public final class


extends <any>

implements ActionProto.AndroidActivityOrBuilder





 A launch action to send an intent to an Android activity.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidActivity


public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderclearClassName()

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderclearKeyToExtra()

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderclearPackageName()

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".

public booleancontainsKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public java.lang.StringgetClassName()

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".


 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra>getKeyToExtra()

Use ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder.getKeyToExtraMap() instead.

public intgetKeyToExtraCount()

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra>getKeyToExtraMap()

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public ActionProto.AndroidExtragetKeyToExtraOrDefault(java.lang.String key, ActionProto.AndroidExtra defaultValue)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public ActionProto.AndroidExtragetKeyToExtraOrThrow(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public java.lang.StringgetPackageName()

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".


 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderputAllKeyToExtra(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra> values)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderputKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key, ActionProto.AndroidExtra value)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuilderremoveKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuildersetClassName(java.lang.String value)

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuildersetClassNameBytes( value)

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuildersetPackageName(java.lang.String value)

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.BuildersetPackageNameBytes( value)

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public java.lang.String getPackageName()

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".
string package_name = 1;


The packageName.

public getPackageNameBytes()

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".
string package_name = 1;


The bytes for packageName.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder setPackageName(java.lang.String value)

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".
string package_name = 1;


value: The packageName to set.


This builder for chaining.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder clearPackageName()

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".
string package_name = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder setPackageNameBytes( value)

 The package name to send the intent to, for example, "".
string package_name = 1;


value: The bytes for packageName to set.


This builder for chaining.

public java.lang.String getClassName()

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".
string class_name = 2;


The className.

public getClassNameBytes()

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".
string class_name = 2;


The bytes for className.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder setClassName(java.lang.String value)

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".
string class_name = 2;


value: The className to set.


This builder for chaining.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder clearClassName()

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".
string class_name = 2;


This builder for chaining.

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder setClassNameBytes( value)

 The fully qualified class name (including the package) to send the intent
 to, for example, "".
string class_name = 2;


value: The bytes for className to set.


This builder for chaining.

public int getKeyToExtraCount()

public boolean containsKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder clearKeyToExtra()

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder removeKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra> getKeyToExtra()

Use ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder.getKeyToExtraMap() instead.

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra> getKeyToExtraMap()

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public ActionProto.AndroidExtra getKeyToExtraOrDefault(java.lang.String key, ActionProto.AndroidExtra defaultValue)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public ActionProto.AndroidExtra getKeyToExtraOrThrow(java.lang.String key)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder putKeyToExtra(java.lang.String key, ActionProto.AndroidExtra value)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;

public ActionProto.AndroidActivity.Builder putAllKeyToExtra(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ActionProto.AndroidExtra> values)

 The extras to be included in the intent.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidExtra> key_to_extra = 3;