box}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Box.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-2113485818);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Adds one item to the child element(s) to wrap. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder addContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
                return this;

             * Sets the height of this {@link Box}. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all
             * of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull ContainerDimension height) {
                        2, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the width of this {@link Box}. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all
             * of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ContainerDimension width) {
                        3, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the horizontal alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
             * defaults to HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(
                    @NonNull HorizontalAlignmentProp horizontalAlignment) {
                return this;

             * Sets the horizontal alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
             * defaults to HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(@HorizontalAlignment int horizontalAlignment) {
                return setHorizontalAlignment(
                        new HorizontalAlignmentProp.Builder()

             * Sets the vertical alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
             * defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlignment(@NonNull VerticalAlignmentProp verticalAlignment) {
                        5, checkNotNull(verticalAlignment.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the vertical alignment of the element inside this {@link Box}. If not defined,
             * defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlignment(@VerticalAlignment int verticalAlignment) {
                return setVerticalAlignment(
                        new VerticalAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(verticalAlignment).build());

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        6, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public Box build() {
                return new Box(, mFingerprint);

     * A portion of text which can be added to a {@link Span}. Two different {@link SpanText}
     * elements on the same line will be aligned to the same baseline, regardless of the size of
     * each {@link SpanText}.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class SpanText implements Span {
        private final LayoutElementProto.SpanText mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        SpanText(LayoutElementProto.SpanText impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the text to render. */
        public StringProp getText() {
            if (mImpl.hasText()) {
                return StringProp.fromProto(mImpl.getText());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
         * platform's default body font.
        public FontStyle getFontStyle() {
            if (mImpl.hasFontStyle()) {
                return FontStyle.fromProto(mImpl.getFontStyle());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public SpanModifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return SpanModifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static SpanText fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanText proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new SpanText(proto, fingerprint);

        static SpanText fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanText proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.SpanText toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.Span toSpanProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.Span.newBuilder().setText(mImpl).build();

        @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
        public String toString() {
            return "SpanText{"
                    + "text="
                    + getText()
                    + ", fontStyle="
                    + getFontStyle()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link SpanText}. */
        public static final class Builder implements Span.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.SpanText.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(266451531);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {

             * Sets the text to render.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setText(@NonNull StringProp text) {
                if (text.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("SpanText.Builder.setText doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(text.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Sets the text to render. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setText(@NonNull String text) {
                return setText(new StringProp.Builder(text).build());

             * Sets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
             * platform's default body font.
             * <p>DynamicColor is not supported for SpanText.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setFontStyle(@NonNull FontStyle fontStyle) {
                ColorProp colorProp = fontStyle.getColor();
                if (colorProp != null && colorProp.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("SpanText does not support DynamicColor.");
                        2, checkNotNull(fontStyle.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull SpanModifiers modifiers) {
                        3, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public SpanText build() {
                return new SpanText(, mFingerprint);

    /** An image which can be added to a {@link Span}. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class SpanImage implements Span {
        private final LayoutElementProto.SpanImage mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        SpanImage(LayoutElementProto.SpanImage impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
         * bundle.
        public StringProp getResourceId() {
            if (mImpl.hasResourceId()) {
                return StringProp.fromProto(mImpl.getResourceId());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
        public DpProp getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered. */
        public DpProp getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public SpanModifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return SpanModifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets alignment of this image within the line height of the surrounding {@link Spannable}.
         * If undefined, defaults to SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM.
        public SpanVerticalAlignmentProp getAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasAlignment()) {
                return SpanVerticalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static SpanImage fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanImage proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new SpanImage(proto, fingerprint);

        static SpanImage fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.SpanImage proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.SpanImage toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.Span toSpanProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.Span.newBuilder().setImage(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "SpanImage{"
                    + "resourceId="
                    + getResourceId()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", alignment="
                    + getAlignment()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link SpanImage}. */
        public static final class Builder implements Span.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.SpanImage.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(920832637);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
             * bundle.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setResourceId(@NonNull StringProp resourceId) {
                if (resourceId.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "SpanImage.Builder.setResourceId doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(resourceId.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied resource
             * bundle.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setResourceId(@NonNull String resourceId) {
                return setResourceId(new StringProp.Builder(resourceId).build());

             * Sets the width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull DpProp width) {
                if (width.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "SpanImage.Builder.setWidth doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        2, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull DpProp height) {
                if (height.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "SpanImage.Builder.setHeight doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        3, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull SpanModifiers modifiers) {
                        4, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets alignment of this image within the line height of the surrounding {@link
             * Spannable}. If undefined, defaults to SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAlignment(@NonNull SpanVerticalAlignmentProp alignment) {
                        5, checkNotNull(alignment.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets alignment of this image within the line height of the surrounding {@link
             * Spannable}. If undefined, defaults to SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAlignment(@SpanVerticalAlignment int alignment) {
                return setAlignment(
                        new SpanVerticalAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(alignment).build());

            public SpanImage build() {
                return new SpanImage(, mFingerprint);

     * Interface defining a single {@link Span}. Each {@link Span} forms part of a larger {@link
     * Spannable} widget. At the moment, the only widgets which can be added to {@link Spannable}
     * containers are {@link SpanText} and {@link SpanImage} elements.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface Span {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        LayoutElementProto.Span toSpanProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link Span} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            Span build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static Span spanFromProto(
            @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Span proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasText()) {
            return SpanText.fromProto(proto.getText(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasImage()) {
            return SpanImage.fromProto(proto.getImage(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of Span");

    static Span spanFromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Span proto) {
        return spanFromProto(proto, null);

