public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.ModifiersOrBuilder





 Modifiers for an element. These may change the way they are drawn (e.g.
 Padding or Background), or change their behaviour (e.g. Clickable, or
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers


public static final intBACKGROUND_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intBORDER_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intCLICKABLE_FIELD_NUMBER


public static final intHIDDEN_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intID_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intMETADATA_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intOPACITY_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intPADDING_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intSEMANTICS_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intTRANSFORMATION_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intVISIBLE_FIELD_NUMBER

protected final java.lang.ObjectdynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public ModifiersProto.BackgroundgetBackground()

 The background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.

public ModifiersProto.BordergetBorder()

 The border of the modified element.

public ModifiersProto.ClickablegetClickable()

 The clickable property of the modified element.

public ModifiersProto.AnimatedVisibilitygetContentUpdateAnimation()

 The content transition of an element.

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersgetDefaultInstance()

public TypesProto.BoolPropgetHidden()

 Whether the attached element is hidden, or visible.

public java.lang.StringgetId()

 The optional identifier for the layout element.


 The optional identifier for the layout element.

public ModifiersProto.ElementMetadatagetMetadata()

 Metadata about an element.

public TypesProto.FloatPropgetOpacity()

 The opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means
 the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is
 completely opaque.

public ModifiersProto.PaddinggetPadding()

 The padding of the modified element.

public ModifiersProto.SemanticsgetSemantics()

 The semantics of the modified element.

public ModifiersProto.TransformationgetTransformation()

 The transformation applied to the element post-layout

public TypesProto.BoolPropgetVisible()

 Whether the attached element is visible, or hidden.

public booleanhasBackground()

 The background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.

public booleanhasBorder()

 The border of the modified element.

public booleanhasClickable()

 The clickable property of the modified element.

public booleanhasContentUpdateAnimation()

 The content transition of an element.

public booleanhasHidden()

 Whether the attached element is hidden, or visible.

public booleanhasMetadata()

 Metadata about an element.

public booleanhasOpacity()

 The opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means
 the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is
 completely opaque.

public booleanhasPadding()

 The padding of the modified element.

public booleanhasSemantics()

 The semantics of the modified element.

public booleanhasTransformation()

 The transformation applied to the element post-layout

public booleanhasVisible()

 Whether the attached element is visible, or hidden.

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers.BuildernewBuilder()

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers.BuildernewBuilder(ModifiersProto.Modifiers prototype)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom( data)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom( input)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.ModifiersparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static <any>parser()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int CLICKABLE_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int SEMANTICS_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int PADDING_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int BORDER_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int BACKGROUND_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER


public static final int HIDDEN_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int ID_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int VISIBLE_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int TRANSFORMATION_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int OPACITY_FIELD_NUMBER


public boolean hasClickable()

 The clickable property of the modified element. It allows its wrapped
 element to have actions associated with it, which will be executed when the
 element is tapped.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Clickable clickable = 1;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable getClickable()

 The clickable property of the modified element. It allows its wrapped
 element to have actions associated with it, which will be executed when the
 element is tapped.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Clickable clickable = 1;

public boolean hasSemantics()

 The semantics of the modified element. This can be used to add metadata to
 the modified element (eg. screen reader content descriptions).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Semantics semantics = 2;

public ModifiersProto.Semantics getSemantics()

 The semantics of the modified element. This can be used to add metadata to
 the modified element (eg. screen reader content descriptions).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Semantics semantics = 2;

public boolean hasPadding()

 The padding of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Padding padding = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Padding getPadding()

 The padding of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Padding padding = 3;

public boolean hasBorder()

 The border of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Border border = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Border getBorder()

 The border of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Border border = 4;

public boolean hasBackground()

 The background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Background background = 5;

public ModifiersProto.Background getBackground()

 The background (with optional corner radius) of the modified element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Background background = 5;

public boolean hasMetadata()

 Metadata about an element. For use by libraries building higher-level
 components only. This can be used to track component metadata
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ElementMetadata metadata = 6;

public ModifiersProto.ElementMetadata getMetadata()

 Metadata about an element. For use by libraries building higher-level
 components only. This can be used to track component metadata
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ElementMetadata metadata = 6;

public boolean hasContentUpdateAnimation()

 The content transition of an element. Any update to the element or its
 children will trigger this animation for this element and everything
 underneath it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AnimatedVisibility content_update_animation = 7;

public ModifiersProto.AnimatedVisibility getContentUpdateAnimation()

 The content transition of an element. Any update to the element or its
 children will trigger this animation for this element and everything
 underneath it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AnimatedVisibility content_update_animation = 7;

public boolean hasHidden()

 Whether the attached element is hidden, or visible. If the element is
 hidden, then it will still consume space in the layout, but will not render
 any contents, nor will any children render any contents.

 Note that a hidden element also cannot be clickable (i.e. a Clickable
 modifier would be ignored).

 Defaults to false (i.e. not hidden).
 This field is deprecated and is only kept for backward compatibility.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.BoolProp hidden = 8;

public TypesProto.BoolProp getHidden()

 Whether the attached element is hidden, or visible. If the element is
 hidden, then it will still consume space in the layout, but will not render
 any contents, nor will any children render any contents.

 Note that a hidden element also cannot be clickable (i.e. a Clickable
 modifier would be ignored).

 Defaults to false (i.e. not hidden).
 This field is deprecated and is only kept for backward compatibility.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.BoolProp hidden = 8;

public java.lang.String getId()

 The optional identifier for the layout element.
string id = 9;


The id.

public getIdBytes()

 The optional identifier for the layout element.
string id = 9;


The bytes for id.

public boolean hasVisible()

 Whether the attached element is visible, or hidden. If the element is
 hidden, then it will still consume space in the layout, but will not render
 any contents, nor will any children render any contents. Defaults to

 Note that a hidden element also cannot be clickable (i.e. a Clickable
 modifier would be ignored).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.BoolProp visible = 10;

public TypesProto.BoolProp getVisible()

 Whether the attached element is visible, or hidden. If the element is
 hidden, then it will still consume space in the layout, but will not render
 any contents, nor will any children render any contents. Defaults to

 Note that a hidden element also cannot be clickable (i.e. a Clickable
 modifier would be ignored).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.BoolProp visible = 10;

public boolean hasTransformation()

 The transformation applied to the element post-layout
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Transformation transformation = 11;

public ModifiersProto.Transformation getTransformation()

 The transformation applied to the element post-layout
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Transformation transformation = 11;

public boolean hasOpacity()

 The opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means
 the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is
 completely opaque. Defaults to 1.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp opacity = 12;

public TypesProto.FloatProp getOpacity()

 The opacity of the element with a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means
 the element is completely transparent and 1 means the element is
 completely opaque. Defaults to 1.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp opacity = 12;

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom( data)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom( input)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers.Builder newBuilder()

protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public static ModifiersProto.Modifiers getDefaultInstance()

public static <any> parser()