public final class


extends <any>

implements DimensionProto.DegreesPropOrBuilder





 A type for angular dimensions, measured in degrees.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp


public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearAngularAlignmentForLayout()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearOptionalValue()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearOptionalValueForLayout()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearValue()

 The static value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuilderclearValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data

public AlignmentProto.AngularAlignmentgetAngularAlignmentForLayout()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by

public intgetAngularAlignmentForLayoutValue()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by

public DynamicProto.DynamicFloatgetDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.OptionalValueCasegetOptionalValueCase()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.OptionalValueForLayoutCasegetOptionalValueForLayoutCase()

public floatgetValue()

 The static value, in degrees.

public floatgetValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data

public booleanhasDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public booleanhasValue()

 The static value, in degrees.

public booleanhasValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildermergeDynamicValue(DynamicProto.DynamicFloat value)

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetAngularAlignmentForLayout(AlignmentProto.AngularAlignment value)

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetAngularAlignmentForLayoutValue(int value)

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetDynamicValue(DynamicProto.DynamicFloat.Builder builderForValue)

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetDynamicValue(DynamicProto.DynamicFloat value)

 The dynamic value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetValue(float value)

 The static value, in degrees.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.BuildersetValueForLayout(float value)

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.OptionalValueCase getOptionalValueCase()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder clearOptionalValue()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.OptionalValueForLayoutCase getOptionalValueForLayoutCase()

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder clearOptionalValueForLayout()

public boolean hasValue()

 The static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the
 renderer supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static
 value will be ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be
 used instead.
float value = 1;


Whether the value field is set.

public float getValue()

 The static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the
 renderer supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static
 value will be ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be
 used instead.
float value = 1;


The value.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder setValue(float value)

 The static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the
 renderer supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static
 value will be ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be
 used instead.
float value = 1;


value: The value to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The static value, in degrees. If a dynamic value is also set and the
 renderer supports dynamic values for the corresponding field, this static
 value will be ignored. If the static value is not specified, zero will be
 used instead.
float value = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

public DynamicProto.DynamicFloat getDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder clearDynamicValue()

 The dynamic value, in degrees. Note that when setting this value, the
 static value is still required to be set to support older renderers that
 only read the static value. If {@code dynamicValue} has an invalid result,
 the provided static value will be used instead.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicFloat dynamic_value = 2;

public boolean hasValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data
float value_for_layout = 3;


Whether the valueForLayout field is set.

public float getValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data
float value_for_layout = 3;


The valueForLayout.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder setValueForLayout(float value)

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data
float value_for_layout = 3;


value: The valueForLayout to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder clearValueForLayout()

 The fixed value to reserve the space when used on a layout-changing data
float value_for_layout = 3;


This builder for chaining.

public int getAngularAlignmentForLayoutValue()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
 value_for_layout. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AngularAlignment angular_alignment_for_layout = 4;


The enum numeric value on the wire for angularAlignmentForLayout.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder setAngularAlignmentForLayoutValue(int value)

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
 value_for_layout. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AngularAlignment angular_alignment_for_layout = 4;


value: The angularAlignmentForLayout to set.


This builder for chaining.

public AlignmentProto.AngularAlignment getAngularAlignmentForLayout()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
 value_for_layout. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AngularAlignment angular_alignment_for_layout = 4;


The angularAlignmentForLayout.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder setAngularAlignmentForLayout(AlignmentProto.AngularAlignment value)

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
 value_for_layout. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AngularAlignment angular_alignment_for_layout = 4;


value: The enum numeric value on the wire for angularAlignmentForLayout to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder clearAngularAlignmentForLayout()

 Angular alignment of the actual content within the space reserved by
 value_for_layout. If not specified, defaults to center alignment.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AngularAlignment angular_alignment_for_layout = 4;


This builder for chaining.