     * A container of {@link Span} elements. Currently, this supports {@link SpanImage} and {@link
     * SpanText} elements, where each individual {@link Span} can have different styling applied to
     * it but the resulting text will flow naturally. This allows sections of a paragraph of text to
     * have different styling applied to it, for example, making one or two words bold or italic.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Spannable implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Spannable mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Spannable(LayoutElementProto.Spannable impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the {@link Span} elements that form this {@link Spannable}. */
        public List<Span> getSpans() {
            List<Span> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.Span item : mImpl.getSpansList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Spannable}
         * element. If not defined, the {@link Spannable} element will be treated as a single-line
         * element.
        public Int32Prop getMaxLines() {
            if (mImpl.hasMaxLines()) {
                return Int32Prop.fromProto(mImpl.getMaxLines());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets alignment of the {@link Spannable} content within its bounds. Note that a {@link
         * Spannable} element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is meaningless
         * for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer container). For multi-line
         * content, however, this will set the alignment of lines relative to the {@link Spannable}
         * element bounds. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public HorizontalAlignmentProp getMultilineAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasMultilineAlignment()) {
                return HorizontalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getMultilineAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets how to handle content which overflows the bound of the {@link Spannable} element. A
         * {@link Spannable} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent container
         * (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to render all of its
         * content, the content which cannot fit inside its container will be truncated. If not
         * defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
        public TextOverflowProp getOverflow() {
            if (mImpl.hasOverflow()) {
                return TextOverflowProp.fromProto(mImpl.getOverflow());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the vertical
         * distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults the font's recommended
         * interline spacing.
        public SpProp getLineHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasLineHeight()) {
                return SpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLineHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
         * TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
        @IntRange(from = -1)
        public int getMarqueeIterations() {
            return mImpl.getMarqueeParameters().getIterations();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Spannable fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Spannable proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Spannable(proto, fingerprint);

        static Spannable fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Spannable proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Spannable toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setSpannable(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Spannable{"
                    + "spans="
                    + getSpans()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", maxLines="
                    + getMaxLines()
                    + ", multilineAlignment="
                    + getMultilineAlignment()
                    + ", overflow="
                    + getOverflow()
                    + ", lineHeight="
                    + getLineHeight()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Spannable}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1111684471);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Adds one item to the {@link Span} elements that form this {@link Spannable}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder addSpan(@NonNull Span span) {
                        1, checkNotNull(span.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        2, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Spannable}
             * element. If not defined, the {@link Spannable} element will be treated as a
             * single-line element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMaxLines(@NonNull Int32Prop maxLines) {
                        3, checkNotNull(maxLines.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the maximum number of lines that can be represented by the {@link Spannable}
             * element. If not defined, the {@link Spannable} element will be treated as a
             * single-line element.
            public Builder setMaxLines(@IntRange(from = 1) int maxLines) {
                return setMaxLines(new Int32Prop.Builder().setValue(maxLines).build());

             * Sets alignment of the {@link Spannable} content within its bounds. Note that a {@link
             * Spannable} element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
             * meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer container).
             * For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of lines relative to the
             * {@link Spannable} element bounds. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMultilineAlignment(
                    @NonNull HorizontalAlignmentProp multilineAlignment) {
                        4, checkNotNull(multilineAlignment.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets alignment of the {@link Spannable} content within its bounds. Note that a {@link
             * Spannable} element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
             * meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer container).
             * For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of lines relative to the
             * {@link Spannable} element bounds. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setMultilineAlignment(@HorizontalAlignment int multilineAlignment) {
                return setMultilineAlignment(
                        new HorizontalAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(multilineAlignment).build());

             * Sets how to handle content which overflows the bound of the {@link Spannable}
             * element. A {@link Spannable} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
             * container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to
             * render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside its container will be
             * truncated. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setOverflow(@NonNull TextOverflowProp overflow) {
                        5, checkNotNull(overflow.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to handle content which overflows the bound of the {@link Spannable}
             * element. A {@link Spannable} element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
             * container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to
             * render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside its container will be
             * truncated. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setOverflow(@TextOverflow int overflow) {
                return setOverflow(new TextOverflowProp.Builder().setValue(overflow).build());

             * Sets the explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the vertical
             * distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults the font's
             * recommended interline spacing.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setLineHeight(@NonNull SpProp lineHeight) {
                        7, checkNotNull(lineHeight.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow
             * is TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. Defaults to repeat
             * indefinitely.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setMarqueeIterations(@IntRange(from = -1) int marqueeIterations) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(8, marqueeIterations);
                return this;

            public Spannable build() {
                return new Spannable(, mFingerprint);

     * A column of elements. Each child element will be laid out vertically, one after another (i.e.
     * stacking down). This element will size itself to the smallest size required to hold all of
     * its children (e.g. if it contains three elements sized 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30, the resulting
     * column will be 30x60).
     * <p>If specified, horizontal_alignment can be used to control the gravity inside the
     * container, affecting the horizontal placement of children whose width are smaller than the
     * resulting column width.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Column implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Column mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Column(LayoutElementProto.Column impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the list of child elements to place inside this {@link Column}. */
        public List<LayoutElement> getContents() {
            List<LayoutElement> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement item : mImpl.getContentsList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets the horizontal alignment of elements inside this column, if they are narrower than
         * the resulting width of the column. If not defined, defaults to HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public HorizontalAlignmentProp getHorizontalAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasHorizontalAlignment()) {
                return HorizontalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getHorizontalAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the width of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
         * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the height of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
         * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Column fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Column proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Column(proto, fingerprint);

        static Column fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Column proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Column toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setColumn(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Column{"
                    + "contents="
                    + getContents()
                    + ", horizontalAlignment="
                    + getHorizontalAlignment()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Column}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Column.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1676323158);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Adds one item to the list of child elements to place inside this {@link Column}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder addContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
                return this;

             * Sets the horizontal alignment of elements inside this column, if they are narrower
             * than the resulting width of the column. If not defined, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(
                    @NonNull HorizontalAlignmentProp horizontalAlignment) {
                return this;

             * Sets the horizontal alignment of elements inside this column, if they are narrower
             * than the resulting width of the column. If not defined, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(@HorizontalAlignment int horizontalAlignment) {
                return setHorizontalAlignment(
                        new HorizontalAlignmentProp.Builder()

