public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements LayoutElementBuilders.ArcLayoutElement.Builder




Builder for LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.



Creates an instance of LayoutElementBuilders.FontWeightProp.Builder.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcTextbuild()

Builds an instance from accumulated values.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetArcDirection(int arcDirection)

Sets the direction in which this text is drawn.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetArcDirection(LayoutElementBuilders.ArcDirectionProp arcDirection)

Sets the direction in which this text is drawn.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetFontStyle(LayoutElementBuilders.FontStyle fontStyle)

Sets the style of font to use (size, bold etc).

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetModifiers(ModifiersBuilders.ArcModifiers modifiers)

Sets ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetText(java.lang.String text)

Sets the text to render.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.BuildersetText(TypeBuilders.StringProp text)

Sets the text to render.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()

Creates an instance of LayoutElementBuilders.FontWeightProp.Builder.


Sets the text to render.

Note that this field only supports static values.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.Builder setText(java.lang.String text)

Sets the text to render.

Sets the style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to the platform's default body font.

Sets ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers for this element.

Sets the direction in which this text is drawn. If not set, defaults to ARC_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE.

public LayoutElementBuilders.ArcText.Builder setArcDirection(int arcDirection)

Sets the direction in which this text is drawn. If not set, defaults to ARC_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE.

Builds an instance from accumulated values.