public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Builder for ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResId



Creates an instance of ResourceBuilders.AndroidImageResourceByResId.Builder.

public ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResIdbuild()

Builds an instance from accumulated values.

public ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResId.BuildersetAnimatedImageFormat(int animatedImageFormat)

Sets the format for the animated image.

public ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResId.BuildersetProgress(DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat progress)

Sets a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat, normally transformed from certain states with the data binding pipeline to control the progress of the animation.

public ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResId.BuildersetResourceId(int resourceId)

Sets the Android resource ID, e.g.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()

Creates an instance of ResourceBuilders.AndroidImageResourceByResId.Builder.


public ResourceBuilders.AndroidSeekableAnimatedImageResourceByResId.Builder setAnimatedImageFormat(int animatedImageFormat)

Sets the format for the animated image.

Sets the Android resource ID, e.g.

Sets a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat, normally transformed from certain states with the data binding pipeline to control the progress of the animation. Its value is required to fall in the range of [0.0, 1.0]. Any values outside this range would be clamped. When the first value of the DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat arrives, the animation starts from progress 0 to that value. After that it plays from current progress to the new value on subsequent updates. If not set, the animation will play on load (similar to a non-seekable animated).

Builds an instance from accumulated values.