             * Sets the width of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
             * its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ContainerDimension width) {
                        3, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the height of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
             * its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull ContainerDimension height) {
                        4, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        5, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public Column build() {
                return new Column(, mFingerprint);

     * A row of elements. Each child will be laid out horizontally, one after another (i.e. stacking
     * to the right). This element will size itself to the smallest size required to hold all of its
     * children (e.g. if it contains three elements sized 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30, the resulting row
     * will be 60x30).
     * <p>If specified, vertical_alignment can be used to control the gravity inside the container,
     * affecting the vertical placement of children whose width are smaller than the resulting row
     * height.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Row implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Row mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Row(LayoutElementProto.Row impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the list of child elements to place inside this {@link Row}. */
        public List<LayoutElement> getContents() {
            List<LayoutElement> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement item : mImpl.getContentsList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets the vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower than the
         * resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public VerticalAlignmentProp getVerticalAlignment() {
            if (mImpl.hasVerticalAlignment()) {
                return VerticalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getVerticalAlignment());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
         * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
         * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
        public ContainerDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.containerDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Row fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Row proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Row(proto, fingerprint);

        static Row fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Row proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Row toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setRow(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Row{"
                    + "contents="
                    + getContents()
                    + ", verticalAlignment="
                    + getVerticalAlignment()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Row}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1279502255);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Adds one item to the list of child elements to place inside this {@link Row}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder addContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
                return this;

             * Sets the vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower than
             * the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlignment(@NonNull VerticalAlignmentProp verticalAlignment) {
                        2, checkNotNull(verticalAlignment.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower than
             * the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlignment(@VerticalAlignment int verticalAlignment) {
                return setVerticalAlignment(
                        new VerticalAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(verticalAlignment).build());

             * Sets the width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
             * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ContainerDimension width) {
                        3, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of its
             * children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull ContainerDimension height) {
                        4, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        5, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public Row build() {
                return new Row(, mFingerprint);

     * An arc container. This container will fill itself to a circle, which fits inside its parent
     * container, and all of its children will be placed on that circle. The fields anchor_angle and
     * anchor_type can be used to specify where to draw children within this circle.
     * <p>Note that when setting padding for the arc, if padding values (top, button, left, and
     * right) are not equal, the largest between them will be used to apply padding uniformly to all
     * sides.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Arc implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Arc mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        Arc(LayoutElementProto.Arc impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets contents of this container. */
        public List<ArcLayoutElement> getContents() {
            List<ArcLayoutElement> list = new ArrayList<>();
            for (LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement item : mImpl.getContentsList()) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

         * Gets the angle for the anchor, used with anchor_type to determine where to draw children.
         * Note that 0 degrees is the 12 o clock position on a device, and the angle sweeps
         * clockwise. If not defined, defaults to 0 degrees.
         * <p>Values do not have to be clamped to the range 0-360; values less than 0 degrees will
         * sweep anti-clockwise (i.e. -90 degrees is equivalent to 270 degrees), and values >360
         * will be be placed at X mod 360 degrees.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
        public DegreesProp getAnchorAngle() {
            if (mImpl.hasAnchorAngle()) {
                return DegreesProp.fromProto(mImpl.getAnchorAngle());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets how to align the contents of this container relative to anchor_angle. If not
         * defined, defaults to ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER.
        public ArcAnchorTypeProp getAnchorType() {
            if (mImpl.hasAnchorType()) {
                return ArcAnchorTypeProp.fromProto(mImpl.getAnchorType());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets vertical alignment of elements within the arc. If the {@link Arc}'s thickness is
         * larger than the thickness of the element being drawn, this controls whether the element
         * should be drawn towards the inner or outer edge of the arc, or drawn in the center. If
         * not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
        public VerticalAlignmentProp getVerticalAlign() {
            if (mImpl.hasVerticalAlign()) {
                return VerticalAlignmentProp.fromProto(mImpl.getVerticalAlign());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public Modifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return Modifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets defines the direction in which child elements are laid out. */
        public ArcDirectionProp getArcDirection() {
            if (mImpl.hasArcDirection()) {
                return ArcDirectionProp.fromProto(mImpl.getArcDirection());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Arc fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.Arc proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new Arc(proto, fingerprint);

        static Arc fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Arc proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.Arc toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setArc(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "Arc{"
                    + "contents="
                    + getContents()
                    + ", anchorAngle="
                    + getAnchorAngle()
                    + ", anchorType="
                    + getAnchorType()
                    + ", verticalAlign="
                    + getVerticalAlign()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", arcDirection="
                    + getArcDirection()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Arc}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Arc.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-257261663);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Adds one item to contents of this container. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder addContent(@NonNull ArcLayoutElement content) {
                return this;

             * Sets the angle for the anchor, used with anchor_type to determine where to draw
             * children. Note that 0 degrees is the 12 o clock position on a device, and the angle
             * sweeps clockwise. If not defined, defaults to 0 degrees.
             * <p>Values do not have to be clamped to the range 0-360; values less than 0 degrees
             * will sweep anti-clockwise (i.e. -90 degrees is equivalent to 270 degrees), and values
             * >360 will be be placed at X mod 360 degrees.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAnchorAngle(@NonNull DegreesProp anchorAngle) {
                        2, checkNotNull(anchorAngle.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to align the contents of this container relative to anchor_angle. If not
             * defined, defaults to ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAnchorType(@NonNull ArcAnchorTypeProp anchorType) {
                        3, checkNotNull(anchorType.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets how to align the contents of this container relative to anchor_angle. If not
             * defined, defaults to ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setAnchorType(@ArcAnchorType int anchorType) {
                return setAnchorType(new ArcAnchorTypeProp.Builder().setValue(anchorType).build());

