public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.CornerOrBuilder





 The corner of a Box element.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Corner


public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuilderclearBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuilderclearBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuilderclearRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuilderclearTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuilderclearTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadiusgetBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadiusgetBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public DimensionProto.DpPropgetRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadiusgetTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadiusgetTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public booleanhasBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public booleanhasBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public booleanhasRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public booleanhasTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public booleanhasTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildermergeBottomLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildermergeBottomRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildermergeRadius(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildermergeTopLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildermergeTopRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetBottomLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetBottomLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetBottomRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetBottomRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetRadius(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetRadius(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The radius of the corner in DP.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetTopLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetTopLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetTopRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

public ModifiersProto.Corner.BuildersetTopRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean hasRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

public DimensionProto.DpProp getRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder clearRadius()

 The radius of the corner in DP.
 <p>The shape for a specific corner can be overridden by setting that corner separately.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp radius = 1;

public boolean hasTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadius getTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder clearTopLeftRadius()

 The radius for the top-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_left_radius = 2;

public boolean hasTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadius getTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder setTopRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder clearTopRightRadius()

 The radius for the top-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius top_right_radius = 3;

public boolean hasBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadius getBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder setBottomRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder mergeBottomRightRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius value)

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder clearBottomRightRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-right corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_right_radius = 4;

public boolean hasBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;

public ModifiersProto.CornerRadius getBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder setBottomLeftRadius(ModifiersProto.CornerRadius.Builder builderForValue)

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;

public ModifiersProto.Corner.Builder clearBottomLeftRadius()

 The radius for the bottom-left corner of either circular or elliptical shapes.
 If not set, defaults to radius for both horizontal and vertical
 axes when radius is set; or defaults to zeros when radius is also not set.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.CornerRadius bottom_left_radius = 5;