public final class


extends <any>

implements LayoutElementProto.RowOrBuilder





 A row of elements. Each child will be laid out horizontally, one after
 another (i.e. stacking to the right). This element will size itself to the
 smallest size required to hold all of its children (e.g. if it contains three
 elements sized 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30, the resulting row will be 60x30).

 If specified, vertical_alignment can be used to control the gravity inside
 the container, affecting the vertical placement of children whose width are
 smaller than the resulting row height.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Row


public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderaddAllContents(java.lang.Iterable<LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement> values)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderaddContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.Builder builderForValue)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderaddContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement value)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderaddContents(LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.Builder builderForValue)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderaddContents(LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement value)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderclearContents()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderclearHeight()

 The height of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderclearModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderclearVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderclearWidth()

 The width of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElementgetContents(int index)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public intgetContentsCount()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public java.util.List<LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement>getContentsList()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public DimensionProto.ContainerDimensiongetHeight()

 The height of this row.

public ModifiersProto.ModifiersgetModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentPropgetVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public DimensionProto.ContainerDimensiongetWidth()

 The width of this row.

public booleanhasHeight()

 The height of this row.

public booleanhasModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public booleanhasVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public booleanhasWidth()

 The width of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildermergeHeight(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension value)

 The height of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildermergeModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers value)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildermergeVerticalAlignment(AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp value)

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildermergeWidth(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension value)

 The width of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuilderremoveContents(int index)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.Builder builderForValue)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement value)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetHeight(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension.Builder builderForValue)

 The height of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetHeight(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension value)

 The height of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers.Builder builderForValue)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers value)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetVerticalAlignment(AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetVerticalAlignment(AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp value)

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetWidth(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension.Builder builderForValue)

 The width of this row.

public LayoutElementProto.Row.BuildersetWidth(DimensionProto.ContainerDimension value)

 The width of this row.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public java.util.List<LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement> getContentsList()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public int getContentsCount()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement getContents(int index)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder setContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.Builder builderForValue)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder addContents(int index, LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement.Builder builderForValue)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder addAllContents(java.lang.Iterable<LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement> values)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder clearContents()

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder removeContents(int index)

 The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElement contents = 1;

public boolean hasVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

public AlignmentProto.VerticalAlignmentProp getVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder clearVerticalAlignment()

 The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
 than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;

public boolean hasWidth()

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder clearWidth()

 The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension width = 3;

public boolean hasHeight()

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder clearHeight()

 The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
 all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ContainerDimension height = 4;

public boolean hasModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;

public ModifiersProto.Modifiers getModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;

public LayoutElementProto.Row.Builder clearModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 5;