             * Sets vertical alignment of elements within the arc. If the {@link Arc}'s thickness is
             * larger than the thickness of the element being drawn, this controls whether the
             * element should be drawn towards the inner or outer edge of the arc, or drawn in the
             * center. If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlign(@NonNull VerticalAlignmentProp verticalAlign) {
                        4, checkNotNull(verticalAlign.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets vertical alignment of elements within the arc. If the {@link Arc}'s thickness is
             * larger than the thickness of the element being drawn, this controls whether the
             * element should be drawn towards the inner or outer edge of the arc, or drawn in the
             * center. If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setVerticalAlign(@VerticalAlignment int verticalAlign) {
                return setVerticalAlign(
                        new VerticalAlignmentProp.Builder().setValue(verticalAlign).build());

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull Modifiers modifiers) {
                        5, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which child elements are laid out. If not set, defaults to
             * ARC_DIRECTION_NORMAL.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@NonNull ArcDirectionProp arcDirection) {
                        7, checkNotNull(arcDirection.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which child elements are laid out. If not set, defaults to
             * ARC_DIRECTION_NORMAL.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@ArcDirection int arcDirection) {
                return setArcDirection(
                        new ArcDirectionProp.Builder().setValue(arcDirection).build());

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public Arc build() {
                return new Arc(, mFingerprint);

    /** A text element that can be used in an {@link Arc}. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ArcText implements ArcLayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ArcText mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        ArcText(LayoutElementProto.ArcText impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the text to render. */
        public StringProp getText() {
            if (mImpl.hasText()) {
                return StringProp.fromProto(mImpl.getText());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
         * platform's default body font.
        public FontStyle getFontStyle() {
            if (mImpl.hasFontStyle()) {
                return FontStyle.fromProto(mImpl.getFontStyle());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public ArcModifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return ArcModifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets defines the direction in which text is drawn.*/
        public ArcDirectionProp getArcDirection() {
            if (mImpl.hasArcDirection()) {
                return ArcDirectionProp.fromProto(mImpl.getArcDirection());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcText fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcText proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcText(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcText fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcText proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.ArcText toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement toArcLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.newBuilder().setText(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcText{"
                    + "text="
                    + getText()
                    + ", fontStyle="
                    + getFontStyle()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", arcDirection="
                    + getArcDirection()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcText}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ArcLayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ArcText.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-132896327);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the text to render.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setText(@NonNull StringProp text) {
                if (text.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ArcText.Builder.setText doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(text.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Sets the text to render. */
            public Builder setText(@NonNull String text) {
                return setText(new StringProp.Builder(text).build());

             * Sets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the
             * platform's default body font.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setFontStyle(@NonNull FontStyle fontStyle) {
                        2, checkNotNull(fontStyle.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull ArcModifiers modifiers) {
                        3, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which this text is drawn. If not set, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@NonNull ArcDirectionProp arcDirection) {
                        4, checkNotNull(arcDirection.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which this text is drawn. If not set, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@ArcDirection int arcDirection) {
                return setArcDirection(
                        new ArcDirectionProp.Builder().setValue(arcDirection).build());

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ArcText build() {
                return new ArcText(, mFingerprint);

    /** A line that can be used in an {@link Arc} and renders as a round progress bar. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ArcLine implements ArcLayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ArcLine mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        ArcLine(LayoutElementProto.ArcLine impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the length of this line, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
         * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
         * affected layout element through
         * {@code setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicLength(AngularLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
         * build()} fails.
        public DegreesProp getLength() {
            if (mImpl.hasLength()) {
                return DegreesProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLength());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the thickness of this line. If not defined, defaults to 0. */
        public DpProp getThickness() {
            if (mImpl.hasThickness()) {
                return DpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getThickness());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the color of this line.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
         * <p>If a brush is set, this color will not be used.
        public ColorProp getColor() {
            if (mImpl.hasColor()) {
                return ColorProp.fromProto(mImpl.getColor());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets a brush used to draw this line. If set, the brush will be used instead of the color
         * provided in {@code setColor()}.
        public Brush getBrush() {
            if (mImpl.hasBrush()) {
                return ColorBuilders.brushFromProto(mImpl.getBrush());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public ArcModifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return ArcModifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the line stroke cap. If not defined, defaults to STROKE_CAP_ROUND. */
        public StrokeCapProp getStrokeCap() {
            if (mImpl.hasStrokeCap()) {
                return StrokeCapProp.fromProto(mImpl.getStrokeCap());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets defines the direction in which line drawn. */
        public ArcDirectionProp getArcDirection() {
            if (mImpl.hasArcDirection()) {
                return ArcDirectionProp.fromProto(mImpl.getArcDirection());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from {@link
         * #getLength()}.
        public AngularLayoutConstraint getLayoutConstraintsForDynamicLength() {
            if (mImpl.hasLength()) {
                return AngularLayoutConstraint.fromProto(mImpl.getLength());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcLine fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcLine proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcLine(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcLine fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcLine proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.ArcLine toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement toArcLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.newBuilder().setLine(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcLine{"
                    + "length="
                    + getLength()
                    + ", thickness="
                    + getThickness()
                    + ", color="
                    + getColor()
                    + ", brush="
                    + getBrush()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + ", strokeCap="
                    + getStrokeCap()
                    + ", arcDirection="
                    + getArcDirection()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcLine}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ArcLayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ArcLine.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(846148011);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the length of this line, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
             * <p>When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints for the
             * affected layout element through {@code
             * setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicLength(AngularLayoutConstraint)} otherwise {@code
             * build()} fails.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setLength(@NonNull DegreesProp length) {
                        1, checkNotNull(length.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the bounding constraints for the layout affected by the dynamic value from
             * {@link #setLength(DegreesProp)}.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicLength(
                    @NonNull DimensionBuilders.AngularLayoutConstraint angularLayoutConstraint) {
                return this;

             * Sets the thickness of this line. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setThickness(@NonNull DpProp thickness) {
                if (thickness.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ArcLine.Builder.setThickness doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        2, checkNotNull(thickness.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the color of this line.
             * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since
             * version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
             * <p>If a brush is set, this color will not be used.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setColor(@NonNull ColorProp color) {
                        3, checkNotNull(color.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets a brush used to draw this line. If set, the brush will be used instead of the
             * color provided in {@code setColor()}.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setBrush(@NonNull Brush brush) {
                        7, checkNotNull(brush.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull ArcModifiers modifiers) {
                        4, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Sets the line stroke cap. If not defined, defaults to STROKE_CAP_ROUND. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setStrokeCap(@NonNull StrokeCapProp strokeCap) {
                        6, checkNotNull(strokeCap.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which this line is drawn. If not set, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@NonNull ArcDirectionProp arcDirection) {
                        8, checkNotNull(arcDirection.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the direction in which this line is drawn. If not set, defaults to
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setArcDirection(@ArcDirection int arcDirection) {
                return setArcDirection(
                        new ArcDirectionProp.Builder().setValue(arcDirection).build());

            /** Sets the line stroke cap. If not defined, defaults to STROKE_CAP_ROUND. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setStrokeCap(@StrokeCap int strokeCap) {
                return setStrokeCap(new StrokeCapProp.Builder().setValue(strokeCap).build());

            public ArcLine build() {
                DimensionProto.DegreesProp length = mImpl.getLength();
                if (length.hasDynamicValue() && !length.hasValueForLayout()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "length with dynamic value requires "
                                    + "layoutConstraintsForDynamicLength to be present.");

                String onlyOpaqueMsg = "Only opaque colors are supported";
                String alphaChangeMsg =
                        "Any transparent colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF"
                            + " (opaque).";
                for (ColorProto.ColorStop colorStop :
                        mImpl.getBrush().getSweepGradient().getColorStopsList()) {
                    if (Color.alpha(colorStop.getColor().getArgb()) < 0xFF) {
                        Log.w("ArcLine", onlyOpaqueMsg + " for SweepGradient. " + alphaChangeMsg);
                if (mImpl.getStrokeCap().hasShadow()
                        && Color.alpha(mImpl.getColor().getArgb()) < 0xFF) {
                            onlyOpaqueMsg + " when using StrokeCap Shadow. " + alphaChangeMsg);
                return new ArcLine(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code StrokeCap} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final class StrokeCapProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        StrokeCapProp(LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

         * Gets the stroke cap's shadow. When set, the stroke cap will be drawn with a shadow, which
         * allows it to be visible on top of other similarly colored elements.
         * <p>Only opaque colors are supported in {@link ArcLine} if a shadow is set. Any
         * transparent colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
        public Shadow getShadow() {
            if (mImpl.hasShadow()) {
                return Shadow.fromProto(mImpl.getShadow());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static StrokeCapProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new StrokeCapProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static StrokeCapProp fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "StrokeCapProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + ", shadow=" + getShadow() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link StrokeCapProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.StrokeCapProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-956183418);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setValue(@StrokeCap int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

             * Sets the stroke cap's shadow. When set, the stroke cap will be drawn with a shadow,
             * which allows it to be visible on top of other similarly colored elements.
             * <p>Only opaque colors are supported in {@link ArcLine} if a shadow is set. Any
             * transparent colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder setShadow(@NonNull Shadow shadow) {
                        2, checkNotNull(shadow.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public StrokeCapProp build() {
                return new StrokeCapProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** A simple spacer used to provide padding between adjacent elements in an {@link Arc}. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ArcSpacer implements ArcLayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        ArcSpacer(LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the length of this spacer, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0. */
        public DegreesProp getLength() {
            if (mImpl.hasLength()) {
                return DegreesProp.fromProto(mImpl.getLength());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the thickness of this spacer, in DP. If not defined, defaults to 0. */
        public DpProp getThickness() {
            if (mImpl.hasThickness()) {
                return DpProp.fromProto(mImpl.getThickness());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element. */
        public ArcModifiers getModifiers() {
            if (mImpl.hasModifiers()) {
                return ArcModifiers.fromProto(mImpl.getModifiers());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcSpacer fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcSpacer(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcSpacer fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement toArcLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.newBuilder().setSpacer(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcSpacer{"
                    + "length="
                    + getLength()
                    + ", thickness="
                    + getThickness()
                    + ", modifiers="
                    + getModifiers()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcSpacer}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ArcLayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ArcSpacer.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-1076667423);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the length of this spacer, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setLength(@NonNull DegreesProp length) {
                if (length.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ArcSpacer.Builder.setLength doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        1, checkNotNull(length.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets the thickness of this spacer, in DP. If not defined, defaults to 0.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setThickness(@NonNull DpProp thickness) {
                if (thickness.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ArcSpacer.Builder.setThickness doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        2, checkNotNull(thickness.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers} for this element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setModifiers(@NonNull ArcModifiers modifiers) {
                        3, checkNotNull(modifiers.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ArcSpacer build() {
                return new ArcSpacer(, mFingerprint);

    /** A container that allows a standard {@link LayoutElement} to be added to an {@link Arc}. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ArcAdapter implements ArcLayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

        ArcAdapter(LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the element to adapt to an {@link Arc}. */
        public LayoutElement getContent() {
            if (mImpl.hasContent()) {
                return LayoutElementBuilders.layoutElementFromProto(mImpl.getContent());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets whether this adapter's contents should be rotated, according to its position in the
         * arc or not. As an example, assume that an {@link Image} has been added to the arc, and
         * ends up at the 3 o clock position. If rotate_contents = true, the image will be placed at
         * the 3 o clock position, and will be rotated clockwise through 90 degrees. If
         * rotate_contents = false, the image will be placed at the 3 o clock position, but itself
         * will not be rotated. If not defined, defaults to false.
        private BoolProp isRotateContents() {
            if (mImpl.hasRotateContents()) {
                return BoolProp.fromProto(mImpl.getRotateContents());
            } else {
                return null;

         * Gets whether this adapter's contents should be rotated, according to its position in the arc
         * or not. As an example, assume that an {@link Image} has been added to the arc, and ends up at
         * the 3 o clock position. If rotate_contents = true, the image will be placed at the 3 o clock
         * position, and will be rotated clockwise through 90 degrees. If rotate_contents = false, the
         * image will be placed at the 3 o clock position, but itself will not be rotated. If not
         * defined, defaults to false.
        public BoolProp getRotateContents() {
            return isRotateContents();

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcAdapter fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcAdapter(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcAdapter fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement toArcLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement.newBuilder().setAdapter(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcAdapter{"
                    + "content="
                    + getContent()
                    + ", rotateContents="
                    + getRotateContents()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcAdapter}. */
        public static final class Builder implements ArcLayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ArcAdapter.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-176086106);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets whether this adapter's contents should be rotated, according to its position in
             * the arc or not. As an example, assume that an {@link Image} has been added to the
             * arc, and ends up at the 3 o clock position. If rotate_contents = true, the image will
             * be placed at the 3 o clock position, and will be rotated clockwise through 90
             * degrees. If rotate_contents = false, the image will be placed at the 3 o clock
             * position, but itself will not be rotated. If not defined, defaults to false.
             * <p>Note that this field only supports static values.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setRotateContents(@NonNull BoolProp rotateContents) {
                if (rotateContents.getDynamicValue() != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "ArcAdapter.Builder.setRotateContents doesn't support dynamic values.");
                        2, checkNotNull(rotateContents.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

             * Sets whether this adapter's contents should be rotated, according to its position in
             * the arc or not. As an example, assume that an {@link Image} has been added to the
             * arc, and ends up at the 3 o clock position. If rotate_contents = true, the image will
             * be placed at the 3 o clock position, and will be rotated clockwise through 90
             * degrees. If rotate_contents = false, the image will be placed at the 3 o clock
             * position, but itself will not be rotated. If not defined, defaults to false.
            public Builder setRotateContents(boolean rotateContents) {
                return setRotateContents(new BoolProp.Builder(rotateContents).build());

             * Sets the element to adapt to an {@link Arc}.
             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided content has a transformation
             *     modifier.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
                LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement contentProto = content.toLayoutElementProto();
                if (hasTransformation(contentProto)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Transformation modifier is not supported for the layout element inside"
                                    + " an ArcAdapter.");
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ArcAdapter build() {
                return new ArcAdapter(, mFingerprint);

     * An extensible {@code ArcDirection} property that can be set to any curved element to
     * control the drawing direction.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
    public static final class ArcDirectionProp {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp impl,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcDirectionProp fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcDirectionProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcDirectionProp fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcDirectionProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcDirectionProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ArcDirectionProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-855955608);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder} from the given value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            public Builder(@ArcDirection int value) {

            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            Builder() {}

            /** Sets the arc direction value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 300)
            Builder setValue(@ArcDirection int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ArcDirectionProp build() {
                return new ArcDirectionProp(, mFingerprint);

     * A layout element which can be defined by a renderer extension. The payload in this message
     * will be passed verbatim to any registered renderer extension in the renderer. It is then
     * expected that the extension can parse this message, and emit the relevant element.
     * <p>If a renderer extension is not installed, this resource will not render any element,
     * although the specified space will still be occupied. If the payload cannot be parsed by the
     * renderer extension, then still nothing should be rendered, although this behaviour is defined
     * by the renderer extension.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final class ExtensionLayoutElement implements LayoutElement {
        private final LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

         * Gets the content of the renderer extension element. This can be any data; it is expected
         * that the renderer extension knows how to parse this field.
        public byte[] getPayload() {
            return mImpl.getPayload().toByteArray();

         * Gets the ID of the renderer extension that should be used for rendering this layout
         * element.
        public String getExtensionId() {
            return mImpl.getExtensionId();

        /** Gets the width of this element. */
        public ExtensionDimension getWidth() {
            if (mImpl.hasWidth()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.extensionDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getWidth());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Gets the height of this element. */
        public ExtensionDimension getHeight() {
            if (mImpl.hasHeight()) {
                return DimensionBuilders.extensionDimensionFromProto(mImpl.getHeight());
            } else {
                return null;

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ExtensionLayoutElement fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ExtensionLayoutElement(proto, fingerprint);

        static ExtensionLayoutElement fromProto(
                @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
            return LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.newBuilder().setExtension(mImpl).build();

        public String toString() {
            return "ExtensionLayoutElement{"
                    + "payload="
                    + Arrays.toString(getPayload())
                    + ", extensionId="
                    + getExtensionId()
                    + ", width="
                    + getWidth()
                    + ", height="
                    + getHeight()
                    + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ExtensionLayoutElement}. */
        public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.ExtensionLayoutElement.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(661980356);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder() {}

             * Sets the content of the renderer extension element. This can be any data; it is
             * expected that the renderer extension knows how to parse this field.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setPayload(@NonNull byte[] payload) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, Arrays.hashCode(payload));
                return this;

             * Sets the ID of the renderer extension that should be used for rendering this layout
             * element.
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setExtensionId(@NonNull String extensionId) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(2, extensionId.hashCode());
                return this;

            /** Sets the width of this element. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ExtensionDimension width) {
                        3, checkNotNull(width.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Sets the height of this element. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
            public Builder setHeight(@NonNull ExtensionDimension height) {
                        4, checkNotNull(height.getFingerprint()).aggregateValueAsInt());
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ExtensionLayoutElement build() {
                return new ExtensionLayoutElement(, mFingerprint);

     * Interface defining the root of all layout elements. This exists to act as a holder for all of
     * the actual layout elements above.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface LayoutElement {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link LayoutElement} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            LayoutElement build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    @OptIn(markerClass = ExperimentalProtoLayoutExtensionApi.class)
    public static LayoutElement layoutElementFromProto(
            @NonNull LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasColumn()) {
            return Column.fromProto(proto.getColumn(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasRow()) {
            return Row.fromProto(proto.getRow(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasBox()) {
            return Box.fromProto(proto.getBox(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasSpacer()) {
            return Spacer.fromProto(proto.getSpacer(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasText()) {
            return Text.fromProto(proto.getText(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasImage()) {
            return Image.fromProto(proto.getImage(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasArc()) {
            return Arc.fromProto(proto.getArc(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasSpannable()) {
            return Spannable.fromProto(proto.getSpannable(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasExtension()) {
            return ExtensionLayoutElement.fromProto(proto.getExtension(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of LayoutElement");

    static LayoutElement layoutElementFromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement proto) {
        return layoutElementFromProto(proto, null);

     * Interface defining the root of all elements that can be used in an {@link Arc}. This exists
     * to act as a holder for all of the actual arc layout elements above.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public interface ArcLayoutElement {
        /** Get the protocol buffer representation of this object. */
        LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement toArcLayoutElementProto();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object or null if unknown. */
        Fingerprint getFingerprint();

        /** Builder to create {@link ArcLayoutElement} objects. */
        interface Builder {

            /** Builds an instance with values accumulated in this Builder. */
            ArcLayoutElement build();

    /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
    public static ArcLayoutElement arcLayoutElementFromProto(
            @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement proto, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
        if (proto.hasText()) {
            return ArcText.fromProto(proto.getText(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasLine()) {
            return ArcLine.fromProto(proto.getLine(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasSpacer()) {
            return ArcSpacer.fromProto(proto.getSpacer(), fingerprint);
        if (proto.hasAdapter()) {
            return ArcAdapter.fromProto(proto.getAdapter(), fingerprint);
        throw new IllegalStateException("Proto was not a recognised instance of ArcLayoutElement");

    static ArcLayoutElement arcLayoutElementFromProto(
            @NonNull LayoutElementProto.ArcLayoutElement proto) {
        return arcLayoutElementFromProto(proto, null);

    /** A complete layout. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class Layout {
        private final LayoutElementProto.Layout mImpl;

        Layout(LayoutElementProto.Layout impl) {
            this.mImpl = impl;

        /** Gets the root element in the layout. */
        public LayoutElement getRoot() {
            if (mImpl.hasRoot()) {
                return LayoutElementBuilders.layoutElementFromProto(mImpl.getRoot());
            } else {
                return null;

        /** Creates a {@link Layout} object containing the given layout element. */
        public static Layout fromLayoutElement(@NonNull LayoutElement layoutElement) {
            return new Builder().setRoot(layoutElement).build();

        /** Converts to byte array representation. */
        public byte[] toByteArray() {
            return mImpl.toByteArray();

        /** Converts from byte array representation. */
        public static Layout fromByteArray(@NonNull byte[] byteArray) {
            try {
                return fromProto(LayoutElementProto.Layout.parseFrom(byteArray));
            } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
                return null;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static Layout fromProto(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.Layout proto) {
            return new Layout(proto);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public LayoutElementProto.Layout toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "Layout{" + "root=" + getRoot() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link Layout} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final LayoutElementProto.Layout.Builder mImpl =

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the root element in the layout. */
            public Builder setRoot(@NonNull LayoutElement root) {
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint = root.getFingerprint();
                if (fingerprint != null) {
                return this;

            private static FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint fingerprintToProto(
                    Fingerprint fingerprint) {
                FingerprintProto.NodeFingerprint.Builder builder =
                if (fingerprint.selfTypeValue() != 0) {
                if (fingerprint.selfPropsValue() != 0) {
                if (fingerprint.childNodesValue() != 0) {
                for (Fingerprint childNode : fingerprint.childNodes()) {

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public Layout build() {
                return Layout.fromProto(;

    /** The horizontal alignment of an element within its container. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface HorizontalAlignment {}

    /** Horizontal alignment is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED = 0;

    /** Horizontally align to the left. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT = 1;

    /** Horizontally align to center. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 2;

    /** Horizontally align to the right. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 3;

    /** Horizontally align to the content start (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts). */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START = 4;

    /** Horizontally align to the content end (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts). */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END = 5;

    /** The vertical alignment of an element within its container. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface VerticalAlignment {}

    /** Vertical alignment is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_UNDEFINED = 0;

    /** Vertically align to the top. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP = 1;

    /** Vertically align to center. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER = 2;

    /** Vertically align to the bottom. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 3;

    /** Alignment of a text element. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface TextAlignment {}

    /** Alignment is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Align to the "start" of the {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Text}
     * element (left in LTR layouts, right in RTL layouts).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_START = 1;

     * Align to the center of the {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Text}
     * element.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = 2;

     * Align to the "end" of the {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Text}
     * element (right in LTR layouts, left in RTL layouts).
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int TEXT_ALIGN_END = 3;

     * The anchor position of an {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Arc}'s
     * elements. This is used to specify how elements added to an {@link
     * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Arc} should be laid out with respect to
     * anchor_angle.
     * <p>As an example, assume that the following diagrams are wrapped to an arc, and each
     * represents an {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Arc} element containing
     * a single {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Text} element. The {@link
     * androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Text} element's anchor_angle is "0" for all
     * cases.
     * <pre>{@code
     * -180                                0                                    180
     *                                     Hello World!
     * -180                                0                                    180
     *                                Hello World!
     * -180                                0                                    180
     *                          Hello World!
     * }</pre>
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public @interface ArcAnchorType {}

    /** Anchor position is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Anchor at the start of the elements. This will cause elements added to an arc to begin at the
     * given anchor_angle, and sweep around to the right.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_START = 1;

     * Anchor at the center of the elements. This will cause the center of the whole set of elements
     * added to an arc to be pinned at the given anchor_angle.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER = 2;

     * Anchor at the end of the elements. This will cause the set of elements inside the arc to end
     * at the specified anchor_angle, i.e. all elements should be to the left of anchor_angle.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final int ARC_ANCHOR_END = 3;

     * How to lay out components in a {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Arc}
     * context when they are smaller than their container. This would be similar to {@code
     * HorizontalAlignment} in a {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Box} or
     * {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column}.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public @interface AngularAlignment {}

    /** Angular alignment is undefined. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_UNDEFINED = 0;

     * Align to the start of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees and
     * has 180 degrees of sweep, the element within would draw from 90 degrees, clockwise.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_START = 1;

     * Align to the center of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees,
     * and has 180 degrees of sweep, and the contained element has 90 degrees of sweep, the element
     * would draw between 135 and 225 degrees.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 2;

     * Align to the end of the container. As an example, if the container starts at 90 degrees and
     * has 180 degrees of sweep, and the contained element has 90 degrees of sweep, the element
     * would draw between 180 and 270 degrees.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static final int ANGULAR_ALIGNMENT_END = 3;

    /** An extensible {@code HorizontalAlignment} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class HorizontalAlignmentProp {
        private final AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static HorizontalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new HorizontalAlignmentProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static HorizontalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "HorizontalAlignmentProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link HorizontalAlignmentProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1412659592);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@HorizontalAlignment int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public HorizontalAlignmentProp build() {
                return new HorizontalAlignmentProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code VerticalAlignment} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class VerticalAlignmentProp {
        private final AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static VerticalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new VerticalAlignmentProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static VerticalAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "VerticalAlignmentProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link VerticalAlignmentProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1488177384);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@VerticalAlignment int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public VerticalAlignmentProp build() {
                return new VerticalAlignmentProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code TextAlignment} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class TextAlignmentProp {
        private final AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static TextAlignmentProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new TextAlignmentProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static TextAlignmentProp fromProto(@NonNull AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "TextAlignmentProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link TextAlignmentProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final AlignmentProto.TextAlignmentProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(1800500598);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@TextAlignment int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public TextAlignmentProp build() {
                return new TextAlignmentProp(, mFingerprint);

    /** An extensible {@code ArcAnchorType} property. */
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
    public static final class ArcAnchorTypeProp {
        private final AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp mImpl;
        @Nullable private final Fingerprint mFingerprint;

                AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp impl, @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            this.mImpl = impl;
            this.mFingerprint = fingerprint;

        /** Gets the value. */
        public int getValue() {
            return mImpl.getValue().getNumber();

        /** Get the fingerprint for this object, or null if unknown. */
        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mFingerprint;

        /** Creates a new wrapper instance from the proto. */
        public static ArcAnchorTypeProp fromProto(
                @NonNull AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp proto,
                @Nullable Fingerprint fingerprint) {
            return new ArcAnchorTypeProp(proto, fingerprint);

        static ArcAnchorTypeProp fromProto(@NonNull AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp proto) {
            return fromProto(proto, null);

        /** Returns the internal proto instance. */
        public AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp toProto() {
            return mImpl;

        public String toString() {
            return "ArcAnchorTypeProp{" + "value=" + getValue() + "}";

        /** Builder for {@link ArcAnchorTypeProp} */
        public static final class Builder {
            private final AlignmentProto.ArcAnchorTypeProp.Builder mImpl =
            private final Fingerprint mFingerprint = new Fingerprint(-496387006);

            /** Creates an instance of {@link Builder}. */
            public Builder() {}

            /** Sets the value. */
            @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
            public Builder setValue(@ArcAnchorType int value) {
                mFingerprint.recordPropertyUpdate(1, value);
                return this;

            /** Builds an instance from accumulated values. */
            public ArcAnchorTypeProp build() {
                return new ArcAnchorTypeProp(, mFingerprint);

     * Font styles, currently set up to match Wear's font styling.
     * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography} on Material {@link
     *     androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text} (highly recommended) or make your own {@link
     *     FontStyle}.
    public static final class FontStyles {
        private static final int LARGE_SCREEN_WIDTH_DP = 210;

        private static boolean isLargeScreen(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return deviceParameters.getScreenWidthDp() >= LARGE_SCREEN_WIDTH_DP;

         * Font style for large display text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_DISPLAY1}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder display1(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 54 : 50));

         * Font style for medium display text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_DISPLAY2}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder display2(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 44 : 40));

         * Font style for small display text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_DISPLAY3}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder display3(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 34 : 30));

         * Font style for large title text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_TITLE1}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder title1(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 26 : 24));

         * Font style for medium title text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_TITLE2}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder title2(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 22 : 20));

         * Font style for small title text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_TITLE3}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder title3(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 18 : 16));

         * Font style for large body text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_BODY1} on
         *     Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder body1(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 18 : 16));

         * Font style for medium body text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_BODY2} on
         *     Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder body2(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 16 : 14));

         * Font style for button text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_BUTTON}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder button(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 16 : 14));

         * Font style for large caption text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_CAPTION1}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder caption1(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 16 : 14));

         * Font style for medium caption text.
         * @deprecated Use {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_CAPTION2}
         *     on Material {@link androidx.wear.protolayout.material.Text}.
        public static FontStyle.Builder caption2(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            return new FontStyle.Builder()
                    .setSize(sp(isLargeScreen(deviceParameters) ? 14 : 12));

        private FontStyles() {}

  /** Checks whether a layout element has a transformation modifier. */
  private static boolean hasTransformation(@NonNull LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement content) {
    switch (content.getInnerCase()) {
      case IMAGE:
        return content.getImage().hasModifiers()
            && content.getImage().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case TEXT:
        return content.getText().hasModifiers()
            && content.getText().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case SPACER:
        return content.getSpacer().hasModifiers()
            && content.getSpacer().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case BOX:
        return content.getBox().hasModifiers()
            && content.getBox().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case ROW:
        return content.getRow().hasModifiers()
            && content.getRow().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case COLUMN:
        return content.getColumn().hasModifiers()
            && content.getColumn().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case SPANNABLE:
        return content.getSpannable().hasModifiers()
            && content.getSpannable().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case ARC:
        return content.getArc().hasModifiers()
            && content.getArc().getModifiers().hasTransformation();
      case EXTENSION:
        // fall through
      case INNER_NOT_SET:
        return false;
    return false;